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The rain had come out of nowhere.

Jenny was on one of her regular long distance jogs – this time she had chosen a remote old logger’s road high up in the mountains. The sun had been high in blue sky as she had parked at the foot of the hills and took off, but an hour later dark clouds had rolled in and the sky had opened up. In that hour Jenny had managed to jog quite a few miles as she was a long distance runner, practicing for her very first Iron Man marathon. Being 22 she had the perfect body for it as she was very lean as well as fit, her slightly above average height giving her a nice long stride. Her breasts were ample size, not too big to drag her down but big enough to get the attention of passerby’s when she’d go out for a jog with just a sports bra on.

Seeing as she went up in the mountains this time Jenny had decided to wear skintight breathable pants with a matching snug runner’s long sleeve moisture wicking t-shirt – she didn’t want to end up with bug bites all over her since she was up in the trees. A small pair of panties – not quite thongs but not granny underwear either – were just visible underneath the black pants, the outline of the underwear visible to those who got close enough. Jenny didn’t like to wear underwear when she ran as the cotton fabric was not conducive to runs like these, but she could never quite bring herself to go full commando, so instead she just wore the smallest pair that would still be comfortable while giving her full motion. A sports bra was of course necessary to keep the girls at bay – even if no one was around in this remote place, she didn’t need them bouncing around for 30 miles.

As the rain started to come down in torrents Jenny began to panic as she ceased running. She was near the top of the mountain at this point, and visibility was getting low.

Do I even know how to get back in the dark? She worried as she started backtracking her way back down. She had slapped a GPS watch onto her wrist, but the storm was interfering with the signal and was little use to her now. Already soaked to the bone she plodded on the now mud road until she came to a fork where the road split sharply to the left and right, both stretching off into the darkness.

Crap – I don’t remember this before. Which one should I take?

Picking the right path Jenny continued on her way – although in reality she had come up the left earlier that day and was now headed unknowingly in the wrong direction. Her wet clothes clung to her as she marched on, and after a while she could feel the onset of hypothermia starting to kick in. She began to wonder if she would survive the night when off in the distance she could barely make out artificial light cutting through the storm.

Oh my god! A house!

With renewed vigor the wet and cold 22 year old ran over towards the house. The closer she got she soon realized it was nothing more than a small rustic cabin – but that still had to be better than outside. Standing on the front porch Jenny pounded on the door, water pooling at her feet. A few moments later the door opened to reveal a very skeptical older man. From the looks of him he was in his late fifties, although Jenny had to admit that for a man his age he kept himself in really good shape, most likely due to the fact that he lived out in the middle of nowhere.

“Hi… can I help you? Oh my gosh, you are soaked. Here, come inside – what were you doing out here?”

As the man – who upon further review in the lamp light Jenny realized was like the epitome of a Lumberjack replete with a plaid flannel shirt and bulging arm muscles – led the shivering girl inside she explained why she was up in the mountains. Inside the house she looked around and quickly realized it was all just one room – the kitchen was just a little table with a counter shoved in the corner, a wood burning stove right next to it. Against the far wall a small fire was going, and in the middle of the room sat a rather large bed. Off in the last corner was placed a large copper basin. Jenny immediately felt warmer once inside, thanking the man for his help. The older man eyed Jenny over warily.

“You look like you are going through the first stages of hypothermia, you need to get out of those wet clothes and into a hot bath. Go stand over by the fire for now, I’ll get everything set up.”

Teeth clacking Esenyurt Escort Jenny made her way to the fire, too cold to think about how there was no visible bathroom in sight as she watched the strong looking man go over to the wall and grabbed a rain jacket off a hook. Retrieving a bucket he headed outside, only to return a few moments later with the bucket full of water.

“I’ve got a well outside – only way to get water out here – well of course other than the way you found.”

Dumping the bucket in the copper basin the man went back outside, repeating the motion until the basin was nearly full. Taking off the rain coat the man then walked over to the fire where Jenny stood still shuddering uncontrollably, plucking coals out of the base of the pit with some tongs; taking them he placed them in a small container underneath the basin.

“This is how you get warm water too, everything’s very rudimentary up here, I’m afraid.”

Starting to feel a little warmer but still in shock from the cold, Jenny managed to smile.

“I’ll take anything right now. Thanks for your help. I never got your name? I’m Jenny, by the way.”

The man walked over and outstretched one hand, his other one placing the tongs back on the rack by the fireplace.

“It’s Richard. And I’m just glad you managed to find me.”

Looking around Richard grabbed the sheet off the bed and went about fastening it up to the ceiling with thumbtacks so that it was in between the bed and the bathtub.

“Alright, in you go. Go ahead and take those clothes off and I’ll get them drying by the fire. I’ll see what I can scrounge up for clothes – I think I may still have something from my wife up here.”

Suddenly Jenny felt very nervous as she came to realize that the very exposed copper basin was going to in fact be where she bathed.

“You want me to strip in here with you – but there’s no walls!”

A pained look crossed Richard’s face.

“I’m sorry – I’ve only got one room. You can’t wear what you have on though. If you want, I can go wait outside – I’ve got my rain jacket.”

Jenny blushed at the thought of a mere sheet hiding her lithe body from this complete stranger, but she quickly rejected his offer.

“No, no – this is your house. It’s just kind of weird to me, but I’ll manage. You’ve been so kind, I really appreciate it.”

Slipping behind the sheet Jenny peeled off her long sleeve shirt, her wet sports bra sticking tightly to her. Looking around the room, she sighed with anticipation before slipping her bra off as well, her firm tits now exposed to the room. Glancing behind her she made sure Richard wasn’t peeking behind the sheet before wiggling out of her pants; now standing completely naked in the cabin. Her nipples were erect from the cold, almost too sensitive to touch.

Well, maybe not just the cold, Jenny thought as she quickly slipped into the copper basin. The thought of being naked in a stranger’s house was slightly invigorating to her, although she wasn’t sure why. The water was nice and warm to the touch, and a moan escaped her lips as she sank into the water. She was slightly embarrassed that Richard heard it.

“Feels good in there, doesn’t it?”

“It sure does – this is so nice of you Richard, thanks. So did I hear you say you have a wife?”

There was a pause from the other side of the sheet as Jenny’s body began to recover from the cold. For a reason she couldn’t identify Jenny was almost wishing he was going to say no.

“I… did. She passed away a few years ago though.”

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’ve come to terms with it, well almost. That’s why I live up here now, just spending all my days in solitude. We used to come up here together – it was our thing- so I relish spending time here. Oh! I found something.”

An article of clothing was plopped just inside the sheet area, landing next to the tub.

“My wife was quite a bit shorter than you, so sorry about the length. Go ahead and place your clothes under the sheet and I will get them drying.”

Sliding her soaked clothes under the sheet Jenny grabbed the item of clothing that had been placed for her to wear. A small gasp escaped her lips.

I’m supposed to wear this?

It appeared to be an old teddy of sorts. Holding it up Jenny saw that Beylikdüzü Escort it was much too short for her, and it must have been fairly old as the fabric was nearly threadbare, basically see through. Richard’s voice came back through the sheet.

“So your clothes are drying – sorry I don’t have a towel, you’ll have to air dry – it’s not something I usually bother myself with, being all alone up here and all.”

Jenny wanted to ask Richard for some other clothes, even something of his own which would definitely cover her up completely as he had a much larger frame than her due to his muscles, but as she stood up in the tub to begin to air dry, she looked her glistening naked body over and thought about what the older man had just told her.

He seems so lonely up here. It must be so sad for him with his wife gone. And he basically saved my life -what’s the harm in giving him a little show for it? I’m sure he’ll enjoy it – hell he probably hasn’t had an erection in years.

The thought made her slightly giddy with excitement, as she had never done anything like this before. Hell, she had only been with one other man once, and he was her own age and it had been a very quick and disappointing experience several years ago, so she was looking forward to having someone ogle and appreciate her hard worked on body again.

Dry enough now she grabbed the teddy and slipped it on over her.

Oh my god, this doesn’t cover anything – you can see my nipples basically right through this!

Looking down she found her pussy barely covered – if she so much as put her arms above her head she would be totally exposed. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out the bath tub. Her nipples became even more visible as they became hard from excitement.

Here goes nothing, she thought as she stepped out from behind the sheet.

“Oh man, that bath was wonderful, thank you Richard. So what do you think – do I do your wife’s clothes justice?”

Richard looked up from the fireplace, his jaw visibly dropping. Jenny was pretty sure she also saw a twitch in his pants as well.

“Oh my god – I didn’t know that’s what it was! I’m so sorry, here let me grab you something else.”

Jenny reached out and gently grabbed his arm.

“No – its, it’s okay – I kind of like it.”

Pulse quickening, Jenny decided to take it one level further, amazed that she had even been able to take it this far already. Finding her soaked panties still sitting on the floor, Jenny bent over and picked them up, fully exposing her bare ass to the older man.

“Here, you forgot these.”

Richard visibly shook himself as he was caught clearly checking out the half-his-age younger girl’s ass.

“Oh, uhm sorry, let me hang those up – you sure you don’t want any extra clothes?”

Her pussy now getting moist from excitement Jenny surprised even herself as she plowed forward with her sexual prowess, knowing everything she was doing was giving the man a ride. She could see a definite bulge in his pants now.

“Oh no, I’m very comfortable. So when was the last time you had a woman in here Richard?”

Staring at her tits Richard was caught off guard as the wet panties were momentarily forgotten in his hand. Snapping out of it he grabbed a clothes hanger and added them to the other pile of drying clothes, his face now visibly red.

“Oh, uhm, well my wife passed away five years ago, so not since then.”

Jenny smiled in a slightly seductive manner. Deciding she would take things at least one step further, the 22 year old casually stretched her arms above her head, fully exposing her fully shaved pussy. Richard nearly buckled over with excitement.

“I’m so cramped up, I feel like I need to stretch – ooops! Sorry, I just exposed myself to you! But I bet you don’t mind, do you? It’s probably been so long since you’ve seen such parts of a woman, it’s kind of refreshing, right? Do mine look okay to you?”

Richard sat down on the bed heavily in an attempt to hide his giant erection, groping blindly for words.

“Err yes, it looks good. Very good. You are a… very attractive young woman.”

Not planning on taking things even this far Jenny found herself going even further, her sexual desires taking over now. Keeping her arms above her head she sauntered over to where Richard sat.

“Well Avcılar Escort you’ve been so kind to me, I thought maybe I could repay the favor. I figured it’s been so long since you’ve seen a naked woman you’d like the opportunity.”

Grabbing the ends of the teddy she paused playfully.

“Am I wrong?”

Richard merely shook his head. Taking the cue, Jenny pulled the shift over her head, now fully naked in front of the fifty something year old stranger. Taking one final step, she sat down on his lap, his raging erection now pressed up against her ass beneath the jeans. Pulling her supple breasts up to his face she whispered, “it’s okay, you can touch anything you want.”

At first Richard just stood there. But ever so slowly his hand came up and started to massage her right breast, his thumb going back and forth across her hardened nipple.

“That’s it, keep going.”

Working up his courage the older man used both hand to caress Jenny’s petite figure, his callused fingers rubbing her body up and down as he explored the young girl’s ample figure. Shifting her weight, Jenny’s hand moved down to Richard’s belt.

“Let’s say we free this beast, eh? I think he’s dying to come out and play.”

As she undid his belt Jenny wondered how far she was willing to go.

This was supposed to just be a simple show and tell thing here, but now I’m pulling out his cock? Oh well, I’ll just play with him a little longer, maybe give him a hand job. There’s no harm in that – the guy hasn’t had a female touch his dick for five years, he deserves this!

Dedicated to her role Jenny stood up and in one fluid motion pulled Richards pants and boxers off of him, exposing his giant cock.

“Oh my god Richard – you have a giant cock!”

Richard looked at her sheepishly.

“That’s what my wife used to say, but I just thought she was being nice.”

Taking the massive dick in her hands Jenny kneeled in front of him and went to work on it. A few strokes in and she couldn’t resist as she bent over and kissed the throbbing member on the tip.

“Did you like that?”

A nod was all Richard could muster, his eyes taking in the young naked beauty at his lap.

Opening wide Jenny wrapped her mouth around the giant cock, quickly going to town on the large member and taking in as much as her mouth could hold. A groaning Richard told her she was doing a good job. As Richard’s groans got louder she suddenly realized he was close to cumming.

“Oh no you don’t you old man, you’re not going to finish like that.”

Without thinking it all the way through Jenny got too caught up in the moment and jumped up into Richard’s lap, her legs straddling his own. Lowering herself in a haze of lust she grabbed his throbbing cock with one hand and guided it up to her now super moist pussy. Not giving it a second thought she plunged the cock into her vagina, feeling her lips stretch out to take in his massive size.

“Oh my god Richard, you’re dick is so huge – it’s nearly too big for my pussy!” She screamed as she lowered herself even further down his member, feeling her vagina stretch with every small motion. Finally making it to the bottom of his shaft she now knew she could handle him so she began to slowly pump up and down on his cock, her own pussy now throbbing with enjoyment.

“Oh fuck me Richard – yes, yes! Oh my god yes!”

Fully involved now Richard grabbed Jenny’s hips with his massive hands, furiously pumping the 22 year old’s lithe body onto his cock, his muscular arms now taking complete control of the tiny girl on top of him. Jenny screamed out in ecstasy as her pussy was endlessly pummeled.

“Oh, oh, I think I’m going to finish…” Richard warned Jenny a few moments later as he continued to fuck her vigorously, her small frame bouncing up and down on top of him.

“Yes, do it, I’m close to – but don’t you dare pull out of me Richard, fuck me hard all the way through!”

Richard groaned heavily as his warm load came gushing out of his spent cock, filling Jenny’s pussy up.

“OH MY GOD YES!” yelled a jubilant Jenny as her own climax came around, her pussy lips gripping tightly to Richard’s cock as they pulsed in near harmony.

Riding out her climax she waited till the feeling completely faded away before slipping off his spent erection and laying down on the bed next to him.

“You know,” she purred as she stretched out across the bed to stroke the older man’s withering dick – buck naked in a complete stranger’s house who had just fucked her like she had never been fucked before – “I think I’m going to have to wait this storm out at least until morning…”

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