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This is story will make much more sense if you read chapters 1 and 2 first. However, if you don’t have time, this is the story so far:

Alex handled a project for the Sultan and was invited to the Sultan’s palace to discuss more work, where he enjoyed several of the Sultan’s dancing girls (Ch. 1). He’s now on his way back a second time to sort out a problem with another project. He spent two days with the Sultan in Geneva on the way. Whilst there, he enjoyed another of the Sultan’s girls and discovered a fraud on the project (Ch. 2).

In chapter 3, there’s lots of sex, but it’s interwoven with the ongoing detective work on the project. For it to make sense, you need to read the introductory section.

* * * * *

At the airport, Alex and the Sultan were met by two of the Sultan’s aides, who had a car waiting for them. Alex recognised the route to the Sultan’s palace; it led down from the airport towards the sea then turned right along the coastal road.

A few miles beyond the old town, the car was flagged down by a policeman, but after much discussion and gesticulation, the policeman walked off. Afterwards, the Sultan turned to Alex and summarised everything in English: “Apparently there’s been an accident just after the bend ahead and the road is completely blocked. He thinks it could take up to an hour to clear and unfortunately, there’s no easy diversion round it.”

“So, we’ll just have to wait for it to be cleared.”

“Well, we could make good use of the time by visiting my jeweller. One of the harem girls has a birthday coming up and I’d like to get her a little something.”

“That sounds like a good plan.”

The Sultan gave the instructions to the driver and a few minutes later they were parked in much the same spot where they had parked on their previous visit to the jeweller. The four men got out of the car and set off on foot along the narrow streets of the old town.

They had hardly walked a hundred yards, when suddenly a man sprang forward, produced a gun from under his clothing and aimed it at the Sultan. Alex, who was nearest, leapt forward, grabbed the man’s wrist and pushed his arm up. The gun went off, but the bullet soared harmlessly over the Sultan’s head. Within seconds, the two aides had disarmed the would-be assassin and had pinned him to the ground.

“That,” sneered the Sultan, “is my ex-project manager — the one I fired recently.” He stepped forward and spat on his face.

“He’s clearly not happy with his new status.”


Two policemen then arrived and pushed their way through the small crowd that had gathered. They had heard the shot from a few streets away and had come running to investigate. They recognised the Sultan and whilst one handcuffed the attacker, the other talked to the Sultan, who explained what had happened. The policeman turned to Alex and shook his hand warmly.

Again, the Sultan translated: “He thanks you for helping to keep the streets of our beloved country free from vermin.” Alex just smiled and nodded. After taking statements from several eye witnesses, the policemen dragged the attacker away.

After the crowd dispersed, the Sultan just stood there looking dazed: “Well, I seem to have lost my appetite for shopping. I suggest that we just return to the car.”

Alex agreed. Once back in the car, they set off again towards the palace and the Sultan turned to Alex: “It appears that I owe you an everlasting debt of gratitude.”

“It was nothing; I merely did what any man in that situation would have done.”

“I don’t agree. Most men would have dived for cover to get out of the line of fire, but you leapt forward, putting your own life in grave danger in order to save mine. My grandfather was once involved in a similar incident, when a man sprang out of the crowd with a dagger. A passer-by intervened and saved his life. So I think it’s only appropriate that I give you the same reward that my grandfather gave to the man who saved his life.”

Alex was intrigued, but wasn’t expecting a reward: “I can assure you, no reward is necessary. I’m just relieved that everything ended well.”

“No, I insist. Following the precedent set by my grandfather, I shall allow you free access to my harem for the duration of your stay, with permission to enjoy any or all of the girls as you think fit.”

Alex was stunned. It took him a few seconds before he could speak again: “But I though no man is ever allowed to even see the harem girls, let alone do anything with them!”

“Yes, normally, that is the case, but this is hardly a normal situation. Had it not been for your rapid and courageous action, I would never be able to enjoy any of my girls ever again. The least I can do, under the circumstances, is to share some of the pleasure that awaits me with you. In any case, I have lost a considerable amount of honour in having to rely on a third party to save my life and when I can fuck my harem girls again after they have been fucked by such a brave and honourable man then I will regain some of that lost esc honour.”

Alex didn’t quite follow the last bit about the Sultan regaining his honour, but it was clear that he would be very offended if Alex turned the proposed reward down.

“Well, if you put it like that, then how can I refuse such a generous offer?”

“Good, good. I will make the arrangements as soon as we arrive.” The Sultan held out his hand and shook Alex’s.

The two men had been so engrossed in their conversation that they hadn’t noticed that the accident had been cleared and that they had been able to drive straight past the site. Minutes later, they arrived at the Sultan’s palace.

* * * * *

The Sultan led Alex to one of the lounges and left an aide to provide him with refreshments, while he went off to the harem to make the arrangements. News of the attempted assassination spread fast round the palace and Alex noticed that everyone was treating him with even more courtesy than on his previous visit. Ten minutes later, the Sultan returned.

“It is all arranged. A bedroom is being prepared for you within the harem instead of in the visitor centre, where you stayed last time.”

“Thank you — that’s fantastic. Erm, so, tell me, how does the harem actually function?”

“Well, it’s like a small village really. There are currently twenty girls. The ones that are unavailable because of the time of the month wear a red bracelet. Also, three girls are always ‘on standby’, just in case I turn up unexpectedly, but normally, I let them know in advance which girl or girls I want, so that they can prepare themselves. There are a dozen eunuchs, who guard the harem and do any heavy manual work and ten older women, known as the elders, who run the harem, preparing food and training the girls etc.”

Alex nodded. “I’ve heard that girls who live together often end up with their monthly cycles in sync. Do you end up with all of them wearing red bracelets at the same time?”

“No they’re all on the pill and the times are staggered to avoid that scenario.”

“Yes, of course. I guess I should have realised that.”

“Also, I don’t want lots of mini-sultans running around the harem. My four wives have provided me with nine of them already, which is more than enough.”

Alex laughed. “And what do the girls do all day, when they’re not, er, entertaining you?”

“It’s not like the old days; most of them have hobbies and some are studying for some qualification or other. Several play musical instruments. They are encouraged to keep fit and enjoy a range of activities within the harem.”

An aide arrived and whispered something in the Sultan’s ear. He thanked him and turned to Alex.

“Your room is ready. Shall we take a tour round the harem?”

Alex was tempted to leap out of his chair, but managed to play it reasonably cool. He followed the Sultan through a maze of corridors and they eventually arrived at a large gold coloured door, guarded by two eunuchs, sporting nasty looking daggers. They stood to attention as the Sultan approached and the Sultan stopped to explain that Alex was to be allowed free passage. The eunuchs opened the door and the two men passed through. On the other side of the door was another corridor with a bend in it, designed to stop prying eyes seeing either in or out. When they rounded the bend, they came to a second half-door with an opening above it. Once again, the Sultan stopped to talk to the guard, who let them through.

Alex was finally inside the harem. It reminded him of a monastery. There was an open central area, with most of it laid out as a garden and all the way round the perimeter was a covered walkway. The Sultan led Alex to the left.

“On this side are all the services that the girls might need: a beauty salon, a library, a hairdresser, a café etc. It’s like a row of shops, but of course, everything is free. If the girls want anything not stocked, then within reason, it is obtained for them.”

They walked past a dozen or so individual ‘shops’ before reaching the corner. Alex looked into the large room there and saw that it was a gym.

They turned the corner and the Sultan pointed to a row of apartments. “This side is where the older women, the elders, who run the harem live. The floor above is where the eunuchs live.” Alex nodded.

They carried on walking until they reached the next corner. At that corner, there was door that led to a small swimming pool.

“Along this side on two floors are the apartments for the harem girls. Behind the apartments is another garden, which the girls’ windows look out onto. I never normally go there.”

The Sultan opened one of the doors and led Alex inside. It smelt heavily of perfume. “Each girl has her own distinctive perfume, that none of the other girls are allowed to use. For example, I know just from the perfume that this is Amanda’s room. To prevent any jealousies, all the rooms are furnished the same.”

Alex looked around. It was a bit like an up-market hotel room, with a door leading to a bathroom near escorts the entrance. But unlike a hotel room, it was clearly someone’s permanent residence. There was a laptop on the desk next to a pile of books, a guitar in the corner and numerous photographs and other personal items.

The two men carried on with their tour. At the next corner, there was a canteen, with kitchens behind it and next to it, another door. “We’ll come back to that room later.”

They moved on. “Ah, yes, this is the room that has been prepared for you.” He opened the door and led Alex in. Alex’s bag was already there waiting for him. “It used to be my room before the more modern suite to the right was built.”

“It’s perfect, thank you.” They moved on again. The Sultan pointed to a large gold coloured door. “You may enter any of the rooms in the harem with exception of the room behind this door. It leads to my personal bedroom, which for obvious reasons is out of bounds to you.”

“Of course.”

They moved on again. “This room here is the Admin Centre. If there’s anything or any particular girl that you want, just ask in here. It’s open 24 hours a day.”

“Thank you.” They were nearly back where they started and everything was starting to make sense apart from one thing. Where were the girls? It was more like a ghost town than a harem.

The Sultan led Alex back to the door next to the canteen. “This door that we passed by earlier, leads to the Assembly Hall.” He opened the door and the two men walked in.

“Wow! Fucking wow!” There, sitting on chairs facing the door were twenty of the most stunning looking girls that Alex had ever set eyes upon. “F-u-c-k-i-n-g W-o-w!”

There were brunettes, blonds, redheads and every other natural colour. All the girls had either long or medium length hair, since the Sultan was not keen on very short hair. Some girls were petite, whilst others had fuller figures, though none were either too thin or too fat. Some girls obviously had larger tits, whilst others had smaller ones that went well with their more petite frames. There were however none with flat chests or ridiculously large tits. The girls were wearing a variety of different clothes.

The three girls ‘on standby’, who were sitting at the front, were beautifully made up and were dressed to show off their figures to the max. Some of the other girls had obviously been in the gym when the call to meet in the Assembly Hall had come through. Others were wearing comfortable and not particularly flattering jodhpurs. But they all had one thing in common: they were all simply stunning. Alex had to drag his eyes off each girl to look at the next one. “Wow!” He was like a deprived child on its first visit to a candy shop.

Behind the girls on the left, sat the elders who ran the harem and on the right were the eunuchs.

The Sultan stepped forward and gave a little speech, summarising the events of the afternoon and explaining why Alex had been allowed into the harem. Word had in fact already got round, so there was nothing new in the Sultan’s speech, but of course, everyone needed to hear it direct from the Sultan’s mouth.

The Sultan looked at his watch and turned to Alex. “We’ve got about an hour and a half before dinner, so would you like to try a couple of the girls before then?”

Jesus Christ! What sort of question was that? Alex gulped and nodded, unable to actually speak. The Sultan grinned; he was enjoying this as much as Alex.

The Sultan turned back to the girls: “Brigit and Fiona.” Two of the ‘on-standby’ girls jumped up and joined Alex and the Sultan.

The blond one, whichever one that was, had chin length hair and ‘come-fuck-me’ eyes. She rubbed a finger up and down Alex’s chest. “Thank you so much for saving the Sultan.” She cocked her head to one side and licked her lips as she looked at him seductively. “You need to be properly rewarded for your bravery and we’re going to make sure that happens.”

Alex gulped. He was in some sort of trance. Fucking hell! She’s incredible, and I’m about to fuck her. And her friend too!

“Take Mr. Alexander to his room and make sure he’s a very happy man by dinner time.”

The two girls each took one of his hands and led him out of the room, watched by the Sultan, who had trouble keeping a straight face. “Don’t forget — you’ve only got an hour and a half.”

* * * * *

Once in Alex’s room, Fiona and Brigit sat him on the bed. They then did a little dance — a part-strip-tease in which only their tops came off. Alex found himself looking at two pairs of perfect tits. The girls skipped over to him and straddled his legs so that his knees were underneath their crotches. Leaning forward, they each rubbed a tit in his face at the same time. Alex found himself turning first to the left, then to the right, enjoying their different perfumes and their soft tits. Heaven, absolute heaven! The girls seemed to be able to synchronise their movements without talking. Alex couldn’t see anything with is face buried between their tits, but suddenly noticed that eskort both girls had taken hold of his wrists. They raised his hands and placed them on their other tits. He started squeezing with both hands. Jesus, what a fabulous thing to do! He was enjoying four tits at once.

They let him fondle their tits for a few minutes and then took hold of his wrists again. This time, they dragged his hands down to the hem of their skirts and up underneath. Neither girl was wearing anything under her skirt. The next thing Alex knew was that he had his fingers buried in two shaved slits. Jesus Christ — it only gets better.

They let him play with them for a bit longer, then pulled away and undressed him. Once he was naked, they stripped too and got on the bed behind him. Both lay on their backs with their legs apart.

“You can decide what happens next.”

He got up and turned to face them. Jesus — what a choice. Which one shall I fuck first? No point debating it: both are equally fantastic. He picked the brunette, Brigit, who was the nearest girl and climbed between her legs, but instead of fucking her, went down on her.

As soon as his tongue hit her clit, she cried out. “Oh, my god, no! I’ve never … Oh, my god, that’s fantastic.” She had completely forgotten all her training and instead of concentrating on maximising the pleasure for the man, as she was supposed to do, she succumbed to the intense pleasure that Alex was giving her. Fiona looked on, worried that he was hurting her, but he didn’t seem to be doing anything that could possible be painful, despite the contorted faces and terrible noises that her friend was making.

Alex lapped away at her clit, until she was pushed into her first ever orgasm. She shuddered and writhed about on the bed, gasping. As her orgasm subsided, he jumped forward and sank his cock deep into her cunt. He pumped hard; thereby bring her back to another peak before emptying his balls into her. Panting, he rolled off to her side.

“Are you all right?” enquired her friend.

“Yes, that was absolutely incredible. I don’t know what came over me. Mr. Alexander, I’m really sorry. I know I should have concentrated on maximising your pleasure, but I just couldn’t. Please don’t tell the Sultan.”

Alex laughed. “Don’t worry. That’s what’s supposed to happen. You had an orgasm, that’s what happened — two of them in fact.”

“I thought only men were supposed to have orgasms.”

“No. The Sultan might not like it when girls come like that, but other men do.”

Fiona no longer looked worried: “I want to try it.”

“Okay, give me a few minutes to recover.”

Twenty minutes later, she experienced exactly the same treatment as Brigit and she reacted in much the same way. Alex had fucked them both and had given them both their first ever orgasms. Once he’d finished, he flopped down between them, with his head resting on first one pair of tits, then the other.

“What time is it?” he suddenly said, remembering that dinner was at 8:00.

“Er, 7:40.”

It was time to get moving. After thanking them both, he got up, showered and dressed then made his way out of the harem. An aide was waiting outside to guide him to the dining room, where the Sultan was already sitting at the table.

“Mr. Alexander, I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

“They were both fantastic — perfect in fact.”

“Yes, Brigit is the newest recruit — very good, but Fiona’s also excellent.”

“Brigit — that’s the brunette?”

“Yes and the blond is Fiona.”

Alex nodded. “Well, they’re both perfect.”

Dinner was served and they continued chatting while they ate. By the time they finished it was almost 9:30.

“Well, I guess I’d better let you get back to the harem. But don’t spend all night trying to fuck all twenty, because we’ve got work to do tomorrow, so you need at least a few hours sleep.”

“I’ve had two already, so there’s only 18 left.”

The Sultan laughed. “You’ve also got several nights to try them all. We’ll meet for breakfast at 8:30. I’ve arranged for a site visit in the morning. It’s some distance from here and we need to leave at about 9:30. So I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Are you not coming to the harem too — to your bedroom?”

“No, I only use that bedroom for the harem girls. My main bedroom is in my private quarters, where my wives live and of course I have a third one that I use for the dancing girls and any female visitors that take my fancy. Tonight, I’ll spend some time with one of my wives — probably my second wife.”

Alex nodded. “Well, okay, I’ll see you in the morning then.”

An aide arrived to lead Alex back to the harem. On the way Alex thought about the girls and what the next one would be like — probably perfect, like the first two, he concluded.

* * * * *

Whilst Alex and the Sultan had been eating, the girls had been talking and Alex was the main topic of conversation. Not only was this man some sort of super warrior, who had single-handedly foiled an armed attack on the Sultan, using just his bare hands, but he also possessed the power to give girls such an intense amount of pleasure that the two girls who had experienced it so far were completely at a loss to adequately describe it.

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