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100% Fiction. All sexualized characters are adults.

New Year’s Eve had finally arrived. Janice greeted Kendra at the front door. She was carrying her hair and makeup supplies as well as her dress bag.

“Whoa. Those stairs!” Kendra exclaimed, out of breath. “Your booty’s gonna be poppin’ after a few months of going up and down them bitches.”

She set down her supplies, looking towards Matt’s open bedroom door. “Is he here?” Kendra asked.

Janice shook her head. “No, I haven’t seen him today. He had to go in to work to help get everything ready for Japan.”

Kendra nodded. Janice had already told her about Matt’s work trip yesterday. “Well, I got some news for him!”

“For Matt? About what?” asked Janice.

Kendra gave Janice a grave look. “Girl… ” she shook her head in shame. “That skinny bitch, Pam is a fucking snake! Lil’ ho already got a fiancé!” she whispered as she took out a white envelope stuffed with folded pages from her purse. “I got the proof right here. The poor dude is some truck driver named Daryl.”

Janice gasped. “Are you for real?!”

“Yep. I got online and found her ass out.” Kendra said proudly. “She can’t cover her tracks for shit!”

“What are you gonna do?”

“I thought I’d slip this lil’ bombshell under Matt’s door right before we leave and then… we’ll let the chips fall where they may.” Kendra said fanning herself with the white envelope.

Janice furrowed her brow in sympathy for her friend. “Poor Matty…” she said softly.

“Uhh. Excuse me. I’m doin’ him a favor!” Kendra crossed her arms, defiantly regarding Janice.

“Oh, no. I agree with you. It’s just… he’s been through so much lately! I mean, between finding out about his trip, and now this doozy and there was last ni-” Janice stopped herself abruptly from finishing the sentence, much too late. She put a hand over her mouth.

Kendra’s eyes narrowed on Janice’s suspiciously. “What happened last night?”

Janice squirmed, avoiding eye contact with her friend. “Well… see… Matt and I… uhhm…”

“…Fucked!?” exclaimed Kendra excitedly.

“No!” she insisted.

Reluctantly, Janice confessed the events of last night to Kendra; the way she and Matt had crossed the line on the couch and then the compromise in Matt’s bedroom.

“Damn…” was Kendra’s only response at the end of Janice’s tale. She shook her head, then she looked into Janice’s eyes.

“First of all:” Kendra began. “…You lucky bitch. Second of all: …what the fuck?! I’m over here resortin’ to blackmail for a chance at that dick. All I had to do was that?! Fucked up!”

Janice straightened her back. “Well, not anymore. That was just a one time thing.”

“Mmm hmm” Kendra replied dismissively. “We’ll see…”

Janice raised her chin in stubborn resolve to Kendra as as she gathered their beauty supplies and began making her way to the bathroom to prepare for the party.


The girls helped each other do up their hair and apply their makeup. It was practically time for the ladies to depart by the time Matt finally returned home through the front door.

“Damn, I barely have enough time to get ready for Pamela!” he thought anxiously unbuttoning his work jacket. “The last time we spoke, she said she’d try to be here around 10… that only gives me two hours.”

At that moment, Janice’s bedroom door opened and in strolled Janice and Kendra, freshly dressed and made up for their party.

“Oh! Hello, handsome!” cooed Kendra.

Matt was shocked to a standstill. He didn’t know where to let his eyes land first. The two women were simply stunning. Janice’s styled hair and sparkling earrings lent themselves to a picture of pure elegance in her blue dress. While Kendra’s long, raven black curls, blood red lipstick and her ridiculously tight sliver of a purple dress emitted a vibe of pure, unadulterated sexiness.

Kendra strode forward to Matt with a seductive smile. Her enormous chocolate colored tits quaked within in her dress, dangerously with every step. It was a miracle she was still contained after even such a short traversal across the floor.

“So? What do you think?” said Kendra standing before Matt, giving him a model’s twirl to allow him a glance of her incredible ass.

“H- Holy shit you two!!” Matt managed to utter. “You both look absolutely gorgeous!!”

Janice blushed at Matt’s glowing expression. “Thank you, Matt!” She turned to Kendra. “Our ride is just a few minutes away. Maybe we should go-“

Just then a knock on the front door startled all three.

“So… who would that be?” Kendra pondered, confused.

Matt stepped forward opened the door. To his complete surprise, there stood Pamela, wearing a red dress and heels. She had an expectant smile on her face.

“Pamela!” Matt gasped. “You’re early!”

“What do you mean ‘early’? I’m…”

He watched her smile begin to fade when her eyes fell upon Janice and Kendra looking surprised over his shoulder.

“What… the… fuck.” Pamela Alanya Escort slowly growled. “I knew it!…I fucking knew you were too good to be true! You’re a cheating bastard just like every guy on the planet!!”

Matt blinked. “Wha-What are you talking about?”

Pamela gasped at Matt, she was furious. “You’re going to really try to sit there and deny it when you have… not one, but TWO hookers standing right behind you!!?”

Kendra, Janice and Matt all bristled at once. “Oh. No you did not, bitch!” growled Kendra stepping forward.

“Whoa!” Matt spread his arms to block Kendra’s advancement. “Pam! These are my friends! I can’t have you calling them that!!”

“You really think I’m that stupid?” shouted Pamela. “Just look at their clothes and their giant fake clown tits! Is that what you want, Matt?! Some circus freak bitches?!”

Matt heard Janice and Kendra both gasp. “That’s it!” Kendra shouted.

He braced himself, expecting to have to pull both women off of Pam. A moment passed. Matt glanced behind his shoulder to see Kendra standing with a devilish grin on her face. She held a large white envelope in her hand.

“You have got some fuckin’ nerve, cunt.” Kendra said to Pam coolly. “You? Pamela Lynn Jacobs? Calling HIM a cheater?! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!”

Pamela’s furious redness in her cheeks faded quickly, becoming pale.

Kendra fanned herself with the envelope. “Yeah… you’re quick. I’ll give you that. You know I got proof right here, don’t ya?. So… You wanna tell him? Or should I?”

Matt could guess what the ‘proof’ was pertaining to. The time had come.

Matt sighed. “Yeah… Daryl, right?”

All three women gasped in surprise. “You knew?!” Janice said in shock.

“M-Matt!” Pamela sputtered. “I- I’m sorry. I-“

“DON’T!” Matt shouted. It was the first time all three had heard Matt raise his voice, ever. Pam was stunned silent.

“Don’t… apologize to me…” he stepped aside. “Apologize to my friends.”

Pamela sniffled, tears were forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. she said softly, looking each woman in the eyes.

“Alright… Now, just…. go.” Matt said stepping back and putting his hand on the door. “Go… do you, Pam. Just leave me alone… I don’t want to have to talk to Daryl and… it looks like you don’t want that either.”

Pamela’s makeup was running. She shook her head ‘no’.

“Ok…” Matt glanced over his shoulder to Janice and Kendra. “Wave bye to Pam!”

The two women smiled and waved. Kendra couldn’t help herself, she turned her wave into a middle finger. Matt then unceremoniously closed the door in Pamela’s face.

“…AND ALL THESE TITTIES ARE REAL!!” Kendra shouted at the closed door.

Janice sighed, sorrowfully reaching out to embrace Matt. “Oh… my god, I’m so so sorry, honey.”

Matt hugged her politely. Janice noticed right away how he held himself back from giving her his usual full embrace.

“We shouldn’t leave you alone here, Matty!” Janice wrung her hands, worried.

“Don’t you even think about skipping your party over this. I’ll be fine. Believe me. Go have fun!” insisted Matt.

Kendra was unscrewing a bottle of tequila. “Ok, then. But, before we go- we got time for one last shot together before our ride gets here!”

“I’m in!” exclaimed Janice.

“Me too.” smiled Matt.

The shots were poured and the glasses clinked together. “To new beginnings! Happy New Year, bitches!” shouted Kendra joyfully.

The trio whooped in celebration and slung the liquor back together.

Just then Janice’s phone signaled that the driver had arrived. “That’s us, girl… Oh, Matty!…” she pouted as she reached out again for a hug goodbye. Matt tried to give Janice another polite hug, but she grabbed him and pressed herself against him hard.

“I know what I said last night…” she whispered softly in his ear. “but… This is for standing up for me and Kendra.”

Janice took Matt’s face in her hands and pressed her lips to his in a full lingering kiss.

“Ok! I see what’s happening!” said Kendra as the two released their embrace. She walked in between them to face Matt. In her heels Matt had to look up at her. “My turn.” she growled as she pressed her luscious body against him.

Kendra lowered her full lips to his and gave Matt a sensual French kiss, slow and wet. Matt’s eyes flew open when he felt her hand grab his thickening shaft. “I’ll be back later tonight…” she cooed softly. “Maybe by then you’ll be ready to finally give me this big, fat cock.”

Upon hearing her words, Matt suddenly realized he was actually free to do just that. The smile that crept onto his face involuntarily must have conveyed his answer just fine.

Kendra gave his dick a final squeeze and a wink, before following Janice to the front door.


Janice and Kendra could hear the music bumping in the elevator as it ascended. Approaching the top floor, the bass beat thumped louder and louder, until finally the doors Alanya Escort Bayan slid open and the full volume of the music blew the girls hair back.

The New Year’s Eve event was a breathtaking spectacle. Janice and Kendra stepped out in to the party with their mouths agape, taking in the brilliant, sparkling decorations, the delicious looking spread of food, the lights spinning a multicolored display and the room crowded with elegantly dressed people.

“This company knows how to party, huh?” shouted Janice, barely able to hear her own voice above the din.

Just as amazed as the two women, heads turned to gawk at Janice and Kendra in their dresses as they strode forward into foray.

“My goodness! Miss Paige! Miss Jefferson! You look absolutely stunning!” exclaimed Mr. Woodward, the charming 70 something company vice-president. The man stepped forward, holding a martini glass to greet them amid the crowd. “Welcome! Welcome, my dears! Have a good time!”

“Thank you, sir!” the girls shouted in unison.

Mr. Woodward shooed their formality away like a cloud of gnats.

“Please!” the aged man pleaded. “Tonight, call me Dabney. Now, go get yourselves a drink for goodness sake!”


In the far corner of the room Fransisco sweated at the sight of Kendra and Janice in their dresses. He had always drooled over Kendra’s gorgeous cleavage in the lunch line, but the dress she wore tonight revealed more than Fransisco had ever dreamed. His heart raced watching her breasts bouncing wildly in her garb as she walked towards the bar.

Fransisco’s eyes darted around the room to make sure no one was watching him. Then, his trembling hand reached into his pocket and pulled out his camera phone.


The two women were served their cocktails at the bar and walked to the small tables near the dance floor.

“Well, well! Look who made it!” a voice exclaimed as they took a seat. Hank from Payroll approached, gyrating his hips almost to the beat. He wore a lime green, long sleeved buttoned shirt and a brown tie with a white stain.

Kendra rolled her eyes as he stood before them leering, “What the fuck?…” she cursed under her breath.

“God damn! Glad I jerked off before you two got here!” Hank thrust his pelvis to the beat, awkwardly.

The girls’ faces both soured into a look of complete disgust.

“Still need that DD I hope.” Hank sidled close to Janice, draping an arm over her bare shoulder. Janice’s skin crawled in his presence. Her revulsion broke through her default politeness. She turned her head away from him, silently pleading for Kendra to take action.

To her relief, Kendra barked at him loudly. “No! We don’t need no goddam DD! We just got here! Go on and carry your creepy ass!!”

Hank took a step back, alarmed. He held his hands up and backed away. “My bad. My bad. I’ll catch you later.”

Kendra shook her head watching Hank disappear into the crowd.

“Jesus! Fuck! Alright… Let’s cheers to start this night right, ok?” she said to Janice who was shaking off Hank’s unpleasant vibe.

“Ok!” smiled Janice holding her glass aloft.

Kendra clinked her drink to her friend’s “To a night we’ll never forget!!”

“Cheers!” the two women turned their glasses up and took a long drink of their delicious cocktails.

“STOOOOP!!” they heard a man shouting. Janice shrieked as a hand slapped the cocktail glass from her grasp, shattering it onto the floor.

“Franny!! What the fuck!?” shouted Kendra.

Fransisco panted from sprinting across the room. “Mira! Mira! Look!” He held out his phone screen, pointing to the image.

An attendant quickly swept the broken glass away. Kendra bent down to look at Fransisco’s phone screen. It was a burst of several photos taken at high speed. Her eyes widened when she saw a close up shot of her own colossal tits straining her dress.

“Franny? …What am I looking at here?” Kendra said, confused and growing nervous.

“I am sorry… please forgive me… but, LOOK!!” insisted Fransisco, zooming in to the corner of the frame.

In the background of the image, Janice’s arm holding her drink aloft could be seen. As the pictures flipped forward, the girls could see a lime green sleeve draped over Janice’s shoulder. It was Hank’s… and his hand was pouring the powdered contents of a small glass vial into Janice’s drink.

Janice gasped in terror. “Call Matty!! …Right now!!”

Kendra quickly dug in her purse for her phone.

“I thought I heard glass break over here. Is everything ok?” asked Dabny walking over to the table.

Janice’s panicked eyes urgently looked into his. “I-I’ve been drugged! It… it was Hank!” Janice’s shaking voice said. “…Show him, Fransisco!”

Fransisco gulped and brought his phone forward. The vice-president gasped at the full screen images of Kendra’s bust.

“What is this? Why did you take this photo?” the old man snapped at Fransisco.

“I asked him to!” shouted Escort Alanya Kendra holding her phone as it rang Matt’s number. Her mind raced, thinking of an excuse to save Fransisco. “Uhhm, yeah. I wanted pictures of me in my dress! Uh… uh… We’ll… just have to work on your framing a little, Franny, hmm?”

“That’s not the important part!” Janice interrupted. “Go on, Franny. Show him what you showed us.”

Fransisco zoomed to the quadrant on his screen and flipped through the progression of photos. Mr. Woodward paled and looked urgently at Janice.

“Young lady, we must get you to the hospital!” said the concerned man.

“Matt’s on his way!” shouted Kendra urgently as she hung up her phone.

Janice breathed a sigh of relief. “Someone I trust is coming to get me right now.”

From across the crowded room Hank watched the scene unfold with a look of dread. He stayed out of sight from Janice’s table. Taking his coat, he quietly slipped out the exit and disappeared into the night before anyone spotted him.

Kendra held Janice’s hand concerned. “Don’t worry, honey. Matt’s gonna be here real soon.”

Janice felt her equilibrium starting to loosen as the room began to move nauseatingly. “Oh god… it’s started! Matty! Please hurry!”


Matt flew through another red light, leaving blaring car horns behind him in the distance.

The call had been brief, but terrifying: “Matt!” shouted Kendra’s voice over the phone. “Janice needs you! It’s serious! HURRY!!”

After assuring Kendra that he was on his way, Matt sprinted down the stairs to his car.

The luxury hotel hosting the party was luckily a short distance away, in the downtown district. Matt’s car wound hastily through traffic in complete disregard of any consequence other than the dire prospect of arriving too late to save Janice from her unknown assailant.

Matt’s car skidded to a stop right in front of the lobby doors, sending valet attendants ducking behind pillars, and ran, full out, to the elevators.


“Ken- Kendra…” Janice whimpered, afraid. “I don’t feel right…”

Kendra’s mouth moved in response, but Janice couldn’t hear her words anymore, only a humming buzz sound growing louder and louder in her head.

Waves of dark shadows swam over her vision. The room lurched in an uncontrollable spin. Janice could feel herself falling out of her chair.

She tipped over and slid off the seat… only to find herself floating.

“I got you, home girl.” she heard Matt’s voice say softly in her ear before darkness enveloped her completely.


Kendra, wearing her long winter coat over her skimpy dress, followed Matt into the Emergency Room lobby. In his arms, Janice’s limp body lay completely dormant except for her soft breathing.

She was admitted right away and before long was being rolled away on a stretcher behind closed doors.

Matt and Kendra kept each other anxious company waiting for a word from the doctors. She explained to Matt the entire series of events at the party over and over.

“That Hank fuck is gonna burn for this! I promise you that!” Kendra spat, furiously.

Finally, the nurse came forward and let them know that they had pumped Janice’s stomach and had given her a sedative and some anti nausea medication for when she wakes up. They were discharging Janice into Matt and Kendra’s care despite her still being out cold.

“She simply needs to sleep off the residual effects of the drug. The sedative we administered ought to keep her quiet until morning.” said the nurse as they wheeled Janice towards Matt’s car.


Kendra ran ahead up the stairs to the apartment and unlocked the front door. Matt’s forehead beaded with sweat carrying Janice’s full weight up the three flights of stairs.

He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief only after he laid Janice gently down on her bed.

“Phew! What a night!” Matt exclaimed, stretching his back as he stood up straight.

Kendra approached Matt with open arms to embrace him. Without her heels she was only a little shorter than him. A wave of relaxation washed over Matt, feeling Kendra’s supple soft curves splay themselves against his body.

“Janice is lucky to have you. You saved her ass, you know.” Kendra resting her head on his shoulder.

Just then, loud popping sounds were heard coming from outside. Matt opened Janice’s balcony door to reveal a fireworks display in the sky, blooming over the tree line miles away, signaling the start of a brand new year.

Kendra stood beside him on the balcony. The two wrapped their arms around each other’s waist, watching the beautiful colors light up the skyline.

“Well, it’s official. Happy New Year, Kendra.”

“Isn’t it tradition to kiss at the stroke of midnight?” she said softly, smiling.

Matt returned her smile and brought his face close to hers. Their lips met with a small kiss. Kendra and Matt’s eyes met, she leaned in for another and then another in a series of small kisses, each one growing longer and more intense. He felt her hands slide over his and slowly guide them to her plump, full ass cheeks. Matt became aware that her skirt was raising and Matt took the opportunity to knead her smooth bare skin.

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