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The New LodgerThe New LodgerJust a bit of nonsense I made up. Hope you like it.Tony came home from school, as he entered the sitting room, he saw that his mother had a visitor. ‘Ah Tony, this is Rose Hale, she is going to rent the spare room.’ Tony saw that the woman was wearing a wedding ring, he assumed that she was either widowed or divorced. ‘Hello Mrs Hale, I’m very pleased to meet you.’ He extended his hand and she took it in hers, Tony felt her squeeze it. Tony’s mother Jean, had been trying to rent their spare room for some time, but the applicants never seemed suitable. Mrs Hale appeared to fit the bill. Aged sixty one, widowed, a non smoker, also she had no c***dren.They sat talking for a while and then Jean got up to make the evening meal. Rose went to get up, ‘let me help you Jean.’ Waving her back down, Jean said, ‘it’s alright Rose, you get acquainted with Tony.’ While Jean went to the kitchen, Rose turned in the armchair to face the boy. ‘So, how’s school Tony?’ He explained that he was leaving when the school broke for the summer holidays, he already had a job lined up, but it would be a month before he started work. ‘What are you going to be doing Tony?’ ‘I’m going to train to be a gardener, they send me to college, so once I get my qualifications, I can work anywhere.’‘I expect you have a lot of girlfriends?’ Tony flushed slightly, then said, ‘no.’ Without changing her expression, she said, ‘oh, then I expect you have to masturbate a lot?’ Tony sat there without answering. Had he misheard her, surely she hadn’t said what he thought she had said. ‘Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said.’ Her smile was totally innocent when she said. ‘I was thinking that as you don’t have any girlfriends, then you don’t have sex, so you must masturbate a lot.’ He stared at her vacantly. ‘I take it you know what masturbation is Tony?’He breathed a silent sigh of relief when his mother came back in the room. ‘How are you and Tony getting on Rose?’ ‘Fine, just fine, I was asking Tony if he masturbated much.’ ‘Oh boy,’ thought Tony, ‘the shit’s going to hit the fan now.’Instead of his mother going ballistic as he expected, she said, ‘I expect he does, if his sheets are anything to go by.’ ‘Mum,’ he said. Jean looked at him. ‘Tony, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s a bit obvious, especially with the noises you make when you’re coming.’ Tony rushed from the room and went upstairs. He thought he was going mad, first this strange women who had only just started living at their house was asking him if he masturbated, then his mother blatantly discussing that she knew he was doing it.There came a tap at the door, he assumed it was his mother, so he said, ‘come in.’ The door opened and in walked Mrs Hale. ‘I came to apologise Tony, I think I embarrassed you in front of your mother, please forgive me.’Tony didn’t say anything to start with, then he said. ‘It was more the fact that my mother told you about it.’ Rose said, ‘would you please come down and have your tea?’ He felt a bit awkward, but he also felt extremely hungry. ‘I suppose so.’They sat and ate their meal in silence, when it was finished, Rose offered to wash up.While Rose was in the kitchen, his mother said, ‘I’m sorry Tony, I didn’t mean to upset you, but I felt you needed to know that I can hear you when you’re doing it, I’m not angry, but I’ve heard you say things about me when you’re masturbating, how you describe certain parts of my body and the things you’d like to do to me.’ He went red. ‘I’m sorry mum, but you shouldn’t have discussed it in front of Mrs Hale, I was surprised that you weren’t angry that she asked me if I did it.’‘Listen Tony, Mrs Hale is a very plain-spoken woman, as I said, there is nothing wrong in you masturbating, and if it helps you to come, by saying what you’d like to do it to me, then that’s okay, but you need to be a bit more relaxed about sex.’ He shrugged, so she said. ‘If Mrs Hale asks you something personal, then try and be truthful, perhaps if you turn the question round so she has to answer something about herself, will you try?’ ‘I suppose so.’Rose returned with a tray of tea. ‘I guessed we could all do with a cup.’ Setting the tray down on the table, she handed a cup to Tony, ‘have you forgiven me yet Tony?’Tony Escort just gave a curt nod. They watched some television, it was close to ten o’clock. Jean suggested that Tony take his bath first, then Rose. Tony sat by the fire in his pyjamas, Rose came out in her dressing gown and Jean went in to take hers. Rose sat and brushed her hair, then she asked him. ‘So Tony, is your penis very big?’ He was about to storm off upstairs, then he remembered what his mother had said. ‘Yes, is yours?’ As soon as the words left his lips, he realised how stupid it was. ‘No Tony, a woman has a vagina, mine isn’t all that big, in facts it’s fairly tight.’He felt his penis start to get hard and covered his lap with his hands.‘So how big is it, three or four inches?’Now Tony was going through the stage where he was constantly measuring it, so he knew exactly how big it was, her estimate was well out. ‘Actually it’s seven and a half inches.’Jean who had been standing outside the door, stepped into the room. ‘Tony, what have I told you about exaggeration?’ He was about to protest, when she turned to Rose, ‘I’m surprised at you Rose, you’re as bad as Tony, I doubt that you’re tight as you say.’Rose looked at Tony, ‘well, I don’t know about you Tony, but I think it’s unfair that your mother doubts what we say.’ He nodded, ‘yes, I know that I was telling the truth.’ Rose smiled, ‘I think perhaps you imagine it’s as large as that, but I doubt it.’‘Well, I bet your vagina’s not as tight as you say.’ He waited for a reprimand from his mother, none was coming, instead, she turned to Rose, ‘I’d say that was a challenge Rose.’ Rose stood up, ‘I accept, but I don’t know how can I can prove it.’ ‘I think the two finger rule should settle it, what do you say Tony?’ The boy didn’t know what his mother meant, but he was irate because she had doubted his word. ‘Yes, I suppose so,’ then added, ‘er, what is it?’His mother stood up, ‘Well Tony, I’m not sure if you should stay while I see if Rose’s claims are true, I mean she might object to you seeing her vagina.’ Hearing this, Tony wanted to stay, but he presumed that Mrs Hale would want him to leave. To his amazement, she said, ‘no Jean, I don’t mind if he sees my vagina, as long as you don’t object?’ Tony looked to his mother. ‘I don’t mind.’ Tony sat there waiting to see what the two finger test was all about, Rose sat back down in the armchair. ‘Right Tony, what I’m going to do is to put one of my fingers into Rose’s vagina.’ His mouth dropped open. ‘Yes,’ Rose added, then if she can, your mother will try to get another in, if she can’t, then it will show that I wasn’t exaggerating.’Tony’s mouth was still open. ‘Are you ready Rose?’ Rose nodded.Tony stared as she stretched out her legs, then pulled her dressing gown open. He saw that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath it. He swallowed hard when he saw the thick bush of black pubic hair that started as a thin line and expanded across her belly, then disappeared between her legs.Jean took the jar of Vaseline from the mantle shelf, Tony sometimes rubbed a little of it on his lips, when they became chapped, he doubted if he would use it in the future. Jean spread a little on her first and second fingers, then indicated to Rose that she was ready. Rose lifted her feet up onto the edge of the seat and spread her knees apart. Tony fought to suppress a gasp, he saw the hair part slightly and the pinkness of the interior of her vagina. His mothers voice brought him from his reverie. ‘Tony, I need you to judge if I can get two in, so you need to get a little closer.’ Tony moved off his chair and went a bit closer. ‘Can you see Rose’s vagina okay?’ ‘Oh yes.’ He was almost captivated by the scene in front of him, his mother placed the tip of her finger at the opening of Rose’s vagina and pushed gently, Rose made a face, but said nothing. Finally, Jean’s finger was all the way in. ‘Are you ready for the other one Rose?’ ‘Yes, but try to be gentle.’His mother tried in vain to get her other finger to join the first. ‘So Tony,’ said Rose proudly, ‘you can confirm that I was right in what I said?’ Tony just nodded dumbly.His mother extracted her finger and wiped it on the towel she had used to dry her hair. ‘Right Tony, it’s your turn now.’‘What?’ Escort Bayan he said. His mother said, ‘I said it’s your turn to substantiate your extravagate claims, either Rose or myself will measure it, you decide who.’ He realised that he could hardly refuse, after all, Rose had allowed him to see her being tested. ‘Will you need to touch it?’ ‘I think so, just to make sure you don’t cheat.’ Tony considered the dilemma for a few seconds, the thought of Rose touching him down there seemed a bit weird, but not as weird if it was his mother. ‘Mrs Hale,’ was all he said.‘Very well Tony,’ said Mrs Hale as she did up the dressing gown, ‘you will need to drop your pyjama bottoms.’ He struggled with the cord. Then his mother said, ‘He will need to be erect Rose.’ Tony was still hard from seeing the little display a few moments earlier, so when his pyjamas fell to the floor, Rose said, ‘I don’t think that will be a problem, Jean, and I think Tony might have been telling the truth.’ Tony’s mother merely nodded her head.The next problem was finding something to measure it with, Jean produced a cloth tape from her knitting bag. Rose let it unroll and placed the metal end against Tony’s pubic bone, she stretched the tape out and asked Jean to pull it tight. Moving closer to see what the measurement read, Tony felt her breath blowing gently on his penis. His penis grew even harder.‘It shows eight inches.’ Rose said. Tony felt proud, until his mother said, ‘the cloth tape stretches, we need to put the tape against a solid ruler.’ Then she spied the ruler sticking out of Tony’s school bag. They stood around the table as Jean brought the end of the tape in line with the wooden ruler, then she pulled the tape taut.‘Good god,’ she exclaimed. ‘it’s still seven and three quarter inches long.’The two women turned and looked at Tony. Then Rose said, ‘I wouldn’t mind having that inside me.’ Jean started to laugh, ‘ Oh Rose, you really are a card, how do you expect to get that inside you, when you can’t manage two fingers?’ Rose seemed indignant, ‘I bet could.’Tony listened to the two women, he could not believe his mother talking about, him like this, but he also thought about the times he had dreamed about putting his penis inside a woman, even an old woman like Mrs Hale ‘Well Tony?’ his mother said, ‘I think the balls in your court.’‘What do you mean mum?’ ‘If we are to substantiate if Rose can accommodate your penis, you will need to try and put it inside her.’Tony wondered if he was dreaming, or whether he had merely gone mad.‘I don’t understand mum.’ His mother passed him the jar of Vaseline, ‘spread some Vaseline on your penis, then we can see, if you can get it inside Rose’s vagina.’Tony was going mad, his mother was telling him to try and put his penis into this old woman’s vagina. The prospect, far from revolting him, was exciting to say the least. ‘I don’t know what to do,’ he said sheepishly. Rose had taken off her dressing gown and sat down on the edge of the armchair, leaning back, she said. ‘Don’t worry Tony, your mother will help you.’ ‘One thing,’ said Jean, ‘it doesn’t count, unless he makes you come and Tony has to ejaculate in your vagina, agreed?’ ‘Oh yes, naturally,’ answered Rose.‘Just take off your pyjamas Tony, I will put some more Vaseline inside Rose’s vagina, just in case you can get it inside her.’ His mothers voice sounded strange.He took off his pyjamas as she had asked. Rose had raised her feet up onto the edge of the armchair and spread her knees apart, Tony saw the same pinkness showing amongst the hair, then Rose used her fingers to move the hair out of the way.‘Just kneel in front of Rose Tony, your penis should be at the right height.’Tony knelt and saw that his penis was a few inches away from Rose’s opening.His mother moved towards them. ‘Listen carefully Tony, it is important that you do exactly what I say, I’m going to take you in my hand and guide you into Rose’s vagina, you must resist the urge to push yourself into her. Rose will need to take it in, a little bit at a time, do you understand?’ He nodded.He jumped slightly when his mother grasped his penis and pulled back his foreskin, he let her guide him nearer to the exposed pink opening and gasped when he Bayan Escort felt the moisture against the tip. ‘Okay Tony, just push forward a little bit.’ Tony pushed forward and felt the head of his penis suddenly pop into the warm wet opening. He felt Rose tense up and stopped. After a few seconds, Rose looked at his mother and he saw her nod her head. ‘Right Tony, push in a bit more.’This was repeated several times until he felt Rose’s pubic bone against his own.Jean stepped back slightly and said, ‘I want you to pull back until you’re almost out, then push yourself back in again, then keep doing it like that.’He had never experienced anything like it, soon he was moving in and out, increasing the speed slightly. ‘Slow down Tony,’ warned his mother, I’m going to pull Rose’s legs back onto her chest, as I do, I want you to move up with her, so that you’re pushing up and down.’This was even better, he found that this allowed his penis to go even deeper. Rose was starting to make some strange noises, his mother saw his consternation and said, ‘It’s alright Tony, the reason that Rose is making those noises is because she is starting her orgasm, I want you to make sure she comes really hard before you finish, I will let you know when you can ejaculate up inside her vagina.’It all felt so unreal, he was having sex with an old woman, and his mother was not only watching, she was telling him how to do it.By now, Rose was grunting and jerking her body as he pushed in and out of her. His mother asked him, ‘are you nearly there Tony?’ He felt the tingle that signalled the start of his climax, ‘yes mum, I don’t know how long I can last, urghhh.’ Rose managed to say, ‘urghhh, it’s alright Jean, urghhhh, I’m coming, urghhhh, let him come inside me, urghhhh.’ Jean said, ‘okay Tony, you can ejaculate in Rose’s vagina now.’Tony groaned as he started to squirt the first ropey strands of semen inside Rose’s vagina, this really tipped her over the edge. Rose lowered her legs and Tony withdrew, his penis was still fully erect. ‘Good heavens Tony,’ said his mother, ‘surely your not still erect?’ He nodded. Rose spoke as she did up her dressing gown. ‘I doubt if he would be able to do it again though.’ ‘I can,’ said Tony, ‘quite easily.’ Both his mother and Rose refused to believe him. ‘But I tell you I can.’ ‘Well, I couldn’t manage it,’ said Rose. Jean said, ‘well Tony, if you want to prove it, it will have to be me.’He sat there staring at his mother. ‘See,’ said Rose, ‘I told you he couldn’t manage it.’ Jean had undone her dressing gown, Tony gasped, if he thought Rose had a lot of hair between her legs, his mother had considerably more.‘Okay,’ he said, ‘but only to prove I can.’ Jean stripped off completely and assumed the same position on the armchair as Rose had. ‘Rose, will you help Tony to get it inside me?’ ‘Yes, of course.’It felt so strange, Tony was about to put his penis into his mother’s vagina.He pushed forward and felt his mother’s vagina engulf his rock hard cock. Jean gave out a loud groan. ‘Take your time Tony, it doesn’t count, unless you make me come and I have to feel you ejaculate inside me.’ Because he had just climaxed a short time earlier, Tony was able to keep going for longer, he pumped in and out of his mother. ‘Stop a minute Tony, I need to get my legs up higher, I need to feel you right up inside me.’ Jean’s knees were right on her chest and Tony was as deep as it was possible to be. His mothers mouth was close to his ear, and she spoke softly to him. ‘I love you Tony, I want to know that you’re comfortable doing this with me, are you?’ ‘Oh god yes mum.’ ‘Then tell me what you’re doing to me.’ ‘I’m having sex with you.’ ‘No Tony, tell me the things you say when you’re rubbing yourself.’ Surely she didn’t want him to say the F word. ‘Go on Tony, you can say it.’ He took a deep breath, ‘I’m fucking you.’ His mother shuddered as the first orgasm struck, ‘urghhh, that’s it Tony, keep saying it, that will help me come, say the thing I’ve heard you say about my vagina, what are you fucking?’ ‘Your cunt.’ Again another shudder. ‘I’m fucking your hairy cunt mum.’ ‘Urghhh, come in my cunt Tony, urghhh.’ His mother’s dirty language tipped him over the edge and she felt the strong spurts of his semen squirting up inside her vagina. ‘Oh Tony, isn’t it better than thinking about it?’ ‘Yes mum, much.’‘Well Jean, he certainly was telling the truth.’ ‘Yes,’ said Tony, ‘I told you I could.’Rose said, ‘yes Tony, but can you do it every night?’

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