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Tim wakes up early, realizing he is still holding Abbie on his chest.  He rubs Abbie’s back and works his way down to massage her ass cheeks.  He realizes with the two spankings of Abbie’s bottom, he is getting very attracted to doing that when needed.  The feel of Abbie’s ass cheeks, its softness, and yes, even how it glows when spanking it.  Tim feels the heat emanating from her bum after the previous night’s punishment.Waiting for Abbie to wake, he thinks over how different things are going to be going forward.  Oh, he knows he has a deep feeling for her already.  Now, at Abbie’s request, Tim is to be her disciplinarian, adds a sense of responsibility to their budding relationship.  He feels a warm glow run through him, thinking about taking on this responsibility.Tim shifts some as he contemplates this, waking Abbie.  She is so lovely to watch.  Tim sees her starting to stir, her hands reaching around her to comprehend where she is, and when her fingers rub against Tim’s shoulders, it is like she is aware she is in a safe and wonderful space. Her fingers move up to each side of his face, and she lifts herself enough to open her eyes, smile at Tim, and then give him a lovely good morning kiss.  They cuddle some with Tim rubbing her back and down to her ass cheeks.  Tim apologizes for not having put any cream on her bum after last night. He tells her to lie on her tummy as he goes and gets the cream. As Tim returns, he sees her copy of the rules and passes that to her to read aloud as he applies the cream.This will be an excellent reminder to Abbie about the rules she has agreed to follow.  As she reads each out, he rubs the cream over her cheeks and thighs.  Abbie is very serious as she reads each. Tim doesn’t stop rubbing when she finishes reading. Instead, he spreads her ass cheeks and squirts some cream along her crack.Abbie wiggles with enjoyment over feeling Tim’s fingers massaging her.  As Tim works the cream in moving downward, he thinks back to how Abbie inserted her fingers as she sucked him last night. This leads to him exploring her bud more as he applies a nice supply of cream. He presses his finger against her rosebud, and he hears a moan from Abbie.  Tim tentatively begins inserting a finger. This causes Abbie to moan even louder in pleasure.  Abbie’s whimpers and purrs encourage him more.He pushes his finger further up in her as Abbie cries out in a small voice, “Yes, yes, yes.”  Tim comprehends that Abbie enjoys this, so he pulls out for a second and then presses two fingers up in her ass.Abbie is overwhelmed by this surprise.  She is amazed that Tim is willing to do this already.  Besides feeling the rapture of him dancing in her anus, it also gives her hope that things will move forward to something more soon.She relishes each thrust of his fingers in and out of her.  Feel them pressing against her prostate, which makes Abbie shout out in glee.  “Tell me how much you want, Abbie,” Tim tells her, bursa escort “Tell me if I should stop.”“No, Tim, don’t stop, keep going it feels so wonderful,” Abbie pants in reply as she rolls some to be on her side so Tim can see her ‘big clit’ needing attention also.Tim moves his other hand to begin pumping Abbie, firmly holding the shaft and moving up and down.  It is how he likes to be wanked and can see that at this moment it is what Abbie want’s too.They go on this way, Tim lying on his side behind Abbie, fingers up dancing in her ass, and others squeezing and jerking her member.  Abbie is just crying out over and over how good it feels.  Abbie doesn’t want this ever to end, but she knows she is about to explode from this surprise attention to start the day.“Tim, I’m about to…” Abbie moans, and she feels her shaft trembling, ready to release. Tim realizes this and moved his palm over her glans to catch everything as it comes out.  Which it does in stream after stream for almost a minute.Abbie is shocked herself at how much built up inside her needing to be discharged.  As she begins to calm, Tim lifts his palm to his lips and licks Abbie’s residue off it.  The fingers of his other hand gently pull out of her.  At that moment, Abbie rolls to look him in his eyes and kisses him deeply, tasting herself on Tim’s lips.“Oh, my sweet, thank you. I don’t deserve that after last night, but again we have found a wonderful wake-up ritual for us in the future,” Abbie murmurs to Tim. Tim laughs, spanks her ass cheeks each once, and replies, “Well, you be my good girl, and it will happen more often.  Now, I need to head home.  I have some things I need to do but will be back this evening.  We can have dinner and see what happens then.”Abbie pouts a little as she was hoping they would just stay in bed all day and see what could develop.  But the look on Tim’s face at her pouting warns her not to push it.  And she turns her frown upside down immediately.Tim gets dressed quickly and comes and sits on the side of the bed, pulling Abbie to him.  He kisses her several times, letting her know that if he could, he would stay with her all day.  Tim heads out and jogs home.  Getting to stay with Abbie, he is getting the benefit of a run regularly now.At home, Tim gets to work after a quick shower and change.  He has clothes to wash, and more rooms to tackle.  The main one, which Tim hesitates over, is his mother’s room.  The big bedroom which he wants to have redone, with new furniture, for Abbie and him.Breathing in deeply a few times, he opens the door, which has been closed these last years and walks in.  He immediately opens the windows to get fresh air in, and then takes down the curtains, strips the bed, tossing all of that down the stairs to take out to the bin. He works quickly and efficiently, going through the drawers by her bed, then on to her dresser.  He smiles as he sees an excellent wooden, rather large, hairbrush bursa escort bayan lying there.  The bristles are rough, and he remembers last night and takes it and puts it in his room.  Returning, he empties the dresser, sorting clothes to give away and others in a bag to toss out. Tim had started at the bottom drawers, so it is not until he gets to the top drawer that he discovers his mother’s jewelry box. Due to their circumstances, Tim knows his mother never had any really good jewelry.  She never wore much of anything ever.  But when he opens the box, sitting on the bed, he is a bit surprised to see what is in it.There were several lovely gold necklaces and bracelets.  A ring box that when Tim opens brings long-ago memories from when he was little flashing back over him.  He knows this ring.  When he was little up until he was about ten or so, his mother always wore it.  A wider gold band with a diamond fitted in it.  The diamond seems of a decent size. Tim sees that there is a note, folded many times, and worn at the top of the box.  He takes it out and reads:Cynthia,I can not give you my hand, or name, but know that I do, and always will love you.  Wear this and think of me wanting to be all that you would like me to be.ThomasDamn, this was from his father.  And his mother did wear it for years. Then suddenly she stopped wearing it.  Later she had another ring she suddenly was wearing, yes this one, that Tim picks up from the jewelry box.  A silver band with sapphires embedded in it.As much as he keeps his feelings for his father, who he never remembers ever seeing, Tim does admire the ring.  It had been so important for a long time to his mother.  He takes the two rings and some of the other jewelry to his room.  Tim thinks that in time he would like to give the gold band to Abbie.He then empties his mother’s closet of all her clothes.  He does not feel ready to sort through them yet, so he carries them to the spare bedroom and just leaves them on that bed to deal with later.  The shoes and hats he does bag for another pickup from the donation center.  All that goes out to his front porch. The only box which he keeps and puts with his mother’s clothes is one which appears filled with letters and other papers.  That also goes to the spare room as he knows whatever is in them he isn’t ready to confront, even after all these years.He does feel good that the room is more or less ready to be redone.  He messages the donation center about the bags on the porch, and the furniture from his mother’s room is available for pick up.  He then walks over to Leslie’s house, taking with him the sealed envelope from Abbie and him.Les is glad to see him and invites him in for a cup of tea. Regarding the time, already after one, he readily agrees.  Over tea and sandwiches, Tim tells Leslie about the center picking up his mother’s furniture and the bags on Monday.  Also, what she needs to relay to the escort bursa painters for colors for the rooms. The carpet needs to be taken up, and the floors there sanded too.  But Tim wants her to be up to speed to oversee the work.  Leslie tells him she understands what is expected.Leslie comments, “You know, Tim, all this work on your house is raising its value if you ever put it on the market.  And you are making me a bit jealous of how nice it is going to be.  Maybe I should think about having my place upgraded too.  Your contractors do seem to be doing an outstanding job.”Tim laughs with her over this.  Then Tim changes the subject some as he takes the envelope out and slides it across the table to her, saying, “Les, Abbie and I would like you to keep this envelope for us.  Just put it away.  It is more a symbol to us for something Abbie wants me to do for her.”Leslie catches on to what Tim is implying immediately, based on their conversation the other night.  “So Tim, was it you, or Abbie, who decided they wanted some rules?” Tim blushes some and stammers, “After our talk on Wednesday night, I realized that what Abbie was wanting needed to be a contract between the two of us.  Setting some guidelines, rules, Abbie wants in her life now.  For her to follow fully or accept the consequences which I will determine if breaks the rules.“I came up with the rules, Abbie had time to internalize what is to be expected, all the things she did want.  We added one she wanted to be included, and this is the result.  We both have two copies, one for at home, one for work, and the fifth copy for you to keep for us.”Les is surprised how easy Tim is adjusting to the role Abbie has asked him to take.  “Tim, I will put this away for you, and do understand the need that someone else more or less shares the information you decided on together to solidify the contract.  I hope this works out for you too.”Satisfied, Tim heads back to his house, moves more things from the upstairs bathroom so it can be remodeled.  Staying at Abbie’s mainly from here out until the remodeling is completed, is all working out.  The contractors are going to finish the downstairs loo before beginning work on the one upstairs, but not having to stumble through the construction will be so much easier.By four, he has things pretty much under control for the contractors to finish their work.  The only thing he needs yet to tackle is his own closet and clothes.  He does need to ask Abbie to come shopping with him to pick out some new, more fashionable clothes.He finishes calculating how much he has spent so far and how much of his savings is left.  He is happy to see that his contributions to the account over the last eight years from working are still fully intact by the time all the work is finished.  He does yet have a nice nest egg.Getting ready to head to the shower to clean up before seeing Abbie, his phone rings.  It is Abbie.  A smile spreads on Tim’s face as he answers.Tim: “Hi, Abbie, how are you doing?  I was just going to jump into the shower then head over.”Abbie: “Don’t shower.  That is why I am calling you.  Come over how you are as I am starting a nice bath running for us to take together.”

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