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Story Code: M/F, MM/F, Oral, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Incest


I was born into a farming family…and I do mean family. I had six uncles and aunties and they all owned farms. There were so many of us in the family in fact that our family owned and lived in every house in our small village…in fact, our family were the only family for three square miles. The village primary school only had one surname in the register so when they called the register they used first names instead of last names and sometimes they had to use the first two names because so many of the boys had our grandfather’s first name.

It came as a culture shock when I moved to ‘Big school’ and found kids that had a different surname to mine and an even bigger shock to realise that they weren’t related to us. I was a very good student, got excellent marks in every subject but as soon as I turned sixteen I was done with my education and was itching to get out to work. I wasn’t interested in farm work, after sixteen years of living on a farm I had enough of cow, pig and chicken shit to last me a lifetime.

I got a job as an Office Junior for an engineering business and I didn’t have a big commute either. One of our suppliers was looking to upsize and my Uncle Paul had a massive barn that he no longer needed for farm machinery so Northants Engineering moved in and I got the junior’s job because the girl that was doing the job didn’t want to travel to work every day.

I started working for Ken Pledgeman, he was the Office Manager and had been for twenty years. Ken was in his sixties, tall and willowy. He wore brown corduroy jackets with leather elbow patches and glasses that looked like they were cut from the bottoms of milk bottles the lenses were so thick. Ken wore bowties; he had five different shirts for work, all brightly coloured and wore a matching bowtie for each different shirt. I soon discovered that Ken was a perfectionist, there was only one way to do anything and that was Ken’s way!

Oh, and I almost forgot…Ken was definitely the fairy from the top of the Christmas tree!

Ken insisted that I took a work based qualification, even though I fought him every step of the way. I ended up passing a National Vocational Qualification in Office Management with an extremely high score. I was invited to collect my trophy from a formal dinner in the Guildhall. I was twenty years old by this point and because I worked just a five minute walk from my home, I hadn’t bothered to learn to drive so I had to get a lift into the ceremony.

I was expecting the graduation ceremony to be a massive affaire but I was wrong, I hadn’t been invited to a graduation for my NVQ course, it was the local Chamber of Commerce meeting, it was a ‘Selling Northampton to the wider country’ kind of thing and the banqueting room was full of business men from all over the country being entertained by Northampton’s business men and the top three students were being paraded around in front of them like cattle at a livestock auction.

I’d asked my father to pick me up an hour after dropping me off, that would mean him hanging around in Northampton instead of going home and then coming back into town but I quickly realised that this wasn’t a simple diploma collecting evening; it was a full blown banquet. As soon as I saw the program for the evening I called my father and told him to go home and that I’d ring him later to collect me when the function was over.

I was glad that I’d let my mother talk me into wearing one of her old dresses, my own wardrobe consisted of jeans and T-shirts for casual wear and skirts and blouses for work. Our house was so huge that my mother never threw any of her old clothes away; she still had her old school uniforms in her dressing room. Whenever I went to a party I wore one of my mother’s old outfits. My mother had been to a city university studying clothing design and manufacture before she married my father so as a young woman she had some very fashionable clothes, mainly designed and made by her own hands, some were very pretty and some very sexy.

The outfit I’d been talked into wearing by my mother was a black lace outer dress with what looked like a black, strapless, crop-top in fine muslin sewn under the top to hide my breasts and another band of muslin sewn in around the hips that was only three inches wide. I’d complained that my knickers could be seen over the top of the lower band but my mother just shook her head, “You don’t wear anything under a dress like this, that’s the way I designed it!”

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The back of the dress was fastened by a small button through a loop in the high neck band that looked like a choker attached to the dress and below that, the dress was open right down to the band of muslin that surrounded my hips…the only saving grace was that it didn’t gape open if I stood upright but if I bent forward the crack of my arse would wink out at people. I’d even worn my mother’s impossibly high, high heels, black patent leather, twenty year old shoes but kahramanmaraş escort they had been looked after so well that they looked like they were brand new.

Northampton had two thousand NVQ diploma winners this year but there were only three of us that had been invited to the Guildhall, Susan Gildert had achieved a qualification for her NVQ in Hair and Beauty Provision, Gail Bush had got her Catering Management NVQ and I had got my Business Management NVQ.

We three young women were very much out of place at the Chamber of Commerce banquet; there were over two hundred men at the function and only thirty or so women. Because I was wearing my mother’s old dress I was probably the most ‘Dressed-up’ of the thirty three women at the banquet, the most dressed-up and the youngest person in the room.

I checked the seating plan, my place was about half way down the north table, I had Mr Benson on my left and Mr Eldridge on my right. Susan Gildert was opposite me on the south table and Gail Bush was in the middle of the West table. The Mayor and the great and the good of Northampton were all on the East table…the Guildhall had been built on the footprint of an eighth century church so the building was oriented east to west, the grand entrance on the west end of the building so that the head of the table were facing people entering the room.

The first course was delivered, I chose soup and the men either side of me chose paté. Over my soup I discovered that Mr Benson was a buyer for a chain of shoe shops, he loved my shoes and knew that they were older than I was, he also knew that they were made in Northampton by a local company that had disappeared more than twenty years ago, I also discovered that Mr Benson’s first name was Sam. Sam Benson was very one dimensional, his whole life revolved around shoes, shoes and buying shoes. He was in town to place an order for high-end boots, high-end and high fashion.

When our green salad was delivered I turned to Mr Eldridge to find out what he did and if he was more interesting than Sam. Gavin Eldridge was very attentive; he was as interested in me and what I’d done as I was in finding out about him. Gavin was a building developer and owned an architectural and design business in London. I was particularly interested in hearing about the new speculative commercial development he was building on the Weedon Road Industrial Estate.

“When I first left school and started working for Northants Engineering, they were moving into one of my uncle’s barns, the first project I had was to get the power link from the farm disconnected and a new power supply laid in.”

“How old were you then?”

“I was sixteen.”

“Wouldn’t it have been cheaper for your uncle to just fit a private meter and charge your new boss for the electricity he used?”

“The supply from the farm was only twelve and a half KVA, Northants Engineering had several machines that needed more power than that each, if everything was running at the same time they needed over one hundred and seventy KVA, we could get one hundred and sixty-six KVA for ten thousand pounds but to go to the next step up, say two hundred KVA it would cost ten times that amount so we had to stick at the lower level, just because of the cost of installation.”

“And they trusted you with all that responsibility at just sixteen years of age?”

“Mr Pledgeman was looking over my shoulder every step of the way but I had to do all the chasing around, pushing for delivery dates and that kind of thing.”

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“I’m only in Northampton until lunchtime tomorrow but I’d love to show you around my new factory.”

“I’d love to see around a purpose built factory and a speculative built one before they’re finished, see how things get put together and see how you leave things so that the building can have several different uses.”

“Can you get back into town by…say…ten thirty in the morning?”

“That would be difficult, my father will be working all morning and busses don’t come near my village at the weekend.”

“Well then, you could always stay in town, I’ll organise a single room for you in my hotel.”

“I can’t afford hotel prices…not on my salary.”

“I’ll put it on my company account; it’ll go down as entertaining a customer.”

Now…I was twenty…a village girl that had never had a boyfriend in my life so far but even I could spot a play…I’d watched my grandfather hitting on my friends often enough and Gavin Eldridge was more like my grandfather than my grandfather was!

I weighed up the pros and cons, I wasn’t ‘Married’ to my virginity, my mother often told me that I needed a boyfriend before I went mad, she even suggested boys that were in the market…even boys that were my first cousins…even boys that weren’t boys and I don’t just mean men, she once suggested that if I didn’t ‘LIKE’ boys or men…that I should look to one of my female cousins who showed inclinations in that direction.

I kahramanmaraş escort bayan sipped my wine, my heart rate had stepped up a gear but I’d been in this position before, I’d misread casual flirtations from at least four cousins and two uncles…laid myself open to them…and…and…nothing happened…a little tongue wrestling and my hand had ended up down his trousers, shaking hands with his trouser snake and that was it, it had never gone beyond my hand on a cock before. Gavin was looking at me now, he was looking worried.

“I’m sorry if I overstepped the mark…”

I held up my hand, “I’m trying to remember what I have to do tomorrow, see if I can change the timings or get someone else to do my stuff for me.”

“You’re working tomorrow? I didn’t expect a small engineering company to be working on a Saturday.”

I smiled, “Tomorrow it’s just stuff around the farm that I usually help out with.”

The banqueting staff were starting to collect the salad plates from the huge square of tables, I lined my knife and fork up together to signify that I was finished even though there was still a mountain of limp lettuce leaves on my plate, “When they get here, I’m finished…I’m just going to find somewhere private to ring my parents to tell them that I won’t be needing a lift home after the meal.”

I saw the faint twitch at the corners of his mouth as he tried to suppress the smile trying to form on his mouth.

I walked to the passageway leading to the toilets. I still needed to choose which of my parents to ring, my father would just thank me for the call and that would be the end of the conversation, my mother on the other hand, there would be questions, there would be advice, there would be warnings…congratulations even…I phoned my mother’s number.

She picked up on the second ring, “Sarah, is anything wrong?” there was an edge of panic in her voice.

“No mum, no problem, can you tell dad when he gets home that he doesn’t have to turn out to collect me tonight…I’m stopping in Northampton tonight.”

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There was a delay; I could hear her breathing through the phone, her breath rate increased fractionally.

“That was fast work, who is he?”

“One of the victims that were invited to dinner by the Chamber of Commerce to try and sell them something.”

“Must have been my dress that got things moving so fast, I was always guaranteed to pull in that dress…so, is he a local man or an out of towner?”

“He’s from London.”


“So what?”

“Don’t play the innocent with me…what’s he like?”

“Mum, you know that I am still innocent…don’t you?”

“That’s because you always turn your nose up at family…you could have lost that little gift years ago if you hadn’t been so fussy…so what’s he like?”

“I don’t think it’s like that mum, he’s offered to show me the factories he’s building on Weedon Road tomorrow morning before he has to go back to London and I really wanted to see them because of the work I did on converting Paul’s barn into a factory unit and when I told him I couldn’t make it because we don’t have a bus service over the weekend, he offered to get me a room in his hotel…a room of my own in his hotel.”

“What’s he like?”

“He’s older than granddad mum. I don’t think he has any plans for that kind of thing.”

“Don’t think your grandfather’s too old to chase a girl of your age around the bedroom…where are you on your cycle?”

“Mum, I don’t think it’s like that at all.”

“Where are you?”

“Week three mum, right at the end of my fertile time.”

“You’ll need condoms then, the Guildhall has a condom machine in the ladies toilets…get yourself a pack…I know…You’ll say there’s no need but trust me, don’t leave contraception to the man…you’ll kick yourself if it gets to the bedroom and neither of you have a condom…and if you tell me that you did it without a condom…I’ll kick you!”

I could have kicked myself, in my bedside drawer I had four unopened boxes of condoms following my mother’s advice while at family parties, I’d be getting on with a cousin and my mother would whisper, “Get condoms, just in case!” I’d bought condoms and nothing had happened…well, I’d ended up with a wet hand on four different occasions but the unopened box of condoms had ended up in my bedside drawer at the end of the evening.

I wished my mother a good night and looked towards the ladies toilet…I didn’t need to go but my mother had given me a dire warning that if I ended up having sex without protection she’d be cross with me so I sidled into the toilet. ‘Only three one pound coins’ the machine proclaimed in large print and in much smaller print, ‘For two condoms’. I searched in my purse for pound coins, in my mind I said to myself, “If I don’t have three pound coins then that’s providence or something telling me not to bother buying yet more condoms that will join my stock in my bedside cabinet.

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I escort kahramanmaraş found three pound coins, I laid them in the slots in the coin tray and just before I pushed the slider in, I spotted the ‘Out of order’ sign just above the coin slide. I laughed, fate was just pissing me about a little.

I popped the three coins out of the slider and put them back in my purse before returning to the banqueting hall. There was a plate of beef and vegetables in front of my empty seat.

Gavin looked up at me, “Everything okay?”

The thought flashed in my head, ‘Should I tell him that the condom machine in the ladies toilet was out of order and ask him if he had any on him…in his room…or if he wanted three pound coins to go and test the machine in the men’s toilet!’

I laughed and nodded my head, “Usual crap from my mother…” I stopped myself telling him what the crap was…just in case I’d misread the situation, “…She still thinks I’m at school…having a sleepover with my friends and talking all night long.”

He grinned at that comment and pointed to my plate, “I chose for you, roast beef, roast potatoes, carrots, peas and sweet corn…I rejected the broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower…in my opinion, no one ever cooks them properly these days.”

We kept up our conversation through the main course as well as through the trifle. At the end of the meal, after the trifle dishes were cleared away the assembly was called to order and the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce called out Susan Gildert’s name. She walked from her seat to stand at his side, he handed Susan her NVQ diploma and then he picked up her record book…I had exactly the same book, in mine there would be a business related aim, some kind of project I’d have to manage or some procedure that I’d have to either learn or create, a date that the action had to be completed by and the name of the examiner testing my completeness and a score.

The Chairman read out some of the examiner’s comments about Susan’s work and her attitude. He closed her record book and picked up an envelope.

“After reading all the comments and taking account of the final score achieved by Susan, my committee had no hesitation in awarding Susan the Chamber of Commerce award for outstanding achievement after achieving the highest mark for anyone in the city of Northampton…a check for six hundred pounds.”

Susan took the check and the microphone, she held the envelope up. She thanked the Chairman and the rest of his committee who were all sitting around the room entertaining visiting businessmen. “When I was told that I was going to get an award from the Chamber of Commerce, my first thought was…’PARTY TIME’…but in reflection, I’m going to put this money into my fund for starting up my own beauty parlour.”

Susan walked back to her seat to the sound of applauds.

“Susan had obviously been told more about the evening’s events than I had been, I didn’t even realise that we’d get our actual diploma at the banquet and she had even been told that she would get a monetary prize…All I’d received was an invitation to attend the banquet. The thought hit me that perhaps Susan had won first prize and she was probably the only one who would get more than her diploma.

The Mayor stood up next, he cleared his throat into the microphone, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce Gail Bush this evening,..” Gail stood up and walked towards the east table as the Mayor spoke, “…Gail was the unanimous choice of the County Council education sub committee for the highest mark for any catering student in the county.” He handed Gail her diploma.

“And the award is…a check for one thousand pounds!”

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Again Gail was given the envelope and the microphone.

“I’d like to thank the members of the County Council for selecting someone from the catering NVQ to receive this award, I haven’t been able to afford a holiday for the last five years because catering is one of the worst paying of all the trades covered by the NVQ examination board…with this cash I’m going to have my first foreign holiday ever.”

My heart started palpitating, Susan had got six hundred pounds and Gail had been given a thousand pounds…what the hell was I going to get…I knew what I wanted to get later but now, at the awards…

As Gail walked back to her seat I suddenly realised that I would be expected to walk to the east table to get my award and I really wasn’t dressed to be presented in public and my pulse stepped up another fifty beats per minute.

A man in a suit stood up…I knew how important the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce was, he wore regalia and had a chain of office around his neck, the Mayor had similar robes and an even more elaborate chain of office draped over his shoulders with a feather covered tricorn hat on his head.

I leaned in to Gavin, “Any idea who the suit is?”

“You really should know him, he’s Peter Bane, the MP for Wellingborough, he’s trying to talk me into turning some of my land in his constituency into affordable housing. He’s desperate to see me before I head back to London tomorrow.”

I’d missed my name being called out but the sound of applauds brought me back to the room. Everyone was looking at me as they clapped their hands. Gavin whispered, “It’s your turn to go and get your diploma.”

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