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The photography club.The Photography Club.When my ex-wife was a student at Leeds Poly she took one of her boyfriends home one night as he was going to Germany for a year and she was going to miss him. Her parents were very liberal and did not mind her bringing boyfriends home as long as she kept the noise down.She wanted to take a photo, preferably a naughty one, of her boyfriend to remind her of him while he was away, and he wanted one of her for the same reason. Consequently they took several very naughty photos of each other.The boy friend went to Germany and Pat promised to send him copies of the photos as soon as they were developed. She took the film to the local chemist, run by a Mr. Ackroyd and wife, a pleasant middle aged couple who were family friends, and who’s disabled son she had baby-sat on a couple of occasions. When she went to get her photos from Ackroyd he apologised and said that if she went back at six he would have them ready for her. She called back just before six and after serving the last costumer he closed the shop and locked the door.Before giving Pat her photos he told her that he had developed them but he could lose his franchise and be prosecuted for developing such X-rated material.She was speechless with embarrassment, it had never occurred to her that they would be seen by anyone, she just assumed they were sent somewhere where a machine did everything. Nonetheless, Ackroyd put the photos in an envelope and she attempted to pay for them; but he wouldn’t accept anything and said that if she wanted photos of a personal nature developing in the future, he was a member of a photography club and they would print them for her but he couldn’t do it through the shop.While letting her out he told her that she was very photogenic and that the club were looking for an attractive girl as a subject and he wondered if she had ever considered doing a bit of modeling. He said they would be happy to pay her for a session and remarked that a hundred pounds wasn’t bad for posing for a few photography enthusiasts for a couple of hours, and that if she was interested to let him know.A hundred pounds was a lot of money, she was slaving five evenings a week at the Harvesters restaurant for little more than half that.Half of the photos she and her boyfriend had taken were blurred, but the ones of of her were clearly her and old Ackroyd had seen them, perhaps even made copies! But while she was embarrassed, the thought that he might have masturbated while leering at them gave her a naughty thrill. The following evening at Harvesters the manageress told her that her footwear was not acceptable and if she was late again she would be dismissed. She wanted to tell the cow what she could do with her job but needed the money.While scrubbing the Harvesters smell off herself in the bath that night she thought about Ackroyds hundred pounds for a couple of hours posing, and wondered if it could be any worse than slaving all week at Harvesters in shoes that crippled her. Consequently, the following evening she went to his shop pretending to buy toothpaste. She mooched around until the last customer had gone and while purchasing the toothpaste casually asked him if his photography club had found someone to pose for them yet. He said they hadn’t and asked if she was interested. She said she might be but wanted to know what exactly they would expect from her. He explained that it was a private club that met every other Tuesday evening and out of the twelve members, eleven men and one woman, there were usually seven or eight present. It was very informal with them taking photos of whatever the subject matter was and over drinkies discussing all things photographic. Ackroyd assured her that each member would be happy to put ten pounds in a pot for her services and whatever it was short of a hundred, they would make up for her. She asked again what she would be expected to do. He said she wouldn’t have to do anything sincan escort she wasn’t comfortable with. Just turn up in a nice outfit and some pretty underwear.She stressed that she would not remove her underwear, under any circumstances, and Ackroyd assured her that anything beyond that was a matter between her and her conscience. She mentioned that she was worried her parents might find out, and he assured her that if they did it wouldn’t be from him or any member of the club; they were eleven discreet gentlemen and one woman.She tentatively agreed and they arranged to meet at the shop the following Tuesday from where he would take her to the studio, and after the session, bring her back.As Tuesday approached, the butterfly’s began to get worse, but she had told Harvesters what they could do with their job and she was short of cash.She rummaged around to see what she could wear for the session; most of her wardrobe consisted of cheesecloth and denim. But her mum had a couple of smart suits and some nice underwear and while she was taller and slimmer than her mum, after adjusting a couple of buttons on the suite, she thought she looked the part. The underwear and stockings were nice but Pat is flat chested and the bra looked ridiculous; though a few stitches made it look a little less empty. Which only left the shoes. She visited a shoe shop in Leeds and while the assistant was distracted, casually walked out wearing a nice pair of heels, leaving her old shoes behind.Tuesday evening arrived and she made herself up, popped a towel and some bits of make-up in a bag and crept out of the house feeling ridiculous, she was six foot in the shoes and not used to walking in heels, clattered along the pavement to Ackroyds shop half hoping he wouldn’t be there. But he was and she told him she was nervous. He said she looked a picture and seemed genuinely impressed; and suggesting that she just think about what she was going to spend the money on, told her to get in the car.The studio turned out to be an extension on the back of a large detached house in Kirkstall, a posh area of Leeds. They were expected and invited in by Graham, the owner, a charming man in his sixties. He shook Pat’s hand and congratulated Ackroyd on finding such a lovely young model to pose for them.She was led into a large and beautifully furnished sitting room where several men were chatting. All eyes turned to her and she felt rather self-conscious. But Graham announced she had arrived and everyone said hello and most shook her hand and introduced themselves. Graham asked how old she was and she told him she was nineteen. He asked her if she would like a gin and tonic and before she could answer, presented her with a large one, which, being nervous, she appreciated. Someone offered her a seat and she was asked how long she had been modelling. Ackroyd explained that she was a student and it was her first time and she was feeling a little nervous.Graham announced it was “pay up time” and collected ten pounds from each member and gave her the sum of eighty, to which Ackroyd added another twenty.She was embarrassed taking it but having done so knew there was no turning back and that she would now have to earn it.Graham asked her if she wanted to freshen up before starting the session and she asked if she could use the little girls room.Having checked the money she said she asked her reflection in the mirror if she knew what the hell she was doing and took several deep breaths to compose herself.Graham led her into the studio which was bright and white with a soft, brown sofa on a raised area and a large blue velvet curtain behind as a backdrop.Aware that she was nervous, Ackroyd brought her another Gin and tonic and quietly advised her that there was nothing to worry about, to just relax on the sofa, enjoy the attention and flirt with the camera; adding that she looked a picture.She was politely and pleasantly asked to sit, stand and escort sincan lounge in all manner of positions; she was encouraged to smile, laugh, pout and said she actually began to enjoy the attention. She was asked to take her jacket off and suggestively unfasten and remove her blouse, and then to unzip her skirt and step out of it, and then to unfasten her bra and remove it with a naughty grin. She had hoped to go no further than her underwear and sensed an atmosphere of apprehension as she hesitated, but reminding herself that a hundred pounds was a lot of money, adopted what she thought was a naughty grin, put her hands behind her back and unfastened her bra. Being flat chested she expected a groan of disappointment as she revealed her virtually non-existent breasts; but the sudden increase in camera activity gave her confidence to prepare for what she knew was coming. When it did, she eased herself out of them and apart from her shoes and stockings: was standing in front of eight men, utterly naked, while they took photographs of her.She was asked to lounge on the sofa and peel her stockings off while looking seductive; and to her surprise, with the approving comments, she relaxed and began to enjoy the attention. But one or two of the members had to leave, Graham announced that she had been in the spotlight long enough and her participation was much appreciated. She collected her clothes and dressed in the loo. She was pleased with herself and her performance, and found that the experience of being photographed naked by a group of men, not only easier that she had expected, but a bit of a turn on.Graham knocked on the loo door and invited her to join them in the sitting room where she found another gin and tonic waiting for her. A member called Freddie asked her if she was available for private sessions. Unsure what to say, she looked at Ackroyd and he intervened on her behalf, telling Freddie she might be and asking what he had in mind. He said he would like to do a tasteful set with her and wondered what her fee was. Ackroyd said he would discuss it with her and get back to him.Graham told her that if she was free they would love to have her back in a fortnight. She agreed and he suggested that with Halloween approaching she could wear something appropriate. On the way home Ackroyd parked the car in Kirkstall abbey car park and asked Pat how she felt about doing private sessions. With five gin and tonics inside her and a hundred pounds in her bag, the only thing she wanted to know was how much she would be paid. He said it was up to her, but warned that Freddie would want to sell the set on to some cheap glamour mag. Baulking at the thought, she said, no way.Ackroyd put his hand on her knee and told her that she looked gorgeous and as sexy as hell, and that the club members had been impressed and were looking forward to another session with her. She said she had actually enjoyed it, and as his hand wandered up her thigh she eased her legs apart. A finger touched the wet gusset of her knickers, and regardless of the fact that he was older than her father, she put her hand on his thigh and let it wander to the lump in his trousers. He suggested they might be more comfortable on the back seat, but a car full of rowdy young men with takeaways entered the car park, and a remark about “the old man with a young bird in the Jag” seemed to bother Ackroyd and he drove Pat home. As she got out of the car he asked her if she would pose for him. She said she would and they arranged to go somewhere nice, early the following Sunday morning.Laid in the bath casually fondling herself (as she does), Pat decided she liked Ackroyd, he was a gent, he was kind and smelled nice, and while no Clint Eastwood, by no means unattractive and she was disappointed she didn’t get the chance to thank him in the car park for arranging her first modelling job. But the hundred pounds would not last forever and she wondered sincan escort bayan if he intended to pay her for the session on Sunday. He had asked her to wear something flowery and some nice underwear so she made sure she didn’t forgotten to take her pill.Sunday morning arrived and Pat met Ackroyd at the shop where he announced they were going to Fountains Abbey, it was usually deserted on Sunday mornings and the ornamental lake there would be a nice backdrop for a beautiful girl, he told her. Pointing out that it was raining, she wondered if somewhere indoors might be better. Arriving at the abbey, Ackroyd produced a huge umbrella, and with a tripod and his camera equipment, they made their way to the far end of the lake where they sheltered in a gazebo. Pat was wearing a long white floral-print cotton skirt with matching short sleeved top and some beads. Ackroyd said she looked lovely and liked the fact that he could see the ghost of her legs and underwear through the material.He asked her to pose under the umbrella but the breeze made it difficult to hold still and in the end she stood out in the rain, getting wet. He asked her to pose in her underwear and she said it was fun and felt naughty as she dashed out into the rain. A couple walking in the distance saw her and watched for a while and she said it made her feel liberated and important, she was a model and other women envied her and men wanted to possess her. She said the walkers doubled back and watched from the other end of the lake; and when Ackroyd dared her to take her underwear off she needed no encouragement and said it was thrilling. He dared her to go down the steps into the lake, assuring her it was only a couple of feet deep. She stepped into the water and squealed that it was cold, but she persevered. The water turned out to be waist deep and as she waded in she waved at the couple in the distance. The man waved back and she said she felt so horny she could have ridden one of the stone statues dotted round the lake.Ackroyd told her to stand in the middle of a patch of water lilies, and being a good swimmer, she swam out to them. He wanted her to slowly rise out of the water between the lilies. Liking the idea, she crouched down but swears something nipped her bottom, and panicking, swam back to the steps in a frenzy of flailing arms and legs. Covered in goose-bumps and with nipples like hat pegs, she ran into the gazebo telling Ackroyd that something in the water had bitten her bottom, and was there a mark. Taken aback, he inspected her bottom with pleasure, but found nothing. Cold and wet, she wrapped herself in her coat and they hurried back to the car. As they passed the nosey couple the man remarked that he had enjoyed the show and Pat heard herself thank him. Ackroyd drove them to a cafe in Ripon where Pat took her clothes into the loo and emerged twenty minutes later with her hair fluffed out like a flue brush. She had washed it in the sink and dried it under the hand drier and it was full of static. She complained that she smelled like the bottom of the lake; and pointing out that there were a couple of hotels in the town, Ackroyd said that if she wanted they could check-in to one of them. After a coffee and a bun they checked into the Royal Oak hotel. Pat had a shower and emerged to find Ackroyd waiting with his camera. While taking photos of her on the bed he said he could tell the club had been impressed by her. She asked what had impressed them the most and he said her gorgeous tinny breasts, her plump erect nipples and her bulbous pubis and her long arms and legs and her gorgeous firm bottom like a boy scouts. She laughed and asked about her face and he said she had a naughty grin.Ackroyd ran out of film and Pat suggested he take his clothes off and join her on the bed. She said he was self conscious and kept his underpants and socks on, but she soon had them off. And while he had a modest cock, it did the trick and after a little nap, she gave him a blow job, something he said he had never had before.Ackroyd to Pat to a restaurant for an evening meal, after which they went back to the hotel for one more fuck before checking out and heading home.

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