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The Wife Next Door: Part II I was a bundle of nerves all night and had to masturbate twice to relieve the excitement. Even then I had a hard time sleeping. The next morning dragged on and on and I went through my closet several times to select my clothes for the shopping trip. I was so nervous. Finally Pim arrived at my door in a stunning lavender sundress, sexy sandals, with no make up and her hair pulled back with a headband. She looked 21, not 30, with flawless smooth tanned skin! What a beautiful face, sparkling eyes. Pim really was smiling and looked so happy. “Ready to go and hit the shops?” she asked. I walked towards her and her eyes sparkled and she was smiling. There is nothing like a smile and happiness to make a woman glow and look beautiful. I was enthralled by the effect and my knees went weak. “Well, well, you do look like a handsome young man.” Pim remarked. I had on a pair of tan slacks and loafers with a nice crisp white linen shirt. She said, “Let’s take my SL Mercedes. All young men like nice cars.” At the mall Pim looked in a number of shops. When we walked she leaned in and held my arm and I could smell her perfume and feel her silky hair against my arm. She said, “I hope you don’t mind, but if you’re my date tomorrow we need to look like we belong together so a little practice will help don’t you think.” I smiled and Pim leaned in and gave me a hug. Good thing I had picked some slacks with an ample amount of space up front to accommodate my engorged prick. Finally Pim selected some clothes, a short black pleated mini skirt and a sheer black almost see-through blouse. To this Pim added a pair of black thin strap heels with little Rhine stone diamond features. Pim looked at me, “What do you think? Too young looking for me??” I looked at the outfit she had selected and said, “Try it on first and let’s see.” So Pim went into the changing room and about 10 minutes later came out looking like a vision from one of my teenage dreams. The pleated mini skirt fit perfectly and was just long enough to look sexy, but not trashy. Pim tied the blouse just above the mini skirt waist band revealing maybe one inch of flat and firm midriff and with the heals she looked like her legs went on forever rising up to her perfect rounded ass. With the headband and her long straight silky hair she absolutely did not look 30!! “So, what do you think?” she asked. “Perfect” I replied, “You look perfect!” Pim looked at me skeptically. “OK, but do I look hot? Would you really take me on a date or would you just do it because it’s a favor for the divorcee single mother next door?” I looked back into her sparkling eyes and I could see she was having so much fun. “Really? If I saw you in a club I would be too nervous to even ask you to dance. You look absolutely too hot for me!” Pim laughed at that and said, “That’s good enough for me Rob. Let’s buy the outfit since it’s as hot as you claim.” As we walked back through the mall towards the car we passed Victoria’s Secret. Pim stopped, put her hand up by my face and said softly, “You have been too sweet and patient. My husband would never shop with me like this. But I just don’t think my outfit is quite complete yet. You need to be a little more patient and go get a Starbucks while I do a little more shopping, OK? I call you when I’m finished.” With that Pim giggled and leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips right in the middle of the shopping mall and gently pushed me away towards the Starbucks. I was slightly confused and dazzled by the public kiss, but went to get a coffee. Almost an hour later Pim called me and I met her by the exit for the car. She had a large bag from Victoria’s Secret, but she gave no hint of what was in it and kept grinning and seemed very happy with her purchase. When we got home I walked Pim to her door. She looked at me and smiled. She said, “Tomorrow I don’t want you to be nervous. I have my six closest girlfriends coming with bayan escort beylikdüzü their dates. We have a private room at the club and we’ll have some cool dancing.” I said, “Great, see you tomorrow.” And as I turned Pim frowned and looked disappointed. “Is this how you treat your dates?” she asked. I no doubt looked confused and I wondered what I had done wrong. “Rob, if you end such a wonderful day and don’t give your date a kiss then she is really going to feel you are not attracted to her. Are you not attracted to me?” I started to blush and stutter. “Come here you silly boy and give me a kiss….I had such a good time. You were a lot of help picking out the perfect birthday outfit.” I leaned in to give Pim a light peck on the cheek. Pim took her left hand and shifted my face so our lips met. Unlike her previous kisses this time she pressed her soft lips firmly against mine and I thought I could detect just the slightest brush of her tongue. My cock tingled and hardened immediately. The whole day of brushing up against Pim’s body, having her hang on my arm, watching her pose in her new black pleated mini skirt had driven me wild. Pim put her arm behind the small of my back and pulled her body against mine. With only her paper-thin lavender sun dress between us I could feel her petite firm body. Pim’s hard little nipples were pressing against my chest and her perfume wafted up to my nose and made my head spin. As Pim released me I’m sure I looked completely dazed. “Tomorrow, don’t worry Rob, it won’t be a disappointment.” I went home and up to my bedroom to have a release. It wasn’t what I wanted. It wasn’t what I needed. I wanted Pim’s body. I wanted the real Pim! I wanted to enter her pussy for real, but I knew that making love to her was just a dream, still a teenage fantasy. Pim needed me as a date and she was a little lonely on her birthday, but I had no illusion that it would go further than that. As a 23 year-old guy with a pulsing, throbbing, dick the only thing you can do is close your eyes and keep her vision in your head and masturbate until the release comes. I was still up at 11:00 pm trying to work on my engineering project and not think about Pim when the phone rang. It was Pim. “Rob, it’s late and I see your light’s still on. Get to bed; you will need all your energy for tomorrow. Sweet dreams.” Well, of course that got my stupid brain to re-live the entire day: Pim’s lavender sun dress, the smell of her perfume, her hair and our kiss. All of this resulted in another erection that simply wouldn’t go away. The next day I was a bundle of nerves until the evening came. Pim called at 5:00 and said “Let’s head out at around 7:00, ok? Come over and we’ll take my car. You drive since I’m your date.” I had on my nicest black slacks and sport coat and very expensive black shoes. I went over to Pim’s house and her door was open. I went into the front room and called out for her. “I’ll be down in a second.” She called from up-stairs. A few minutes later Pim came walking down the stairs slowly. What can I say? She was stunning. Yes, she was wearing the black pleated mini skirt and the black blouse that we had purchased. To this Pim had added black stockings with an intricate diamond pattern and a garter belt showing just at the hemline. Under the sheer black see-through blouse was a black push up bra that was super fine and sheer and showed the exact outline of her perfectly pert breasts. The effect was luminous so that these perfect breasts just floated in mid-air behind this light curtain of black see-through silk. Pim’s black heels had little Rhine stones that sparkled and drew attention to her perfect long and slim feet and the heels added a just right two and a half inches to her height. Pim didn’t require any make up and had just a hint of lip gloss and blush to highlight her perfect skin. In her ears Pim was wearing diamond stud earrings that escort bayan beylikdüzü also sparkled against her luxurious black hair. Pim had curled her hair in large rolling curls and a thin Rhine stone headband pulled it away from her face. The whole outfit had an effect of making her look younger and sexier than I had ever seen her. Around her neck Pim wore a half-inch wide black silk choker with a tiny silver heart in the center of her throat. Pim looked hot, hot, hot! To me it looked like it could be Pim’s 18th birthday, not her 30th. At the bottom of the stairs Pim did a little pirouette for effect, struck a pose and looked me in the eyes and said, “So, what do you think? Still up for a date with this divorcee young man?” I was speechless, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. She laughed. “Well, you picked the outfit, what do you think?” I just gaped at her and I’m sure I looked like a confused puppy dog. “You’re beautiful!” was all I could say. Pim laughed and her eyes sparkled. I pulled out my little pink box with silver ribbon and said, “Pim, I bought you a little present. It isn’t much, but I hope you like it. Happy Birthday!” It was a very delicate silver bracelet from Tiffanys with a small heart and key. Pim opened it and then jumped forward, put her arms around me and gave me a warm kiss. Putting on the bracelet on Pim looked at me and said, “You’re learning young man. Very romantic! A heart and a key, a perfect gift for your date on her birthday. You will be rewarded later I promise you.” Pim smiled at me mischievously and she laughed and put her left hand on my arm with a little squeeze. “Let’s go.” We drove to the club, which was the most expensive club in town. I had never been because it was really for an older crowd and out of my price bracket. Pim’s friend Julie was a PR manager and did the PR for the club so she got the large private room complimentary for the night. Pim let me drive the Merc and we pulled up for valet parking and she let me get out and open the door for her. I held Pim’s hand and she stood up next to me holding herself close into my arm. She whispered into my ear, “Rob, you are a true gentleman. It has been so long since I was treated like this. You have earned some more reward points with your gentlemanly behavior. I’ll be sure to reciprocate you when I give you your gift later tonight.” I’m sure I was smiling like I had won the lottery. Pim was really building my confidence as I headed in to meet her friends. I looked at Pim, “It’s your birthday.” I said, “You don’t need to give me anything. Coming on this date is like a dream come true for me.” Pim laughed, but she was beaming and smiling, “You’re just saying that, but anyways, I have a special gift for you at home later so I hope you like it.” We smiled at each other as we entered the club and were ushered through the VIP side door. In the private room the lighting was subdued which only made Pim look more alluring in her black outfit. I met Pim’s friend Julie who was from Hong Kong and was around 35 or so. Julie looked really slim and sexy. Taylor was her PR friend and she was the total California blond, tall, slim, with blue eyes and I would say she was around 30 years old. Judy was Korean and if Pim had any competition in the “hotness” sweepstakes then it was Judy. She was tall, slim and was wearing black tights and a sheer white top with a white bustier underneath. If I wasn’t with Pim then Judy would be the one I would hit on. Judy was also the youngest of the bunch, maybe around 25 or 26. Angie was a brunette from Seattle who worked for the Four Season Hotel and looked around 35, but trim and sexy, with larger breast than the others, probably 36C’s and nice curves around the hips. Cindy was around 30 and had met Pim through the health club where they did hot yoga together. Cindy had light brunette hair with highlights and nice 34B breasts that were certainly almost kayaşehir escort as perky as Pim’s. Cindy was wearing a very expensive looking pair of dress shorts and super sexy sandals. Her long tanned legs were stunning as were her perky breast that were shown to great effect by her skin-tight top. Pim whispered to me that Cindy was totally flexible from her advanced yoga and that she was a serial dater who went through guys at a rapid rate. Pim giggled and whispered in my ear, “Cindy has a very high sex drive, so watch out, I don’t want to find out you have been kidnapped at the end of the evening. She might try to take you home.” We laughed together while I admired Cindy’s athletic and lithe body. My mind couldn’t help wondering how flexible Cindy was causing my already stimulated cock to get just a little more engorged. Kathy was the last one I met. She was a tall slim blond originally from New Zealand who was taking business courses and trying to get a job at Oracle in software marketing. Kathy had a beautifully shaped butt and nice firm breasts and the cutest accent when she talked. She had met Cindy at a cooking class, had joined in the group of friends and now the six girls were all best friends. I leaned over to Pim and whispered in her ear, “There aren’t any men? Where are their dates.” So Pim turned to Julie, “Hey, what’s up? Where is John and all of your dates.” Julie laughed and answered on behalf of the girls. “Pim, we decided tonight was all about you and you having fun. We didn’t want any dates or boyfriends putting a damper on things.” At this point I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable and Pim was looking questioningly at her friends. I turned to Judy and said, “Well, perhaps I should go and let you girls have fun.” Cindy took the hint and grabbed me by the arm taking me off to the side. She whispered in my ear, “We said we want Pim to have FUN! That means you are going to STAY and you are going to DANCE with her. Do you understand? Don’t worry we won’t eat you up or bite…..haha….at least not right away.” And then Cindy led me back to the group and announced loudly, “Rob is staying. He is officially Pim’s date and if you want to dance with him you need Pim’s permission.” We all laughed and the champagne started to flow. Needless to say being surrounded by all these hot older women in a club and getting to dance with each one several times was extremely good for my ego and self-confidence. Pim was an excellent dancer and she told me she had taken ballet and piano as a child so she had beautiful dance movements and rythm. Around midnight they brought out the cake and we all sang happy birthday and Pim blew out the candles while we all toasted her with champagne. Everyone asked her what her wish was and she said, “Top secret.” And we all laughed. Then Cindy and Judy started chanting, “Birthday kiss for the birthday girl. Birthday kiss for the birthday girl.” Well soon all the girls were chanting and they pushed me close to Pim and Judy pushed Pim into my arms. The Champagne certainly had raised my courage level so I reached out, put my arms around Pim’s slim frame and pulled her in towards me. Pim did not resist and her eyes looked into mine with incredible excitement and sparkle. I closed my eyes and our lips touched. I waited to feel her pull away or to hesitate, but instead her body pushed into mine and her lips, delicate and soft, parted and her tongue gently started to probe my lips. I closed my eyes, parted my lips in a daze and let her tongue enter. Our tongues met and we played with each other, our passion rising. My cock was pressing against my slacks and Pim’s hips gently pressed into my hard almost eight-inch rod. We just kept kissing and the girls chanted, “Longer, Longer…!!” Our kiss just went on and on with Pim’s perfume filling my dizzy head. When we finally broke the kiss Pim’s friends all clapped and cheered. Pim looked down shyly and I heard Judy go close to her ear and say, “You didn’t tell us that when you dumped Henk you had totally traded up. Where have been hiding Rob you lucky girl?” And then the two of them laughed and giggled thinking I had not heard. Pim turned and they both scanned my body and I could swear I detected a hint of lust in Pim’s eyes and Judy’s also.

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