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The SunbatherGod how I love to sunbath in the nude. I know….I know…as a mature BBW Ishould be more concerned about hiding my body…acting age appropriate…settlinginto a more acceptable lifestyle. Hmmmmmm…in who’s eyes do I need thisapproval????Oh…when I go out in public…I am the picture of what is expected of a gal in mysituation. But when I am home….I let my inner sexual being come out. Yes…I lovelike I have never been hurt, I dance like nobody is watching and I run aroundnaked as much as I can. The stories I could tell you about delivery men who havecaught me naked.But the sun is my God, so healing and soothing. And lying in the sun makes me feellike I have just been rejuvenated to this wonderful life. There is a ritual I follow as Iprepare to lay out in the sun, and getting naked is one of them. Watching myselfundress is so sensual…and all the while I am undressing I am listening to music.Depending on my mood it could be the blues or it could be some modern hip hop.Whatever it is, it will bring my sensual self to a wonderful arousal. When I slip offmy bra my nipples will go erect immediately. Lifting them with my hands feels sogood….mmmmmmm…the weight is delicious. Often as I slip my pants off I willslide my fingers between my legs and find that already swelling clit. A few light rubsand I am off to the sun.I never bother with towels when I walk outside to cover up this voluptuous body,well this is how I feel about what I look and feel like anyway. I am comfortable inmy own skin as they say. And the fact that I have a high fence around my yardhelps me feel secure that no one will see me. Well, the fence does have woodenslats and if a curious person wanted to look through, they could. That is half theexcitement of being out there nude….someone could peek through the fence. Iknow….I am so naughty. I love it!!!A tall glass of some cold drink, the cd player and a huge bath towel will go out withme and I will spread the towel on the chaise lounger. Out by the lounger the tablehas all the other paraphernalia that rounds out my time in the sun. There is somelip gloss and those tiny little sunglasses that just cup over your eyes. And thenthere is the suntan oil….mmmmmmmm. It must be oil and hot from the sun. I willleave it outside so it will get all nice and hot. I think half of the excitement I feel, isknowing that the hot oil will be covering my body. That luscious moment when Ipour the oil in my hand and begin to rub it on my skin, there is nothing like it. Andwhat a sight….my skin glistening from the oil…my nipples going hard as I strokemy full breasts…again lifting their weight with both my hands. And…oh the fun Ican have with some naughty fantasies…the parts of my body I would love to havelicked ….or sucked. Even penetrated!!!!I have enjoyed the peace in my yard…not that I am talking about quiet….untilrecently I have had one family next door with several c***dren. Plenty of noise forsure and yet so fun to hear them giggle and laugh and splash in their pool. But Ihave a private and secure yard with my own pool.But the family has moved on and the place has been sold to a sweet older gal….it isso quiet with them gone…she swims frequently though. I have gone over towelcome her to the neighborhood. She is a full size gal…not quite as full asme…but she has very large breasts. Even gives me a tingle to think of touchingthem…whew!!!!!! She is a beautiful woman….dark complexion…gorgeous skin. AndI sense she is still very sensual…it is almost like an aura that surrounds her.Another give away is the sounds I can hear from over the fence. She must entertainmen, as she is usually chatting with a man. And from the sounds of it…she is veryintimate with him. I giggle because he sounds very young, possibly a young collegeboy. I have to admire her spunk…what a grandma. Yes she is a grandma…I havemet her grandson….a very pleasant 18 year old young man. First year in collegeand just finding his way in life. And he must have inherited the genes of sensuality.He appears to be well endowed….and you wonder how I know….well dammit…Ilooked. He wears sakarya escort these very short cut off jeans…and I know it looked like his peniswas about to pop out the leg. This wild imagination kicked in and had me on myknees with my tongue licking up his thigh…seeking to touch the head of his swollenmanhood with my tongue….rutting thru his pant leg to feel his hot thickpenis….ya…he is that thrilling. He comes over a lot…she has mentioned he maycome for the summer and stay with her….that is cruel and unusual punishment tohave him living right next door for the summer. I have no right to think of thisyoung man in this manner…but he makes me wet just telling you about him. I willtry to be good….so I try and leave my mind blank….It is a beautiful day…and so peaceful. My skin is hot to the touch….I have been outin the sun for about a half hour. The suntan oil is still shiny on my body….I love torub my breasts and feel how hard my nipples get with each pass of my now oilyhand and fingers. In fact I will touch most parts of my body to feel that slick suntanoil that has gotten hot. I imagine another’s hands gliding and probing in all the niceplaces. I have envisioned the young man from next door touching my body. Hishands are quite large, hmmmmmmm….large hands. large manhood, yes it istrue…. My god I need to stop thinking like this…I can feel the wetness from mypussy seeping slowly between my thighs and along my butt crack. It feels good tobe so alive… feel that sensual woman become aroused and plain ass horny atjust the thought of this young man.Now I hear something that takes me from my fantasy…damn!!!!!! Hmmmmm…it isthe sweet woman next door out in her pool….she must have just gotten home fromwork. She will usually get in her pool when she gets home….I know the feeling….tocool off some. She likes to hum and will often hum something while out in her yard.I enjoy her sounds…makes me feel very at ease and calm. I have often wonderedwhat her breasts look like naked. They are lovely in her clothing….and they arequite large. And I can’t help but touch my own again….though large….not as ampleas hers. I wonder what they would feel like to lift and cup them???? My other handreaches down between my legs and finds my pubic hair moist from the oil andsweat and arousal. It is a delicious feeling as I rub my swollen clit and caress mybreast. Before long I am pressing into my hand…really wanting to fuck it hard. AndI hear voices again…whew….I am getting close. But I listen to the voices and stopto pay attention….the man is there again….but I can’t help but pull my fingersaway from my wet slit and lick my fingers. Along with the wetness I can smell myaroma….that woman smell….it is intoxicating. Again the voices, they are loudenough for me to hear them well…..he sounds young now that I have no otherdistractions to interfere with the voices. It appears that both are in the watertogether, laughing and goofing around. It must be her grandson with hertoday….that lucky woman. I am sure she would never consider her grandson to beanything more than just that, there to visit and help her with her chores.I drift into another moment of touching myself….my thoughts are now on thisyoung man with a very large penis. No harm in thinking I say. Wondering what hisswim trunks look like…I bet he almost sticks out of either the top or the leg he is solarge. I do not exaggerate his size. For an 18 year old k**, he must be almostconsidered an oddity as large as he is. And now I wonder the size of his ballsack….slender body……long legs as he is quite tall. I think about how many timeshe masturbates…he must absolutely explode with so much sperm. Boy would I loveto get a load of his load…..whew!!!! I bet he squirts jet after jet of thick cum.Ok…now I am really into making myself cum…..I see him standing over me withhis sack hanging in my face and I smell his delicious odors….sucking each largetesticle into my mouth one at a time…..running my hand on his smooth, long tightthighs……Again the voices….but something has changed from the play escort sakarya of earlier. The voicesare more like cooing. Sweet gentle sounds and soft moans from HIM!!!!!!! I sit upfast as the sounds suggest something of a different nature. Maybe I was wrong andit is the man from before. I am assuming it was a man I heard previous….but therewere more sounds in the neighborhood to drown out clear details of who and whatwas being said.This is definitely not a man…this is a young man!!!!!! I strain to listen….leaningtoward her yard and paying attention to every sound. Holy fuck…it is a young manI hear…you can hear the younger voice. Is this sweet grandma into youngermen?????…..hehe. Is it her grandson???? And what is she doing with him?????I keep my music as it was….playing softly….but I am curious about the action nextdoor. Maybe the grandson has a college friend there and they are enjoying the pooland as most young people…..get to touching and feeling and talking dirty to eachother…..yes…that is more likely what is going on. This young man has found thefavor of a college girl who is there enjoying the pool and the young man. That isvery exciting to think about….her playfully brushing against him in thepool……rubbing her breasts on his back. Pretending she is holding his arms tightagainst his body in fun. So I settle back down on the chaise and listen intently tothe two k**s. Youth is wonderful in that the exploring of all things sexual is everpresent. I wonder if he has had a girl before…does he masturbate thinking abouther….letting his man juices spill all over his hands and large ball sack….there I goagain…..thinking of his rather large penis and knowing how wonderful it would beto smell under his balls….press my nose deep into his crouch. Can he possibly be avirgin and this is his first experience with this college friend??? Naw…that is notpossible, but he sure is enjoying this friend of his.More sounds and I can hear her telling him how large he is, she is very sweet in herwords. She asks him if he likes being touched there. I wonder what she justtouched….I could actually hear him suck in air….it must be very exciting for him.He moans deep…and yet that youthful voice is there. She is asking him to touchher “THERE”….where the hell is “THERE”…..I want to know. This is driving mecrazy….knowing he is probably having a nice sexual encounter. I want to see whatis going on. I decide to move my towel a bit closer to the fence against theiryard…..hmmmmmmm….and listen more.I settle on the blanket and realize how wet I am…and allow my thoughts to flow tothe young man and what must be a college friend, just on the other side of thefence. It is with shock that the first real conversation I am hearing tells me a wholedifferent story. I now realize it is my next door neighbor and her grandson who areengaging in this sexual moment.Laying back on the towel, I try to process the situation…but as I try and keep myhead from getting all messed up…..the voices tell me they have done this before. Ino longer have to strain to hear…the voices are clear and every word is legible. Sheis asking him if touching her feels good. He responds with more sound than words.Still in the water, she is touching him on his penis….she is telling him that his penisis very large. She asks him if it okay that she touched him there. Again more of aguttural sound of an answer that told me he is enjoying it very much that she istouching him. She is asking him if he likes to touch his large penis…..again thatsuck of air. She tells him his penis head is so swollen and much larger then mostmen’s. She now asks him to feel her between her legs….he tells her that he is notsure where to touch her. OK…they have not done THIS before.It is at this point I can no longer just sit and listen to them…I have got to see whatshe is doing to this young man and where he is going to touch her. I quietly get upand look for a hole of some kind in the fence…..or a large gap in the slats. It is notlong and I have found just what I was looking for…a rather large gap in the slats.Slowing sakarya escort bayan moving so as not to make any noise….I look through and see if I can viewthis encounter.FUCK…I can see both of them…in the pool….both naked. What I see is more than Iwould have ever imagined…..her breasts are huge and floating on top of thewater…her grandson is in front of her….sitting on the steps into the pool. Hisgorgeous penis is swollen beyond belief….sticking straight out from his body….andgrandma was right. His penis head is enormous….she is touching him there….hiseyes are closed. His head almost tipping back…and she reaches for his hand andguides it below the water and between her legs. He leans forward and listens to herwords…she tells him to be gentle with her now swollen clit….she must be helpinghim feel it because her hand remains with his.My god I am dripping wet….throbbing deep in my pussy….shudders of arousalpulse through me. My own hand finds my swollen bud to be highly sensitive andnear release. This is the most erotic thing I have ever done….peeking at othershaving sex. The beginning of moistness that was earlier wetting my crack….nowspreads along my thighs….mixing with the hot suntan oil….a heavenly feeling. Irub my hand up and down my thighs as I watch this young man fondle hisgrandma’s ample breast with one hand…..and feel the guidance of his grandma’shand stroke her clit with the other. He leans into her shoulder and rests there,savoring every sensual moment. My own arousal is peaking at watch them.She continues to guide him with her hand and before long she has herselfshuddered and sighed very softly….making me think she has cum. It was such asight to see…her grandson leaning against her. He seemed to know that she hadcum….he leaned back and her hand came right up to his swollen member. I havenever seen such a large penis on a young man like this….and he did have a verylarge ball sack as I had suspected.Why I have not cum before now is amazing…but I want to see what happensnext…..I am sure the grandmother is going to stroke him off. The throbbing andpuffy feeling centered between my legs is increasing and causing the need forrelease…but I have to watch her touch him….this is taking me to a level of eroticarousal as I have never felt before.She guides them out of the water….FUCK I hope they stay right where I can seethem. And yes….they stay very close…in fact she has moved them to the chaiseright by the fence where I am standing. I dare not move….the bushes movingmight alert them to my presence. She lies back on the chaise and continues tostroke his penis….still cooing about his size and the large amount of man juice hewill give her. He stands next to her…again his eyes closed…head tilted backsome….I did not think he could get any bigger and yet he grows fuller in herhand….my own hand is now feverishly working my drenched pussy….pumpingdeep into my hand….amazed at the sight I am watching. I know I brush against thebushes and make a rustling sound…and freeze….hoping they have not heard me.The young man does not move or give any indication that he heard my noise. WhenI have determined that all is safe….I know I must bring the release I need from thispressure.As if he has read my mind, the young man now grabs his engorged cock and beginsto pump his shaft….barely able to fit his hand around his own penis. Thrusting deepinto his hand with each stroke….his grandma has now sat up and has placed onehand under his balls and has inserted a finger in his anus… was at this point thatI could no longer maintain any sense of reality and allowed the flood of wave afterwave of delicious contractions of possibly the most intense cum I have everhad….and with that a sound escapes my throat and I look up to see this youngman looking straight at me, squirting jet after jet of hot cum all over hisgrandmothers breasts, maintaining direct eye contact…and as he nears the end ofhis own release….he smiles right at me and his grandmother is again telling himwhat a large load of cum he has given her and rubs his cum on her breasts….hereleases his still throbbing and swollen cock and globs of cum still stream from him.I smile back and turn around….and as I walk away from this beautiful love andtrust….I know I will pay more attention to the sounds from next door…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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