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Bathroom Sex

Chapter 1

Michael could still smell the spring air as it blew in from the meadow. Sweet grass and wildflower fragrance filled his nostrils. The warm breeze swelled across his body as he stood facing into the wind. The porch of the small wood frame cabin faced the towering pines of the forest only a hundred feet away, and offered a shady spot to sit on a hot summer day. The winds in spring and summer always prevailed from the south west across the meadow and into the side opening of the porch, providing the best alternative to air conditioning.

Summers spent there as a boy and a young man were always memorable. His Dad had built the rustic cabin as a weekend retreat and summer house for the family. The site was only thirty-something miles from the city, an easily navigable route to and from work for Dad during the summer, and for the family on the weekends. Beside the meadow and the woods, the base of the mountains were less that two hundred yards from the cabin through the woods. Numerous springs and brooks criss-crossed through the forest, and provide watering spots for the forest animals as well as great fishing Michael and his dad.

Michael grew up as a city kid, but in his heart, he always wanted to live in the country. The cabin and surrounding forest seemed to call to him. The summer after graduation from high school, Michael’s dad had been transferred to New York for a three-year assignment. Nearing retirement, they had sold the house in the city, expecting to retire to the little cabin upon their return in three years. Michael had taken a summer job with the State Park near the cabin and would spend the summer there before heading off to college in the fall.

Working at the park, he could work when he wanted. He knew his daily tasks, and could start as early as he wanted, and work as late as he wanted. Time off during the day was afforded him, and he enjoyed the forest and mountain trails as much and as often as he wanted.

It was on one of these outings that he first met Anna. Coming down from the mountain one hot summer afternoon, he spotted her at one of the brooks, dipping cool water from its depths and splashing it on her face and neck. The sunlight sparkled playfully off of the babbling brook, and it shot rays of light on her long blonde hair as she knelt by the water’s edge. Her shapely body was silhouetted against the rushing water. She stood up and turned toward him, and Michael saw that her white cotton blouse was soaked and unbuttoned to her waist. Her full breasts, though covered by the wet fabric exposed the fact she wore no bra beneath, and her large nipples were clearly visible.

Clutching her chest, she gasped as she saw him. Michael quickly turned, and said “Excuse me for startling you, I hope I didn’t scare you.”

“No. Well, just a bit.” She replied.

“I don’t usually see anyone this deep in the woods. Are you lost?” he asked.

“No. What kind of question is that? Do you think I am just some silly girl who can’t find her way!” Anna retorted.

“No, no, it’s not that at all it’s just….” Michael started, but Anna interrupted, “You guys are all alike, you assume that the woods are not for a woman alone!” she said raising her voice with each word.

“Hold on, I didn’t mean anything. It’s just….” Michael tried again, but to no avail.

“Silly women can’t possibly survive without some strong man to help them. Well let me Çankaya Escort tell you, I know my way in and out of this forest without the help of anyone, thank you!” and she stopped suddenly, realizing that he was facing her again, and that in her fury, her defenses had dropped exposing her now enlarged nipples to this stranger. She gasped and turned again, and she could feel the redness of her embarrassment flood to her face.

“ I am really sorry. I didn’t mean anything, really. It’s just my nature. I see something, a situation, and I tend to jump to conclusions. Like I said, I just don’t normally see anyone this deep in the woods…alone.” Michael replied in soft tones. He reached into his hip pack, and pulled out his rain poncho.

“Here, you may want to put this on. It might help us have a face to face conversation.” And with that said, he tossed the poncho to her side. He heard he retrieve the garment, and pull it over her head.

“Thank you. I’m sorry is I get a little testy. I guess that’s my nature.” She said as the turned to face each other .

“I come out here a couple of times each summer. My family used to come here when I was a little girl. We used to hike and camp all through these woods. I know them pretty well.” As she spoke, she moved beneath the poncho’s shield and removed her blouse. “This will need to dry a bit.” She said as she pulled the garment from beneath the poncho.


The afternoon sun was beginning to disappear behind the slow moving clouds. Distant thunder displaced the silence of the summer afternoon. The air was heavy with the warm humidity that seemed to cling to everything. The aroma of pine was strong and intoxicating.

Stepping from the cool shower, she draped her wet skin with a thin silk robe, and meandered through the house toward the back porch. The cool wood floor beneath her feet felt refreshing against her warm flesh. Stopping by the fridge, she poured herself a glass of lemonade. She opened the freezer, and the cool air flowed down across her naked breasts, and her nipples responded in excitement. She dropped three cubes of ice into her glass, and one into her mouth as she spun toward the porch.

Stepping onto the porch, the first breeze of the coming storm blew briskly. The leaves rustled and the wind whispered through the tall glass. As she stepped closer to the edge, the wind caught the robe and it rippled up and out, exposing her body. A shiver ran through her as the breeze cooled her damp skin.

Leaning against the porch column, the rough sawn wood pressed into her soft flesh. Taking the half-melted cube from her mouth, she traced a wet trail across her warm skin, stopping to circle each nipple. Her eyes closed momentarily as the sensation made her head light.

She raised the glass of lemonade to her lips, and drank slowly. The cold, tart liquid slipped easily over he tongue, and dribbled out of the corner of her mouth, dripping onto her breast. The liquid dribbled slowly down the slope of her breast, and gathered at the base of her extended nipple, until the drop was heavy enough to fall.

The storm had moved, and large drops of rain began to fall. The dropped made muffled sounds as the fell on the soft ground. They also made a pit-a-pat sound on the roof of the porch, first slowly, then faster as the rain intensified. As the storm continued Keçiören Escort to move, the rain began to edge into the porch, beginning to wet her feet where she stood. The wind continued to whirl around her, whipping the thin material, and exposing her nakedness. As the spray from the rain mixed with the wind, it chilled her skin, and she shuddered from the cold.

A sudden lightning flash and clap of thunder heightened her senses. She set her glass down, and shrugged the robe off of her shoulders, as the wind gusted. The robe sailed a short distance, and rested in a heap on the porch. Her hair streamed back with the wind, and she stepped from the cover of the porch into the driving rain.

She stood twenty feet from the porch, and spread her arms outward, and tilted her face toward the sky. The rain drops were large, and soon soaked her hair and skin. Her skin felt as if it were electrified with each drop that touched her. The rain kneaded her skin with a micro-massage. She breathed in the fresh smell of rain as she stood in the clearing. Slowly she brought her arms inward and began to move her hands over her dripping skin, moving over her breasts, stomach, thighs, and then to her buttocks.

The ground had reached it’s saturation point and began to puddle the moisture where she stood. The ground had turned to a warm mud, coursing at her feet and between her toes. Slowly she sank to her knees, hands forward in the puddle. She scooped up handfuls of the warm muck, and began to bathe herself in it. When she could no longer withstand the call, she fell prone in the puddle, rolling herself over and over, until she was completely coated.

As she lay on her back, her eyes closed, the rain fell on her, slowly rinsing the mud from her skin. She lay there for a few moments, then opened her eyes. She sat up with a start, when she saw him standing at the porch, wearing a broad smile. She covered herself with her arms, in an unsuccessful attempt at modesty.

As she sat there, he began slowly walk to where she sat. Standing in front of her, he reached down, and she took his hand. He pulled her slowly to her feet, and into his arms. Their bodies mixed in the rain and mud as they embraced and kissed.

The flash of lightning and the peal of thunder startled them from their embrace. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her behind him, as he ran into the forest. The tap and thud of the rain drops as they fell on the pine boughs, and on the pine needle carpet beneath their feet droned into their senses as they maneuvered through the tree trunk maze. Exposed, she felt the sharp sting of low branches as she moved swiftly behind him. The light grew dimmer as they moved deeper into the woods. She looked around and realized that if she stopped, she might be lost.

The ran for what seemed an eternity. She had no idea where they were headed, nor what to expect when they arrived. He suddenly slowed down to a walk, and she could barely make out a clearing fifty yards ahead. As they moved closer, she could see that the clearing was an outcropping of stone at the base of the mountain. She could hear the rush of water getting louder and louder as they neared the edge of the forest.

Breaking through the forest edge, the air turned cooler, a soft breeze now blew. The rain had slowed to a light shower, but the run off from the mountain above Etimesgut Escort courses swiftly through the rock flumes. They stood on a large flat rock, and turned to face each other in the gray light of the clouds. She reached down and pulled the hem of his tee shirt out of the waist of his jeans, then she pulled it upward as he lifted his arms to ease it off of his body. She tossed the damp shirt aside, and rested her hands on his broad shoulders. Then she moved them slowly down his chest in serpentine motions, feeling the warmth and wetness of his skin. He pulled her to him again, lifted her face to his, and kissed her deeply. His tongue darted in and out, playfully dancing with hers. As he broke the kiss, he traced her lips with his tongue, and down to the side of her neck.

As he reached her ear with his tongue, he firmly grasped her shoulders, and spun her slowly around. They stood there on the rock, him holding her strongly, lovingly in his arms, her backside pressed into him. The dual sensations of his warm, wet skin and soaked jeans, brought her senses to a peak. He kissed her neck at the sides first, the slowly to the back of her neck, just below the hairline. She responded with a low moan as her body responded to his actions.

She could feel his warmth, and his increasing arousal. His hands moved over her breasts, and down across her belly. The motions mixed with the rain gently washed her body of any trace of her mud bath. The rain spilled from her head and hair and channeled between her breasts. The rain stream flowed effortlessly down between her legs, where it mixed with her own wetness. His hands pulled playfully with the wet curls, and darted in and around her moist folds, parting them, pulling them. With each stoke, she breathed heavier and faster, unable to control the tides of her emotions.

Reaching behind her, she moved her hands over his crotch, feeling the heat and firmness of his excitement. She fumbled with his belt, loosening it, then unbuttoned his jeans and unzipping them slowly. Reaching inside she was pleasantly surprised to find he wore no underclothes, and she continued to move her hands over his throbbing member. Moving her hands to his hips, she moved the jeans downward. Upon baring his firm tool, she grabbed his hips and pressed him to her warm ass. Grinding and pressing, she moved with his motions, working him to a heightened frenzy. He grabbed each breast with each hand and squeezed firmly as the moved together.

He suddenly grabbed her arms and pushed her forward toward a narrow passage between two large rocks. An ankle’s depth of rain water rushed through this passage as the moved deeper into the passage. At the end, the walls were about ten feet in height and thirty inches apart, and a small waterfall fell from a rock ledge above. Pressing on to the end wall, he positioned her face first against the wall, and directly under the water source. A small rock plinth under the fall provided a step for her to stand on. He helped her onto the plinth , the he took hold of her wrists and placed each hand flat against the stone wall above her head. The water fell softly over her head and shoulders, cascading over her body, as a natural shower.

Letting go of her wrists, he moved his hands down her arms, slowly, tracing her skin with the tips of his fingers. Softly, slowly he moved down the soft flesh of her arms, then to her sides, and finally down her back to the soft flesh of her cheeks. He moved his hands to the sides of her hips, then slowly across the underside of each cheek. Reaching between her legs, he nudged them apart, and she obliged, moving her feet wider apart to accommodate his probing.

She felt his hand as he cupped it between her legs and softly massaged her moist lips.

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