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Trevor’s Transformation, Chapter TwoChapter Two.Turns out that Trevor had indeed done time in jail for several misdemeanor actions, none of which were very serious, but nonetheless he must have pissed off one of the juvenile judges, because he did two one month stays just prior to his 16th birthday, and one week stay prior to turning 18. This k** obviously had some serious anger issues, which I’m sure was brought on after his father walked out on him, his brother and his mother. Thankfully, his brother Connor was the complete opposite, and was scared to death of getting in trouble. More than likely he’d seen what trouble his brother got into and decided that wasn’t for him.Since I had some big projects coming up that demanded extra manual labor, I decided to really go out on a limb and give Trevor the chance to work for me. With a particular job requiring close to 700 yards of sod to be laid and only two other workers, having a strong young buck around to do the dirty work would help me get the job done on time. Surprisingly, he did fairly well, and seemed to thrive having actual physical work to do, as if it occupied his mind and kept him from thinking about deviant things. In fact, he did so well that I did pay him a bit of a wage, when I told him that he would be working for me for free as part of our deal. He was surprised, and was appreciative. Since the first job went well, I asked him to help me with another sod laying job, one that was twice as much as the first job. He agreed, and showed up on time to help.But as the job finished and we headed back to my house, his attitude started to change. I sensed the change, and as the talk about his girlfriend came up, I asked him just why he ran his car through my flower bed. “I was pissed off at my bitch of a girlfriend. She didn’t feel like putting out that night, and it had been like two days since she let me fuck her. I was so fuckin’ horny, and the bitch wouldn’t even give me a blow job.” I was rather surprised and both aroused by his brutal honesty about his relationship with his girlfriend. “Yeah, she was being a total cunt. I felt like just fucking her anyway, but she made a big deal about it, and so I told her to get her ass in the car so I could take her home. We started fighting, and before I knew it, I’d driven through your fucking flowers and yard, and was burning out your driveway to take the bitch home. So why do you ask?” I explained to him that I had yet to give him the punishment part of the deal for him ruining my flowers. “Oh, like you’re going to like spank me or something? You know I’m just young, dumb, and full of cum, so I do stupid things like that” I could feel my dick starting to grow at the thought of having this young punk under my control. As a Master, the idea of turning this cocky little prick of a k** into a blubbering, crying and whining sub completely under my control made me rock hard, and I could feel my boxers start to get wet with pre cum as we drove toward my house. Looking over at him sitting shirtless in my truck, his long blonde hair waving ever so slightly in the wind, his khaki cargo shorts loose around the waist, revealing his blue and green plaid boxers, I could hardly wait to get my hands on him and start his training. Today would be the day the training would start.“So that is why you did it, because you’re young, dumb and full of cum?” I replied. Laughing a borderline nervous laugh, Trevor answered back with “Well yeah, I suppose. I’m fucking horny all the time. Sex is all I can think of, getting it anyway I can.” “Anway?” I replied sounding surprised. “Well not any way. It’s not like I’m into fucking faggots.” I just laughed under my breath, as I pulled into my driveway. “So your mother is going to be gone for most of the night, right?” “Yeah, why? I have a date with my girlfriend tonight, and man, I need to get laid.” Now my juices were really flowing. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll get you out of here in time. But I need help moving some things in my house, and you’re going to help. Then I’ll elaborate on the final part of your punishment.” Him getting out of the house for his date likely would not happen tonight, but time would tell. This was going to be fun. As I parked the truck and we got out, he stood next to me, still shirtless, with his shorts hanging below kağıthane escort his waist. His boxers barely clinging to what I guessed was to be no more than a 30 inch tanned and toned waist. I could smell his sweaty body odor as he passed through the door into my kitchen. Looking around, Trevor seemed surprised at how clean and organized my kitchen and house was. “Well the basement may or may not be so organized. So that’s where I need your help and where you’ll receive your punishment. So let’s go down there and get started.” For certain I thought he’d back down or refuse, but obediently, he walked down the stairs and followed the light into the room on the left. When he came to the locked door, he tried opening the door, but obviously could not. I walked past him, brushing his arm, opened the door to my room, turned on the light, and let him walk in. As he walked in, I closed and locked the door behind me. “What are you doing that for? What is going on? Are you some kind of faggot freak?” As he began to come to his senses as to what was around the room, slowly it began to sink in to him what was in the room. “Oh my god, you’re some fucking BDSM freak, aren’t you? I need to go NOW!” With that he headed for the door. But before he could get far, I quickly grabbed him by his arms, pulled them in front of him and slapped the hidden hand cuffs on his wrists and pinned him up against the wall, and before he could react, I had his hands tied to the chain that was wrapped around a pipe in the ceiling of the basement. “Okay you little fuck, you’ve caused me and your mother enough trouble. You say you don’t want to go back to jail, why, is it because you got fucked in there? You don’t like being banged by some big black guy with a big dick? Is that it? Well just to be sure you don’t go back there, You’re going to learn to respect. From this day forward, you’re MY little bitch. You will address me as SIR. You will not swear at your mother or me, and you will do what I tell you to do. There will be rewards for good behavior, when you learn to be a good little bitch. Do you understand?”“Fuck you, you goddamn pervert faggot” he yelled as he tried to wriggle loose from the handcuffs. “You’ll go to jail for this, k**napping me like this. I’m still in high school and you can’t do this to me.” Now he was really getting pissed off. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to be your bitch or do any of this sick and twisted shit here. FUCK YOU!” He was trying in vain to wriggle out of the cuffs, but to no avail.“Until you calm down, you’re not going anywhere. Now stand still.” Refusing to stop moving around, I calmly told him again. “Stand still and you can make this easy on yourself.” Finally after repeating myself a third time, he stopped kicking long enough for me to restrain his ankles with ankle cuffs. Reaching down to snap on the cuffs, I couldn’t help but notice the dark hair on his legs. Nervousness began to seep into his voice, and beads of sweat formed on his hairless chest and back. “Okay, “I’m fucking sorry for what I did to your flowers. Now please un cuff me.” I just laughed. His voice began to get louder, and with each time he repeated his plea, his voice got louder.Finally, I had had enough. Realizing that this sub needed some severe punishment and training, I walked over behind him, pulled his cargo shorts down to his ankles only to cause him to scream louder. Grabbing his boxers by the waist band, his screams turned to pleas of no, no, no! but it was too late. Pulling the boxers down to his ankles, the perfect white ass was revealed. His pleas of no turned back into screams. I reached down, ripped the boxers from between his legs, and in one quick move, turned to face him and stuffed the sweaty, ripped and stinking boxers into his mouth. The look of anger in his face quickly turned to fear. For the first time I stood back and looked at this naked punk I had chained up in my room. His tanned, thin chest showed some definition, leading down to what appeared to be a four pack of abs. A dark thin trail of hair began at his belly button and led down to a nice full dark brown bush above a fairly thick flaccid penis and a hairy sack that was clinging to his crotch in fear of what would happen next. Trevor’s transformation bakırköy escort was about to begin. Reaching into my pants pocket, I took out the key to unlock the double doored cabinet on the wall in front of Trevor. When the door to the left swung open, it revealed a full array of toys, whips, and other torture devices. Trevor sensed what might be coming next and started trying to desperately let me know he wanted no part of any of toys in the cabinet. But only a high pitched sound came from his mouth, as he could not get his boxers out of his mouth.“What’s that you say? You have something to say? Think I was going to let you off that easily for what you did to my flowers? Shaking his head up and down to say yes first, but then as I pulled the black whip from the cabinet, he shook his head no. “Darn right, you’re not getting off easy at all,” I said as I chuckled to myself. “And this is just the beginning. But trust me, you’re going to be coming back for more.” As I walked over to his backside, with whip in hand, I had made my mind up to give him a good whipping.“Now don’t cry Johnny,” I heard the voice in my head as clear as can be. “Don’t try to fight it. You will learn to enjoy this. You’ve been bad Johnny, and now you’re going to pay for what you’ve done.” The first lash of the whip made my back feel as if it was on fire. “That’s a good boy, Johnny, take the punishment, take it good, take it like a man and not like a baby girl that you think you are. Tell me that you want this Johnny, tell me how much you love getting punished.”His voice echoed in my memory clear as could be. But now instead of me receiving the punishment as a young punk, I was on the giving end of the punishment. The years of training as a sub turned me into the dominate master I am today. Fair? Is life really fair? Or was this just my destiny? Regardless, this young man had to pay for the being the punk he’d become. Victim of circumstances like me? Who knows. But the training that was about to ensue for certain would set him on the right path of obedience, no doubt.Looking at his sinewy lean back and his lean, small buttocks brought me back to reality. Trevor was teetering on the edge of fear and anger. My goal was to push him over the edge of fear, which would ultimately lead to submission, which would then lead to pleasure. But first the anger I could sense must be driven out of him.Before he could answer me, I cracked the whip a couple of times, making him flinch. The short strands would not really hurt him too bad like a paddle would, but it would get his attention. I walked around to face him and noticed he was close to spitting his now saliva soaked boxers out of his mouth, so I pushed them back further into his mouth, causing him to scream into them, an angry scream that would go unanswered.“Oh, think you want to get away? Not going to happen. Yell all you want. Go ahead punk, get that anger out. Now you’re going to pay.” Looking down at his hairless chest and tight defined abs, I lashed him a couple of times lightly with the whip, causing him to flinch at first, then after realizing the first two weren’t so bad, he stood still and took the next two. His tanned skin was beginning to show hints of red as each time the whip struck him in the same places now all over his chest. Obviously, he was taking what I was giving him. Time to step it up a notch.Looking down at his still flaccid dick, I noticed just how thick his dark pubic hair was, in sharp contrast to his bleached blonde hair that nearly covered his eyes. “We have a problem here. So you think you’re a tough guy, and this punishment isn’t so bad, right?” Nodding his head in agreement, he had no clue what was coming next. “Well I guess I’ll just have to press charges against you and you’ll be going to jail. And guess what? When those thugs in prison see a cute boy like you, with a bush that doesn’t match the tree top, you’re going to get fucked every night. That ass of yours is going to be so wide and sore, you won’t be able to sit down. And guess what else? You think they’ll give you a courtesy hand job? Fuck no! So, you want that?” With fear now overtaking his eyes, he quickly shook his head no in a confused manner. “We have to rectify this problem, boy. Walking şişli escort over to the closet, I put the whip away, and grabbed the battery powered razor and walked back to face him. “So, the choice is this. You either lose your hair here,” as I placed the razor near his forehead, then moved them to his crotch, “or HERE.” What’s your choice? Come on boy, you have to tell me NOW, or every hair on your body comes off.”As a tear started to form in his right eye, he whimpered a bit and his eyes motioned to his crotch. “Good choice, boy. When you learn to respect me without yelling at me, without anger in your voice, I’ll take the gag out of your mouth. From now on you respond to me by saying Yes, Sir! Do you understand?” He nodded his head that he understood. I switched the razor on, and I got closer he whimpered more and tried to move away. “Hold still boy, you don’t want me to shave off something you might want later.” Resigned to what was going to come, he now held still as I began to shave off his thick, dark brown bush. As I moved to his sack, I grabbed his cock and almost immediately it hardened to what appeared to be close to seven inches in length. “Oh, you like that, don’t you? Before I finished removing the last few strands of pubic hair from his sack, I noticed a drop of precum that began to ooze from the tip of his cock, now standing tall, looking up at the ceiling. Obviously, he was so horny that all he wanted was to come. Not so lucky just yet, I thought to myself. Done with the rough shaving, I switched the razor off, and returned it to the cabinet. Next to it was a thin butt plug, maybe an inch at the widest part, with a nice handle on the end for manipulating. Perfect for the occasion, I thought. Grabbing the lube and the plug, I walked over in front of him and as he saw the plug, his eyes got really wide and he began to shake his head no, and started whimpering again.“What, don’t like the thickness? Want something thicker? Is that what you’re used to?” I asked him sarcastically. “Pretty boy like you will be getting used to something like this in prison, and I grabbed the huge black dildo from the closet. It must be twice the size of the thin plug I was about to introduce to him. “So just relax, boy, we’ll get to the black one soon enough.” He now hung his head in shame and disbelief. Putting the black dildo on the small table in front of him, I lubed up the small butt plug, put a small drop of lube on my right index finger, and found his hole. Slowly I eased the tip of my finger into his hole past his sphincter. He moaned in pain and I told him to relax. Removing my finger, I placed the tip of the plug in his hole, and slowly pushed all of its five inches inside him. As the tip touched his swollen, full prostate, his cocked jumped. Perfect. Now the fun would begin. Slowly I began to manipulate the plug in and almost out of his ass. Each time the tip of the plug hit his prostate, a little stream of precum oozed from his dick. I did this for about a minute when his moaning and breathing picked up pace. Suddenly his body stiffened, and he shot stream after stream of cum a good six feet in front of him. He was so full that his anal orgasm happened only by the butt plug touching his gland. “Wow, so you DO like getting fucked! Did that feel good, boy? I’ll bet you got more to give me, too.” With that, I pulled the small butt plug out, lubed up the big black dildo, and slowly started to insert it in his hole. His sphincter slowly relaxed and started to open up, and within a couple of minutes the black dildo was now inside him close to 5 inches deep. His spent cock was once again rock hard, and his hairless sack started to tighten. Reaching between his legs with my right hand, I lightly touched his sack, then cupped his balls, gently squeezing them at first, but then giving each, then both a good tug. His moaning once again increased, and this time I reached around with my right hand and started stroking his dick, taking him close to the edge of orgasm and stopping at least four times. Now he was ready to cum again, but each time he got close, I stopped. Between the dildo fucking his ass, and my hand jacking him, he was ready to explode. After the sixth time of edging him, finally I asked him, “You want to cum again, don’t you?” He now nodded his head, so I started to pump him quick and hard. Within ten seconds his body tensed and he shot an even larger load across the basement floor, going nearly a foot further than the first load. The joy of cumming was beating the pain of the dildo in his ass and the pain of being held in bondage. His transformation had begun to take place.

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