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“Here they come!” The ship was now within visual range. A magnification of the ship was on the main view screen. It was closing fast. “Brace yourselves!” Serra said as her hand gripped the pilot stick.

“Shots Incoming!” Lexi said. Serra slammed the stick hard to the side and the Naginata swung right and “dove”. The ship wasn’t a fighter, but it was still “small” enough to do well in a dog fight.

“Missed!” Lexi shouted.

“Return fire Lex!” Serra said, working over her console with her off hand. “Damn! I could really use Katarina’s skill right now!”

“Burst away! Two hit, but were absorbed by their shields!” Lexi said. Just then, the Naginata jolted hard!


“Two hits, the shields took it… 74%.”

Serra pulled hard on the stick and came around. She slammed the throttle and gritted her teeth. “Give ’em everything we got!”

“Got it!” Lexi went to work. “Full weapon release away!”

Three shots were absorbed by the enemy shields, but a fourth and fifth got through! At that same time, the other ship fired. The Naginata shook and groaned as one shot hit the hull.

“Shields at 58%” Lexi shouted, continuing to line up and take shots.

“Cali! I need you to boost the shields!” Serra yelled into the comm.

“I can give you a little more, but with all the rerouting I can’t push her much harder than I am!”

“Do it!” Serra yelled as she shoved the stick forward. The Naginata dove again. Her weapons roared death as the enemy replied in kind. The Naginata was shaking so hard Lexi almost fell from her chair! But the attack Lexi made struck home!

“Their shields have collapsed, Cap! Taking a shot at their thrusters.” Lexi paused. “Hit! They aren’t going anywhere!”

“Nice work Lexi!” Serra said bringing the Naginata about.

“Shields at 32%.” Lexi said.

“Rerouting main cannon power to the shields Captain!” Cali called over the comm.

Behind Serra, Lexi chuckled.


“We’re being hailed.”

“Put it through.”

“Well fought my friends.” The voice was smooth and almost sarcastic.

“What do you want?! Why did you attack us?!” Serra was still running on adrenaline and struggled to calm her voice.

“It’s what we do.” He replied.

“But why?” Serra asked again.

“We’re pirates.” He replied matter of factly. “We want to raid and possibly salvage your ship.”

“That’s not happening.” Serra replied.

“Oh no?”

“The fight is over, you lost.” Serra replied.

“Over? Lost? That’s all a matter of… perspective.” He replied confidently.

“Cap, there’s a large power buildup in their main engine core.” Lexi said in a low tone.

“Power down your ship!” Serra demanded. The voice just laughed over the comm.

“Their power levels are still climbing!”

“Cali, give me everything you’ve got!”

“Got it!”

Serra slammed the throttle and turned the ship to the left and up. As the Naginata accelerated away, the enemy ship exploded! The shock wave threw the ship into a spin as the engines stalled!

“Shit!” Serra struggled to restart the engines. “Cali!”

“The conversion matrix is fried! I’m working on a bridge to bypass-“

“Get it done!” Serra barked. “Lexi, take over.”

“T-take over?!” She replied uncertainly.

“I’ll be back!” Serra said and rushed out of the bridge. She ran to the midship and into the med bay. Kat was sitting up in her bunk, obviously very shaken.


“What’s going on?” Katarina asked.

“Pirates.” Serra rushed to her side. “Are you okay?” She reached out to her head tenderly.

“I’m okay… we Kurn are made of stern stuff.” She smiled at Serra.

“Good, I was so worried with all the shaking and sudden maneuvers.” She said,

“How’s the ship?” Kat asked.

“Shields barely held together… apparently, when the other ship self-destructed, the shock wave of energy… fried the conversion matrix.” Serra explained.

“Self destruction?”

“What? What is it?” Serra asked.

“Did they contact you?”

“Yes he was very self assured, even in defeat.” Serra explained.



“Those are tactics utilized by the Ghint. A once ally, but now bitter enemy of the Crimson Empire.” Katarina said. “If it was them, it was likely a drone.”

“That ship sure didn’t fight like a drone!” Serra replied.

“There’s a control ship within the sector. There has to be.”

“Which means we’ve gotta get out of here!”

“Right!” Katarina slid off her bunk and reached for her breeches.

“What are you doing?!”

“You’re going to need my help.” Kat said, grabbing a shirt.

“But you’re-“

“I’m fine, ” she kissed her, “Get to the bridge, I’ll go help Cali get us going again.”

Serra nodded and reluctantly made her way back to the bridge. “Anything on the scanners?”

“No, why?”

“Kat said that it might have been a drone ship from the Ghint.”

“Ghint, who the hell is that?!” Lexi replied.

“I don’t know, but Kat said there is likely a control ship nearby.”


In the engine room, tuzla escort Cali was hard at work trying to patch up even more damage.

“Cali, what can I do to help?” Katarina asked as she entered.

“Kat!” Cali smiled, “glad to see you on your feet again.”

Just then, Saphina entered. “Lady Katarina!?”

“I’m fine.” She assured her. “Cali?”

“Right, I need to switch out this transfuser and bypass the conversion matrix.”

“Okay.” Kat said, slipping on some gloves. She immediately got to work. The two of them were a blur, rushing around, banging, tweaking and sweating. Within minutes, Cali stepped to the main control console and pushed the start sequence. The lights flickered, but the engines roared to life!

“Hell yeah!” Cali yelled.

“Nice work chief.” Kat said to her with a nod.

“You too.”

“Nice work ladies!” Serra called over the comm. The ship began to vibrate as it struggled to push power through every system. Saphina looked up and around with concern. Cali approached her, “it’s fine, that’s just the ship waking up.”

Saphina nodded with a worried smile.

“Cap, I’ve got another ship incoming. Much larger than the last!” Lexi said.

“Dammit!” Serra flipped the comm. “Kat, if you’re up to it, I need you on the bridge.”

“On my way Cap.”

“Kat!” Cali called to her. She turned back at the doorway. “Thank you for the help… and I’m glad you’re okay.”

Kat smiled and rushed out. On the bridge Serra and Lexi prepped for another fight.

“I’m here.” Kat said getting into the pilot’s chair. “Control ship?”

“We think so,”Serra replied.

“Okay.” She flipped on the comm. “Cali, I need you to push everything you’ve got into the thrusters. We’ve got no jump capability, but we need to get out of this system now!”

“On it!” She called back.

“Sorry Serra…”

“By all means.” She sat back.

“Lexi, reroute all power from the weapons systems to shields, let’s see what we can get.”

“No problem.”

Kat turned the ship about and pushed away from the oncoming ship. The ship was on a slow but steady acceleration pattern.

“Okay, all power to shields, we’re at 67%.” Lexi said.

“That will have to do.” Kat replied. She pushed the Naginata as fast as she could go on an escape vector away from the incoming ship. Saphina stood next to Lexi as she continuously scanned her monitors. She crouched next to her and put a hand on her knee. Lexi looked at her, smiled, and turned her gaze back to her console. Then, Cali entered the bridge and took her seat.

“Thank you again Cali, you’re doing a spectacular job!” Katarina stated.

“Thanks.” The engineer replied.

The crew was silent as the Naginata slipped around the far side of Gal’wirx 3, and took up position within the rings of ice and rock. Katarina powered down the ship’s engines and left only auxiliary power for life support running. Only a few lights could be seen in the powered down ship. It was eerily quiet. The only noise was the low hum of the life support and the nervous breathing of the crew. The ship’s interior was becoming quite cold. Cali shivered. Il’taira put a hand on her arm, and she was strangely filled with warmth. Several minutes passed with no movement.

“What do we-” Saphina started to ask, but Katarina held up a hand. A very large angular cruiser emerged from the far side of Gal’wirx 3 slowly moving past the rings at a safe distance.

“They’re definitely scanning.” Cali whispered.

“It is a Ghint war cruiser.” Kat said, “the metals within the rings should hopefully scramble them enough to keep them blind to our presence.”

The cruiser began to move past the planet and away. Lexi shifted in her seat as the engines of the war cruiser began to glow brighter and brighter.

“They’re getting ready to jump.” Serra said quietly. In a flash, the cruiser vanished. The group exhaled as one.

“I’m not sure how we got out of that alive!” Lex said, pulling Saphina onto her lap. “Thank the God Mellain! I’m not done with you!” Saphina said and kissed her.

Serra turned to Cali, “where are we at? What do we need to do to get my ship running again”

“We need to make landfall and spend a couple weeks fixing and replacing things.” Cali said, powering up all basic systems.

“I’m curious, do we have enough power to run all the upgraded systems? The Ops was a little sluggish and cycling through firing modes was sluggish.” Lexi added, as she kissed Saphina.

“We’re definitely running at max power when it comes to combat. We had about 2% reserve.” She replied.

“Does the engine need replacing? Or a secondary power plant installed?” Katarina asked.

“That’s prohibitively expensive.” Serra said.

“I bet we could scrounge up a second hand backup power plant for Ops. ” Cali suggested. “But we’d still need a few weeks, after we got it for installation, programming and synchronization.” Cali added.

“Okay, let’s see what we can do.” Serra said. “Let me bring up the star chart and see if we can find a friendly planet to park on.”

Katarina pendik escort went to her side to look over the star chart.

“Hmmm…” Serra frowned. “Ah!” She pointed at a world. “There!”

Katarina looked at where she pointed. “Ferelu? I’ve not heard of it.”

“It’s a fringe world and base of operations for the Grave Nebula mercenary guild.” She said,

“Is that safe?” Il’taira asked. Cali turned to see the pale-skinned Kurn and smiled.

“It will be for us. I know the leaders of the guild and we are friendly.” Serra explained.

“We will trust you Captain.” Katarina replied putting her hand on Serra’s shoulder. Serra kissed it. Katarina returned to the pilot’s chair and fired up the engines.

“Can we keep it at 50% power? If we tax the engines, it could cause even more damage.” Cali explained.

“Will do, chief.” Katarina replied and throttled up the ship.

“Eta?” Lexi asked.

“At 50% power… 37 hours.” Serra replied. “Why don’t y’all relax for a few hours. We’ve got it.”

“Thanks Cap!” Lexi said excitedly and Jumped up, almost throwing Saphina to the ground. They rushed from the bridge. Cali and Il’taira also left the bridge. Serra chuckled and put her feet up on the console. “How those two have that much energy, I’ll never know!”

“Hopefully, once we’re at Ferelu, I will show you that kind of energy.” Katarina said. Serra looked at her and raised her eyebrow. “Me too.”

In Lexi’s quarters, she and Saphina ripped at each other’s clothing until they were both naked. They kissed as they moved to her bunk. Saphina pushed Lexi onto the bed and climbed on top of her. Kissing her way up the woman’s tattoo-covered body, she stopped and lavished Lexi’s artificially augmented breasts. Lexi reached down and found Saphina’s sex. She rubbed her vigorously, causing the Kurn to wriggle and moan. Saphina’s mouth found Lexi’s and she shoved her tongue in her mouth. Lexi’s middle and ring finger slid easily into Saphina with a squish. She squealed into Lexi’s mouth and her eyes rolled back in her head. She threw back her head and groaned that sounded more like a growl. Lexi plunged her fingers in and out of Saphina as furiously as possible. Her hand was becoming completely soaking wet. Saphina was an absolute “mess” with her juices splashing all over Lexi who reached down with her other hand to her own sex and fucked herself with the same aggressiveness as she fucked Saphina.

Saphina grew very silent and she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. Lexi did not relent until Saphina threw back her head and screamed herself mute. She collapsed into Lexi breathing heavily and gasping for air. Lexi stopped fucking herself and wrapped her arms around the Kurn and held her tightly. Saphina rolled off Lexi and tried to speak, but nothing came out. Lexi grabbed a bottle of water off her side table, unscrewed the top and handed it to Saphina. She drank half of the bottle in one swallow and handed it back. Saphina finally found her voice. She turned her head to face Lexi and said for words; “Sit on my face”.

Lexi quickly scrambled to her knees and climbed onto Saphina, and lowered herself down. Saphina hungrily licked and sucked Lexi’s clit. Her juices drained down Saphina’s throat. Her tongue pushed inside her and swirled around. Lexi almost fell onto Saphina as her body was overwhelmed with ecstasy. Saphina reached up and pinched Lexi’s nipples hard. She tugged them hard, causing her to squeak in delight. Then, Saphina’s mouth was filled with the alien’s juices. She eagerly swallowed them, savoring them. The Ops officer collapsed onto the bed next to Saphina. The Kurn sat up and cradled Lexi in her arms. Lexi reached up and stroked Saphina’s white hair. “I…” she gasped for air.

The Kurn smiled back at her and nodded. “Me too.”

In the engine room, Cali sat quietly looking at a data pad, reading the schematics on the Naginata’s engine and power supply. Her hunched back and disheveled hair were signifiers that she had not taken any time for herself or partake in any self care. Serra is going to kick me off the ship as soon as we make planetfall. She probably hates me for everything that’s happened lately. It’s my job to keep the ship running and I have completely failed! she began to cry.

Il’taira stood in the doorway to the engine room observing the engineer in her state of sadness. She thought to use her powers to lighten Cali’s mental state, but she was still very weak from helping to save Katarina. Cali could feel the room getting slightly cooler and jumped to her feet, she turned to go to the main control console, she saw Il’taira standing in the doorway. She wiped her eyes and addressed her.

“How long have you been there?”

“Just a moment.” Il’taira replied. “May I come in?”


Il’taira entered and approached Cali. “Are you alright? I could feel… sadness before I even arrived here.” She said, “I wonder if I can help.”

“I don’t know… I really messed up.” Cali said.

“Serra trusts you to keep this ship running and she doesn’t blame you for any of it.” Il’taira said.

“How aydınlı escort can you know that?”

“I feel her emotions when she’s nearby. When you are near her, she feels warmth, compassion and… protective of you. In no way did she have any ill will toward you.” Il’taira explained.

“I guess that’s a good thing.” Cali replied. Il’taira put her hand on Cali’s shoulder, a feeling of calm began to gently wash over her. She looked up at the Pale-skinned Kurn, with a tear rolling down her cheek and smiled, “Thank you.” Il’taira smiled and nodded to her. “Cali? You should get some rest.”

“Will you come with me?” Cali asked.

“Of course I will.” Il’taira replied.

The two of them retreated to Cali’s quarters and Cali went to her bedroom. Il’taira sat on the couch in the living area and waited. Cali returned completely naked!

“Oh!” Il’taira said in surprise.

“Il’taira, could we… just lay together?” Cali asked sheepishly.

“Of course.” She stood up. “Would you like me to disrobe?”


Il’taira removed her robes and stood before Cali, her pale skin glowed in the ambient lighting. Cali reached out her hand, Il’taira took it and they went to the bunk room. Cali laid down and motioned for Il’taira to join her. She laid on her back and Cali curled up next to her. Her head on Il’taira’s shoulder, arm across the Kurn’s torso and one leg on her thigh.

“Is… this okay?” Cali asked.

“Of course.” She replied, pulling her close. Cali sighed and soon was fast asleep. Il’taira smiled and focused her energies. A dark gloomy aura filled the room. Cali shifted slightly and smiled in her sleep. Il’taira kissed her forehead and fell asleep alongside her.

On the bridge Serra sat with her feet on the console relaxing. Kat was in the middle of the bridge doing pull ups on a bulkhead. The metal creaked slightly each time she went up. Serra watched as Katarina’s muscles flexed and bulged.

“Why?” Serra asked abruptly.

“A warrior is like a sword, to prevent it from going dull and worthless, you must always sharpen the blade.” She replied. Serra leaned back and looked at the Kurn upside down from her seat. “Uh huh.”

Katarina pulled herself up, held there for ten seconds then dropped to the floor. “Serra, I was Lord Marshall of the Crimson Empire’s forces for years, if I didn’t do anything to keep my edge, I would be dead. The Kurn were very warlike and notorious for being conquerors, I could have easily been killed by one of my soldiers as an enemy.” She explained.

“Oh. ” Serra blushed, feeling embarrassed. Kat leaned down and kissed her. “Plus, I would have never met you.”

“Not that truly would be a tragedy.” Serra replied. Kat kissed her again. “Agreed.”

A while later, Lexi and Saphina arrived on the bridge.

“We’re here to take over Cap.” Lexi said, dropping into her Ops seat. Saphina sat on Cali’s seat.

“Glad to see you two could at least put on clothing.” Katarina said sarcastically.

“We didn’t want to.” Saphina said, “but we thought we should.”

“Uh huh.” Serra said, pulling her feet off the console. “Hey Lex, why don’t you teach Saphina some of the basics of each of the stations? No harm in having more redundancy.”

“That’s great …” Katarina stopped in mid sentence… she swayed on her feet for a moment.

“Kat?” Serra said standing up. Kat smiled at her, then her eyes rolled up and she fainted!

“Shit!” Lexi exclaimed.

“Kat?!” Serra knelt next to her. “What-?”

“Let’s get her back to the med bay!” Saphina said.

Lexi, Serra and Saphina carried Katarina back to the med bay and laid her on the bed.

“What’s happening to her?!” Serra asked frantically checking her over.

“It might be internal bleeding we missed before.” Saphina suggested.

“How will we know?” Serra asked.

“I… I don’t know.” Saphina replied helplessly. “I’m no doctor.”

“Il’taira! She’s the one who helped Kat previously.” Lexi said.

“I’ll go get Cali and Il’taira.” Saphina declared and rushed from the room. She arrived at her door and knocked… no answer. She knocked again… still no answer. She took a deep breath and slid open the door.

“Cali?” She called into the gloom. Her room was unusually dark. “This is weird…” she said to herself. She peered through the door into the bed area to see Cali and Il’taira naked in a restful embrace. “So sweet.”

She stepped back and knocked on the wall. “Cali!”

“Huh?” She replied groggy.

“We need Il’taira in the med bay right away.” Saphina said. No response… a few moments later Cali appeared. Fully clothed and rubbing her eyes. “What’s up?”

“Katarina has fainted, can you bring Il’taira to the med bay?” Saphina said.

“Oh no!” Cali turned and rushed into the bedroom. Soon, Cali returned with Il’taira in tow. The three of them rushed to the med bay where they found Serra and Lexi hunched over Katarina’s prone body.

“Please, help her.” Serra pleaded. Il’taira stepped forward, her face shrouded in concern. “Serra… Captain… I’m… sorry. I don’t think I have the power to help her.”


“I used a great deal of my power to help her the first time, but there’s only so much I can do.” She explained. Cali took her hand and squeezed it gently. “It’s okay.”

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