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Liz rolled over as light streamed through the window, almost blindingly as it reflected off the snow outside. Her eyes only half opened, she felt her husband’s body next to hers and wrapped her arm over his bare midsection, snuggling up to him.

“Good morning honey,” she heard him say as he slipped his arm under her body.

She smiled and murmured sleepily, “Mmmm…morning sweetie. What time is it?”

“A little past eight-thirty.”

“Have you been awake long?”

“About 20 minutes,” he responded. “Just thinking about last night.” He gave her shoulders a squeeze.

Liz opened her eyes a looked up at Ben. “Which part?”

“Oh, all of it,” he replied. “Certainly didn’t expect that to happen.”

“Me neither,” she agreed, more awake now. “I probably should have warned you…Carrie had some sort of plan she cooked up. Not sure when, but she suggested I just follow along.”

“When did she tell you?”

“While you guys were out with the snowmobiles.”

“You didn’t mention that to me,” Ben said.

“I didn’t know it would go like that,” exclaimed Liz defensively. “I mean, I didn’t expect her to give Darren oral in front of us.”

Ben paused before responding, a twinkle in his eye. “What did you think of that?”

“I was surprised, just like you.”

“But it didn’t seem to bother you.” A slight smile crept over his face as he looked down at his wife.

Liz blushed. “Nor you,” she said with a grin. She felt his hand on her shoulder press reassuringly.

“Is there more in store for us that I don’t know about?” Ben asked.

“That, I do not know,” said Liz placing a finger tip on his chin and stroking his two-day stubble.

“What if there is?” he asked.

“I don’t know…it depends on where it goes, I guess,” she replied.

“Well, let’s say tonight there’s more, um, public showing off…” He lightly ran his fingers down her bare back, tracing her spine under the sheets.

“I wouldn’t mind another show,” she said giggling.

“What if they want us to be part of the show?” he asked.

Liz felt her face go red. “Oh, I don’t know… I don’t think I could…in reality.” She paused. “In my mind, it sounds fun, but in reality I don’t know. I’d feel self-conscious.”

“I think you’re much more beautiful than Carrie,” said Ben lovingly.

“Oh, it’s not that. I know you do,” she said. “More that what we do together is private.”

“You certainly didn’t seem to care much about privacy the other night. I don’t remember your exact words but…something like ‘I don’t care if they hear us,'” Ben said with a grin.

Liz chuckled. “That was in the moment, silly.”

“And what if we’re in the moment tonight?”

“What about you?” she asked smiling deviously, ignoring his question. As she asked, she moved her hand lower, brushing against Ben’s stiffening cock. She smiled up at him as she grasped it through his undershorts.

“Does that answer your question?” Ben said with a meek smile.

“It’s one thing to talk about it. It’s another thing to do it,” Liz added with a word of caution as she slipped lower on the bed, pulling Ben’s shorts down to his thighs.

Ben nodded and then groaned as Liz slipped her mouth down over his shaft.


Ben and Liz decided they’d go out to the kitchen together so as to avoid having to face Darren and Carrie separately and possibly awkwardly. But there wasn’t the least bit of awkwardness. Darren and Carrie were already out in the main room and had brewed some coffee and fried bacon. They all greeted each other with knowing grins, but didn’t directly address last night’s events.

Over breakfast of eggs and bacon, they discussed the day’s plans. “It should be a nice day. No snow in the forecast,” said Darren. “How about we get the snowmobiles out Ben?”

“Definitely,” said Ben.

“I might just relax here,” said Carrie. “Maybe check out the hot tub.” She looked expectantly at Liz.

Liz looked from Carrie to Ben. Finally, she said, “I’d like to go for a ride, but the hot tub sounds tempting too. We could always go for a ride and if the guys want to stay out longer they can circle back and drop us off here.” She hoped this would be a good compromise.

“Makes sense to me,” said Darren.

Carrie smiled, “A little fresh air might do me good, too.”

It was settled. The meal over, they bundled up and went out back to get the snowmobiles going. As predicted, the day was clear, the sky was deep blue and the snow was soft, fresh and undisturbed. Ben and Liz climbed on one machine while Darren and Carrie shared the other. The two couples took off down the snow-covered road, flying past the once-quiet woods around them. They found a trail leading off the main road and led them deeper and higher up through the mountains. Not having to drive left Liz with a lot of time to think as she held on to her husband.

Where did Carrie want to take things? How much was Darren involved with pushing this, or is he just following his wife’s izmir escort bayan lead? Was there a reason Carrie wanted the two women to be back at the cabin without their husbands? All these questions crossed her mind as they sped through the trees.

After about 60 minutes, Darren waved Ben to pull up next to him and stop. “Carrie’s thinking we shouldn’t go much further. We don’t want to get too far out if we want to drop them back at the house.” Ben nodded his assent, and they started the trek back.

At the cabin, Carrie and Liz hopped off and watched the two men speed back out into the winter day.

“Let’s get a fire started and some hot chocolate,” Liz suggested as she pulled her coat off and shivered.

“I had another idea,” said Carrie with a hint of mischief in her eye. “Let’s get a glass of wine and try out the hot tub.”

“I didn’t really bring my swimsuit,” said Liz.

“Oh, I didn’t either. I’ll just wear panties or something,” said Carrie. “Come on. It’ll feel good. I’ll turn it on and get the wine while you get out of those clothes. We can enjoy ourselves while the guys are out.”

Liz smiled. “Okay, see you in a minute.”

Five minutes later Liz entered Carrie and Darren’s bedroom and called out Carrie’s name. Carrie answered from the bathroom, “Come on in.”

Liz found the jacuzzi bubbling with Carrie relaxing in it submerged up to her neck, a cup of wine next to her head on the tile. “Feels so good,” Carrie said with a sigh and a smile.

Liz slipped her pants down her legs and pulled her sweatshirt over her head.

“Just take your bra off. No reason to get that wet,” said Carrie. “Don’t be shy. I took mine off.” Liz hesitated and could feel her face reddening. She didn’t want Carrie to think she was self-conscious about her body, but she felt a little like she was the center of Carrie’s attention. Sure, Carrie had her top off, but she was already under the bubbling water. “Don’t worry, the guys’ll be out at least another hour. We have privacy,” Carrie said.

Liz smiled nervously and gave in, unclasping her bra and letting it fall next to her clothes. Feeling a bit exposed she crossed her arms around her midriff. She could feel goosebumps on her arms and legs and her nipples go taut.

“Come on in…you’ll warm up,” Carrie assured her.

Liz climbed over the edge of the tub and sank in sighing with relief, settling on one of the bench areas of the tub. “Oh, that feels good,” she said, relieved to be warm and covered up by the foam and bubbles.

“You need to loosen up Liz…pour yourself some wine,” Carrie said, nodding at the bottle and empty cup.

“Maybe I do,” Liz said laughing. She hesitated again, realizing she’d have to get back up out of the water to get to the bottle, which was on the tile next to Carrie’s head. She raised herself a little out of the water, covering her breasts awkwardly with her arm.

“You’re so demure…you’re adorable,” said Carrie. “Don’t worry, haven’t you ever been naked in front of women before?”

Liz blushed again. “Yes, yes of course. Just not when I’m the only one exposed. And usually the other women, like in locker rooms, aren’t looking directly at me.”

Carrie laughed. “Okay, will this help?” She rose out of the water and sat on the edge of the tub. It was then that Liz realized Carrie wasn’t even wearing any panties.

Liz’s hand went to her mouth and she laughed. “You have no shame!” she exclaimed with delight. She couldn’t believe Carrie’s brazenness, but she had to appreciate it.

Carrie just grinned. “Make you feel better?” she said with a wink. “I’ll pour you some.” Liz sank back down into the warm water as her friend handed her a full cup of wine.

“Now we’re even,” said Carrie as she climbed back into the jacuzzi. “We’ve seen each other. We both have tits, a pussy and thighs not as thin as we’d like. Now we can get on with the girl talk.”

Liz laughed again, the tension broken, and said, “Here’s to that!” They touched their plastic cups together and took a sip, looking at each other over the rims.

“Soooo…,” Carrie began, stretching out the word. “Last night…what’d ya think?”

Liz looked down and took a sip, giving herself some time to think. “Very fun…we both agreed, I mean Ben and I. You two put on quite a show.”

“I’m glad. You did a good job of getting Ben interested when he came back into the room. Well done. You’re a natural,” Carrie said.

“Well, I don’t know how much I had to do with it.”

“I assume it led to some fun later for you two?” asked Carrie with a raised eyebrow.

“You couldn’t hear this time?” Liz laughed along with Carrie.

“I think I might have heard a few things.”

“We didn’t take things too far?” asked Carrie.

Liz shook her head. “No, you were fine. I’m sure Ben would have enjoyed more, but it was good your clothes remained on or he might not have wanted to go to bed with me!” Liz giggled.

“Oh pshaw,” said Carrie with a wave of her hand. “He’d go with you anywhere. And if he wouldn’t escort izmir have taken you to bed, I would have!”

Liz giggled again, the wine going to her head, “Oh, really?”

“Oh totally,” replied Carrie, taking a sip. “We invited you on this trip. We have to make sure you’re satisfied.”

“Do you seduce all your friends?” asked Liz playfully. She felt something touch her calf, and realized that Carrie had stretched out her foot under the bubbles and was running it up her lower leg slowly. She felt a jolt of excitement shoot through her, and smiled at her friend.

“Only a select few.”

“I should feel lucky then,” replied Liz as she slid a little closer to Carrie and reached out under the water to caress Carrie’s foot and ankle with her free hand. She took another gulp of wine and set her empty cup down on the edge of the tub. Carrie placed her foot on Liz’s lap under the water. Liz smiled at her as she began to gently massage it, running her hands up around Carrie’s calf and then back down to her toes, squeezing them individually.

“Never mind, I’ve given up on the idea of seducing you. You just keep doing that,” she said, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. “You said Ben was good, but he must have taken lessons from you.”

Liz laughed. “I don’t just do feet.”

Carrie opened her eyes. “Oh? Tell me more.”

“Come closer,” said Liz.

Carrie smiled saucily and slid close to Liz. “Who’s seducing whom?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. Carrie leaned back against the wall of the tub, slumping down so that her chin was almost in the water, her blonde hair floating on the water around her head. Liz ran her hands softly up Carrie’s thighs, which were now lying across Liz’s. Liz admired Carrie’s nude body; though distorted underneath the water and bubbles, it was tantalizingly close. Realizing she was probably staring, she looked up and made eye contact with Carrie. Carrie was smiling at her.

“You can stare all you want,” Carrie said laughing. She placed a hand on Liz’s hand. Liz took a deep breath.

“So what about Darren? He’s cool with all this?”

Carrie smirked. “Of course. I’d like to say I’ve got him wrapped around my finger, but I know he enjoys the exhibitionist aspect of it.” She paused. “Well, we both do.”

Liz’s eyes widened. “You’ve done this before?” she asked as she massaged Carrie’s thigh.

Carrie grinned sheepishly. “Well, not like last night. That was a first. But we have…how shall I say it…done things a little publicly before.”

“Such as…?” Liz inquired as she squeezed Carrie’s thigh.

“Any interest in doing my shoulders while I tell you?”

“Sure thing,” said Liz happily. Carrie shifted her position so that her back was to Liz and could sit between her legs. Liz pulled Carrie’s wet hair to the side and placed her hands on her friend’s shoulders, gently rubbing her thumbs into the muscles above her shoulder blades.

Carrie signed. “Very nice…”.

“So, you were saying,” said Liz.

“Oh right…well, there’s been a couple occasions. Remember how we rented that condo at the beach last summer? Well, it had a balcony. So one night we were out there and dared each other to get naked.”

“Ooh, very bold,” giggled Liz as she rubbed her fingers into Carrie’s shoulder muscles.

“Well, we didn’t stop there. I can’t resist a hard cock, and Darren was aroused at this point. You know how he gets, don’t you?” Carrie said with a backwards glance at her friend and knowing smile.

“Oh, you’re so bad,” Liz laughed. “That was so long ago, I barely remember.”

Liz felt Carrie place a hand on the side of her thigh, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Liz enjoyed the touch and gave Carrie’s body a squeeze with her thighs, and then leaned in, letting her nipples brush against Carrie’s back, as she continued her massage more firmly.

“Anyway, we knew there was another couple on the next balcony down from us. We could hear them, but couldn’t see them and obviously they couldn’t see us. But they’d been talking, but as soon as Darren started to moan pretty audibly, they got real quiet. We knew they were listening.”

“Oh my,” Liz’s grip on Carrie’s shoulders got a little more firm, and Liz felt Carrie’s hand start to rub her thigh. “Was that the extent of it?”

Carrie laughed. “Uh, no. After I sucked him for a while I got on top of his lap and we fucked.”

“Right there on the balcony?”

“Uh huh,” Carrie nodded. “I know, naughty right? And there were people down on the boardwalk below us. Most didn’t notice. But one couple did. They looked up at us and watched for a little bit, probably trying to figure out what was going on. But I think they figured it out. We waved to them eventually, and then they moved on.”

It was Liz’s turn to laugh. “I’m sure they got a kick out of that. That’s really hot.” As she said that, she slipped one arm around Carrie’s abdomen and placed her hand on her belly, pulling Carrie back against her chest, while moving her other hand to the back of Carrie’s neck, izmir escort massaging her there.

“Mmmm, that feels nice,” Carrie mewed.

“Where I’m massaging you?” asked Liz.

“Mmhmm, and also just being close to you.” Carrie wiggled as if to get closer, and Liz felt Carrie’s hand run up her thigh and grasp the side of her bottom, giving it a playful squeeze.

Liz responded by running her hand down Carrie’s belly just to the point where she could feel Carrie’s curly hair marking her mound, and then back up, letting the top of her hand brush the underside of her breasts. Liz nuzzled Carrie’s neck with her nose, inhaling deeply and replaced her hand on Carrie’s belly.

“You don’t have to stop,” Carrie said.


“Mmmm, no, please don’t,” giggled Carrie.

Liz brought her hand back up to Carrie’s right breast and lightly ran her finger tips over the soft flesh, around her nipple, intentionally avoiding it. “Any other times you and Darren have gotten frisky in front of others?”

Carrie signed at Liz’s touch. “Well, that was probably our most public time, but we did it on a camping trip, knowing people in tents nearby could probably hear us. And in a hotel room after hearing the people next door go at it.”

Liz brushed her thumb against Carrie’s taut nipple. “Kinda reminds me of a couple nights ago.” She cupped Carrie’s breast in her hand.

“That was so hot,” said Carrie as she arched her back again and squirmed against Liz’s body under the water. “What about you two? Have you ever done anything in public together?”

“Oh gosh no,” said Liz. “I know, boring, but hey…we’re kinda tame.”

“So nothing with even the chance of getting caught for you?”

Liz paused. “Well, there was this one time in college…but it was just me. No partner.”

“Wait, what?” Carrie exclaimed as she twisted her body around a bit to face Liz. “What did you do?”

Liz’s face reddened. “Well, it was just…know you…me, enjoying myself…oh my, I can’t believe I’m telling you this. Okay, I was really horny and wanted to masturbate. It was at night, I was in my bed in the dorm and I started to do it. Quietly, of course. I had a roommate across the room who I assumed was asleep. But I gradually realized she wasn’t. But I didn’t stop. I could tell she was listening to me.”

As Liz told the story she could feel Carrie’s hand on her thigh tighten, caressing her flesh under the water. Liz paused. “Go on…and?” said Carrie eagerly.

“She wasn’t just listening either,” said Liz. “Every once and a while I could see and hear her sheets moving. She was doing it too. I didn’t let on that I could tell she was paying attention to me though. I didn’t want her to get frightened. But I kept going.”

“You’re so naughty!” said Carrie with glee.

Liz laughed. “I know, I finished up and a minute or so later she did as well. She tried to be so quiet, but I could tell by her breathing and the sounds of the sheets she enjoyed herself.”

“Did you ever say anything to her about it?” Carrie asked.

“No, never did. And she didn’t either. Nothing like it every happened again.”

“See, you’re pretty bold yourself. I’ve never done that with another woman,” Carrie admitted as she turned to face Liz, her face flushed and nipples taut.

“First time for everything,” Liz responded with a grin. “How do you do it?”


“Yeah, are you a fingers-only girl or other…objects…and clit or pussy or both?” asked Liz eagerly.

It was Carrie’s turn to be a little taken aback, both by the subject matter and Liz’s unusual bluntness. “Oh, usually just fingers, though the shower head works well when it’s available,” said Carrie.

“Me too,” giggled Liz. “Though sometimes I lie on top of my pillow and, you know…rub. I’m mainly clit oriented.”

“Oh, yes, that works for me too!” said Carrie, warming to the conversation. “But I also like having something in me when I do it. Sometimes fingers. I used to have a toy for that too. But now I have Darren.” She winked as she moved to sit next to Liz again, their thighs touching under the water.

After a brief pause, Liz said sternly, “Show me.”

Carrie’s eyes went wide. “Really?”

“Yes, show me. I want to see what you do.”

“I’m not doing this alone my friend,” said Carrie with a grin.

“Oh, you won’t be,” said Liz as she placed a hand on Carrie’s thigh.

“Then you need to take off those panties of yours,” said Carrie.

“Deal,” said Liz, as she pushed them down her legs, bringing the sodden panties up out of the water, wringing them out and tossing them to the side of the tub.

“That’s more like it,” said Carrie playfully as she looked down at Liz’s nude body.

“Easier access anyway,” said Liz as she placed her hand between her thighs, running her fingers through the dark, curly pubic hairs.

Carrie responded by running her hand up and down her own thigh, and then she pressed her hand against her sex, cupping herself. “Mmmm, I didn’t realize how turned on I was,” she said. She sank a little lower in the tub, the cleft of her full breasts just exposed over the waterline.

“I like to start slow, trying to prolong it, but that never lasts, you know…I can’t hold back,” giggled Liz.

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