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When Andy and Nick suggested that I join them for a few days break staying at Nick’s cousins in the London suburbs, I never thought any adventures in the capital would result. How wrong I was.

We left Edinburgh on the train for the four and a half hour journey to London Kings Cross. Andy and Nick thought I’d look great in a tartan skirt rather than the jeans I had intended to wear for the trip. Leaving at ten, we arrived just after two-thirty to be met by Nick’s two cousins, both older than Nick.

I was still only eighteen. Nick was the same age with Andy, a few months older just having turned nineteen. However, Nick’s relatives were well into their twenties and, despite their age and both having full-time jobs, still living at home due to the exorbitant cost of house prices in the capital.

They met us cordially at the station and led us into the underground system that they said was the quickest way to get to their home south of the city. I had not been on the underground system since I had visited London with my parents when I was twelve, so it was an exciting prospect.

Richard and Philip were both good looking guys with a surprisingly strong resemblance to Nick. Richard was doing well in an estate agency, and Philip, who was car mad, was a mechanic, which was evident by a look at his grease-stained hands.

After several changes, we finally came out of the underground system just before arriving at our destination station. It was only a short walk from the station to their home. I enjoyed the spectacle of both cousins vying for the opportunity to carry my case.

Once we arrived at their red-bricked, bay-windowed, two-story, terraced house, we were greeted by Richard and Philip’s parents, who were about to leave for a few days break themselves. They received Nick like a long lost relative, clearly embarrassing him with all their questions about what he was doing and how the family were.

Andy and I were also enthusiastically welcomed as they placed their cases in the car and set off to the South Downs with a cheery, ‘Enjoy your time here but no riotous parties!’

Once the four of us were alone, I was shown to my bedroom and was delighted to discover a double bed and en-suite bathroom. It was, for me, the equivalent of staying in the Ritz or the Savoy hotels.

After we had eaten a late lunch, the conversation soon came around to spicier subjects.

‘We have heard you’re quite an interesting girl, Rachel?’

‘Have you?’

‘Yes, Nick has told us a few things about you?’

‘Really,’ I responded, giving Nick a look of consternation. ‘What has he told you?’

‘You like cold baths, being tied up, having chocolates stuffed up your you know what, being whipped and having men touch you when you’re naked.’

‘Wow,’ I said, again looking at Nick. ‘He’s not left much out, has he? Yes, the three of us have had some exciting times together. I think we are all learning as we go along.’

‘Would you like us to help too?’ Richard inquired.

‘In what way?’

‘In helping you to fulfil whatever fantasies you have.’

‘I don’t think I have any,’ I replied naively.

‘Nothing sexually you’d like to try?’

I was a bit taken aback at Richards forthrightness.

‘Oh, I see. Well, I’d always like to try something different. To me, normal sex seems just a bit vanilla.’

‘I think we could help you,’ Philip answered, looking at me. ‘You’re a heck of a pretty girl, Rachel. Any guy in their right mind would die to lay you.’

‘Would they?’

‘Yes, of course. Look here at us four. Look at our trousers.’

As they all stood up, I could see that each hid a bulge behind their fly’s.

‘Why are you all so turn on’ I inquired.

‘Because of you. You’re so damned attractive and sexy, from the way you talk to the way you walk to the way you dress. You ooze sex appeal.’

‘Do I?’ I responded with a degree of surprise.

‘You do,’ Richard confirmed, rejoining the conversation. ‘Sexuality just flows from your whole demeanour.’

‘I don’t intend it to.’

‘I know,’ Andy interjected, ‘But it does, all the time. On the train coming here, your whole demeanour seemed to be telling Nick and me that you wanted sex.’

‘Did it?’ I questioned again. ‘Well, I confess it did cross my mind a time or two as it did wondering what your cousins were like Nick.’

‘Do we pass the test?’ Richard asked.

‘I guess so,’ I replied with a grin. ‘I think this conversation is heading in one direction. Do I get the impression from the body language of all four of you that you’d like me to take my clothes off?’

There was a silence as all four young men looked at each other in an air of disbelief.

‘Um. Well, err. Yes. That would be very, err, interesting.’

I began unbuttoning my blouse and then unhooked and unzipped my skirt, letting both fall to the ground, leaving me in just my bra, knickers and tights.

‘Would you like to assist in the rest?’ I asked.

In no time, the four had removed my remaining clothing before retaking their Keçiören Escort seats to admire me as I stood naked before them.

‘Turn around,’ Nick commanded.

I did two full pirouettes, so they all obtained a good eyeful of what they desired to see.

‘Can we touch you?’

‘As long as you promise not to break me?’ I chuckled.

I stood as eager hands ran along my arms, across my shoulders, around my torso, down my legs, between my thighs, over my backside and massaged my breasts. I wasn’t sure who was enjoying the experience the most, the lads or me. I did know that a particular area was becoming quickly very moist as a result of their administrations.

‘Rachel,’ Andy said as he fondled my breasts, ‘I think that Philip and Richard would like to do more with you?’

‘Would they?’ I questioned in all the innocence of my limited experience, ‘Such as?’

‘I think they would like to join you in bed?’

‘You mean they want to have sex with me?’

‘Got it in two!’

‘Oh!’ I was not sure what to do. Richard and Philip were both good looking lads, but I had two problems. Number one was that I did not want either Andy or Nick to think I was in any way disloyal to them.

The second difficulty was that although both lads came from Scottish stock, they were English. This was a difficulty for a young lassie who had been brought up in traditional Scottish anti-English rhetoric. Thankfully it is something that has long since been eradicated from my teenage thinking.

After more tender ministrations, I acquiesced and found myself in bed with both older men as we hugged, kissed and had passionate sex. When I had boarded the train earlier that morning, it was with no idea that six hours later, I would be acting like a total whore in allowing two men who I had only just met and were at least seven years older than me to fuck me to climax in bed.

It seemed that neither Andy nor Nick had any qualms about sharing me with Nick’s cousins as they remained downstairs the whole time Philip, Richard and me were frolicking on the bed.

After two hours, Richard shouted down, asking my two friends to order a take out from a nearby Italian pizza shop. Once that arrived, my sensual sex session concluded as food seemed to become more important than enjoying my body.

Richard and Philip dressed but requested that I remain naked over tea. So there I was, an eighteen-year-old woman who had only in the past six months discovered the joys of sex now naked and eating with four fully clothed male companions four hundred miles from home. It was a peculiar feeling.

The next day Richard and Philip offered to take us all on a sightseeing tour of London. I looked forward to that with great excitement as I had only briefly seen a few places of interest on my last visit six years previously.

We set off at nine for a whistle-stop tour of the capital that involved hopping on and of the tube and brisk walks. We attempted to take in the Houses of Parliament, Downing Street, Trafalgar Square, the Mall, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London in a whirlwind journey of discovery.

Looking back, and having visited London several times since we’d have been much better doing less and spending longer at certain places.

We finally ended at Oxford Circus in the centre of Oxford Street. I thought that Princess Street in Edinburgh was busy on a Saturday afternoon; however, it was nothing compared to the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street. It was heaving.

I was fascinated by all the shops as we walked along this incredible street of glamourous retailers. My only problem was that we were going in the opposite direction to that I felt housed the best looking shops.

Suddenly Richard and Philip guided us off the main street and along a rather grubby looking side street. We walked about a hundred and fifty metres when we stopped outside a building that had ‘Peep Show.’ written on the door.

‘Shall we go in here for a laugh?’ Philip enquired.

‘What is it?’ I asked, mystified.

‘This area is called Soho, and it is London’s sex capital,’ Richard replied. It’s full of strip joints, peep shows and sex clubs of various types.’

‘I reckon if we take you in here, they might offer you a job. You’ll soon understand why when you see the standard of the talent on offer. It’s usually dire,’ Philip continued to explain.

‘But what’s a peep show?’ I inquired again, beginning to feel a bit anxious.

‘You stand in a booth look through a small window to watch a naked woman on a bed. Sometimes they dance, sometimes they wiggle their breasts and other times a good one will open her legs.’

‘But why do we want to go in there?’ I continued to ask, wondering why anyone would want to waste money seeing a couple of minutes of nudity.

‘For the fun and thrill of it. Come on.’

I was sandwiched between all four male friends as we entered the rather dingy building and climbed up the stairs Etimesgut Escort on a dirty and well-worn carpet.

‘Can we all go to the same booth?’ Philip enquired as he spoke to the attendant.

‘Guess so, but you all have to pay,’ he looked at me, ‘Including her. Unless she’s auditioning, I could use a bird like her.’

‘No, no!’ Philip quickly replied, ‘She’ll just watch like the rest of us.’

I never knew such places existed, never mind that I’d ever be taken into one while I was still eighteen.

‘As there are five of us all paying, can we have a couple of minutes longer? Richard inquired.

‘Guess so. Won’t do that lazy wench in booth three any harm to work a bit harder.’ He paused before shouting out, ‘Monica, you have customers. Four guys and a girl to watch you. Five minutes.’

With that, we were guided to a curtain opposite a small arrow with the number three.

‘In there,’ the man said curtly.

Once we were all in, he drew the curtain behind us. The booth was a tight squeeze for five people. In front of us was a small window behind which sat a woman who looked bored stiff and not at all pretty by any stretch of the imagination.

‘See what we mean,’ Richard explained. ‘These places have zero talent.’

I watched spellbound as the poor girl rose lethargically from her bed and removed her bra without the slightest attempt to do anything gracefully. She wriggled her boobs and removed her panties before sitting down again on the bed cross-legged. That was obviously all we were going to see.

We watched for another minute as she picked up a book and began reading.

‘Ignorant bitch,’ Philip said as we left the booth.

‘She was useless,’ Richard told the attendant. ‘She didn’t give us more than two minutes.’

‘Has she finished already,’ he questioned unbelievingly, picking up a stopwatch and looking at it.

‘She finished two minutes ago,’ Philip added.

‘Monica,’ the man shouted.


‘I told you five minutes.’

‘I couldn’t be bothered. I heard them say I was ugly.’

‘Did you?’ he questioned.

‘In fairness, she is,’ Andy replied, speaking for the first time.

‘You should sack Monica and employ Rachel here. She’s so much prettier.’

‘I’d take you on right now if you were willing,’ the man countered. ‘You’re hot, alright. You look like you have a bit of grit too.’

I stood shocked by the conversation, not knowing what to say.

‘Go on, Rachel. You go and show that ugly thing how to do her job.’

The man who obviously ran the place looked at me expectantly. ‘I’d pay top wages for someone as sexy you,’ he offered. Twenty-five pounds an hour. Mind you, I’d want your photo on the street window, so folks know what they are coming to see.’

‘Thanks,’ I smiled, very embarrassed, ‘But I’m only visiting London.’

‘Oh. Now there’s a pity. And it sounds like you’re Scottish too.’

‘I am.’

‘Your accent goes with your looks seductive and sexy.’

‘Thanks,’ I answered again.

‘Here,’ he responded quickly. ‘You only got half a show, so here’s half your money back.’

‘Oh. Thanks a lot,’ Richard replied as he pocketed the pound coins.

‘If you change your mind and want a job, you make sure you give me first choice,’ the man called as we walked down the stairs.

‘She will,’ Richard called back up.

Once outside, the four lads fell about laughing at the adventure. I didn’t see what was quite so funny.

‘Fancy being offered a job just like that,’ Andy stated.

‘I didn’t think it was very funny,’ I answered rather curtly. ‘I thought you were all going to do a runner and leave me there at his mercy.’

‘You didn’t think that did you?’ Richard asked.

‘What was I meant to think? I don’t know why we had to go into such a place.’

‘To show you what ugly hags they have in those places.’

‘To be honest, I felt kind of sorry for her,’ I responded, more than a little irritated that such a stunt had halted our trip to the London sights.

‘Why did you feel sorry for her?’ Philip asked, ‘She was ugly and didn’t give the show she was paid to give.’

‘It’s not much of a life sitting in that tiny mirrored room with no windows all day waiting for someone to come in and pay to see you take your clothes off,’ I countered. ‘I’d be bored stiff too.’

‘You should have taken the job, Rachel,’ Nick suggested, ‘Twenty five pounds an hour is not bad. You could have done just the next three days till we go home?’

‘No, thank you!’ I stated, ‘Now where are we going next?’

It seemed to me that for the next hour, the conversation kept returning to the peep show, the offer that was made and how ugly the poor girl was. I was becoming a little fed up with the whole topic.

‘Look,’ I finally declared, ‘I’m not taking that job! Okay? If you want me to do a peep show for you when we return, that’s different. I have zero intention of working in that place that we visited. Understand?’

All four Demetevler Escort seemed to get the message and also appeared happy at the offer of my own private peep show just for the four of them. It did not take long, however, for the subject to rise again.

‘Rachel,’ Philip asked about half an hour later.


‘Did you really mean what you said about doing a private peep show just for us?’

‘Yes, I did, but at home, not in a dingy place like that poor girl was stuck working in.’

‘Then would you be happy if we invited a few friends to join us?’ Richard inquired.

‘How do you mean?’

‘Philip and I could ask some mates, work colleagues and neighbours if they wanted to see you naked. I’m sure you’d be a mega-hit.’

‘Let me get this straight,’ I responded, getting a little tired of the subject, ‘You want to ask your friends to your parent’s house to watch me take my clothes off?’

‘Basically yes,’ Richard replied simply as he stood looking at me.

‘Complete strangers?’ I countered, ‘Oogling at me?’

‘Strangers to you but of course not to us.’

‘Your nuts. What sort of young woman aged eighteen would strip naked in someone else’s house for total strangers?’

‘I think you’d really enjoy it, Rachel,’ Philip commented, coming to his brother’s assistance.


‘We are not asking you to have sex with them, just to sort of give them a bit of a thrill. I mean, you’re a very pretty young woman. I know they’d love it, and I honestly think you’d get a kick from it too.’

Although sex was still a very new experience to me at that time, I could feel the inner excitement that the suggestion brought.

‘Let me think a bit more about it,’ I replied.

‘If you decide to do it, we could get you some sexy lingerie while we are in the city and let those we want to invite know it’s on for tonight.’

It soon became evident that for the rest of the afternoon, the sights of London suddenly revolved around shops that sold ladies underwear. I knew I would have to decide quickly.

‘I like that set,’ I joked as I pointed out a lacy red ‘baby doll.’ Outfit with matching panties and stockings. I could hardly believe the price tag. ‘If you get me that, I’ll do your peep how.’ I joked.

‘Great,’ Philip said, nodding his approval. ‘I agree. Very sexy indeed. Let’s see if they have it in your size.’

I followed more than a little dumbfounded right into the lingerie department.

‘We want something stylish for our friend,’ Richard announced to an elegant looking gentleman of indeterminate age dressed in a smart dark suit and tie.

‘And sexy.’ Philip added cheekily.

‘I see,’ the man responded somewhat curtly. ‘Does the young lady wish for a fitting?’

‘Yes, please.’

‘Does she have a preference for male or female?’

‘She’s a woman, so she is looking for ladies underwear,’ Richard explained patiently.

‘I meant to assist her obtaining the correct fit, Sir,’ the man replied without any emotion.

‘Oh. I see. You’re not bothered, are you Rachel?’

I never had time to reply before the man had summoned another well dressed but younger man to assist me in my endeavour to purchase the correct, sexy attire to wear during my first peep show.

Not being used to the London ‘scene,’ I was somewhat taken aback when the young assistant asked me to strip to my underwear so he could measure me accurately.

The thought of standing in my underwear in one of the shops spacious changing rooms with a male assistant, tape in hand, assessing my size and shape to ensure I purchased something that fitted perfectly, was quite a turn on.

‘They are quite small,’ I confessed to the assistant as he ran his tape across my breasts.

‘I’ve seen smaller,’ he answered in a matter of fact kind of way. ‘We have to cater for everyone here, so your size is nothing to worry about at all.

‘That’s a mercy,’ I responded with a degree of satisfaction.

‘You said you liked that little red outfit, the Hawian basque?’

‘Yes, I did, but I didn’t know its name.’

‘I’m sure we have it in your size. We also have a very, shall we say, similar seductive style in blue. Would you like to see that?

I nodded my acquiescence.

The assistant left me to try on the two styles he had brought. I couldn’t decide which to go for. One of my problems was looking at the price tag. It read one hundred and fifty pounds on the red one, and only ten pounds less on the blue.

‘Could my friends see me please to help me decide,’ I asked as I opened the door to see my assistant.

‘Sorry, but we only allow one in the changing room at a time. I could lend you a robe, and you could then pop out to see them?’

‘Thanks,’ I murmured. I had never been to a lingerie shop like this before in my life. Talk about posh.

I donned the robe that was handed to me and made my way into the main area of the shop, where my friends stood anxiously waiting for my appearance. It was evident that Nick, Andy, Philip and Richard were by now more than a little embarrassed waiting in the ladies underwear section of this relatively high-end underwear shop.

‘Have you seen the prices?’ I whispered. ‘I can’t afford to pay that much for this.’

‘You don’t have to,’ Philip responded, ‘Richard and I are paying. Have you found something suitable?’

‘Well, Yes. But.’ I stammered.

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