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Bi Sex

“Would you mind if I asked you something?”“Of course not,” said Tim. He was driving Isabel to the airport at the end of a memorable weekend. Isabel was a twenty-year-old from Edinburgh whom Tim’s partner, Christina, had met during an office seminar. The two women had ended up in bed together, a first for them both, although Chris had concealed the fact from her new friend. The age difference was only three years, but sexually Chris was infinitely more experienced and adventurous. Before they parted, she had told Isabel about Tim and invited her to visit them. Such had been the success of the visit that Isabel wasn’t looking forward to returning to her straight-laced parents.“I’ve done a lot of thinking in the past two days,” Isabel said. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the way you and Chris have introduced me to things I’d only read about. And I suspect you would be happy for it to happen again.”“We would.”“Well. so would I. But I’m not sure I can keep finding excuses for my mother and father, and even if I could, I don’t think I want this on a now-and-then basis.”“What do you have in mind?”“There’s a lot of movement in the firm, people transferring from one branch to another. If I look out for an opening in the office here and apply for a transfer, how do you think Chris would feel about it?”“Pleased, I guess.” Tim’s mind went back to the previous evening and the lesson Chris had given Isabel in fellatio. Remembering the way their guest had wrapped her lips around his cock, Tim thought he, too, would welcome more frequent opportunities for a repeat performance.“You know, after Chris took me shopping, I was so thrilled by the new undies. The knickers did something for you, didn’t they.”“Of course.”“Well, when I had to leave them behind in a drawer in your guest room – my mother would have had a fit if she’d seen them – that made my mind up. But would I be imposing on you two? I wouldn’t know anyone else down here.”Tim took a hand from the wheel and squeezed her knee, sharing her regret that she felt the need to return home wearing the trouser suit in which she had arrived. How much he would have preferred to have her beside him in a skirt and stockings that did justice to her legs and perhaps gave him an occasional glimpse of white thighs and more. Inexperienced she may have been, but over the weekend she had opened those thighs with increasing desire. He said, “I think you would soon have plenty of admirers, but, of course, we’d look after you until you felt secure. What about your parents, though?”“They won’t istanbul travesti like it. I probably won’t tell them until I’m sure I’ve got the move, and then we’ll all just have to live with it.”For a while they drove in silence until, stopped at a traffic light, she laid a hand in his lap. The gesture was tentative but the way she inched her fingers towards his groin was a clear indication that events of the past two days had removed some of the inhibitions she had brought with her.“There’s something else,” she said.“Tell me.”“It’s about … ” she hesitated. “Well, you know when I was kneeling … ““When I was going into you from behind?”“Yes, then.”“Wasn’t it good for you?”“Oh, it was good. More than good. But I felt it was something very special for you. It was as though your … as though you got bigger in my … you know, inside me.” She broke off. “I’m sorry, you’d like me to use the words we used last night, but – ““Not necessarily. You’ve seen enough of Chris and me together to understand how plain talk plays a part in our sessions. It always excites us, and we were both thrilled when you began to join in last night. But now, in the car … well, perhaps it’s just as well if we don’t start something we can’t finish.”“Yes, I expect you’re right. It’s just that there’s so much new that I’m coming to terms with.”“Believe me, you’re doing all right.”“But am I right? It wasn’t only how hard you were when you had me that way. It seemed to give you such a charge – you were pushing into me so fast, and harder and harder, until you came. I admit it was great for me, especially because Chris would always finish me off if I still needed it afterwards. But what is it that’s different about that position for you?”For a short while Tim said nothing, formulating a lie that wouldn’t hurt Isabel. He said, “I suspect most men are turned on by rear entry. It’s partly visual, being able to see your wetness on me when I withdraw, and then how easy it is to go back deep inside. After that, maybe it’s no more than a small change of position, yours or mine, perhaps a little twitch of your muscles, and that does the trick.”Isabel’s hand had encountered the bulge of Tim’s erection. “I hope this isn’t starting something we can’t finish.”“For now, I’m afraid it is. Though there’s nothing I would enjoy more.”“Me too, But I understand.” She withdrew her hand. “And thank you for wanting me so badly.”After they parted, Tim drove home in thoughtful mood, pleased he had managed to divert Isabel’s questions about their doggy-style istanbul travestileri fucking, but uncomfortably aware that the underlying problem would have to be resolved soon. Sex with Isabel and Chris had been as enjoyable as any he could remember, Chris’s skilful manipulation having contrived for much of the time to keep at least two of them in a high state of arousal. Often it had been relaxed, sensual interplay of fingers, tongues and genitals, the giving and taking of slow pleasure, but there had been times when they had each, Isabel not least, been consumed by overpowering, uncontrollable surrender to orgasm. What Tim had been unable to tell Isabel was the image that so easily triggered his frenzied thrusting into her receptive orifice.That same weekend when Chris had met Isabel for the first time, Tim had surprised Cheryl, his mother, a divorcee, in bed with another woman. Thanks to Cheryl’s composed reaction, the encounter hadn’t led to embarrassed excuses all round; instead, it had culminated with Moira, the other woman, licking Cheryl’s clitoris while kneeling to accept Tim’s rampant cock. Cheryl then revealed that there was a third party involved: Moira’s husband, Victor. Why didn’t Tim and Chris join them some time?Since then, only a Caribbean cruise for the other three, had kept Chris and Tim from accepting the invitation. But it was while fucking Isabel from behind when she was using her tongue on Chris that Tim had suddenly had a vision of the earlier encounter. Although his cock was pistoning the Scots girl, his mind was picturing Moira and his mother. Until finally he could not be sure which of the two women in his imagination was drawing him in. More crucially, he became daily more certain which of the two was the magnet attracting him inexorably towards another opportunity.Entering the apartment, Tim found Chris seated in an armchair, legs crossed, telephone receiver to her ear. She put a finger to her lips. Several minutes passed before she said, “I’ll talk to Tim and we’ll get back to you later.”“Who was that?” he asked/“Cheryl. They’re back from the cruise, which seems to have been a wow. There was the usual predatory steward on the prowl for single women, so you can imagine his surprise when he picked up Cheryl and found himself the fourth member of the party. Not that anybody complained – according to Cheryl the steward was exceptionally well endowed. Apparently pretty well everyone had everyone and now they’re back in town eager for more. Which means us. Next Friday travesti istanbul night.”“Oh.”“Darling, I know what you’re thinking, but you can’t keep ducking a decision. Last time we talked about it you said we would go and see what happened. Does that stand?”“I can’t see any alternative. And I don’t know if I want one, anyway.”“I’ll ring Cheryl and tell her. Then bed. Clean sheets – last night’s will have to go to the laundrette to get the stains out. Happy memories?”“Yes. Very.”“I sensed Isabel had it inside her, but I was surprised how much emerged. By the end I think she did almost as much for me as she did for you. And I have to say I enjoyed watching the two of you together. Let’s hope she means it when she says she wants to come back.”“She does,” said Tim, and recounted the substance of the conversation in the car. “What do you think?”“I think we should wait and see if she can pull it off. Those parents of hers sound pretty fearsome to me. It would certainly do her good to get away, and if that means coming here – well, I don’t have a problem with that. Rather the reverse. If this weekend is anything to go by, the three of us could have a lot of fun together. And who knows what might develop. Introduce her to Cheryl and her friends, maybe.”“Now you’re looking too far ahead. We don’t know yet what’s going to happen on Friday.”Chris said, “Let’s go to bed and have a rehearsal.”*******************************They called to collect Cheryl before driving to meet Moira and Victor, who had agreed to act as hosts; desirable, said Cheryl, because they had a suitable playroom to accommodate all five of them. The couple, childless, were well off and able to indulge – among other things – their erotic ambitions. They had dabbled tentatively in the swinging scene, with mixed success, but always constrained by the need for strict security. Both had public positions with plenty to lose. Vic, she told them, had been head-hunted a few months back for the European Financial Director’s job with a huge global concern. The final interview, just before they left for their cruise, had been gruelling, but he had returned to the news that the job was his. “So tonight we’ll be celebrating that. And having a good time in other ways.”“In every way?” Tim asked.His mother understood the implication of the question. “I hope so, but why don’t we just wait and see? There’ll be a lot that’s new for all of us. You and I, for example,” she said, smiling at Chris. “We’ve known each other for almost a year but I hope we’ll know each other a lot better before the night is over. Do you mind if I ask if you’ve been with another woman before?”“Not since last weekend,” laughed Chris. It was time for a brief account of their Scottish liaison.“Now that does sound interesting,” Cheryl remarked when she had heard the basic details.

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