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There are days when it just doesn’t seem worth getting out of bed for.

That day felt like one of those…how wrong I was.

The early evening before the night was a really bad one, the guys and gurls from my ex-company wanted to “do” Amsterdam in a big way. As the resident expert I was the tour guide, bars, dope cafes, sex clubs, and finally dinner at Sleepers-the latest sexy/exploitation club on the yuppie circuit. Frankly it was just embarrassing, Ann and Shona were virtually fucking in the club, I think Ian and Andrew did, the bouncer had to get me to get them out of the loo. Andrea stuck her hands down the waiter’s pants, and I thought Mark was going to end up in a fight with the next door table about some finer point of American foreign policy.

Much as I love them all, the end of the evening/morning was a relief. Surprisingly I got them all back to their hotel, without bloodshed or a major scene. Lots of kissing and vows of unending love etc etc and then…. peace.

Walking back to my place I felt all sort of tired and jaded by the whole experience. I needed some down time and I felt very lonely. Not in a sad pathetic way, just in an isolated too much to drink way. I think that was the reason when I passed Anarchy I decided to stop for a drink.

Anarchy is a squat, and a bar, and a political talking shop, and much else… but that is not my business. What it is for me is an all night bar. Amsterdam, despite its reputation, is actually a quiet town and at 01.00 everything apart from the clubs are closed. So Anarchy is a drawing point for the well connected.

Walking in was just Zen. The bouncer, a leather queen called Dareen, gave me a big hug, the wave of dope smoke and gaz fuelled humid heat was like a velvet glove.

After a night of existential embarrassment it was good to be home.

Even before I sat down Gwen, the bar worker, had a large beer and a cognac at my table. Life was suddenly good again. Sitting in my favourite seat, in a corner of the bar, I felt just great. Chatting To Gwen about nothing in particular I sussed out the clients, just the usual bunch of dope dealers, thrill seekers, drunks, musicians and politicos.

Quietly watching them all I realised why I loved this town.

I smelt Irina before I felt her, two warm hands covered my eyes and a gentle nip on neck was her hello. Sitting herself on my lap she picked up my cognac and drained it in one.

“Well lover man what else have you got to satisfy me?” she purred in her wonderful Spanish/Mexican accent.

“Twenty percent off conditioner” was my response.

At that she bounced off my lap and turned Kandilli Escort to her companions and curtsied, “My washer man needs a drink, he’s gone all dry on me” she laughed. (I’d met Irina in the laundrette, me doing my duvets her her knickers and we had just sparked off one another)

Gwen, true to form, already had the Champagne open, and my cognac poured. The perfume of the gurls was just over powering- after my seclusion I was suddenly the centre of a whirlwind of Brazilian, Polish and cheap perfume. Shift change and the working girls were out to get plastered, wash away the taste of sperm and what ever. Irina sat back on my lap and held court over the three mates she had walked in with. I missed most of the conversation, held as it was in some sort of Esperanto melange of Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and English. There was much laughter, outrageous flirtation and some hard core drinking by the gurls. After the first bottle of Champagne they moved straight onto vodka, and downed it with a passion. They had a working party to go too and as quickly as they arrived they went. Irina gave me a hug and once again said “If you were a girl I’d have your babies”. Our sort of declaration of friendship I suppose.

It was only after they went, and the smell of supermarket perfume had cleared the air that I noticed the two women sitting at the bar. They had been earwigging the whole scene, clearly fascinated by the prostitutes and their crack.

Smiling at them I indicated that the chairs around me were now vacant. With a questioning look at her companion the nearest one to me shrugged her shoulders and moved over. Checking her as she walked over I had her labelled as leftie dyke. Doc martins, 501s, white baggy T-Shirt, black leather jacket, hair dark and short, skin pale, no make-up. Her friend was more femme, summer dress in bright colours, hair pulled back, lipstick and eye-liner. Another group of tourists looking for the edgier side of town I thought to myself.

Introducing themselves the US accent was clear, Rachael and Julia, Rachael as Rax, Julia as Julia.

I went into standard tourist spin, going through the politics, culture and history of the town- a few old hackneyed jokes and all the rest of my charming but boring, to me anyway, front. They on the other hand were lapping it up, questioning me about the scene, the power play on the drugs front, they were particularly interested in the whole trafficking in women issue and the role of the Eastern European mafia in that.

Now if I can bore I can bore for Britain on that one, it is my job after all. Tracking and trying to police Escort Kandilli the pimps and low life who trick women into the business.

One thing led to another and at 4 we were still going strong, Gwen in her inimitably way threw us out of the bar with the last of the dregs and we walked the 10 yards to my flat.

The bottles of wine and brandy got opened, spliffs rolled and on we went with the discussion/argument. Just everything got talked about, wars, racism, even God made a guest appearance, and then finally sex. As I already knew they were a partnership, and had been for the last five years. We went through how they met, issues about coming out et al, and it was at that point I realised that just as I had made assumptions about them they had done the same about me. Must have been the Irina thing.

There was a lull in the conversation and I thought, now is the time to drop it.

“I’m not gay, I mean I have slept with men but it isn’t my primary inclination”.


Oh fuck, I thought, here goes a friendship.

It was Rax who broke the silence, she just burst out laughing. Julia started shaking as well. Me, I was just perplexed by the whole thing. It wasn’t that funny was it?

Rax leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “You have made my evening”, she said.

The next thing I knew she was sitting astride my lap, her hands clasping my head as her tongue devoured my mouth. I was confused, pleasantly it has to be said, but definitely confused. Breaking the kiss I pushed Rax’s head back, I looked at Julia and asked, “Is this cool?”.

Her response was to walk over and pull Rax’s t-shirt over her head, “You just don’t know how cool this is” she smiled.

Rax in the meantime had got off my lap and peeled off her jeans, revealing a trimmed pussy-and I got my first real look at her small pert breasts. Julia was unbuttoning my shirt, her hand caressing my chest. “I wanted you from the minute you walked in the bar”, She whispered in my ear before lowering my head to lick my nipple. Groaning I leaned back into the sofa. Hands pulled at my belt and tucked down my jeans.

These sort of things just didn’t happen to me! There was a fully clad women sucking my nipple and a naked one, apart from the socks, pulling down my jeans. I was going to wake up in a minute. Then I felt a tongue lick my cock from base to tip, then follow round the base of the tip.

Julia leaned back from my chest, I looked down to see Rax take the top of my cock into her mouth. The feeling was just sublime, and the view of a naked woman between my legs sucking me Kandilli Escort Bayan was a memory that I wanted to keep forever. One hand was holding my cock firmly, the other pressing into my anus. Relaxing I let it enter. Surprised at the ease of the entry she just let her finger rest there before looking up at me, as if for approval, I just sighed and closed my eyes. At that she thrust forward and reached my prostate. Oh my God, I pushed down on her hand so hard.

A soft touch on my face made me open my eyes, Julia offered a blue pill and a glass of wine, “Take this, we are going to need it” she said.

Swallowing the pill I watched as she pulled her dress over her head. Unlike Rax she had full breasts and a wonderful golden down between here thighs.

“Let’s take this slowly “she whispered as she gently settled down on my lap, her cold hands guiding my cock into the heat of herself. She took my hands and pushed them above my head, leaning slightly back, her other had reaching down to stroke her clit. It was like my dream erotic movie, with her/me as the stars.

Rax’s finger slowly withdrew from me, she moved onto the sofa next to me to watch Julia as she pushed herself down onto my cock.

“Does it feel good?” she asked

“Oh yes, so good” Julia moaned

“Let me make it feel even better”, she stroked Julia’s cheek before lowering her hand to replace Julia’s hand on her clit. Julia shuddered and taking each of my wrists in her hands she pinned my arms over the back of the sofa.

A red rash was starting to pulse between her breasts, reaching up to her neck, a sweat forming on her forehead.

My cock could feel her contractions massaging its head.

Suddenly Julia cried out, just a wordless moan, I could feel her body stiffen, then relax. The pressure on my cock grew, I could feel Rax’s fingers through the thin wall between cunt and ass. She was stroking my cock through her lover’s ass!

She moved round to curl up next to me, her head on my chest as she watched, and fucked her lover with her hands, while I fucked her with my cock.

Julia started to shake, her breath coming in short sharp gasps, the redness now spread across her face, sweat pouring down her face. The pressure on my cock was intense, just how many fingers did Rax have inside her?

Then I just stopped caring, the orgasm seemed to start at the back of my head and run straight down my spine, words like toe-curling just don’t sum it up. It was the longest, and loudest-so I’m told-orgasm I had ever had. Julia screamed along with me, it was the last stimulus she needed to take her over the brink. Pushing herself over me she crushed Rax’s head between us as she lost herself. Everything seemed to go, her tears flowed down my chest, and her piss down my leg! All I can say was Rax was lucky with her fist were it was.

And that was the start of the three days that decided how I was going to spend the next three years.

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