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The Professor and His StudentI’m a settled retired man. I share my life with the mother of my sons, we have a comfortable sex life, nothing fancy, but we are both happy with it. I never cheated on her, well, not until I met Nikki that is…Before retiring, I’d been teaching science at local university. I taught several content areas related to the biological sciences. One year around 20 years ago I was given the task to develop a class to introduce pre-med students to innovations in medical technology. Though a little out of my field I accepted the new challenge with interest and conviction. I could see how important it would be for people in the medical field to keep up with all of the rapidly evolving computer based medical equipment. So with some study and collaboration with my peers I was able to offer the next semester, a new course offering that right away had many students signing up. Back then I was in my early 40s, appreciated by students and colleagues as being nice and friendly and always available. My office door was always open and I was always there when not teaching to give a hand when needed. As for my appearance, I’m tallish, stocky, brown hair, short trimmed beard, and grey eyes. Neither ugly nor a model, just a normal guy.This is the story of how I came to cheat on my wife, with a student though not at that time but rather twenty years later. Whatever one reads here and there, it nearly never happens that a lecturer sleeps with students. Well, not me for sure.One day back then, this girl addressed me in the corridor. She said she was enrolling in my medical technology course even though she was not pre-med. She looks 21 at most, tall and thin, a ravishing smile and sparkling eyes, dark long hair and beautiful skin . She was dressed quite casually, but her lovely shape, smile and eyes made me even more friendly towards her. She said she was planning a career in the medical equipment field and thought that my course would be of great importance to her. She thanked me for making the course available and that was the end of our first encounter.A few days later, as I stepped into the tramway to go home, I noticed her, nodded and smiled politely, then took a seat for the trip. When I left the carriage a few minutes later, I heard a voice saying “Oh, so you live in this area too?” I turned around; she was there, taking the same direction. We small-talked in the dark streets for a while about the area, her life and projects… but I never came around asking for her name. At some junction, our ways separated. It was an awkward goodbye, our eyes meeting, and all I could think to do was sick out my hand to shake hands and then we left in our own directions home.When classes began I’d see her twice a week in the lecture and the lab. I learned her name and initially addressed her formally as a teacher is expected but she insisted that I call her by her first name, Nikki. We’d come across each other at university or once in a while on the tramway home. We’d salute each other with friendly smile; sometimes exchanging a few words, but nothing more. I never really thought of her or that anything could happen between the two of us.As the semester progressed, she proved herself to be a serious student. It was apparent that she applied herself so well that she scored high on all of the exams and was capable and knowledgeable in the labs where students had hands on experience utilizing newly developed computerized medical equipment.One morning, I had to drive to the mall before going to work. I got there quite early so as to avoid the crowd. Within a few minutes, I had gathered all I needed and walked towards the checkouts. That’s when I saw her. She was cute as ever, wandering in the same aisle. As I walked past her, she noticed me and hailed “Oh, hello sir!”We chatted a while in front of the coffee tables on sale; I even helped her chose one for its solidity and we ended up queuing at adjacent checkouts. As she was struggling with the package, I offered to help her carry it to her car, to which she replied that she was taking it home by bus. There was no way she’d managed that, so I offered the lift, which she gratefully accepted.Once the package was in the back of my car, we drove off for the few miles between the mall and her place. Since she was sitting so close to me, I could smell her intoxicating spicy perfume. Every now and then, I’d glance in her direction and she’d return a smile and sparking eyes.She gave me the directions and I parked close to her place. It took us some effort to carry her package to the fourth floor (no lift). Her flat was the typical student flat: one large room serving as living room, bedroom and kitchen; the bed serving as both bed and sofa. Still, it was nicely decorated and seemed comfortable, though slightly overheated.”I wouldn’t like to abuse, but would you help me mount this coffee table? In exchange, I’ll get some coffee if you like.” I genuinely accepted and started unpacking and mounting the thing. It did not take long and by the time she was coming back with the coffee, the table was up between her sofa bed and the television set.She placed both cups on the new table and sat on the bed. “Thanks so much. I would not have managed on my own. I’ve been a bit silly buying this with no real means of taking it home. Come, take a sit and have your coffee, you deserve it!” she said, tapping next to her on the sofa bed.I did as offered, taking my sweater off on the way due to the heat and the exercise. She had done similarly and displayed a white tank top and jeans. For the first time, I noticed her breast: small, round, perky breast that seemed to hold without bras. My eyes quickly moved away; I wouldn’t want to be categorized as a pervert.As we talked, she kept staring at me with her sparkling eyes, her thin lips always smiling, her joyful voice singing in my ears. I was so absorbed by all this that I barely noticed that she was slowly getting closer and closer to me, to the point the her knee made contact with mine through our jeans.At that point, my mind started racing in all directions, but she did not give me time to think. She looked at me and swiftly leaned towards me and pressed her mouth on mine while placing her hands behind my head. Her lips were warm; her kiss was soft and firm. I could feel her tongue darting, trying to pass between my lips.I nearly permitted myself to be overcome by this unanticipated advance and had to use every bit of self control to force myself away from her and to say that though I am deeply flattered and that her allure was such that I feared that İstanbul Escort I was about to do something that was unethical as her teacher and that I could not do this, though I want to. She looked straight into my eyes and said that she wasn’t sure how I’d react but that she had developed such a crush on me over the course of the semester that as the situation of this morning played out she was unable to control herself and had hoped that I would have responded in kind. Now she said she felt somewhat embarrassed and did not know whether she could continue to attend the remaining classes because she would feel so awkward having just attempted to seduce me and failed. I told her nonsense. No harm has been done and that she was perhaps the best student in the class and to not finish would be ridiculous. I let her know that I thought she was one of the most charming and beautiful students I had ever had and that I was very flattered that she thought of me romantically but that I was more of an old fuddy duddy and that if I were 20 years younger and a single student, then I would probably be the one in pursuit of her. She smiled and said that saying such sounded nice but the truth is, she is attracted only to older men and would probably reject my advances if I were a fellow student of the same age group. As awkward as the situation became, we both quickly finished the coffee, chatted lightly about class and then I left to continue back to home and to work.She continued to come to class and to excel. Our eyes would still meet from time to time and we would as before cross paths on campus or once in a while on the tramway. We remained cordial and she stopped by my office at the end of the semester to thank me for being a great teacher and that the class was going to really help her in the medical equipment business field she was seeking as a career. There was no mention of the incident and over the next year I would still on occasion see her on campus. If our eyes connected we would smile and acknowledge each others presence. The last time I saw her was at graduation and I heard her name called and I watched her march to the podium to receive her degree. I saw her at the post graduation soiree and congratulated her for finishing. She gave me that gaze she had shown me that day in her room and said she is no longer a student so I should no longer have any ethical conflicts should I be willing to revisit the experience of a year ago in her apartment. I was caught totally off guard and was nearly crimson in the face and struggling to gain my composure with a reply when she said that she was already offered a job with a medical equipment business and was leaving right away to a different city. Her offer was sincere, but could not happen now as she had much to prepare in order to leave the next day. She said she would write to me at the university to say how she was doing and to keep a connection. Perhaps one day I would like to take her up on her offer. She didn’t know what the future was about to bring but she was certain of her affections and attraction to me and sensed that those feelings were there within me but suppressed.We parted ways, and on occasion I would get an email from her saying hello and she would say what she was doing in the business and some small talk about her life. She always ended that her offer still stands. I would reply of course and be cordial and say that it sounds like she is doing great and that it was nice to keep hearing about the successes of a former student. I never brought up any suggestions about taking her seriously on the longstanding offer and just thought that eventually she would find a significant other and that would be the end of it.As time passed I eventually decided to retire and to begin doing more of what I really liked to do which was travel. Often my wife and I traveled together to foreign lands or to visit with our grown sons and their families. Occasionally, I would travel alone as I was a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast and my wife did not care for that form of travel. She understood how much motorcycling meant to me so we would from time to time make travel arrangements where she would visit her friends and I would go off and travel on my bike. I was looking ahead to retirement because more of the travel I so loved was soon to be a reality. I had not received an email from Nikki in perhaps a year and during my last week at work when I was cleaning out my office, I got an email as I had so many times before.I relied back and told her of my impending retirement and that I had already made some travel plans to visit friends in Canada and was heading north from Virginia, through West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan and then onto Canada. I said my college email was no longer going to work so I gave her my private email in order to keep connected. A few days later, she sent me a new email saying why not meet her for lunch or dinner while passing through Ohio if it was not out of the way. She would like to see me again and to know more about my future plans as well as tell me about her own plans with the company she was working with. No mention of her original offer that had always accompanied her last 20 years of emails, so my thoughts were that she was beyond that and so I thought why not. I wrote back and we exchanged details with respect to date, time and place and we were all set to see one another after some 20 years. I thought to myself that having changed into an even older gentleman, there was no way she would any longer be interested in me so seeing her over a nice meal and some friendly conversation would be a good way to end the day after a long motorcycle ride.I arrived in town late afternoon, a little early to the agreed upon time to meet up so I went and got a room for the night at a motel, freshened up and went to the agreed upon dining spot. Again a few minutes early so I got a table and ordered a glass of wine. I pondered to myself whether I would recognize her after so much time or whether she would recognize me. As I took my first taste of the wine, I immediately had my attention drawn to this stunning tall lady with long flowing dark hair coming through the entrance. Our eyes locked immediately as we both recognized one another and she came forward through the restaurant towards the table. Nikki , like fine wine had matured only she was now this voluptuous and statuesque woman that was so irresistible that other men, even those with their wives, could not refrain from turning their heads to look at her. And she was coming to sit at İstanbul Escort Bayan my table.I stood and gave a gentle embrace and lightly pecked her on the cheek. I asked her to sit and began to remark at how wonderful she looked and that time only made her more beautiful and attractive than my last memories of seeing her over 20 years ago. She was full of flattery herself saying that men always look more handsome and distinguished as they age and that was certainly the case with me. After complimenting each other and ordering wine and dinner we continued our usual discussions about jobs, career, retirement and plans. No mention of that incident that occurred so many years ago in her room so I am figuring she has moved on from such inclinations when suddenly, I recognize that same fawning gaze coming into my eyes from that past event seared in my memory. She begins to tell me that she has to ask a slight favor of me for later this evening. She explains that she is having remodeling done in her house and today the water has been cut off, so she is unable to bathe as she normally would and asks if she could come to my motel room to bathe this evening instead. I thought to myself, wow, I recognize that look and she is inviting herself to my room. I immediately said sure, please do, I was hoping that seeing you would not end upon our finishing the meal. I told her where I was staying and gave her the room number. She said she knew the place and would meet me there after going home and picking up a few things she would need.I awaited at the room, excited and pondering how the remainder of the evening would play out. I’m thinking that she is intent on seducing me and finishing what was attempted 20 years ago. Only this time, I am not going to stop her. No indeed, since the memory of that moment in time was etched in my mind and I was now determined to have her. She arrived and entered the room. We embraced briefly and she moved away saying she really did need to bathe and that we would relax afterwards.She went ahead into the bathroom and ran a nice, hot bath, and put in lots of foaming bubbles she had brought along. She stepped in. Mmmm. She sank down into the hot, steaming bubble bath and I could see her feel her cares melt away as she closed her eyes. The water soothes and softens her skin, and I could see her pink toenails peeking through the white foamy suds, so she wiggled them, and that made me smile. Her fingernails are also visible through the suds as they rest on top of her smooth, bare breasts. I sit and watch from the bed as she gently washes her body with the bubbly foam. I’m thinking to myself that this is really happening and I am about to have an experience unlike any I have had getting married. She wants me and this is my time to have her on my terms. I am going to aggressively encourage her to get what she wants while providing me the pleasure I want in the way that I want.After she rinses off and dries herself with a big, fluffy towel, she dries her hair and goes to get dressed. She open the bag with what I presumed was her change of clothing , she takes out lace-trimmed panties in pink, a Satin & Lace gown in baby pink, and a Lace choker in pink. She smiles at how pretty each piece is, and savors the feeling of sliding each item onto her body.After dressing, she goes to admire herself in the mirror. I can tell she love these clothes! However, there remain a few finishing touches. So she goes to the bathroom and applies makeup: She creates a dark, glamorous look tonight, so she uses foundation, concealer, powder, blush, eyeshadow, mascara, lip liner and lipstick, and finally, some pink blush. There.She looks down and realizes her legs are bare, so she steps over to her bag and takes out a pair of shimmery pink thigh-high stockings, which she carefully pulls up each smooth, bare leg. She then goes to her bag and slips on a pair of pink high-heel pumps with 4 inch heels. Perfect.She steps back over to the bathroom to check her makeup one last time. Her eyes, lips and face look glamorous and beautiful. She then slip on some of her jewelry: some pretty earrings, a cute little bracelet, and some rings for each hand. She finds her perfume in her bag and gives herself a few spritzes to smell extra nice. “All done.” You say.You come out of the bathroom and step over to the mirrored closet doors in front of the bed. You look at yourself. I say what a pretty vision you are, the woman of my dreams. I can’t believe the amazing woman in the mirror is really you. But it is.You sit on the edge of the bed next to me and look at yourself in the mirror. You touch yourself. I’m thinking go ahead. Run your fingers over the gorgeous satin of the robe and panties. The choker sets your face off perfectly, the lace looks so adorable and feminine. Your eyes suggest that you are aching with desire. You climb up on the bed and rub your legs together. You feel the nylon stockings whispering as they slide against one another, sending chills up your back.Now you run your fingers over your breasts. Mmmmm. Can you feel your nipples through the soft satin? Go ahead and run your fingertips over them. Keep rubbing them. That’s it.I imagine that your pussy must be just dripping, isn’t it? It’s aching for some attention, so reach down and rub it through the soft satin panties. Mmmmm, that’s it. It feels so good.I can no longer just sit and observe. You have totally seduced me and I am now so emboldened by your behavior and intentions that I now tell you that I want you to reach into my pants and pull out my cock. It’s firm but soft, too, and it looks and feels silky smooth.Hold it in your hands. Fondle it. Play with it. Stroke it for me while you rub your legs together. With painted nails and glittering jewelry, see how pretty your soft hands look against the hard shaft. Your clit is throbbing, and your pussy is now very wet.It’s time to start sucking cock I say. But I want you to suck cock exactly the way I tell you. Do you understand? You give me the look of understanding that, as a lusting woman, you want me to direct the play and tell you how to pleasure me. So I tell you, “I want you to lick the shaft, up and down, with long, slow licks. But don’t touch the head yet, we’ll get to that. That’s it. Lick it.”“Now put your hands on your thighs, open your mouth and put it directly over the head. Lower you face until your open mouth is barely touching the head. Now hold it, and don’t move. Is this position uncomfortable? Aw, that’s too bad. You’d love to start sucking and slobbering all over that juicy Escort İstanbul cock now, wouldn’t you? But you can’t just yet. You have to wait. You managed to wait 20 years so You have to be patient to get your reward. Don’t move an inch. That’s a good. I think you’re finally ready to suck cock. Open your mouth. Slide your wet lips over the head. Suck. Suck that cock like the horny little cock-sucking slut I believe you are.”“Mmmm, it feels sooo good to have a nice, hard cock in your mouth, doesn’t it? You love the feminine feelings washing over you as you look in the mirror and see a beautiful, sexy woman sucking on a hard cock. Yes, that woman is you.”“Suck. Suck. Suck. Bob your head up and down. That’s it.”“Reach down and cup your breasts. Fondle your tits. Play with them. Reach under the gown and rub your fingers over your aching nipples. Mmmm, that’s it. You’re getting wetter and wetter every minute.”“You’re such a tantalizing woman, dressed up in your pretty lingerie, stockings and high heels while you slide a nice, hard cock into your mouth over and over and over again.”“I want you to take that cock and rub it gently all over your face. But do it carefully, I don’t want you to smear your makeup. You adore this cock you have waited for 20 years to have. Look at how the hard shaft contrasts with your pretty makeup and manicured nails. You love being a good little cock-sucker for your man, don’t you? You simply crave the feeling of a hard cock in your mouth. So you’re going to suck cock for me. You’re going to be my cock-sucking slut tonight, because I know that’s what you have wanted more than anything in the world for over 20 years.” “Now I want you to really start sucking that cock. Suck it. Suck it harder. You’re dribbling saliva all over that cock, coating it and making it slippery and wet. Feel the drool run down your chin as you suck it deep into your throat.”“You love the feeling of a hard cock sliding in and out of your mouth, don’t you? Suck it. Suck. Suck that cock.”“Stroke it, slide your fingers up and down the wet shaft. Pump it. Harder. Now start sucking it again. Suck it. Get it nice and wet. You’re a horny little slut, aren’t you? A horny, slutty woman who just loves to suck cock.”“Slide it down to the back of your throat slowly. I want to gently push it against the back of your throat. You’re going to gag a few times, and that’s okay. Drool all over that hard cock, you slut. Suck it all the way down. Push. Push. Feel it inching its way down your hungry throat. Push. Keep trying. You can do it. Push.”Your eyes are watering. You’re fighting not to gag. But you can do it. I want you to deep-throat this hard cock you’ve been sucking. “Keep sucking. Suck. Suck. Go down on that cock, slide it all the way down into the back of your slutty mouth.”“Focus. Focus on pushing through. You can do it. Feel the cock against the back of your throat. Keep sucking. It is coated with layers and layers of slippery saliva, until it runs down your chin.”“Stroke it with your hands. Harder. Now suck. Suck it all the way in. You’re almost there. Feel it pushing against the back of your throat. Push. You can do it. You feel the cock sliding down into your throat. You raise your head, sucking, and then push it back down again, pushing the cock deeper into your throat. There — you did it!”“You’re deep-throating a hard cock. Keep sucking. Deep-throat that cock. Push. In and out. The drool is pouring out of your mouth and all over the cock and your fingers.”“Keep sucking. Push. Slide it down your throat. Yes. You’re doing it. You’re deep-throating a cock! I’m so proud of you, Nikki! Suck it all the way down.”Waves of womanly pleasure wash over you as the cock slides in and out of your throat, and your body feels electric.“Rub your nipples while you suck on the cock. Pinch them. I want you to pinch them harder. Harder, slut. Suck that cock. Pinch your nipples and suck cock like a good little slut.”“Under the other pillow is a surprise, so reach under and get it. That’s right, it’s a tube of K-Y jelly. I want you to open it and squeeze it onto your fingers. Now take those fingers and rub them over your wet, aching pussy lips.”“I want you to take one finger and slide it into your pussy. Mmmmm, it feels sooo good, doesn’t it? Now push two fingers in, and then slide them in and out. Push them in deeper. Go all the way into that hot pussy, you slut. You know you want it.”“Rub your breasts with your other hand, squeeze them and caress them, over and over.”“Squeeze some more of the K-Y jelly on your fingers, and rub it over the head and shaft of my cock. That’s right, you’re going to fuck my cock. Get on all fours. Take off your high heels and throw them aside.”“Stick your ass way up in the air, with your face pressed against the bed. Take the cock and place the head against your pussy, pushing it gently, but firmly, against you.”“That’s it. Push. Push. Push. You whimper softly as the cock pushes against your wet pussy. Keep pushing. It’s almost there. Push. Push.”Finally, the hard cock breaks through and enters you. Your mouth opens, and out pour womanly groans of pleasure as it slides in. Your body shivers with erotic sensations. “I want you to savor the feeling of a big, hard cock inside you.”But now it’s time.” I want to start fucking you. I push that cock in. All the way in. You know you want it.”“Now I slowly slide it out, then push it back in. Again. Again. Fucking you with that cock, you naughty little slut. Slutty girls love getting fucked, don’t they. I want you to say it: “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me harder.”Your heart is racing faster and faster, and so is your breathing. You feel heat building deep in your pussy. It feels as if it’s on fire, and the only way to put out the fire is for me to ram the cock in and out, faster and faster.Your body is out of control as the first orgasm overtakes you. My cock keeps sliding in and out of your pussy as your erect clit twitches and your belly quivers with wave after wave of orgasms.“I fuck you harder, slut. Slamming that cock inside you, you little whore.”Your breasts bob up and down as you cum, the cock ramming all the way inside you, and your girlish moans fill the room as you cum, and cum and cum. “That’s right, cum for your Man.”Your panties soaked, you fall over on the bed, the cock still deep inside you. Your breasts, belly pussy and thighs quiver softly, as a melting warmth spreads over your whole body.I slowly slide the cock out of you, forcing out an involuntary moan. A sheen of perspiration covers your skin. “Take three long, slow breaths. Relax. Look again in the mirror at the pretty woman, her face flushed and pink, lying on the bed in her beautiful lingerie and stockings. That girl just sucked a cock, deep-throated a cock, and fucked the cock she has wanted for 20 years. That woman behaved as if she is a naughty, slutty, cock-sucking whore. And that woman – is you.”

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