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Castro Supreme

She knew she was taking a perilous chance as she crept through the dark rooms. Stealthily she moved, careful not to make a sound. As she approached what she knew must be the bedroom, she heard the telltale sounds of his presence: the even, relaxed breathing of a sleeping man.

She’d been lucky; she happened to know his landlord, who had been wickedly happy to hand over to her a copy of the key to the apartment of the man she had known, yet not known, wanted yet never had hope of having. She wasn’t sure what she would do once she entered his bedroom. She knew exactly what she wanted to do, but she had no plan, no blueprint to follow. She had no idea what his reaction would be to her presence and she was terrified of the possibility that he might actually sleep with a weapon or even worse, that he would reject her. But she was willing to take the chance. She knew that it would take a daring feat indeed to win the attention of this man. And even if it turned out to be only a one-night stand, at least she would have that.

She stood outside the half-open bedroom door, pausing to collect herself. She realized that, unlike the breathing of the man she was planning to seduce, her own breath was labored under the stress of her trepidation. She was more afraid than she’d ever been, yet she was excited as well. Her left hand was clenched protectively at her heart, and she forcibly relaxed it and let it wander to her left breast, where she was surprised to find the nipple taut and erect. She caressed it lightly through the thin fabric of her tank top, glad that she had chosen not to wear any underwear tonight in anticipation of what she was hoping would be an impassioned, frantic need to remove her outer clothing.

She could feel her tense body begin to loosen up slightly, and she became acutely aware of the wetness between her thighs. On impulse, she reached down inside her pants and dipped her finger into the slick folds of her aroused vulva. She pulled her hand out and swiped the wet finger across the deep cleavage of her breasts, thinking that if the feel of her didn’t turn him on, the scent of her might. She took a deep, silent breath and approached the bed.

She had considered taking her clothes off immediately, but rejected the idea with the thought that she might end up being rejected and chased away. She could just barely make him out in the darkness and saw that he was sleeping on his back in the middle of the king-size bed. She slipped off her loafers and slowly pulled the bedding down. Very, very gently she slid into the bed, knowing that if her movements didn’t wake him, the pounding of her heart surely would. She settled down beside him, surprised that he continued to sleep, and placed a nervous hand on his bare chest.

For a long moment she simply lay there watching him in the darkness. His breathing remained deep and steady. Resisting the urge to caress him, she kept her left hand completely still as it rested on his chest. She rejoiced in the sensation of finally touching him, skin to bare skin, until the magnitude of what she was doing crept to the forefront of her mind.

Briefly, she considered slipping back out of the bed and sneaking away into the safety of the night. He would never have to know she’d been here, and her life would continue just as before–seeing him without being able to touch him, speaking to him without ever having the courage to tell him how she desired him, always failing in her attempts to gain his attention. Safe, yes, but always wanting. Any reaction he might give her had to be better than that.

She knew it was time to wake him up before he woke up on his own, but she had some preparations left to take care of. She was desperately in need of whatever little bit of control she could create for herself in this situation, which was very little considering his superior size and strength.

She took her hand from his chest to reach into her pants pocket and remove a handful of condoms, which she then tucked beneath the pillow she was lying on. As quietly as she could, she propped herself up with her right forearm and then inched her body toward the headboard so that her head was higher on the bed than his. If she wanted to, she could now kiss the top of his head, and this dominant placement of her body in relation to his added just a modicum of control.

Keeping her torso propped up, she allowed her lower body to relax into him until she had his left arm firmly wedged between their bodies. He was pressed against the length of her, and the warmth of his skin seemed to radiate through her. She could feel the pounding of her heart, the pulsing rush of adrenaline. She reached behind her head and pulled out her hairclip, letting her hair fall across her back, and threw the clip on the floor beside the bed. She heard him inhale a deep breath in his sleep, and she mentally steeled herself for his awakening.



Swaying… fluttering… gently rolling… these sensations filled his mind as güvenilir bahis he dreamed of wind and water. He could feel sand under his feet, a breeze across his face. He felt warm and content but for a tiny, nagging impression that something was not quite right. He felt as if he were being moved by some outside force, yet somehow restricted at the same time, and the feeling seemed to grow and spread. Gradually, almost against his will, he began waking up.

His first conscious thought as he drifted out of slumber was the simple realization that he was prone, on his back and on his bed. He was aware that he was in that fuzzy state between sleep and wakefulness, and for a brief moment he was content to lie quietly and wait for those few seconds of sleep paralysis to pass before he could roll over to his side. He was now conscious enough to wonder what time it was, but the thought lasted only an instant as he noticed a pressure, a strange weight against his left side. Suddenly, shockingly, he realized that he was not alone.

With a startled, sharp intake of breath, the man instinctively whipped his head to the left, but he was so astonished by the discovery of this intruder in his bed that at first it was the only movement he was capable of. His eyes flew open but he could see almost nothing in the darkness of the room, and the few shapes and forms that he was able to discern were obscured by a curtain of someone’s hair at his face. He lifted his right hand to push the stranger away and immediately felt a hand grasping his and moving it to cup something warm and fleshy, soft yet firm.

“Shhhh,” he heard a voice whisper. “It’s all right, I won’t hurt you.”

He was amazed to find that his hand had been placed upon a woman’s bare breast; it filled his hand, heavy and supple, and without even thinking he gave it a gentle, appreciative squeeze. He could feel the nipple poking out and he rubbed it between his fingers. He heard the woman gasp softly and then felt a hand move up his arm and across his chest, up to his neck. She took hold of his chin to turn his head so that he faced the ceiling, and she began kissing his neck, his cheek, his ear. He felt as if his entire body was electrified, as if every single nerve ending had been slapped wide awake. He felt the stranger sucking lightly on his earlobe.

“Who are you?” he asked with a shiver as a tongue darted into his ear.

Ignoring his question, she blazed a trail of kisses across his face and found his mouth. She kissed him lightly at first, then increased the intensity of the kiss until her passion made him forget everything but her mouth, her exquisite breast, and the first stirrings deep in his groin. Her lips were full and succulent, her breath sweet. Her tongue was in his mouth and he caressed it with his own, then sucked on it. He felt her hand on his face, her fingers stroking his cheek. He released her breast to bury his hand in her long, silky hair.

The woman raised her mouth from his and shifted her body enough to free his left arm from beneath her. He took this opportunity to try to identify her, but the darkness of the room and the shadow on her face made it impossible for him to see her clearly. He had to know who she was, and he was about to ask her again when another question popped into his mind.

“How did you get in here?”

She leaned back into him, half lying and half sitting, and took his left hand in hers.

“You ask a lot of questions,” she finally replied. He thought there was something familiar about the voice but wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination playing tricks on him.

She lifted his hand to her face, and he was surprised to feel her kiss the palm. With the entire width of her tongue, she licked his hand in a long swipe from the wrist to the fingertips, and the sensation of her wet tongue made his skin crawl. He felt the tip of his index finger entering her mouth and she sucked the finger all the way in with a force that made him moan involuntarily. She held his finger for several seconds, then slowly began pulling it out of her mouth while at the same time maintaining a powerful suction. He could imagine how delicious it would be to have that mouth wrapped around his manhood, and he felt himself heating up and hardening into a massive erection.

The woman released his hand and, effectively keeping her face in the shadow of her thick, loosely curled hair, she began kissing his chest. She found a nipple and tugged on it gently. He groped at her in the darkness and found her left breast again as it peeked from beneath a thin top that she’d pulled up to expose herself. He explored the smooth skin of her fine, full orbs before reaching down to assess the state of the rest of her clothing.

He discovered that she wore loose-fitting, satiny pants around a flat belly, and he pushed his way inside the pants to find a soft mound of hair between silky thighs. He searched further and discovered, to his delight, the woman’s moist labia while her busy mouth and hands followed the strip of hair türkçe bahis that ran down the middle of his torso. He felt her kiss, then lick, then nip at his chest and stomach while he fondled her. He could hear her breathing quicken and deepen as he stroked her wet folds and tickled her slippery clit. She parted her legs for him, stopped her own exploration of his body, and moaned as he plunged a finger into the warm depths of her.

He marveled that she was so hot for him, this complete stranger who seemed so eager to give herself to him. Except he knew that they weren’t truly strangers. From some place or some time in his life, she knew him, and that was why she was here.

She resumed caressing and kissing his stomach until her hands and mouth reached the top of his boxers; she stopped and sat up, pulling his hand away from her sweltering crotch.

“Do I know you?” he asked, his curiosity exceeded only by his arousal.

She sighed. “You talk too much,” she said, a slight smile in her voice belying her mock impatience.

The thought occurred to him that it would be easy to satisfy his curiosity–he could roll over, reach over to turn on the bedside lamp, and see exactly who she was. But he was so intrigued, so anxious to see what she would do next, and so unwilling to break the incredibly sexy spell he was under that he curtailed his curiosity in favor of continuing this delectable adventure.

The man felt the bedcovers being flung aside, then a hand running along the waistband of his boxers. His seductive visitor pulled the elastic over his swollen cock and he lifted his hips off the mattress slightly to help her as she pulled his shorts down. She shifted herself onto her knees with her back to him. He could see her outline in the dark; a cascade of soft curls falling past her shoulders, a slim waist widening into gently curved hips. He caressed her lower back, sliding his fingers under her pants and letting them glide along the smooth flesh of her bottom as she pulled his shorts all the way off. He was so aroused by now that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to contain himself.

He felt the woman turn to face him, straddle his left leg, then spread his limbs apart with her own. She knelt between his legs, and he experienced a sudden twinge of fear as he realized what a vulnerable position he was in– spread-eagled with his male parts completely exposed and at her mercy. His imagination raced along some of the terrible, painful things she could possibly do to him at this moment and, hands clenched into fists at his sides, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and waited…



The woman gazed down at the barely distinguishable sight in the darkness before her, extremely pleased with her handiwork. Without even touching the object of her desire, she had elicited from it a splendid hard-on. She was more excited than she’d ever been in her life, but even as anxious as she was to partake of all he could give her, she wanted to make this experience last as long as possible.

Kneeling between his legs, she sat back on her ankles and firmly caressed his thighs. She kept her head down to keep him from seeing her face, her eyes straining in the dark to make out his engorged member, admiring its length and girth and the way it stood at attention and saluted her with an occasional twitch of anticipation. She felt the man’s clenched fists and wondered if he was actually nervous. She reached up and very slowly removed her tank top and placed it at the edge of the bed. Leaning forward, she grasped his rigid penis and guided it into the crevice between her full, firm breasts, which she then squeezed together with her hands, pressing them around his shaft.

“Oooh, nice,” she murmured.

“Oooh, yeah,” he responded.

She kept him enveloped within her bosom, pressing him into her, lifting her breasts to completely bury the head of his cock and then lowering them to reveal it again. She rubbed the head lightly around her face each time it emerged from the top of her cleavage, relishing the soft, velvety feel of it on her cheeks and lips. The thought that she was treating herself to a phallic facial amused her as well as titillated her; but, hungry for a sample of this delicacy, she began licking him with each emergence from her cleavage.

She alternated between rubbing and kissing and licking the tip while moving her breasts in circular, then up-and-down motions. She could hear his breathing now, even but deep and quick and matching her own. She continued for some moments, blissfully lost in the intimacy of his hard member trapped between her eager breasts, the taste of this most private part of him on her tongue, happily giving him what she knew had to be the best titty fuck in history.

Finally satisfied with the erotic sensation of the man’s delightful prick encompassed within her breasts, the woman released him to explore further pleasures. First, she straightened up and arched her back, stretching her arms güvenilir bahis siteleri and torso, uttering a contented groan, careful to keep her face shadowed but letting him view the outline of her curves in the darkness. She pulled herself onto her knees and began pulling her pants down, then slipping them off and tossing them to join her shirt at the edge of the bed.

Completely naked now, she reached both hands behind her, placed a hand on each of her unwitting host’s feet, and ran her fingers all the way up his muscular legs to the tops of his thighs. Kneeling over him once again, she tilted her head to the left and lowered her face to bury it beneath his testicles. She teased the sensitive perineum with her tongue as far as she could reach and then swiped her wet tongue up the bottom of his scrotum and over the top. Her tongue affectionately petted his delicate balls as if they were pampered pets; she licked and tickled them, finally taking one into her mouth to caress it before releasing it and giving the other the same gentle treatment.

The woman now turned her attention to the piece de resistance, with all-consuming enthusiasm. Around and around his hard shaft she licked, from one direction and then the other, fondling and stroking it while licking and then biting softly with her lips, careful not to hurt him but letting her appetite run away with her. She licked the head of his cock, savoring the taste of him and wanting more, until a harsh rap of reality knocked at her brain.

She pulled herself up and stretched forward to reach under the pillow she had lain on, taking one of the condoms she had brought, then settled back to kneel once again above his manhood. She despaired of using protection–she wanted to feel him uncovered in her mouth and inside of her–but she knew that their heat and desire would make up for the encumbrance of the condom. She placed it over his member and rolled it down very, very slowly, encircling the shaft with both hands, squeezing and kneading all the way down and relishing the feel of his hardness in her hands.

She lowered her head and took him into her mouth, massaging him with her lips and tongue, acclimating herself to the taste of the latex that covered him and hoping for the day when she could taste him unsheathed. She took in as much of his thick shaft as she could, her head lowering and raising and lowering again. Her mouth thus gleefully occupied, her hands kept busy as well as they explored him.

She touched every part of him that she could reach, reveling in the feel of his cool skin and coarse hair and masculine angles. She let the man hear the evidence of her delight; without embarrassment she treated him to the sounds of her pleasure. As her mouth continued to ravage his rigid cock, she took hold of it and rolled it between her palms, loving the feel of the strength of it in her hands, and then began stroking it in long, slow, even strokes. She felt his hand on the back of her head, luxuriating in her hair and pressing her head down to take in more of him.

She began sucking then, repeating with his magnificent prick what she had previously done with his finger: sucking with as much power as she could maintain while at the same time pulling her mouth away from him; she did this over and over, the constant opposing forces provoking from him groans and cries of ecstasy.

Hearing the sounds of her happy victim’s pleasure mingling with her own, the woman found herself so stimulated that she thought she could feel her essence dribbling down the inside of one thigh. Her fevered genitals pulsed with need of him until she knew she could no longer bear this sweet torture.

Removing her mouth from him with one last long suck, she reached up to place her hands at his sides. She lifted her left leg across his right, her weight on her knee above and next to his hip, and then lifted her right leg to place her foot flat on the bed at his other hip, straddling him without yet touching. She grabbed his throbbing member and touched its head to her vulva and rubbed it against her, back and forth and up and down, letting it tease her engorged clit and her waiting slit. Her ravenous pussy begged for more, and she slid his cock into her outside opening and began lowering herself onto it.

She settled herself onto him slowly, feeling the wide head of his dick work every inch of its way into her as her tight little vagina gladly stretched to accommodate him. Beside herself with excitement, she was barely aware of her own long, low moan as he filled her. She felt his hands stroking her arms as she finally engulfed him completely and let the full weight of her body settle upon him.

“Oh, my god,” she exclaimed, amazed at the intensity of her pleasure and relief that she finally had him buried deep within her, where he belonged.

“Oh, yeah… you feel so good,” he replied in a voice thick with desire.

Content for the moment to sit still on top of him, she reveled in her ownership of his manhood. She caressed his chest and stomach and arms and thighs while savoring the feeling of her fervent pussy wrapped around him. She felt his hands move up her arms, and she leaned forward enough to allow him to reach her breasts. He took hold of them, and she sighed deeply.

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