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Solo Male

This is a fictitious story of a young man’s first and later visits to a hairdressing salon.

Any sexual activity occurs when all protagonists are aged 18 or over.

This is a slow build up story, so for those who desire more prompt gratification I would recommend Chapter 2 which will be submitted shortly.

Regards Steve


Jeremy an only child, lived in small English market town with his parents. Up until the age of sixteen he accompanied his father to the barbers. The establishment was run by an elderly Greek man called George who reeked of strong cigarettes and had at least four days growth of stubble on his chin.

At sixteen Jeremy entered his school’s Sixth Form and obtained a Saturday job in a local supermarket. This provided him for the first time, a degree of financial independence from his parents which allowed him to seek out somewhere else to have his hair cut. It may have been an inadvertently overheard a comment or just his view that his new classmates had hairstyles which seemed cool and trendy which led him to this. As he looked at his hair in the mirror, no shape, no style not remotely in touching distance of the latest fashion he decided to visit The Salon.

The Salon was a permanent fixture in the town. Opened just after the war by Marco, an ex Italian POW, it was now managed by his grandson Nico.

Jeremy knew he didn’t have to book appointment so one Thursday afternoon after double maths he visited The Salon for the first time.

He was greeted by Nico who rather disdainfully looked him up and down, ‘cut is it sir?’

He nodded, but what immediately struck Jeremy was the absence of tobacco and petrol smells. The smell of petrol courtesy of the car parts which George left at the rear of his shop. The unfamiliar smells of The Salon included perfume, hairspray and talcum powder.

‘Take a seat.’

A few moments later a surly looking girl aged about nineteen with dyed red hair sauntered over to him. Jeremy’s eyes narrowed as he vaguely recognised her from school although she was in her final year when he was in his first year.

‘What can I do for you?’ She asked in between chews of her gum.

Jeremy had conducted research on the type of cut and style he wanted to the extent he had cut out a few pictures of a well known trendy young actor. Whilst he didn’t want to mimic the actors exact cut, something near would suffice.

‘Well,’ he stumbled, ‘something like this…’ as he pulled out a magazine cutting from his pocket, ‘you know so, I’d…don’t look such a geek.’

She smiled to herself as she thought it would require more than a haircut to prevent this. ‘Okay, I’ll see what I can do, but no promises.’

Jeremy did not hold out much hope as she started off spraying water into his hair, not even apologising when a jet went directly into his left eye. As he blinked, he pictured her shaving all his hair off, or cutting it really short with tramlines in all the wrong places.

As she busied herself away he looked ahead in the mirror. Later he felt himself blush as she leant in to make sure her cuts were straight. This was an unexpected bonus, a true virgin, Jeremy had never been as close to a girl and could smell her perfume as her face was only inches away from his. Taking in a deep breath as he hoped he would not get an erection. Even if her cut was as bad as he thought it would be, having a woman cut his hair was so much better than smelly old George.

He was too shy to attempt conversation, but felt rather left out as the other customers in The Salon seemed to all be chatting to their stylists. Apart from his natural shyness, she was so much older and consequently mature so he felt intimidated by her. If he was too shy to say anything to girls his own age at school what hope was there of him saying anything to her?

‘Hmm,’ Donna said to herself a few times as she cut the young mans hair. As she snipped away she wondered who on earth was the culprit who had cut his hair so badly and was rather amused that he had presented her with some clippings and a request to look just like the young actor who she had a secret crush on.

Jeremy tried not to catch her eye but when he did in the mirror a few times felt himself turn scarlet. During the cut he tried to see what she was doing but she worked very quickly in sharp contrast to her surly initial manner.

‘Right that’s you done then,’ as she removed the drape, brushing a few stray hairs away.

Jeremy blinked as he could not believe how different he looked, ‘wow,’ was all he said, ‘that’s amazing I look really…’ he reigned in his potential complementary adjectives, ‘thanks.’

Donna smiled to herself she was not used to such compliments and without that horrible hair-style her customer was indeed quite handsome, something she did not notice when she first saw him.

‘So…,’ she said, ‘student?’

He nodded.

‘£7.00 then.’

Jeremy handed over £10.00 note.

When Donna made to give him his change, ‘no, no keep it, you’ve done a really Manavgat Escort fantastic job.’

‘Are you sure?’


She smiled again, not to herself but to her new favourite customer, ‘thank you, I’m not used to such compliments.’

‘You should be, that’s the best haircut I’ve ever had.’

‘That’s very sweet of you, I’ll see you again then?’

‘Yes definitely.’

Donna was left surprised and wished all her customers were like that not just with the generous tip but with the genuine compliments. Moreover she felt a bit bad about her initial manner with him. She had vaguely recognised him, but could not think from where, a friends younger brother maybe? And in hindsight regretted not striking up a conversation.

Around three months later Jeremy returned to The Salon immediately noticing the girl who had cut his hair. Fortunately she was not with a client so she was available to cut his hair again.

‘Hello,’ she greeted him.

‘Hi,’ he replied and then summoning up all his courage, ‘you gave me a fantastic hair cut last time, it was so excellent.’

Donna smiled as his old fashioned almost boy-scout manner of speaking, ‘yes and you gave me a really nice tip, so let’s hope I can do a good as job as last time.’

On his second cut there was conversation which flowed with ease, Donna asking, ‘did you go to Napier School?’


‘I thought your face looked familiar, is Mr Kerslake still there?’


‘What about that old witch Mrs Kitchener?’

‘Yes,’ and realising he was answering her questions in exactly the same manner added, ‘she’s still there.’

‘She really hated me, always giving me detentions.’

‘Just imagine if she turned up here you could get your own back.’


‘Cut all her hair off!’

Donna laughed as she replied, ‘I couldn’t do that I’d get the sack, although it would be rather tempting.’

Jeremy was surprised at how easy the conversation flowed, he found out her name was Donna she was indeed three years older than him. But he took more of her in, the black blouse she wore he noticed when she leant forward it opened up slightly between the buttons revealing a bit of flesh and also her bra. Another highlight was her gentle touch on his head when she adjusted it, in fact he later deliberately placed his head in the wrong positions for that very reason.

His visits progressed over the next year or so and it was not just his visits as Donna seemed very interested in how he was getting on with his A Levels. Jeremy however was increasingly interested in other things and on that particular visit Donna was wearing a white blouse which tantalisingly sat just above her belt. This afforded Jeremy a view of her midriff and he noticed for the first time she had a little stud in her navel and a tattoo on her left hip most of which was obscured by clothing. As she cut away he couldn’t help looking either via the mirror or stealing little direct glances.

His behaviour didn’t go unnoticed by Donna as she asked, ‘you looking at my tattoo?’

‘Ere sor…’

‘It’s alright, you like tattoo’s then?’

‘I guess so.’

‘I thought you might think they looked a bit tarty.’


‘What about piercings, do you like piercings on girls?’

He nodded.

‘I’ve got my belly button pierced.’

‘I know,’ he blurted out.

‘Been looking have we?’

‘No,’ he protested, ‘I just noticed it earlier.’

‘That’s alright,’ she smiled, ‘I’m only teasing you. Here,’ as she turned her hip towards him and lifted up the hem of her blouse, ‘you can have a proper look if you like.’

‘Ah, very nice,’ was the only reply he could muster.

Donna looked down aware the bottom of her tattoo was obscured by her trousers, ‘it does go down a bit further,’ as she inched down her waistband before proclaiming, ‘see,’ as the whole tattoo was revealed.

Jeremy felt himself go a deep shade of red as not only was her tattoo revealed but the top of her knickers. As he closed his eyes he imagined her standing there I just a pair of knickers. His throat began to become dry and he gripped the armrests of the chair.

Donna smiled to herself, realising her young client did like girls and wondered whether she might tease him a bit more.

Jeremy next visited The Salon just after Christmas in in the middle of his mock exams. Whilst exceptionally bright he still fretted about his marks and consequently was very tense although this lifted as Donna greeted him with a smile.

‘Hi how are you?’

‘Alright,’ he replied, before adding rather uncharacteristically, ‘got anymore tattoo’s to show me?’

‘Cheeky monkey,’ replied Donna somewhat taken aback as she led him to his chair. About five minutes into the cut there was a loud bang from beyond the end of the shop. Donna tutted her displeasure, ‘builders, you’d think he would get them in when the place was closed.’

‘Builders? What are they doing?’

‘We’re having some treatment rooms, Manavgat Escort Bayan sunbeds, massage that sort of thing. Should be open when you next come in, so if you ever want a massage.’

‘A massage!’

‘Yes, you’re looking a bit tense.,

As Jeremy felt her hand on his shoulder he wondered what her touch would feel like on his bare skin. Immediately his heart began to beat faster as blood rushed to his cheeks then his cock which began to swell. It didn’t help that Jeremy could see the outline of Donna’s bra through her blouse. Belatedly he replied with ‘exams.’

‘Well a nice massage should get rid of all your stress and tensions.’

As Jeremy walked home, he digested Donna’s offer, “if you want a massage.” What did that mean? Until then he didn’t know much about massages or that some establishments offered certain “extras.” That was until a day or so later after some internet research. The three hours he spent looking up massage parlours made his head spin and his cock very hard. He even ended up relieving himself at the thought of Donna providing him with “extras.”

In the days and weeks that followed Jeremy could think of nothing but massages. He became aware there were different sorts and different types of establishments which offered them. Rather disappointingly he deduced The Salon was clearly a “legit” establishment which would not provide him with any “extras.”

Jeremy’s next visit was just before he sat his final exams and again he was feeling tense. He was aware the treatment rooms were now open as he had seen adverts in the local paper and also the adverts in the front window of The Salon. But didn’t know how to ask for a massage. He knew from memory the list of prices, £25.00 for 30 minutes, £40.00 for an hour. But a “full body massage,” what exactly did that entail? Would he be completely naked or have to keep his boxers on?

As Donna cut away she asked, ‘how are you?’

Jeremy recalled about what he said last time about his mocks, ‘feeling a bit tense with my exams and stuff.’

Donna stopped cutting and felt his shoulder, ‘yes you are a bit.’

What should he say? If he were less bashful it would be easy, “would a massage cure the tension?” Or, “is your offer still open?”

Donna knew Jeremy was now eighteen, never mentioned a girlfriend and whenever she touched on the subject he would blush. This left her wondering whether he was a virgin. She felt his shoulders again, ‘yes,’ she said, ‘you are feeling tense, we are offering free taster massages for our regular/new customers if you’re interested?’

‘Yes,’ he replied a little too quickly, ‘when?’

Donna looked round The Salon, ‘we’re not too busy at the moment and I’ve not got an appointment for a while, so we can go now if you like.’

‘Yes, okay,’ he replied automatically.

‘Good, we’ll just finish the cut, I’ll then wash it as we don’t want to make a mess of the nice new treatment room.’

After finishing the cut and washing his hair Donna said, ‘right follow me,’ as she led him to the back of the shop along a corridor and opened a door on his right.

He entered a small rectangular room with a massage table on it and a shower in the corner, it smelt of paint and plaster. There was a layer of paper covering the table and at one end a circular hole which he could place his face.

‘If you just take your clothes off, leave your underwear on and drape this towel over you, I’ll be back in a bit.’

Jeremy quickly stripped off and placed his clothes on a chair, not quite believing what he was doing. He then lay face down on the massage table.

After about a minute Jeremy heard the click click of Donna’s heels as she walked down the corridor and opened the door, ‘okay? Comfortable?’


‘Right, just relax and we’ll start on your shoulders.’

Jeremy gave a little shiver as he felt the liquid between his shoulder blades.

‘Have you had a massage before?’


‘A massage virgin then?’

Jeremy swallowed hard, if only she knew, before nodding.

‘Don’t worry I’m a bit new to this too, Kayleigh’s the massage expert here.’

Jeremy appreciated Donna trying to make him feel at ease as he tried to picture Kayleigh.

‘Is that okay for you?’ Asked Donna as her hands ventured lower down his back towards the waistband of his boxers.

‘Yes,’ he replied, but in reality her oily hands slowly sliding down his back felt so good and he cursed himself for not expressing himself more fully. Lying on his front he was able to twist his head slightly and this afforded him a few of Donna’s lower half, skirt, black tights, white blouse though he could only see up to the first button.

Donna was pleasantly surprised by Jeremy’s physique, his toned waist which tapered up to shoulders, muscular arms and shapely legs. All this was in sharp contrast to some of the flabby men she had recently massaged.

‘Right that’s your back done, time to start on those legs.’

‘Okay,’ he heard himself Escort Manavgat mutter. Why couldn’t he think of something better or more interesting to say? But this was lost as he felt Donna’s hands on his calves.

‘You have a lot of tension here.’

‘Sorry,’ he replied, what a stupid thing to say.

But Donna seemed unconcerned as she replied, ‘nothing to be sorry about.’

As Donna massaged away at his calves he thought of something/anything to say to her, why was it some people could strike up conversations about anything to anyone?

The painful silence was punctuated by Donna, ‘time for the backs of those legs.’

‘Okay,’ he piped.

Donna’s hands went higher beyond his knees midway between them and his groin. Her touch was amazing, bringing never experienced before jolts of pleasure to his balls and cock which belantantly began to stiffen in his boxer shorts. One particular stroke brought out a gasp from him.

‘Are you okay?’


‘Sorry I won’t go as high again.’

Why oh why did he chose this precise moment to say, ‘I’m not used to being touched there.’

‘Oh,’ he heard Donna say as she realised her earlier assumption was correct. She was a bit surprised though whilst quiet and shy he was good looking, especially his hair which had been cut by hers truly. She thought about some of her friends, a few of them had younger sisters. Perhaps I could do a bit of matchmaking.

Jeremy felt acute pain in his bottom lip as he bit into it for saying such a stupid thing.

‘You can turn over now.’

Those were the words he did not want to hear at that precise moment, for Donna’s touches had given him a raging hard-on which refused to go away. Reluctantly he nodded as he turned over slowly, attempting to bunch the towel up over his torso so it would hide his erection. Again he bit his lip but for a different reason as Donna started on the front of his legs gently massaging oil into his shins, then up on his thighs careful not to go too high.

Then she did along his arms commenting, ‘do you work out at all?’

‘No just press-ups and sit ups and quite a bit of cycling.’

‘You’re quite toned, I wish my tummy was as flat as yours.’

He felt himself nod in agreement, as he tried not to think about Donna’s tummy, stroking it, feeling it letting his inexperienced fingers explore it.

Donna continued to massaged his arms, whilst he could now look directly at her face and body, Jeremy was concerned she could read his lustful thoughts. He therefore looked directly above at the ceiling. However he could not resist a quick peek as she leant forward. For the first time Jeremy was able to see right down her top and her breasts trying to escape from her lacy bra.

He attempted to swallow but his throat was dry, briefly he wondered whether she was aware of the effect she was having on him. Jeremy was desperate to touch her, run his hands along her bottom, up her legs and feel her breasts before pinching her nipples. Jeremy closed his eyes storing up the image of Donna’s cleavage as future wanking material.

During the massage the towel had got smoothed out so it was tight to his boxers and whilst not plainly obvious she must have known she had given him a hard-on. But she chatted away seemingly oblivious, about how Kayleigh had arrived from an exclusive upmarket spa.

Donna did realised her young client had become aroused, but had been told it was perfectly natural and nothing either she or the client should be embarrassed about and just to ignore it. So she did.

All too soon it was over, ‘so there you are, your first full body massage. Did you like it?’

He went red, ‘yes.’

Donna gave him a little smile and he could have sworn she looked at his crotch as she remarked, ‘of course you did.’ Before she pointed her finger at the corner of the room, ‘now you can have a shower if you like and get changed.’

He nodded like an obedient puppy, as Donna nonchalantly said, ‘I’ll see you back outside.’

Under the shower he got hard again thinking what had just happened. He pictured what her hands would feel like on his cock as he rubbed himself, feeling an immediate tingle in his balls. Jeremy closed his eyes, rubbing faster and faster. Rubbing the shower jell into his knob wishing and hoping it was Donna’s hands. ‘Ohhhh,’ he grunted as he shot his load thirty seconds later.

To say he felt self-conscious when he said goodbye to Donna was a huge understatement. Did she realise what her touches had made him do?

It was now September and three weeks before he was to start Durham University. Jeremy did wonder about his previous appointment which had led to many a wank fuelled fantasy. Donna soaping him down in the shower, wanking him off, squeezing his cock between her tits. At the time he had been tempted to book in another massage the following week, but for some reason, even unbeknown to him, he didn’t. Every time he thought about what he was about to do he got excited, really excited, he chose Friday. Why? Because everyone supposed to be more happy and more relaxed on a Friday.

The Tuesday before with trepidation he dialled the number and waited as it rang.

‘Hello, The Salon.’

He recognised Nico’s voice, ‘hi, I’d like to book a cut followed by a massage with Donna … please, for Friday, if that’s okay’

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