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Big Tits

This day started pretty normal like any other day for Jenny Williams. The alarm went off at 545 AM and then again at 6 AM because she hit the snooze. Opened her eyes and looked around the room. Yep looks like my room. That’s a good start. Not in someone else’s room. Headed for the bathroom, turned on the shower, sit on the potty, tinkle, and get in the shower. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that’s too cold. Turn up the hot water. Much better.

You OK in there, the roommate yells. Yes I’m fine. Waters a little too cold. She swears she heard a giggle. I won’t be hearing that too much any more she thought. Roomies moving out this weekend. Going home to a job. Got to find a new roommate and soon. Can’t keep up with the bills by myself she thought.

Out of the shower and dressing as she eats a piece of toast her thoughtful roomie made for her like every other day. I’m going to miss her when she’s gone she thought. Took me three years to get her trained she mused. Hope it doesn’t take that long for the new roomie. First got to find one she was thinking as she went out the door and hailed the bus to downtown.

Long boring day in the office is almost over. Her cell phone rings. She looks at the clock. 3:30. who could this be. Don’t recognize the number.


Is this Jenny? Yes who’s calling please? Hi this is Jon White. I saw your add for a roommate in the campus rag.

Ahh. OK. Thanks for calling. You sound like a guy.

I’m sorry you sound disappointed. I didn’t know it was female only?

Oh it isn’t necessarily. I’m leaving my office. Can I meet you somewhere to talk?

Sure. Do you know Finnegan’s Pub?

Everyone knows Finnegan’s she said. I’ll be there in a half hour. What are you wearing? She laughed. He caught the giggle. Ahh, Grey sport coat over jeans. I’ll put a Finnegan’s napkin in my breast pocket he laughed.

Ok. She said. See you shortly.

A guy. Hhhmmmm. Hadn’t counted on that. Well he might be good looking. Who knows? He might be a good kisser. Or better yet, a good licker. She giggled. The thought made her tingle in just the right spot.

Four o’clock and out the door to the bus. Only 3 blocks to Finnegan’s. It shouldn’t be too crowded on a Monday afternoon.

The bus pulled up across the street from the pub. She got off and crossed the street at the crosswalk like a good girl. Her mind running wild now. Let’s see what Mr. Jon White looks like as she peeked in the window from the side street. Her breath caught in her throat. Was that him at the bar in the grey jacket and jeans? She sure hoped so. He looked muscular and built. Looked kinda tall beside the guy next to him. I’ll bet over six feet she mused. She could see his face in the bar mirror. Handsome. Looks about mid to late twenties. Nice well kept beard. Her thighs began to tingle. What is a guy like this doing rooming? He should have his own place, she thought. Not liking that aspect of it she decided it’s time to talk to Jon. She went around to the door and went in.

As in all bars, when someone comes in, everyone turns and looks. Someone once told her it’s a human defense mechanism. To see if the new comer is friend or foe. Jon didn’t turn to look at her. He looked up in the mirror instead. He froze for just long enough for her to detect a double take.

Wow I hope that’s her, Jon thought. Stunning redhead. About five foot-ten inches I bet. I hope those are green eyes he wondered. She walked over to him and said, Jon?

Jenny. Hi. Thank you for coming. He tried not to look at her chest. She held out her hand. He took it. Nice firm grip he thought.

What would you like to drink he asked?

A glass of White Zin, she said. She’d rather have Tequila but it made her clothes fall off.

Zin it is. Shall we sit at a table?

Sure and you think you are going to need that napkin in your pocket. He grinned and pulled it out and set his drink on it. Dark beer, she thought. Tough guy. Maybe. His eyes are hazel and they flash. She began to feel a familiar feeling in her stomach. He looks good enough to eat.

So this apartment, he said. Can I have it? No she said it’s mine. But I might let you have my roomies half when she moves this weekend.

Great he said. Thinking a sense of humor and red hair. I wonder if it’s red down below too?

I’m wondering, she said, why are you rooming? Ataşehir Escort It’s not a normal guy thing.

Fair question. I don’t want to get into a lease or buy anything until I’m sure I’m staying here. I just took this job at Brewster’s Lab on a temporary basis.

Ok fair enough. She thought. I’ll take you by to see the apartment when were done here then. I need to call my roomie and let her know were coming by. Maybe she got lucky, chuckling. She dialed her roomie on her cell and filled her in.

They ate and drank a few more drinks and it was time to get going. So they went outside. My car is over here he said. He pointed to a black Mercedes. Nice car, she said. This is looking up for sure. Good looks and money. If he only knew how to push her buttons.

They arrived at her apartment and went up the stairs. She buzzed the apartment and her roomie opened the door. Nice he said. Security.

A girl can’t be too careful these days. Might be a wolf or two out there waiting in the bushes. He laughed. Or maybe she would like a couple wolves in her bush he said to himself.

Mattie met them at the door. Come on in. I just tidied up a bit. Jenny is such a slob, she giggled. Oh sure rat me out already. He hasn’t even said he’d live here yet, Jenny said. He looked around. The pace was neat and tidy and smelled really good. Benefits of having a girl for a roomie. Nice big kitchen, not that he cared. Only one bathroom? Oh well I don’t take long in there he said. Looks good. I’m in. If it’s OK.

Sure it’s OK. Said Jenny. There’s a catch though.

A catch? He was hoping the catch was he’d have to eat her that night.

Yeah the catch is you have to help us move Mattie out this weekend so you can move in.

No problem. When do you want me?

Jenny’s heart jumped. She knew he meant, what time but she was already thinking about having a look in those pants.

Ah, seven AM Saturday. Her dad will be here too.

Saturday came and went. Mattie got moved out and he was moved in.

Time went by. The weeks passed uneventful. Jenny kept peeking at Jon’s cock every chance she got and Jon peeked at Jenny every chance he got. They had to know each other was doing it but it was left to go by. Jon found out Jenny had a nice little patch over her mound, and it was red as expected.

One day a few weeks further on Jenny decided to test the waters. She took off her clothes except for her favorite white T back panties and a towel and headed for the bathroom for a quick shower. She knew Jon would be home soon and she was timing it so she would run into him just as she was coming out of the shower. Like clock work he came home and as he passed by the bathroom door she rushed out into him.

Ooh. I’m sorry she said as she nearly pushed him thought the wall. Her towel nearly torn off in the collision. Jon was on his knees looking straight up at the prettiest pussy he had seen in a long time. Baby smooth except for that patch. Not to miss a good chance Jon reached out with both hands and grabbed two hands full of smooth ass cheek and pulled that pussy to his mouth. His tongue slithered up and hit her button on the spot.

A sound, best described as a squeak escaped Jenny’s lips and then a moan began in her belly and worked it’s way up to her other lips.

Oh Jon, you are a bad boy, she said and placed her hands on his head pulling him into her tightly. The ice was broken, crushed and scattered. They had been dancing around each other for weeks now the tension was being relieved. He licked and nibbled on her clit. Then a few noisy little sucks here and there and she was already dripping. Her legs began to weaken. She sagged toward his lovely tongue. His hands sliding down to her thighs, teasing. The fingers on his right hand now sliding up and into her wetness. She was gushing. The sensation overwhelming her. She felt him probe with his fingers and the little sucking sensations on her clit were driving her mad. She had to get him into her bed to get the full effect of the orgasm that was building in her loins.

She pulled his head out of her crotch and looked him in the eyes. Come on she said and pulled him into her room. He was nearly body slammed as she pushed him onto the bed ripping open his jeans. His cock was pressing tightly into his zipper. Ataşehir Escort Bayan She opened his belt and snap and pulled down the zipper. His cock leaped at the extra room it now had. She pulled his pants off and then his boxers. At last she had full view of that cock she had only seen briefly now and again. She had seen him stroking it in the morning once in a while as he closed the bathroom door. It was at least seven inches give or take an inch. What’s an inch between friends anyway she thought laughing to herself. It’s mine now. Or so she thought.

Suddenly he rolled her onto the bed face down and lay on top of her. Not altogether a bad feeling. Now that his cock was in the crack of her ass just inches from her pussy. One slip and he would be in. What was he up to? Her arms were out in front of her and she turned her head in time to see him grab the belt of her robe off the bed where it had fallen in the rush to get in the room. He made a loop of the belt and slipped it over her hands and onto her wrists wrapping it several times around her wrists and then around the bindings where he tied another knot. She had seen this knot before on bondage web sites. He was going to tie her up and she had better say something or the game would be on and no stopping. She though about saying stop but the wetness between her legs wouldn’t let her. She began to shudder as the pent up orgasm shook her. Too late now.

A stocking made another useful life as a rope and he tied her wrist rope to the head board. A moan escaped her lips as he sat on her waist and that cock again went into her ass crack. She began to wiggle. Trying to get it into her cunt. Bucking her hips up trying to find the tip of it with her wet juicy hole but he wasn’t going to let her.

He rolled her over and sat on her thighs now. Leaning forward and sliding his hands up her stomach and onto her sweaty chest. He lingered at her tits for a few moments licking and sucking each nipple. Rolling it in his mouth with his tongue. His eyes found hers and he looked deep into her eyes. She saw nothing but lust. Again she tried to wiggle her cunt lips onto the head of his cock but he slid down her legs. Another stocking made a noose around her ankle and it was soon fastened to the bed post. More hands feeling, kneading her legs as he worked his way to the other ankle. He grabbed the printer cord out of her laptop and used it a ligature around her remaining free ankle. Soon it too was fastened to the bed post. There she was now. Unable to move and at his mercy. What ever he decided it should be. He hadn’t said a word. Just tied her expertly. She began to beg. Stop torturing me. Fuck me. Fuck me now with that hard cock. He smiled and reached over and grabbed a sock and shoved it in her mouth. She was surprised. A little shocked he had done that. Even more shocked when he tied a scarf around her head covering her eyes. With a smile that told all, which she now couldn’t see, he slid back down between her legs and began again what had started this whole awesome fuck fest. His tongue touched her clit ever so gently. She almost wouldn’t have felt it except her clit had to be engorged with blood and so sensitive right now a kiss on it world make her cum. He kissed her there and she moaned. She tried to move her legs to trap his face but to no avail. Then she felt those fingers. At least two maybe three as he slipped them through her cunt lips and into her juicy hole. If she could have seen she would have seen her juice ooze out onto his fingers and the sheet. All the while his tongue was licking her clit gently and his lips would begin to suck on her engorged clit. It felt huge. A little suck a little finger. Her orgasm was coming. She felt it in her back first then it spread to her pelvic muscles. As she began to tense. He felt it too and was teasing it out of her. Making her surge and then easing off just a little until he felt her body protesting his slacking off. Then he repeated the lick, suck, nibble again and again as she rose to meet his mouth with her mound. Trying to get his face in deeper. The hair on his face raising goose bumps on her thighs. The sensation was exquisite. If he would just get her there. Come on she screamed into her gag. Come the fuck on. Yesss. Yess. That’s it. As she felt the wave beginning to crash a new Escort Ataşehir sensation. In her asshole. Another finger pressing in. Oh that was it. The end of it all. She spasmed and her legs stiffened against her bindings. A mighty jerk as the pent up rage within her exploded though her. Her eyes rolled back and her breath stopped and a squeaking moan escaped her throat into her gag. A tremendous rush that made her warm from her cunt to her chest as she writhed and spasmed. If she could get her legs free she would crush his head. Fortunately she couldn’t. She lay there spent but a noise startled her. Someone at the door? Holy fuck no. Not now. He said I wonder who that could be and got off the bed. What the fuck she thought? Where is he going?

She could hear another male voice. Oh what the hell? He’s socializing while I’m tied in here. Oh my God.

Soon he heard him returning. He said what a surprise. I forgot I told my buddy Jim I was going to be ready to go by two PM and you made me late. So now you are going to be punished. Punished? She tried to talk into her gag and say what the fuck are you talking about. At that moment though she felt a pair of hands on her stomach. She knew right away they were not his hands. She was very familiar with his hands now. It had to be Jim. She began to breathe heavily and the fire between her legs grew hotter. Another guy. Two guys. A longtime fantasy. She was going to kill Jon if she survived this. The hands massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples ever so gently. Then a little more vigorously. Not painful but making her feel a little used. Another pair of hands on her thighs. These were Jon’s. Massaging her legs. Working their way up her thighs.

And then that tongue again. In her clit. Causing her to burn. She was dripping again. And she felt him slide up onto her chest kissing her nipples and her pelvis began searching for him. This time she found what she was looking for. The head of his cock slid in effortlessly. A muffled gasp left her as she felt him all the way inside her for the first time. He worked his cock in and slowly out. She knew he was watching it come almost all the way out then ramming it back in. It made her all the more excited. And then he slowly pulled out. Some movement on the bed as bodies changes position. Oh the other guy, Jim, she had forgotten him. She felt him at her cunt wetting his cock in her juice and he too was in. Ahhhhhh. He was as big as or maybe bigger than Jon. He was more insistent. He was pumping fast. She felt herself warming up again. His trusts hitting her clit almost right. Just enough to get her going but not quite. Then he stopped. She felt someone sliding under her. She knew it was Jon. What was he up too? A devilish thought invaded her mind and made her pang with lust. He was going to slide under her and get in her asshole. The thought hit her then. They were going to double penetrate her. She nearly lost it then. An orgasm was building and she hadn’t even been penetrated yet. Jon slid his cock into her from under and behind. Jim began rubbing her juiced on her ass hole which had been pouring out of her. Jim’s fingers were probing and widening her hole. Then he pulled the fingers out and Jon slid the head of his cock in. She had been ass fucked before but it had been a long time. It really didn’t hurt as she was so wet and he had eased himself slowly in letting her expand as he went. He was in and starting to stroke slowly. She felt so wet and he was going in deep. She felt the now familiar fingers of Jim touching her cunt lips. Sliding in and out and spreading some juice. He was also slathering it on his cock she figured. And the she felt him lean over her and he was in. Just like that. She gasped. Never had she felt so full. She had two big cocks in both her holes at the same time. They were both stroking together. Her clit was being bumped in front and sending shock waves through her. Their pace was speeding up. She was afraid she would pass out from the feeling. Jon was first. She felt him grunt and hot cum pulse out of his cock into her ass. Several spurts and then Jim’s cock jerking as it unloaded in her. She came with an explosion. Screaming fuck, oh fuuuuccckkkk.. She didn’t remember anything after that.

Several hours later she awoke and she was in her robe. No sign of her ever being tied up. The room was nice and neat. Did she dream it? Impossible. She came like a volcano at least 4 times. Where was Jon? She got up and looked around the apartment. He was no where to be found. Curious. Did she dream the most fantastic fucking she had ever had or not? Her pussy was humming so she knew she hadn’t. Or had she?

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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