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If you’re not 18 or older please take a look at that red x up in the corner… yes far right corner. Hold your mouse over it until it’s highlighted. Click it and it shall direct you to where you ought to be.

If you’re 18 or older…enjoy the story and if you haven’t yet read the first chapters of the Texter, I suggest reading them before diving into this story. Enjoy 🙂


Across town, a man sat at the kitchen counter drinking a fresh cup of tea. Suddenly, his phone rang out loud and the ringtone caused him to instantly grab it as it was his daughters ringtone. Walking out to the porch where he had better serviced, he pushed to answered.

“Hello?” he said.

“Hi daddy it’s Lisa.” He hadn’t heard her voice in over 4 years and could tell by her tone she was sad.

“Hi honey, what’s wrong?” asked Lisa’s dad

“Can you pick me up after school please?”

“Yeah sure, two o’clock right?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Alright sweetie, I’ll see you at two, love you.

“Love you too daddy.” As the line went dead, he already knew it had to do with his ex-wife.

Two hours and a test on Macbeth, amongst the erupting student body, Lisa exited the school. Behind the line of slanted park buses, Lisa walked on her tipi toes looking for her father. Her eyes soon found a man waving by the flag pole and she instantly bolted for him. Jumping into his grasp, she hugged him tightly.

“There’s my senior girl,” said her dad returning her hug and he could feel her sob. “Now what did your mother do?” Lisa broke his hug and stared at him.

“You were right. She is a slut,” he looked at her oddly. “She fucked my ex-boyfriend in my room.” He racked his jaw not wanting to show any kind of anger.

“I’m sorry sweetie, there’s no reason you should have gone through that. I understand what you’re going through.” He rubbed her shoulder.

“Can I move in with you? I don’t think I can deal with her and her liquor.”

“Yes sweetie you can, is your car at the house?”

“No it’s here, but I left the headlights on, so the batteries dead.”

“Okay, I’ll contact the repair shop and get it towed back to my place.

Once home, Lisa bee lined it to her bedroom and was initially shocked at the fact it was in the same condition she had left it four years ago. Walking over to her bed, she took a seat on it as her father walked in with two cups of tea. Taking a sip of the cup he handed her, she smiled at its warmness. He had taken a seat next to her and gave her a side hug.

“You were always good at making hot tea.” She took another sip of it.

“Indeed, so how has the last four years been?”

“Treacherous really, if only I had believed you when you told me what mom was. Ever since your divorce she’s been a wreck. Drinking every night till she passed out and despite being the loving mother she was here and there, it was heart wrenching.” She looked down into the cup of tea.

“It’s alright sweetie, you were young and to have told you the real reason as to why we divorced wasn’t an easy confession. I just wish I could have been there for you all this time,” he took a look down at the bed as he felt an unknown vibration.

“I think you’re vibrating.” She looked at him.

“Oh it’s my cell phone, if it’s alright I’m going to rest up, it’s been a rough day.” Her dad nodded and kissed her on the forehead as she laid down on her bed. He silently closed the door as her eyes closed instantly.

After a several hours of sleep, Lisa woke up a little weary. Sliding her legs around she sat up and stared out the window and could tell it was night time. The sound of vibration had captured her attention and she stared over at the side bedside table. Her phone sat there and she wondered how it had gotten there, but she picked it up, shrugging. She had received a few texts and she scanned through them. A few were her moms, but she didn’t bother reading them and deleted them. The others were the Texter’s and they read;

“Hey you look a little sad, what’s up? Was that guy you left with your dad? Now you choose to ignore me :(” she smiled at the sad face.

“Sorry, I had a rude awakening when I got home and instead of getting worked up all over again by explaining, I won’t divulge the rude part. That was my dad, yes and no I decided to take a nap which by the looks of how dark it is outside, was a good four hour nap,” she replied and noted another text from her father.

“Hey sweetie you were asleep, but I had to run out and get some stuff, see you when I get home.”

Putting her phone in her pocket, she got off her bed and stretched feeling her body come to life from her slumber. Walking over to the door, she opened it and it was pitch dark in the house. She groaned as she had to pull out a faint memory of where exactly everything was as she walked blindly down the hallway. Her hands searched the walls for a light switch and to no surprise, not one was found. Her hands slid down to the hand rail of the stairs. There was a faint light at the bottom Kolej Escort so she was able to get a slightly better view as she carefully climbed down the stairs. A shadow seemed to move, causing her to gasp, but it moved back to its original spot revealing it was just a tree branch shadow from outside.

Reaching the bottom of the stair case, she stretched her foot out long being sure there was no object in her way before moving forward. Sliding the rest of her body to where her foot was her hand came planted on the wall, still no light switch as she searched it. Around the corner a flickering light caught her attention. Progressing slowly towards it, she held her hands out waving them aimlessly in search of any furniture. The flickering light evolved to reveal a cake. Getting closer she read the inscription on the cake. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY! LISA!”She cocked an eyebrow before the lights suddenly came on and group of people shouted surprise.

Lisa jumped as she looked at the small group of people and found her dad smiling in the front of her. She glared at him and couldn’t hold a straight face for too long before joining in the others in laughter and smiled. She maneuvered around the table and hugged her father.

“Thanks daddy,” cried Lisa of Joy.

“Happy Birthday sweetie,” said her dad as he hugged her back.

They departed from their hug as Lisa was soon embraced in a group hug by her close friends. Alexis, Christy, Sarah, Melissa and several others each gave her single hugs before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Lisa had turned around as everyone urged her to blow out the candles. Pushing her hair behind her ears, she sucked in a deep breath and blew out the candles. Her dad swooped in and took them off the cake. Grabbing a knife, he began to cut it.

Dishing a slice onto the plate, he handed Lisa her piece and began to give out slices to everyone. Every one had gotten their slices and were socializing in their groups. Lisa and her friends were gathered at the dinner table. Lisa had informed them on what had gone down today. They all {showed} signs of concern and anger and gave Lisa encouragement as she {showed} signs of misery. Her phone went off and she picked it up seeing it was a text.

“Oh, okay I’m sorry for what had happened and Happy Birthday! :)” Lisa smiled as her friends looked at her intrigued.

“Thanks ;)” texted Lisa.

“Okay Lisa, who are you texting?” asked Christy

“Just some random person that caught me fingering my self in the bathroom at school[p]” {All} her friends gasped at her sudden confession.

“Lisa!” exclaimed Alexis before lowering her volume. “Girl, what the hell are doing in the bathroom fingering your self?”

“Well, I had walked in on some football jock and cheerleader going at in the stairway. I couldn’t resist trying to relieve my self, but some chick came in the bathroom and ruined the moment for me.”

“So this anonymous Texter, got a name or is it the chick that interrupted your session in the bathroom stall?” asked Christy.

“No, it’s definitely a guy. I can tell by how he texts.”

“So then, are you going to meet up with him or what?” asked Alexis.

“I don’t know, I mean he has definitely brought another side of me out.” She rubbed her neck and her pussy seemed to radiate with excitement of how he turned her into a sex fiend

“Wait, you mean the Lisa on the dance floor and other unspeakable acts side,” said Alexis, noting Lisa’s little rendezvous with her boyfriend.

“Yes, but it was more or less I acted on the thoughts he put in my mind. To be honest I’ve been having my time of life for the past few days, minus the speed bumps.”

“How ’bout you fill us in from the first text as to what you and your obvious stalker have done,” said Alexis.

“Well where do I begin…oh yeah Wednesday is when it started I had….” She began to fill her friends in on what had happened over the course of the past few days. During her story the people who had come wished her a final happy birthday before departing. Her friends listened in closely as she gave explicit details of her session with George in the basement, her thoughts on dance floor and events from the previous day.

Alexis seemed a little relieved that indeed Lisa had confirmed Trevor’s story and was happy the fact it was Lisa and not some other skank. Christy had blushed at the mention of her erotic scene with her trainer and laughed with the others at Lisa’s claim of being worn out from watching Christy’s intense fuck.

“The funny part of that is Lisa thought we were done with her lesson, even though we had just completed the “warm-ups”.” Everyone laughed causing Lisa to blush as well.

“I can believe that would be considered your “warm-up” for exercise Christy.” laughed Alexis. Lisa continued on to the scene at the garage and Alexis showed signs of concern, but Lisa had placed her hand on Alexis’s hand to show she had forgiven her. Lisa’s dad came over and hugged her from behind.

“Well how Rus Escort was your birthday sweetie?” asked her dad.

“It was the best one in four years, my friends are here and I finally was able to have you here with me,” smiled Lisa as her father broke his hug. “Though how did you get all my friends here?” She turned to face him.

“Simple, I snuck back into your room and slipped your cell phone out of your back pocket. Found the names I remembered from four years ago and mass text them to come here…”

“…and the rest was easy to do once we found out what was going on,” said Alexis as she hugged Lisa once more.

“I hate to break it, but factory called me and need me to manage tonight,” said Lisa’s dad as he grabbed the paper plates and tossed them in the trash.

“Really?” Exclaimed Lisa as she watched her dad come back in with a bag of trash.

“Yes sweetie, the overnight manager called in sick, so I’m the call in guy. Don’t worry. I promise I don’t work tomorrow and if your friends are up to it, we could go for a trip to the beach?” Everyone’s head popped up at the word beach and nodded vigorously. “By the looks of the nodding heads seems that sounds like a good idea.

“Okay, I think that’s a fair proposal.” Lisa stood up and gave her dad one more hug. “Thanks for all that you did today, it means a lot.”

“You’re welcome sweetie. It’s what dads are meant for. I’ll see you in the morning.” He kissed her on the forehead before leaving out the front door as her friends got up from the table to join her.

“I think we all need to get home and pack up for tomorrow’s beach trip.” Said Christy and Lisa nodded as each friend gave her a goodbye hug and birthday wish. Standing in the living room by her self she walked towards the back of the house as her cell phone went off. Pulling out her phone she opened up the text from the Texter.

“It’s what I do,” said the Texter and Lisa slid the sliding door open and walked out onto the back deck.

Taking a seat on the swinging chair, she looked up at the moon. She smiled as its fullness warmed her up a bit inside. For once she felt so relaxed and rested her head. Outside it was a nice and cool with a slight wind. She was happy that her father and her were able to reunite for the first time in a long time and was eager for the beach trip. She started to feel sleep coming on when her phone rang. Picking it up to her ear, she answered it.

“Hello?” said Lisa.

“Beautiful night isn’t it?” came the calm voice of the Texter and Lisa’s body sent pleasure waves through her body.

“For a stalker, you sure have a nice voice.”

“I get that a lot, it’s just one of my natural gifts. So how was your birthday bash?”

“It was… how did you know I had a birthday bash?” Lisa sat up in the swing.

“Because I was there,” she gulped as she couldn’t believe what she just heard. “I even said happy birthday to you personally.”

“I would of noticed your voice if you did, you’re lying.” She stood up and walked to the railing of the porch.

“You were so busy talking to your friends, you didn’t even notice my goodbye.” His voice echoed as she listened.

“I apologize for my ignorance. It would have been nice to see who has been sparking my madness this past few days.”

“Well you have your chance…” The phone went dead as she heard foot steps behind her. “I thought this would be a perfect time to introduce my self.” She hung up her phone as his voice grew closer behind her. She turned to face him and the shadow of the tree kept his face hidden.

“Who are you?” She pressed her self against the railing afraid a little.

“You have to be kidding me you don’t recognize my voice?” His voice did seem to strike a familiar tone.

“Vaguely,” her heart raced as he stepped out of the shadow and her eyes grew wide. “Jason?” He smiled at her excitement as she jumped onto him.

Her arms wrapped around him as she embraced him with a hug. Jason lifted her up in bear hug as the two had done so before he left. He swung her around and set her down on her feet. Her smile was priceless as this truly had been her best birthday in many years.

“So when did you get back?” asked Lisa.

“A couple of weeks ago, sorry I didn’t let you know. I figured I remain hidden till your birthday.”

“I really missed you when you left with your dad.” She stepped closer.

“For me to say I missed you would be an understatement. The minute I found the money and time, I told my dad I was going back and at first he was sad, but realize that the divorce did more to me than to him,” he closed the remainder of the gap between them. “Yes I truly did miss you and wish I’d never left.” He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. Lisa felt what ever stress was left over escape her body and be replaced with excitement.

“Wow,” whispered Lisa as he leaned back. “You still have them lips.” Her lips curled into a smile as she opened her eyes and could feel his eyes studying her. Without Yenimahalle Escort needing him to speak, she did a once around slowly allowing him to take her body in.

“Your body sure is still godly.” His hands reached out and grabbed onto her side. Gently he caressed her sides and spun her till her back was against him.

“Do you still love me?” Jason smiled at her as she stared up at the stars.

“Baby, I’ve always loved you and never stopped.” His arms wrapped around in hug and she smiled. “I miss those nights when we stared at them stars till we fell asleep in one another arms.

“So is that my birthday present that I’m feeling against my back?” She smiled as an obvious hard on was pressed firmly against he back.

“Well, why don’t you unwrap it and see.” He stepped back allowing her to turn and face him.

“I’d be flattered, but how about we take this unwrapping into….my bedroom.” A curled smile spread across her face as she began to walk towards the door with him smirking in return.

He had found himself being pulled by her hand into the house. They slithered through the house with excitement at a boil. Climbing the stairs in quick haste, they found them selves bursting through her bedroom door. Now embraced in a kissing session the two blindly maneuvered over to her bed. Both gasped for air as they intensified their make out session and discarded their clothing in a heap at the door. She had dropped to her knees and grasped his cock.

“My, my what do we have here?” She playfully smacked it against her cheek leaving a spot of pre-cum on her cheek. She dragged the speck of cum with her free hand and let out a crying moan as she tasted his sweet cum. “Mmmhhh, so sweet and probably the best birthday present I could ask for,” she brought his head to her slips and began to engulf it in her mouth.

Jason quivered as her mouth went to work on his member. Her eyes watched him as she bobbed up and down on his cock. With her hand in unison she worked her mouth like a wrench on a nut, swiveling back and forth in rapid and slow processions causing him to grunt in approval. His cock grew bigger in her mouth. Popping her mouth off his cock, she continued pumping her fist up and down his shaft.

“You like how I work your cock?” asked Lisa and all Jason could do was moan in approval.

Standing up on her knees, she placed his cock between her breasts and began to titty fuck him. Both moaned in unison as his slick cock rubbed between her breasts. Each time his head would come out from between her breasts she would give it a quick lick with her tongue.

“Oh yeah!” moaned Lisa. “That cock feels so good between my tits. Mmmhhh.”

Bending her back against her bed, Jason increased the velocity of his cock between her tits and fucked them hard. With each thrust the compression from this thrust would cause her to gasp. His movements became less powerful as her face turned blue. Lisa breathed heavily as she was able to breath. Stepping back, Jason allowed her to stand up. Jason closed the gap between them and embraced her in kiss as he picked her up by her ass.

Laying her on her bed, he dropped to his knees between her legs. Scooting her closer to the edge of the bed he leaned down and began to kiss in the inner side of her thigh. Working his way up he came to her clit and playfully flicked it with his tongue causing her to moan and lay back as he edged closer to her pussy. Her back arched as he began to eat her out. With both a finger and his tongue he fucked her pussy. Her juices already flowing as his tongue was replaced by two other fingers and watched intently as her body spasmed from the attack.

“Fuck!…..Oh god….finger that fucking pussy!” Jason smirked at her over the top remarks. His free hand carefully kept his cock up as he toyed with her pussy. His fingers pumping action increased, sending shock waves across her body. Lisa’s hands gripped the covers as she felt a rising orgasm and noticing what as coming next, Jason returned his mouth to her pussy and increased the assault with just his tongue. One of her hands grasped his head smashing it harder against her. Her breathing eradicated as her orgasm was on the brink.

“Don’t stop Jason, I’m almost….oh fuck!” A few more dips of his tongue and he was treated with the sweet nectar of her orgasm. She spasmed harder as her orgasm rocked her body.

It had been a very long time since she had had an intense orgasm like this one. Pulses of pleasure caressed her entire body making her ache for touch. The juices seem to stop flowing as her spasms toned down. Sliding up her body, he embraced her in a kiss and she moaned in approval at her sweet taste. His cock rubbed up against her pussy lips and she moaned in approval between their kissing.

“So do you want to fuck me?” said Lisa after breaking their kiss.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” Quickly, they adjusted until they were both fully on the bed.

Adjusting himself between her legs he took grasp of his cock and aimed it for her entrance. Taking a deep breath, he slowly entered her and she gasped as his cock slid into her. Her walls clamped onto his cock pulling him deeper into her. Both moaned in unison as pleasure riddled their body. Gently he began to fuck her in and out, fighting the grip of her walls. With each pump her resistance lessened and the more she moaned.

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