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All things happen for a reason. I’ve always been a believer in that philosophy, but when I lost my high paying executive job a few months ago, I was having a little trouble comprehending how that particular event was going to work out for the best.

After fifteen years of hard work climbing my way up the corporate ladder and sacrificing a lot of my family and personal life along the way, I decided it might be nice to take a few months off and spend some quality time with my eight and ten year old kids before I reentered the rat race of corporate America.

I must admit, I was a little bit naïve when I suggested to my wife that it might be fun to play Mr. Mom and be a stay at home dad for awhile. It wasn’t something I wanted to do forever, but a few months of doing Dad duty sounded pretty good. How tough could it be?

My first week on the job proved to be considerably tougher than I ever imagined. The list of new experiences included, breakfast for the kids in the morning, laundry and housework during the day, running the kids back and forth to school and after school activities. I had no idea staying at home could be such hard work. My day started at six o’clock in the morning and if I was lucky, by eight o’clock at night I could finally sit down and relax a little. It didn’t take me long to realize why stay at home moms often feel under appreciated.

After dropping the kids off at school one morning a few weeks ago, I decided to stop by a local café for a much needed cup of coffee. The kids were satisfied with a bowl of corn flakes when we overslept like we did that morning, but I needed a few cups of caffeine and a hot breakfast to get my day headed in the right direction.

I grabbed a seat at the bar and ordered some eggs and bacon. The smell of the coffee wafting through the air as the waitress poured the magic serum into my cup was enough to bring my brain cells out of their nightly hibernation and back to reality.

Just as my food arrived, three attractive young ladies entered the café. I quickly recognized the trio as three of the mothers who shared my routine of picking up and dropping off our kids at the school. We had shared some casual conversation in the past while we were waiting for school to let out, but that was about the extent of our acquaintance.

Donna was always the outspoken one in the group when we chatted outside of the school building. Despite the fact that she almost always wore baggy sweat pants and sweat shirts, rarely wore makeup, and always looked like she must have been in the middle of housework and just jumped into the minivan to get the kids, she had a certain attractiveness about her. With the “real Donna” cleverly concealed beneath those baggy grey sweats she always wore, I could never tell if she had a great body, or just an average one, so I chose to let the image in my mind drift in the direction of the firm, well toned version.

Julia was just the opposite of Donna. Every time I saw Julia she was dressed to impress. It didn’t matter if it was morning or afternoon, at the grocery store or an after school event, Julia was always in style and the best dressed person in the crowd. The first time I saw Julia I assumed she must be a working mother and was fixed up and dressed for work, but I later discovered that she was just one of those ladies who never left the house unless she was fixed up and fashionable.

Unlike Donna who cleverly kept my curiosity piqued about what was hidden beneath those sweats, Julia kept no secrets. The tight jeans she often wore showcased her long and sexy legs. The fashionable high heels she wore with those curve hugging jeans made her look like she was ready for the dance floor, but more importantly, they made her well toned legs and hips beg for attention. Between the choice of button up blouses that she liked to wear to flaunt her cleavage and the skin tight sweaters she chose for cool morning attire, it was obvious Julia was proud of the perfect bosom that either the good Lord or the good plastic surgeon had blessed her with.

And then there was Trish. Like the other two, Trish was also attractive in her own way. I’m not sure if it was the way she dressed, the matronly style of her feathered brown hair, or the studious appearance of the wire rimmed glasses that framed her inquisitive brown eyes, but something about her just radiated, “Sexy PTA Mom.” I remember the first time I saw her I thought to myself, “She comes across like the All American Mom, but I’ll bet she’s hell on wheels in the bedroom.”

“You didn’t tell me breakfast was part of the routine,” I laughed, as the trio sat at the table just a few feet away.

“Are you kidding,” Trish responded. “It’s Time Out Tuesday,” she continued, as the three of them shared a friendly giggle amongst themselves.

“Time Out Tuesday,” I inquired. “Care to explain to a rookie what that might mean?”

It was Donna’s turn now to try to explain it to me.

“One day a week we get together for coffee, breakfast, Antalya Escort and girl stuff,” Donna began. “It’s the one hour a week that we can just relax and forget about all of the things we should be home doing.”

I had no problem understanding that logic. After only three weeks of playing Mr. Mom, I was already finding myself caught up in the same rat race. Never enough hours in the day to get everything done that needed to get done, someone constantly asking for something else to be done, and no time or energy left over for me.

“I can certainly appreciate that,” I replied. “I’ve been at this Mr. Mom thing now for three weeks,” I continued, as I took another sip of coffee. “Please tell me it gets easier with time.”

The simultaneous burst of laughter that erupted from all three of them gave me my answer before any words were spoken.

“Would you care to join us,” asked Julia, with a raise of her coffee cup and a wink of her sexy long eyelashes. “It sounds to me like you need some advice from the pros.”

“An invitation from three lovely ladies to join them in their weekly stress relief ritual,” I answered. “How could I refuse?’

The only empty chair at the table was between Donna and Trish and directly across the table from Julia. It was my lucky day. Sitting straight across from Julia meant there would be no danger of me being caught wrenching my neck to get a glimpse of those perfect tits she was proudly displaying.

For the next sixty minutes we talked, laughed, and drank enough coffee to keep a small army awake for the night patrol. I shared my story of why I decided to take some time off and they each shared theirs. It was certainly fun and relaxing and a good break form the daily routine.

At ten o’clock sharp, Trish brought us back to reality.

“As always,” she said, “This has been fun, but I have three loads of laundry to get done, the kitchen floor to mop, and dinner to get ready before Dan’s parents come over for dinner tonight.”

“Sounds like fun,” Donna piped in. “All I have to do this afternoon, is run the sweeper, dust the upstairs, run Molly to the dentist to get her braces tightened, and bake three dozen cookies for some party Josh’s class is having tomorrow.”

As we stood to leave, I told the ladies thanks for letting me crash their party.

“Let me pick up the tab,” I offered, as I reached for each of their checks on the table. “It’s the least I can do to repay you for the insight and wisdom you shared with me today.”

“Don’t be silly,” Donna slapped my hand. “We’ve enjoyed this as much as you have. You’re welcome to join us anytime.”

“So if I happened to show up here next week at this same time you wouldn’t have me arrested for stalking?” I inquired, half joking and half probing to see if the invitation was genuine.

“Of course not,” Julia countered, with a wink, a grin, and a playful brush of her firm tits against my arm as she wrestled into the suede jacket that matched perfectly with the rest of her outfit.

When the following Tuesday arrived, I couldn’t wait to get to the café for another round of “Time Out Tuesday.” This time when I strolled into the café, the girls were already there and seated at the same table. Just like the week before, the empty chair was between Donna and Trish and I was forced to sit across from Julia and try to avoid drooling over the sight of those incredible tits. It would take my full restraint today since Julia had chosen a white silk blouse with the top three buttons open to display her well tanned cleavage.

“Good morning ladies. It looks like it’s going to be a fabulous day.”

“Aren’t we chipper mood this morning,” Trish replied, sounding as if she had already had a rough day and was jealous of my happy go lucky disposition.

“Ladies, ladies,” I said, “The sun is shining, spring is in the air and it’s ‘Time Out Tuesday.’ Of course I’m in a good mood.”

“Besides,” I said, “I thought the purpose of ‘Time out Tuesday’ was to check your stress at the door when you come to the café and forget about all of the work you have to do when you get home.”

“Easier said than done, Professor Happy,” Donna responded.

We spent the next hour chatting about everything from soccer practice to what’s the best soap for washing walls, to how much homework our kids seemed to have these days that required parental help to understand it. The common theme I heard over and over was, “there is never enough time for me.”

“At the risk of being exiled on only my second ‘Time Out Tuesday’, may I offer some advice I learned a long time ago on way journey up the corporate ladder?” I cautiously probed.”

“A wise mentor of mine once told me, ‘Brian, if you don’t take time to take care of yourself along the way, you may burn like a rocket for a while, but you’ll burn out long before you reach your target. Work hard, play hard,’ he told me. That is the secret to keeping your sanity and still being successful.”

Before we Antalya Escort Bayan broke up for the day, I gave the ladies a homework assignment.

“Between now and next week, I ordered them, you have to set aside two hours of time for yourself to do something fun. Next week when we get together, I expect to hear some great stories about what you did on your two hours. I’m going to teach you ladies about balancing work and fun if it’s the last thing on this precious earth I do.”

I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when the next Tuesday rolled around. My pulse was beating a little faster than normal and I couldn’t wait to get the kids off to school so I could meet up with my new friends at the café.

“Okay ladies, it’s kiss and tell time,” I joked, as I sat down for week three of my real life Desperate Housewives episode.

“Who wants to start with the juicy details of what you did on your homework assignment?

“I’ll start,” gleamed Julia. “I took the kids to the arcade for my homework assignment.”

“I took the kids to the Chucky Cheeses’ over the weekend,” Donna added.

“I kind of forgot about the assignment to be honest,” confessed Trish.

“Ladies,” I sighed. “You all failed the assignment. The assignment was to do something for you, not for you and the kids.”

“The bad news is that you failed the assignment,” I said, in a somewhat depressed tone of voice. “The good news is that I anticipated you would fail it, so I came prepared today with Plan B.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out three small boxes. Each box was about the size of a deck of playing cards. The red boxes sparkled with a glittery twinkle as I placed them in the middle of the table. I looked around the table as I placed the boxes down and saw the inquisitive look in each of their eyes.

“Inside each box you will find some instructions,” I told them. “You must follow the instructions completely. No questions, no resistance, just follow the instructions. You have to trust me on this one.”

I decided to leave the girls alone for the rest of their “Time Out Tuesday” and I headed to the gym for a light workout. A little personal time for Brian was in order; else I might be accused of not practicing what I was preaching.

Donna told me later that the door of the café had barely closed behind me before they grabbed the boxes to see what was inside. Inside each box they found a note and an appointment card with a date and time. The appointment card was for a four hour spa treatment at the local fitness center.

The note inside each box read: “This appointment has been arranged especially for you. You deserve some time for yourself. Please clear your schedule on the day and time shown on the appointment card. When you arrive at the spa, ask for Trent. Have fun. Brian.”

Trent was a friend of mine who ran a local fitness center and spa. He had a wide spread reputation for being the best masseuse in the city, and he had a long list of clientele to testify to it. When I described my new friends to Trent, he graciously offered to give them his best treatment. Trent was a true ladies man who never passed on a chance to have a beautiful naked lady melting beneath his talented hands.

Trent called me on Saturday to let me know that each girl had followed my instruction and each had shown up for their appointment.

“Did you take good care of them?” I asked, as Trent prepared to give me the download.

“Oh yea,” Trent quickly responded. “I gave them my best massage. Putty in my hands my friend, putty in my hands.”

“So how did they look, with nothing on but a towel?” I asked.

“Incredible,” said Trent. “You already new Julia had a great body,” he added. “Trish has one of those runner’s bodies, long and lean. Small boobs, but really fit and trim. I’d have no problem fucking her if I had the chance.”

“Donna was the shocker,” Trent continued. “That babe has a rock solid perfect body hidden beneath that oversized sweat suit. I’d take her over Julia in a New York second if the two were up for grabs.”

On the following Tuesday, the girls were at the café when I arrived, giggling amongst themselves as I approached the table. The giggles quickly stopped when they saw me heading their direction.

“You’re either male bashing or talking about me, aren’t you,” I teased them as I sat down in my usual spot.

“Did you follow my instructions this time?” I asked, knowing that Trent had already confirmed the answer for me.

“Oh God, that was wonderful Brian,” gasped Julia. “Thank you so much.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been that relaxed,” added Trish. “That guy at the spa really knew how to give a massage.”

“I have to agree,” admitted Donna. “I wasn’t so sure about taking four precious hours out of my schedule for a spa treatment, but I’m sure glad I did. Thanks for encouraging me to take some time for myself,” she added, as she leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

The Escort Antalya girls continued to talk about how great the spa was and how good Trent was at making them relax.

“Better than sex,” Julia commented, as she tried to put her experience into words.

“Much better than sex,” Trish added. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but the last time I had sex that left me feeling that blissful was, well, never!”

“How about you, Donna,” I inquired. “Was it as orgasmic for you as it was for the others?”

“Ooohhh Yea,” she bounced back. “It’s been so long since I’ve felt the rush of orgasm that I can’t remember for certain what it feels like, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t any better than that massage!”

I was one of the girls now. The conversation had turned to sex and they didn’t seem to mind that a male was in their presence. It was a sign of true acceptance.

Another week zipped quickly past before it was time for another dose of “Time Out Tuesday.” The discussion the previous week about sex and the busy housewife had spawned another idea in my always churning brain. This one took a little more preparation than the spa appointments, but like the good executive I once was, when it was time for the big game, I was always up for the challenge.

I wish I had a camera to catch the astonished look on the girl’s faces when I waltzed into the café carrying three more boxes. This time they were considerably larger, about the size of a Kleenex box.

“More surprises from the mystery man?” Trish quizzed me, as I set the boxes in the center of the table.

“Trish, my dear,” I answered, “It appears from our conversation last week that I have not yet accomplished my objective of getting you ladies to accept and adhere to my ‘work hard, play hard’ philosophy. It also appears that you have not yet grasped the concept of the need for balance and the need to make time for yourselves. So, I have prepared lesson number two, another homework assignment.”

Julia reached for one of the boxes but I placed my hand on top of hers to prevent her from opening it.

“Now, now,” I scolded her. “The contents of this box are for your eyes only and must be opened only in the privacy of your own home.”

“Inside the box you will find several items,” I informed them. “You will also find a list of instructions lying on top of the contents. It is imperative that you follow the instructions explicitly. Do not remove the cardboard separator between the instructions and the contents of the box until you have read the instructions completely. Oh yes, one more thing. Bring the box and all partially used or unused contents back here next Tuesday so I can grade your assignment.”

For the next hour the girls stared at the boxes in the center of the table and offered guesses as to what might be inside. As we got up to leave at the end of another “Time Out Tuesday,” each lady grabbed a box like it was the last present under the tree on Christmas morning.

As I opened the door of my BMW to head home, my thoughts were already racing trying to imagine what the girls’ responses would be to my little assignment. My mind drifted to Julia and that sexy body she reveled in showing off. A smile crossed my face and a bulge grew in my pants as I imagined her reading the note inside the box.

Inside this box you will find the following items: – A vanilla scented candle – A lighter – A small bottle of bubble bath – An MP3 player with ear buds – A small velvet bag that is not to be opened until instructed to do so Remove the contents of the box and place all items within reach of the tub. Pour a hot bath and add enough bubble bath for a foamy relaxing bubble bath. Turn out the lights in the bathroom and light the vanilla candle. Slip into the tub, turn on the MP3 player, and enjoy the relaxing music. Do not open the velvet bag until you are instructed too. The remainder of the instruction will be recorded on the MP3 player. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Both my thoughts and my pulse were still racing when I pulled the BMW to a stop in my driveway. The bulge in my pants had not subsided during the short drive home and I was feeling the urge to take matters into my own hands and relieve the tension building in my balls.

I quickly stripped, grabbed a bottle of baby oil from the cabinet and liberally coated my fully erect cock. With my cock and balls dripping with the slippery oil, I began a slow and sensual stroke. As I closed my eyes, my thoughts drifted to Julia and the surprise that awaited her.

I stroked my cock with long, slow strokes as I pictured Julia’s gorgeous body stepping into that hot bath.

As my gripping right hand slowly slid from the base of my rigid shaft to the tip of its head and back down again, the picture of Julia became more and more vivid in my mind. Her head titled back on the edge of the tub, her perfect body submerged beneath the frothy suds and her eyes closed as she listened to the soothing jazz music escaping the MP3 player.

I could picture the look of surprise on her face when the fourth song ended and she heard my voice begin to provide her final instructions through the earphones of the player.

“Now that you are fully relaxed,” my pre-recorded message began, “It is time for your final instructions.”

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