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Author’s Note:

Originally this story was going to be my entry in the “2016 Winter Holiday Contest,” but I re-read the rules and it has to be a completely stand-alone story, not part of a larger series. I have a lot of fun with these characters, as I hope you have fun reading about their lives, so I decided to release it. It took me longer than I had planned, and the story itself grew a lot longer than planned. I thought about splitting it into two parts, but ultimately, it just felt better as one story.

This is a continuation of the story that was started with “Twins Across the Street” and continued with “Twins Reunion”. Those are not required reading before this one, however, I recommend you read them if you have time, as the characters enjoy several adventures that you won’t want to miss.

As always, a huge thank you to my editors Guinahart, BlackRandl1958 and SBrooks103x for their skill and time, helping making my stories look better.

All characters in this story are fictional and any that engage in sexual activity are over the age of 18. I hope you enjoy reading it!


Twins — Winter Magic

Summer had come and gone; the leaves began to change their color as they always do, and I sat in my living room peering out across the street. The house on the other side was a constant reminder of my loneliness. The twins were away at school again, starting the fall semester of their final year.

In case you don’t know me, my name is John Buckner. I had a short whirlwind romance that started in marriage and ended in an ex-wife that left me for a woman. A year later, the twins across the street, Teri and Katie, had come into my life in a huge way. We spent time together out on Whidbey Island, here in Washington State, becoming very intimate with each other. This past summer, we all journeyed to Napa Valley, in California, and finally professed our love for each other.

To say I was smitten with them both would be the understatement of the year. I truly felt like they were both my soulmates, and therein was my problem. I knew that I wanted them both in my life forever, but unless someone had changed the laws recently, I would only be allowed to make one of them my legal bride. I’m getting way ahead of myself, though, thinking about marriage… or am I? It had only been a few weeks since our trip to California together, but already it seemed a lifetime ago.

I missed them deeply, and decided that I would bury myself in work. Before the summer break, my team had nearly completed all of the hardware repairs and software bug fixes to the new sonar project. When I returned from vacation, we quickly wrapped up the last of the needed fixes.

The Department of Defense (DoD) procurement officer that was assigned to us scheduled us for some final sea trials aboard a Navy Destroyer. Personally, I wish we still had Battleships in the fleet, but they were antiquated and the need for those huge guns had long since been replaced with long range missiles.

Still, the kid in me wished I could ride out on something big like the old “Mighty Mo,” or USS Missouri. I had toured it once on a trip to Hawaii, before my parents were killed. That was a trip that I would never forget. It reminded me of them, and all the good memories we had shared before their untimely deaths.

As I said, we were going to go out on a ship to test out the sonar, and get the Navy’s final sign-off that it was ready for the lengthy procurement process. Anyone familiar with how long the military takes to procure new technology and get the contracts to go with it, can groan with me at this one. Thankfully, I am an engineer and not on the sales team. Those guys could have fun working on all that paperwork after we were done.

The day before we set sail, I sent off a quick text message to both girls. I wanted to hear from them badly, but also knew that in their last year at college, they would both be incredibly busy. Basically, they both got the same message.

Heading to sea again, miss you SO much…

I got an immediate response from Katie.

Aw, I miss U 2! SMOOCH!

She had included a little kissing emoji at the end of the line as well. God, I missed that girl and her bubbly personality. She always lit up the room for me, and made me feel like I was still a nervous High School teenager.

Teri’s message came in later in the day, but was still very comforting.

Me too… Can’t wait to see you again!

Teri’s had two of the little kissing emoji symbols at the end. Well at least I know they both still want to kiss me. I smiled thinking about those lips, the tender flesh of their breasts; the inviting warmth of their hot kisses.

I went to sea, and just as I expected, it was dull. I mean, don’t get me wrong, engineering is my life. It’s just that when you spend almost three weeks floating on a tin can, no matter how big, it can be boring. eryaman escort In between shifts, I ended up stuck with the one guy who acted as if he wanted to spend all his time talking about plants. I never did figure out why an engineer like us would be fascinated by plants. Oh well.

The testing of our finished product went off without a hitch. The highlight of the trip was finding a missing ghost ship, the SS Baychimo. It had disappeared back in like 1968, and had been spotted somewhere near Alaska, months after its disappearance. We found it at the bottom of the ocean. Needless to say, the Navy was impressed with our work. On top of helping push the acceptance process, we enjoyed a small finder’s fee for locating the missing ship.

The side benefit to the time at sea was that I didn’t have time to miss the twins, well not that much, anyhow. Okay, a little bit. Fine. I admit it, I really missed them. A LOT.

Once I got back on shore, I sent them both a text, asking when they would be home for winter break. As usual, I got a response from Katie almost right away. I swear, that girl must always have her phone in her hands. Teri always got back to me, but seemed like maybe she didn’t carry it 24/7, like her sister.

Hey! I should be home on the 16th

My last final is the afternoon of the 15th

Miss me???

Of course she had to finish the message off with some kissing emoji’s. I lugged my baggage to the truck, tossed it all in the back and prepared to drive home. Before I put the truck into gear, I sent off a quick response to her.

Very much, can’t wait to see you.

Back on land again… Yea!

The commute home was, well, a commute. I hated driving on the interstate, but this region pretty much had terrible traffic everywhere. I think we were victims of our own success. There are a lot of jobs here, but that makes more people want to move here. In addition, most home prices were skyrocketing, so people had to live further away from where they worked. It’s a vicious cycle, in my opinion.

I got home, tossed my bags down on the floor next to the washer and almost ran to my bathroom. I stripped down and took a long hot shower. I felt the arctic cold, which had permeated my body for the last few weeks, begin to ease out of my bones.

When I went out to fix a simple dinner, I noticed that Teri had finally sent me a response.

JOHN! You get to see me on the 16th

Can’t wait to reconnect…

Teri also finished with a kissing emoji, but hers was the one with the big lips. I had to jerk off that night, thinking about the hot twins, before I could fall asleep. It would only be about two weeks until the girls got home, so I spent it doing stuff around the house.

I was bored. There really isn’t any way to sugarcoat it. I had officially started my winter break from work a full week earlier than it started last year. Some of the guys did ask me to hang out at a bar on one of the weekends, to sing some karaoke with them. I went, got drunk, got on stage and made a fool of myself singing along to some 80’s song. I wish I could remember which song it was, but I don’t.

Thankfully the 16th finally arrived, and I couldn’t wait to see my two beautiful girlfriends. Just thinking about that made me shake my head in wonder. How did I end up with not one, but two gorgeous girls vying for my attention? Twins no less!

Of course, I paced all morning, waiting for their arrival. I finally had to eat something, my stomach reminding me, very loudly, that it was empty. I made myself a sandwich and had just finished it when I heard the doorbell. I jumped up off the stool and ran to the door. You would think it was Christmas or something.

Opening the door, I was stunned. There stood Katie, Teri, and their parents. The girls were glowing, while the parents looked a lot less happy to see me. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but was pretty sure they would explain. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Hello,” I said lamely.

“May we come in?” the girls’ mother asked.

“Of course,” I answered, stepping to the side and waving for them to enter.

We all sat down, them on the couch and me in my recliner. There was silence for a few seconds, the ticking of the clock making the only sound in the room. Finally, Teri cleared her throat and spoke.

“John, these are our parents, Hank and Mary.” She turned to them and continued. “Mom, Dad, this is John… my boyfriend.”

Silence continued for a few more seconds, when Katie piped up. I was honestly more worried about the remaining few minutes of my life than I ever had been before. It wasn’t looking too good; with the looks her dad was giving me.

“Dad, Mom, I know this is going to sound strange, but we are both dating John.”

A pin dropping would have sounded like thunder; it was that quiet in the room. The clock ticking could be heard again, as esat escort everyone just stared at me. I was nearly to the point of shaking, when thankfully, of all people, their mom came to my rescue.

“John, I have no idea what to think, but how is it that both my daughters say they are dating you? I don’t get it.”

‘You and me both,’ I thought. What I said was, “Ma’am, I honestly don’t know what either of them see in me, but I am truly the luckiest man on earth. On our first trip, I had thought that I would be Teri’s date, and Kate had her boyfriend at the time…”

“The asshole that cheated on me,” Katie interrupted.

“Katie Marie,” her mother warned, “Language!”

“What? It’s true. He was a jerk, and I just didn’t know it yet. I’ve dated several guys, Mom, and I can tell you that none of them are as kind, or caring to me, as John. Yeah, it’s weird sharing a boyfriend with Teri, but I don’t really care anymore.”

Hank finally spoke up, after clearing his throat. “Look, I’m not going to say that I am happy with this situation, but you girls are both grown women. My main concern is that you’re both happy. Have any of you considered what things will be like, a few years down the road? You can only marry one person, legally anyway. What about jealousy? Have you girls really thought this through?”

“Sir, those are very good questions. I really don’t know what the future holds for us, I just know that I want them in it. I asked them the very same question about jealousy. They would need to answer that, but for me, I will stand by them both as long as they let me,” I answered.

He gave me a strange look, almost stunned that I had similar concerns, then turned to Teri. “Well? What do you have to say about it? Are you ever jealous of your sister? I won’t condone a toxic relationship that could hurt the bond that you two girls have.”

Teri seemed to gather her thoughts, before answering. “Daddy, originally I wanted him all to myself. Over time, I’ve learned that because I love my sister so much, I’m able to share the love I have for John with her, too. I still dream of a white wedding, having you walk me down the aisle, and a house full of kids someday, too… but after all that’s happened, I’m willing to share all of that with Kate.”

“Originally, I was happy for Teri and John, but quickly realized that I wanted what they had. It took me two years of dating the wrong guys, to figure out that I had a good one right here. Teri and I have talked about this a lot, and we both agree that we love John, and each other, enough not to get jealous. As for marriage and all that, well, I’m only twenty-two, so I haven’t really thought much about it yet.”

Both Hank and Mary looked like they had something more they wanted to say, but stopped. They shared a look, before they both sighed deeply. Hank stood up and extended his hand to me. I took it and we shook.

“John, don’t hurt my little girls,” he said plainly. “Come on, Mary, let’s get going.”

They left, and I let out a breath I felt like I had been holding for an hour. Talk about an unexpected visit! I plopped down on the couch between the twins, resting my head on the backrest. After a minute I realized that it was still silent in my house.

“John… are you mad?” Teri softly asked.

I looked at each of them, before smiling. “No, I’m happy you’re here. Meeting your parents like that was unexpected, but I’m kinda glad that this is out in the open now. I hated the idea that we were keeping a secret from them.”

Both snuggled up on my sides and hugged me. It was Katie that spoke up first. “John, we were wondering if you would want to go somewhere with us before Christmas, like maybe skiing?”

Going anywhere with these two beauties was an enticing offer, so much so, that my dick twitched at the dirty thoughts of having them both naked again. Teri’s hand was half on my thigh, and she noticed the bulge grow.

“I think he likes the idea,” she giggled, while giving my manhood a squeeze.

I groaned, and they both proceeded to kiss my face, working toward my lips. All three sets joined at the same time, which could have been awkward, but for us, was strangely perfect.

“I would go anywhere with you two,” I responded truthfully.

Teri gave me another playful squeeze, before jumping up. “Come on, dear sister, let’s try our best to share this man, and wear him out,” she said with a grin.

With that, the twins jumped up and ran for my bedroom. Of course, I ran after them, stripping off my shirt and socks as I went. My clothing joined theirs, which had also been discarded down the hall and on the floor of my room. My pants and boxers landed on top of a pair of jeans, and then I crawled up onto the bed, moving over the top of one naked twin.

I stared into a deep pool of blue, and smiled. Katie’s eyes stared back with so much passion that I just had to etimesgut escort kiss her. I lowered my head to touch lips, and felt a shock. It had been months, but felt like we had just kissed like this a day ago. The hunger grew in our kiss, tongues dueling.

Teri moved to our sides, and began simultaneously rubbing her sister’s closest breast and my rapidly hardening cock. I broke the kiss and turned my head to her. Without any prompting, we moved together for a passionate kiss of our own.

While Teri’s tongue was doing its best to wrap around mine, Katie started moving underneath me. I felt the bed shift as she slid downwards. Without breaking contact with Teri’s luscious lips, I felt Kate’s warm mouth envelop my cock, now as hard as steel. I moaned into Teri’s mouth as Katie moaned around my cock. I hadn’t had sexual release in a long time. Well, let’s be honest; I hadn’t cum in a long time without jerking off, but at the moment I didn’t count that. If I didn’t change things up, and soon, I was going to cum too quickly. I broke off the kiss with Teri and slid away from Katie’s ministrations. Both girls moaned in frustration, but I simply smiled.

“Lie down,” I growled, as I pointed for Teri to lie next to her sister.

She got a wicked smile on her face and did as I instructed. I moved down and buried my face in her already wet pussy, kissing around her mound. My left hand was rubbing small circles around Katie’s clit, as I continued with my tongue. I heard Katie moan as I pushed forward with my tongue into Teri’s hot center, going as deep as I could into her. While moving my tongue in slow circles inside her, I was using the brim of my nose to rub against her clit.

Teri began moaning, in a deep and satisfying tone. “Ohhh… Yessss… Love you… Johhhhhn…”

I began working on her clit in earnest, and was rewarded a few seconds later. Her hips thrust upwards, and she moaned out very loudly, an incoherent mumble of noises, as her orgasm swept over her. I worked on her until she flopped back down, out of breath.

Katie was still moaning as my left hand had continued on her pussy. I had a finger pushed into her at this point, with my thumb rubbing her clit. I moved over to get back on top of her, removing my fingers from her pussy. I felt her hand reach down and grab my cock, pulling it towards her. Naturally I knew exactly what she wanted.

I pushed forward, slowly sinking into her depths. The euphoria of the moment was incredible. Our hips met and we both groaned out loud. Teri grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to meet hers, roughly mashing together. She was busily frigging herself with one hand, as she held the side of my head with the other.

I began thrusting in and out of the beautiful woman beneath me, but rapidly sped up the pace. The sheer force of Teri’s kiss was pushing me to drive into her sister harder than ever before. I moaned in her mouth, as her sister was thrashing under me, her pussy starting to clamp down on my cock like a vice. She screamed out as her orgasm ripped through her body, hips bouncing up and down off the bed. With her frantic motions, she drove me over the edge, and I began unloading stream after stream of hot cum into her tight pussy.

Teri fell to the bed then, writhing as another orgasm made its way through her slender body. I collapsed next to Katie, in-between the twins. We all lay panting, trying desperately to catch our breath. Both Teri and Katie rolled over to rest one leg and one arm across my body, their hot breath on my neck. I was in absolute heaven, no doubt about it.

“Heh, you’d think… he missed us, huh?” Kate asked, as she caught her breath.

“Oh my god… I definitely… missed you,” I panted.

After a few more minutes, we settled into a warm embrace, hugging tightly. Lying with them both, like this, was what I pictured Heaven must be like. I couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else. Eventually, nature calling forced action. I got up and answered the call of nature, before returning to my warm spot on the bed. The twins both just looked at me with sleepily, but content.

We cuddled and fell asleep, just like that. When I awoke, the sun was just coming up. I had intended to sneak out of bed and prepare breakfast, but I was alone in the bed. I could hear some giggling coming from outside my door, the girls having fun in my kitchen, no doubt.

I got out of bed and padded down the hallway. The sight that greeted me will be forever burned into my memory as one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen. You know, one of those ‘Hallelujah’ moments, complete with singing choir and light from the heavens.

Teri was standing in front of the stove, wearing only one of my shirts, completely unbuttoned and hanging open in the front. Her sister was standing in front of the coffee machine, wearing only her gleaming smile. She asked me something, but it took me a moment to register she had spoken to me.

“I said, do you want me to brew you a cup of coffee?” Kate asked again.

I closed my mouth, cleared my throat, and answered, “Yes, please.”

They both giggled at my obvious discomfort. The rest of the morning went the same, with the twins constantly half-dressed and torturing me relentlessly. What’s a guy to do? Of course, we ended up back in my bed.

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