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this supposed, or so-called frankenstein monster dI guess you all being of whomsoever could possibly get wind of this here could possibly, or probably, or much more than likely, &/or much more often than not get to wondering as to exactly what do that being of the male person of I myself mean by that being of the title for the story here, well that all depends upon that being of the person of the individual being of whom could possibly be asking that being of this question of me to one’s self, & you would have every right to have that being of some, or of such a question pop up in your head whereas that being of the thought that can come to mind is something like this here, “must be some kind of a weirdo. hey everybody be certain to make sure that any of your younger sibling relatives for your own personal immediate family households make that being of their curfew as I think that we could possibly have another one of those characters upon that being of the prowl looking, or searching however said for some, or such gullible prey.”, hah-hah, heh-heh, & whereas I myself can, or could possibly relate to that as some, or such of certain ones of my fellow neighbors being of characters of the likes, &/or being of whom like, or rather my bad, correction, love to attempt to terrorize, &/or traumatize as in harass, intimidate, &/or persecute still some, or such other neighbors of residents, or tenants within that being of the building for premises of properties of a public facility where I myself being of that of my person am presently at paying some, or such monthly rent, utilities, & homephone service fees bills for.& whereas there is this one particular neighbor of mine for the likes of some, or of such creeps, & crazys, or crazies of his kind being of the much more worser, or worcest of neighbors being of the likes of the proverbial neighbors from hell of public-nuisances of problem-neighbors be he himself as a male character has any of the likes of some, or of such otherwise for his kind being of accomplices in crime, or not, who likes very much, or loves to bother with some, or such of his fellow neighbors being of other residents’, or tenants’ apartment doors for that being of both of either of the two ‘witching-hours’ for that being of midnight, & for that being of the three a.m. hour, & that is like say, or how you say like really kind of spooky, or scary, & considering that being of the fact that he himself has been doing this here for something like possibly more than quite a few calendar years, & as he himself is that being of this same neighbor of the said in question, &/or being of the previous, or prior mentioned who was supposed to have been given that being of some kind of a 5-day-eviction-notice, &, but then yet I myself suspect that he himself otherwise is back in that being of the building here as some kind of a ‘squatter'(a person of either a former neighbor being of a resident, or tenant however said who had been kicked out, or bounced from premises of properties of a unit’s atmosphere of a place of residence whereas previously one would have been giving money to a landlord, or a stranger who has never lived in a residential building, but then nevertheless, or likewise, or as well assumes that one had living priviledges where one is not paying rent nonewhatsoever to any owner being of whom actually has that being of proprietor rights otherwise to rent out to persons seeking to call a place their own for an agreed amount izmir escortlar of monetary currency of finances, & decides to just set up camp as a character of a mooch, or welcher regardless of any rental agreement lease that could possibly be signed up under some, or such different circumstances), & only after having possibly either jimmied the lock to that being of not only the building here, but then likewise to that being of his old digs, or pad as in place of residence of an apartment unless of course he himself could have possibly gotten back into either, or for both as you have to have a key to gain access, or entry into that being of the building here as well as have a key to that being of any of the unit’s atmospheres of places of residences being of which is for the different apartments, & you know by possibly having taken that being of the liberty to make that being of some, or of such duplicates, or copies of one’s original building, & apartment key, & you know like to get back right about now you all are probably wondering as to what has that being of the last paragraph has to do with me, & how does it relate to that being of the title to this here story being of which I myself will post shortly after whenever I can, or could possibly compose it altogether, & then send it off, & that being of the answer to that would be a lot, for you see being that because I myself have been terrorized, & traumatized, or in other words, harassed, intimidated, &/or persecuted, or to simply say bullied by this one particular proverbial neighbor-from-hell of a public-nuisance of a problem-neighbor male character be he himself has some, or such accomplices in crime, or not, but then I suspect that he himself does nine times out of ten, well that could possibly be, or is probably an understatement, & whereas he himself has made that being of my life a living-damn-hell since day one that he himself had moved into this one apartment of a place of residence being of a unit’s atmosphere being of which I myself think was for a time-frame-period like say, or how you say like shortly after I myself being of that of my person had done, or as I did, &/or practically if not possibly, but then that also could possibly be an understatement, & like say about for a time-frame-period of either two weeks, or a month after that being of the person of I myself, or of my same self did, unless he himself was here much earlier before I myself had moved into that being of the building where I myself am at now after relocating from still another building, & another, or a different neighborhood community, & whereas that being of the very reason, &/or purpose for me being of the person of I myself having moved from the other was all the same to try to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to put forth that being of the efforts to get away from a nutcase, crackpot, or crank like he himself being of this one particular male character who gets me myself to reflecting upon, or as he himself being of this same male character of the said in question, &/or being of the previous, or prior mentioned just gets me myself to thinking about still another male character as he himself acts like that being of the real life version of him for that being of the one within that movie-flick, or Hollywood, California motion-picture-production by title for this particular one called by it’s name of ‘silence of the lambs’, & whereas this one particular proverbial neighbor-from-hell izmir escort bayan being of a public-nuisance of a problem-neighbor male character could possibly be some kind, sort, or type of a closet ‘hannibal’, & now I think that you all being among yourselves may have at least a general idea where I myself am going with this as a result of developments of this here psychotic, &/or psychopathic moron of a sadist, or sociopathic sadomasochist, terrorist-wannabe, &/or cowardly-bully attempting to make me myself feel even more like some kind, sort, or type of a vietnam-veteran suffering from p.t.s.d./post-traumatic-stress-disorder being of a civilian nature, & whereas I myself am prior-military-enlistment-personnel anyway, or anyhow however said, & with that being of the way that this, in other words, lunatic-maniac, creep-&-a-weirdo, sicko-psycho has routinely gone about orchestrating, &/or initiating that being of some, or of such of his two-cent-power-plays against that being of my person as a male being of the same sex, & with all of the extreme, &/or excessive noise-making being of different sorts, or types being of which he himself carries on with upon a daily, &/or nightly basis, & then changes up still at some, or such other times with that being of his two-cent-powerplays of doing his ‘midnight-cowboy’ prowling routine as he himself creeps throughout that being of the building, & whereas the neighbors of still a couple, or few other male characters of the likes of his kind are not any better, & so whereas from there I myself although, or regardless of me being of some kind of a prodigal-son of a believer who can, or could possibly go astray from that being of the will of God at times while playing that being of the part of the-devil’s-advocate whereas from there I just don’t feel like my normal self, & be wondering as to whether, or not this one particular nutcase’s, crackpot’s, or crank’s negative influences could possibly be rubbing off on me, & as his, excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, crazy, homoish, faggotty, or closet-faggot lame-brain, bogus ass be attempting to drive me myself completely bonkers as in insane with all of that nonsense of his quite regular, routine daily, &/or nightly racket, & especially as he himself cuts up whenever I myself can, or could possibly watch porn, or choke my chicken until I myself can, or could possibly either get for myself once again another girlfriend representing the opposite sex being of a female person of a woman, or try to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to try to get right with the God of mine own understanding being of whom I myself chooses to realize, &/or recognize as our Lord, & Savior, the Christ, the Messiah-Deliverer as I myself am no longer an unbeliever, or a nonbeliever, but then believe it, or not a believer although, or regardless of how at times I myself being of that of my person as a male in that being of the same line of thought, &/or sense of the word can, or could possibly go astray from that being of the will of God until I myself were to either get some, or such of any like-minded believers in God to encourage my faith in accordance/s to that being of some, or of such religious, or spiritual beliefs(but then nevertheless I myself usually run into as in encounter that being of the many different persons of some, or of such false-brethren of religious-church-hypocrites being of no more than deceivers of unbelievers, izmir bayan escort or nonbelievers of the worser, or worcest sort/s, or type/s who are among they themselves who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers in God, but then nevertheless in all reality are, or is of therefore the worser, or worcest of some, or of such closet-devil-worshippers being of whom make up the majority, or most church-goers being of whatsoever, or whatever religious denominations, so therefore lately once again I myself be just usually going to any religious denominations’ churches just so that I myself can, or could possibly walk up the stairs for that being of certain churches being of which has that being of some, or of such stairways, or stairwells that is being of which leads up to that being of the supposed, or so-called ‘sanctuary’, or to that being of a sabbathical sunday school class just so that I myself can, or could possibly try to look up under that being of the dresses, &/or skirts of the many different races of female persons of women being of whom could possibly become, or be to that being of my liking if not be able to likewise take some, or such photo-shots, or video film footage of their beavers be they themselves wearing pairs of pantys up under those dresses, &/or skirts, or not), or I would try as best that I can, or hope that I myself being of that of my person as a believer could possibly encourage that being of mine own faith in God as a believer who could have possibly become discouraged, &/or depressed, & ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT BEING OF AT TIME-FRAME-PERIOD OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT BEING OF THE LAST PART OF LAST YEAR FOR TWO-THOUSAND, & EIGHTEEN, OR TWENTY-EIGHTEEN HOWEVER SAID WHEN THIS ONE WILLY-LYNCH-LETTER-FULFILLING FAGGOTTY, OR POSSIBLE, &/OR POTENTIAL CLOSET-FAGGOT NIGGA, OR NIGGER PREACHER-MAN, EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE, &/OR PARDON MY FRENCH, BASTARD S.O.B. MALE CHARACTER HAD CUSSED ME OUT WITHIN THAT BEING OF THE ATMOSPHERE FOR THE PREMISES OF PROPERTIES FOR THAT BEING OF THE VERY RELIGIOUS CHURCH THAT HE HIMSELF PASTORS, OR PRESIDES OVER, & OVER A MERE CELLPHONE, & AS THAT SACRILEDGES, OR BLASPHEMOUS DESTRUCTION OF A DISCIPLE’S TESTIMONY OF, OR IN CHRIST HAD HAPPENED WITHIN A BLACK NIGGA, OR NIGGER CHURCH OF ONE OF THOSE PHONEY CHURCHES BEING OF WHICH IS ONLY INTO THAT BEING OF THE GOSPLE, OR GOSPEL, OR MINISTRY STRICTLY FOR ONLY THAT BEING OF THE MONEY, & FOR THAT BEING OF A MAJOR METROPOLITAN CITY WITHIN THAT BEING OF THE MIDWEST HERE FOR THAT BEING OF WHICH IS WITHIN THAT BEING OF THE CONTINENTAL U.S.A., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, & WHEREAS I MYSELF BEING OF THAT OF MY PERSON HAVEN’T BEEN THAT BEING OF THE SAME SINCE THAT INCIDENT EITHER BEING OF WHICH JUST GETS ME MYSELF TO REFLECTING UPON SOME, OR SUCH OF THESE HERE MALE CHARACTERS OF NUTCASES, CRACKPOTS, OR CRANKS OF PROVERBIAL NEIGHBORS-FROM-HELL PUBLIC-NUISANCES OF PROBLEM-NEIGHBORS BEING OF THE VERY SAME ONES BEING OF WHOM ARE, OR IS AMONG THEMSELVES THAT I MYSELF WAS TELLING Y’ALL, OR YOU’S ABOUT MUCH EARLIER REGARDLESS OF WHETHER, OR NOT THAT BEING OF THE, OR A PERSON OF I MYSELF AM SPEAKING SOME, OR SUCH CORRECT, PROPER, STANDARD ENGLISH GRAMMAR BEING OF THE AMERICAN DIALECT WITH, OR WITHOUT EMPLOYING THAT BEING OF THE USAGE/S OF SOME, OR OF SUCH EXPLETIVES OF PROFANITY OF A NATURE TO BE WITHIN THAT BEING OF THE SAME LINE OF THOUGHT, &/OR SENSE OF THE WORD MORE, OR LESS LIKE THAT ONE PARTICULAR PREACHER-MAN WHO HAD NO RIGHT TO CUSS ME OUT WITHIN THAT BEING OF THE, OR A CHURCH THAT HE HIMSELF PRESIDES OVER, & WHEREA HE HIMSELF HAD JUST GOT ME MYSELF TO REFLECTING UPON, OR THINKING ABOUT THAT BEING OF THE LATE JIM JONES MALE CHARACTER OF A FALSE-BRETHEN, FALSE-PROPHET, &/OR ANTI-CHRIST.

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