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Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting, I really appreciate it. It means more than i can say here.

The Naginata hung, docked in low orbit above Call’lin. Doctor Tiisi’min, Serra, Katarina, Lexi and Saphina ride a transport to the surface.

“I’m a little shocked such a remote world would have a transport system.” Lexi remarked.

“Is the Naginata not capable of going in atmo?” Saphina asked.

“She’s built to withstand the reentry passage, but I wanted her to stay in low orbit for now.” Serra replied. The shuttle drew close to the surface and was immediately hailed.

“Transport shuttle 4 here, go ahead.” The co-pilot responded to the hail. There was some low mumbling, then the co-pilot and pilot looked at each other and then the co-pilot turned to the passengers.

“Hold on tight!” He said. Then the shuttle banked hard and flew off course.

“What’s going on?!” Serra demanded to know.

“A battle broke out at the Grenlin outpost! We’re going to Derna outpost.” He replied.

“How far away is that?” Lexi asked.

“Two miles!” The pilot shouted. The crew looked to each other grimly.

“Now what?” Saphina asked.

“We get to Grenlin and we take the doctor and his supplies wherever they need to go.” Serra replied.

“This is… not unusual.” Doctor Tiisi’min remarked.

“But you didn’t bother to tell us?” Lexi remarked.

A few minutes later, the shuttle set down hard on a makeshift landing pad. Serra jumped up and turned toward her crew.

“Okay, let’s unload the supplies and get the cart moving. Remember, there’s fighting nearby, so stay alert.” Serra said. Katarina disembarked first and scanned the area, her warrior’s instinct ignited. Gun fire could be heard in the distance and Kat yanked her pistol off her hip and primed the firing mechanism. The warrior bolted ahead of the rest about 50 yards in a surprisingly short period of time and scanned the horizon. The area around Derna outpost was a desert with little vegetation, and she could see the fight raging in the distance. As the rest came up behind her with a hover mule, an explosion appeared just over the rise. Kat turned to the crew.

“I need you to stay here until I can assess the situation.” Her muscles tensed and her combat reflexes took over. Her focus narrowed. She was one of the greatest leaders and warriors the Kurn had seen in a generation, and now she was truly in her element. The fighting, weapons discharging and explosions took her back. She fought and killed so many beings in her, relatively speaking, short life. Even though she moved with the grace and deadlines of an apex predator, she felt slow and clumsy. She felt her warrior’s instinct had dulled, and this made her angry. On the plus side, her anger gave her focus.

“Kat-” Serra tried to interject, trying to keep up. Kat held up her hand. She returned to Serra and put her arm around the captain’s waist. “For me, please stay here.” She said, and followed it with a kiss. Serra nodded nervously. Kat turned her attention to Lexi who had caught the pair.

“Lexi, with me.” Kat said and turned away. The former hit woman drew her pistol and moved to Kat’s side. Saphina followed her. Both warriors turn to face her.

“I’ll be right back.” Lexi said and kissed her. She stepped back with the rest as Kat and Lexi moved forward. Serra leaned toward Saphina. “They’re tough girls, we’ll be just fine.” She said, not sure she even believed it. It had been a very long time since Serra had been in a real combat situation. The “mess” at Devni’s place didn’t really matter to her, but this was like when she was in the Templars. She had hoped to never feel this way again, yet here she was… here they were.

Across the system, in fringe space, militant-looking figures in long black coats, some with red trim, others with purple trim, stood on a landing platform hidden away from the rest of the remote settlement. A shuttle appeared on the horizon and slowly approached the platform. One of the men leaned toward an older woman and spoke.

“Why are we doing this?”

“Stay in your lane Cuew, this is a special op, we’re doing what we’re told without question.” She replied. Cuew stepped back and watch the shuttle approach. It set down with a thud. The engines began to wind down as a loading ramp lowered in the rear area of the ship. A group of six mercenaries disembarked pushing a robotic mule. They approached the militant group and stopped fifteen feet away. The older woman stepped forward and frowned. “Where’s your boss?”

“I’m right here!” A voice called from an open loading portal above the mercenaries. She smiled and jumped down to the platform.

“A bit of a flair for the dramatic, eh?” The older woman rolled her eyes.

“It’s just my… style.” Devni smirked. “I love drama!”

“Fine, fine… do you have the item?” The woman asked.

“Of course, do you have the credits?” Devni asked. The woman waved to one of her followers. The man set a case on the ground at Devni’s feet. She knelt down and opened the case. Nodding approvingly, she motioned for one of her men to retrieve the case.

“Nice Denizli Escort doing business with you.” Devni smiled.

“Uh huh.” The woman nodded.

“Oh!” Devni paused, “do you have that other thing I asked for?”

“Yes, yes…”

Devni approached her. “Yeah?”

“Your ex is on the way to Call’lin. Oh, there’s a bit of an uprising there at the moment, so she may be there for awhile.” The woman gave her a slight smirk.

“That works.” Devni smiled and turned away. “Load up people!”

The militant people stayed put until the ship was in the air and fading in the distance. The older woman turned to her followers. “Follow them.” She said and three of them hurried off.

“Now what?” Cuew asked. The older woman approached the mule and pulled back the sheet. A bald headed, muscular man laid there, dead and cold.

“Who is that?” He asked.

“Our secret weapon.” She replied.

The Naginata was nearly silent except for the power generator and the machine “aiding” in keeping Cali alive. Il’taira sat quietly next to her, holding her hand and gently probing the engineer’s mind with hers. Finding nearly nothing, she was filled with sorrow and regret. Cali’s mind had lost its color and now was nothing but shadow and cold. Il’taira wanted to “reignite” Cali’s light, but she knew her power was rooted in darkness and shadow. Feeling helpless she bowed her head low.

Oh my dear Cali… I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you, I should have let you explore and not tell you to push on.

She sighed.

I should have never told you of your gifts… had I not, you would be with me and not… in this situation.

Il’taira stroked Cali’s hand and began to cry… again.

“Down!” Kat yelled as she fired at the insurgents. Lexi moved off to her right to find an advantageous position. She laid down some fire while Kat repositioned closer. Lexi and Kat opened fire and picked off the aggressors. As the last insurgent hit the dust ground, Kat stood and scanned the area, she nodded and turned to the crew.

“Come on!”

The crew approached cautiously. But paused as a group of soldiers approached. Kat held up a hand as she mag-locked her pistol back in place.

“Hall!” She called to them.

“What are you doing here Kurn?!” One man shouted.

Serra stepped next to her. “We’re just here to deliver this doctor and medical supplies.”

“You’re welcome.” Lexi added. The man stepped closer and spotted the doctor approaching with a mule in tow.

“Doctor! You’re early!” He smiled.

“Thanks to these fine folks.” he replied.

“Then I guess we owe you a thanks and apology.” He replied and stepped up to Kat and Serra. He held out his hand and Serra shook it, followed by Kat.

“We are grateful to you.” He said warmly.

“We just wanted to help.” Kat replied.

“And get paid.” Lexi added. Serra glared at her Ops officer.

“Doctor, if you would.” The man gestured for him to follow them. He turned back to Serra and Kat, “You and your crew are welcome to rest and refuel.”

“Thank you.” Serra replied. “Let’s get a lay of the land, then come back for the shuttle”

“Right. ” Kat nodded in agreement. After the group passed by, Kat grabbed Serra’s arm and held her back a moment.

“Something doesn’t feel right.” Kat said quietly.

“What do you mean?” Serra asked.

“This little… firefight felt a little too… easy.” Kat said. “And something about this doctor rubs me the wrong way.”

“What are you talking about? The doctor seems fine, I guess.” Serra replied.

“I don’t know, it just feels… off.” She said and headed off to the settlement.

A huge black star ship hung silently above the world of Dir’tril 3, and several smaller ships seemed to patrol around it. Deep in the bowels of the ship a small dark room was filled with several people in white surgical garb swarming around a body on a table. Two people stood on the other side of an observation window looking on.

“Do you really think this is work?” The man asked.

“Do you question our work, G?” The woman questioned.

“Of course not Miss Kavanagh, I just wonder if the expense will be worth it.” G stated.

“I appreciate you being concerned about the fiscal issues with this endeavor, but the Organization can’t afford to not pursue this.” Miss Kavanagh replied. “We’ll get our asset back and gain a new weapon.” She nodded toward the body on the table. After several hours the activity died down and the medical personnel slowly exited the operating room. One of them approached Miss Kavanagh and G, and took a deep breath.

“Well?” Miss Kavanagh said.

“He’s alive.” The doctor replied.

“Alive?! How?” G demanded. “He’s been dead for weeks.”

“Now now…” Miss Kavanagh waved him away. “The technology the Organization commands are beyond life and death.”


“He’ll be awake in a little while.” The doctor said and exited the observation room.

“Come.” She said and entered the operation room. She looked over the doctors work; cybernetic implants and augmentation. Her long slender Denizli Escort Bayan fingers ran down the metal ridges of his cybernetic arm.

“Very well done!” She declared. Suddenly, the body on the table awoke, his eyes opened and looked directly at Miss Kavanagh.

“Where?” His voice was rough, raspy and low.

“Welcome to the Obelisk, Mr Hawk.” She smirked.

The crew rest and eat while the doctor and the civilians of the settlement unload the supplies and care for the injured from the recent attack. Kat, ever alert, watched all of them while Serra leaned against her large shoulder and picked at her plate of surprisingly good food supplied by the civilians.

“I’m worried about Cali, is there anything else that can be done?” Saphina asked.

“We’re all worried, but I don’t-“

“No.” Doctor Tiisi’min interjected. “There’s nothing more medically that can be done… unless you bring her to the surface. You should ALL just stay awhile and we’ll do what we can to help her.”

The crew was taken aback by the formerly quiet unassuming doctor being so assertive.

“You have better facilities down here than on my ship.” Serra said, “maybe that is a good idea.”

“Of course it is.” He snapped.

Kat narrowed her eyes at the doctor and leaned close to Serra. “Something is really not right here.”

In another part of the galaxy a group of three men sat in a small black stone chamber talking in quiet tones until the door swung open. Another man entered, his face shrouded deep in a hood.

“Good good, so you have the information we’ve been looking for?” One of them asked. The hooded man nodded.

“Excellent,” another replied.

The third stood and waved to an unseen figure who had been seated in a shadowed part of the room. The hooded figure backed away as a giant of a man appeared, unnaturally quiet, approached them. He wore burnished copper/ black armor, a long red cloak, a heavy pistol on one hip, a large iron bound tome on the other and he carried a huge two handed Warhammer that seemed to seethe with an unnerving energy.

“Give our associate the information.” One of them said, The hooded man gave the giant an information spike and took two steps back. The giant looked to the men, all of whom nodded to him. He grinned evilly and hefted his hammer high in the air.

“But… why?!” The hooded man asked, as his life was coming to an end.

“No one must know who is behind this.” One of the other men replied. Then the hooded man looked up to see the head of the huge Warhammer crash down on him, exploding his head!

“Now, be on your way!”

The giant nodded and left the room, leaving the destroyed man bleeding out on the floor.

“Who’s going to clean up this mess?!” One of the men remarked.

On the Naginata, Il’taira was deep in a trance. Her spirit had left her body and was inside Cali’s mind, trying to “find” her. Her shadowy spirit flew through the darkness aimlessly. She had been at it for hours, but she had not even got a glimpse of Cali’s spirit. Was she truly gone? Il’taira just couldn’t believe it, she wouldn’t believe it! She dove deeper into Cali’s psyche… until she saw a tiny blue-green light. Barely a flicker, but she was still there! Il’taira pushed herself deeper into Cali’s psyche in order to try and bring her back.

“Cali!” She screamed with her mind. She pushed her spirit toward the faint blue-green light. Her frustration grew as the harder she pushed the further away the light seemed to be. She tried to call out, but no sound came out. Her frustration continued to fuel her desire to save her lover, but hope was beginning to fade as exhaustion started to take her. Her mind began to fade to unconsciousness, before that happened, she pictured Cali and her in a carnal embrace and tears began to fall from her black eyes.

Later, Serra and Kat prepare to head back to the shuttle to bring it to Grenlin outpost when a dark haired woman in a long tan coat, brown breeches, a white shirt and glasses (very rare) approached them. The two looked up at her questioningly.

“I… I’m sorry to bother you, but I have to warn you about something.”

Kat stood and took up an almost defensive posture. Her combat reflexes were still active. “Speak.” She said bluntly. Serra stood and put a gentle hand on the warrior’s arm. “What’s your name?” Serra asked.

“Amara, I’m a medic here.” She replied.

“Nice to meet you Amara, now, what did you want to warn us about?” Serra asked.

“It’s Doctor Tiisi’min, I read some of his reports from his time on your ship.” She began nervously.

“And?” Kat replied impatiently.

“Kat please.” Serra tried to put Amara at ease.

“His notes mentioned… experimenting on someone named… Il’taira.” She stated.

“What?!” Kat growled.

“Why?” Serra asked. Amara leaned close and spoke in low tones.

“His notes mentioned something about a rare mutation in their genetic make up. He thinks he can harness some sort of power from them to make his own.” She looked at them confused. “Does any of that make sense?”

Kat looked Escort Denizli at Serra grimly. “How would he even know about Il’taira’s… condition?”

“I know… he must have researched what a Kurn with her specific genetic … abnormalities would look like.” Kat said, “white hair is extremely rare and white skin is one in millions.”

Amara cleared her throat. “I forgot, he caused her to fall into a coma.” Amara added.

“What?!” Serra barked.

“Yes, he said that after your friend had collapsed, he injected her with a drug that causes a near death like state. He was hoping you would bring them to the surface so he could do his experiment with the proper facilities. He has a series of experiments ready to go.”

“I can’t…” Serra started.

“He figured he could make you believe he could save her, and you’d be convinced to stay for awhile so he couldtreat her.” Amara added.

“We’ve got to get out of here.” Serra said to Kat.

“Agreed.” Kat nodded.

“Thank you Amara.” Serra said to the young woman. She nodded in response.

Kat turned to Serra and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Stay here, if we both vanish, they might get suspicious. I’ll go after the shuttle. Act as if we don’t know anything. We’ll head up to the Naginata before sunrise, before anyone notices that we are gone.”

“Got it.” Serra replied.

“Let Lexi and Saphina know what’s going on and just be ready.”

Serra nodded and hugged the warrior. “Be careful.”

“Always my love.” Kat replied with a smile and headed off into the dark. Amara stepped closer to Serra.


“Yes Amara?”

“Would it be possible to book passage off world or join your crew? I’m scared to face any repercussions that will likely come when they find out what I told you.” She asked. Her eyes were large and pleading behind her glasses. Serra looked off in the direction Kat headed off in, and cleared her throat.

“Please!” Amara added.

“We’re a ship full of misfits.” She warned.

“You need a medic.” Amara risked a grin. “I can help your friend Cali. If I can figure out what doctor used on her, I could… might be able to bring her back.” Amara added.

Serra felt like she’d been punched in the gut. She, of course worried about her engineer and dear friend, but not enough. She suddenly felt very guilty.

“We could use a ship’s doctor.” Serra nodded. Amara held her breath waiting for an answer.

“Yeah… I think we have room for you.” Serra smiled. Amara smiled thankfully and rushed off to gather what few belongings she had.

Just then, four men from the settlement approach Serra and stare her down. She looks at each of them, then smirks.


“Where’s your red-skinned friend?” One man grumbled. Saphina turned to observe the interaction, very concerned.

“She’s visiting the ladies room, why?”

“We don’t trust those red bastards.” Another replied.

“Red… bastards?” Serra glared at them. “What the fuck did that mean?!”

“Don’t act like the Kurn aren’t murderous, blood thirsty killers.”

Saphina heard enough, she got to her feet and approached them. Lexi followed her.

“You have no idea-“

“Your information is out of date!” Saphina interjected.

“Shut up bitch!” One barked at her.

“Listen to me, you-” a fist interrupted her! Saphina staggered back a step, causing Lexi to fly into a rage. She charged the puncher and tackled him to the ground! She mounted him and reigned fists down on him. Her teeth clenched tightly, she swore and insulted him with terms Serra had never heard before.

“Lexi!” Serra yelled as she got to her feet. Another of the men took a swing at her, but she ducked it and punched him in the nose. Blood gushed from his nose as he covered it with his hands. Still another tried to pull Lexi off his comrade, but Serra grabbed him and pulled him away. Lexi continued to pound the man’s face until a bloody pulp. Serra flipped the third man over her hip onto the ground and kicked him. She attempted to kick him again, but the fourth man shoved her away, causing her to stumble to her knees.

“Stay out of this bitch!” He yelled. “Don’t defend those monsters!”

Just then, the shuttle roared overhead, landing lights blinding the entire group. The shuttle began to descend, but before it reached the ground a dark figure dropped to the ground from the back of the shuttle. Katarina charged the group and smashed the man who shoved Serra in the face. The others recovered and moved on to the warrior. Kat smirked, “only three of you?”

“Come on!” One man yelled and the three men charged her. Kat ducked the first swing, grabbed the wrist of the second attacker. Her powerful arm tossed him away and the third actually landed a punch. With little effect. Kat smirked and punched him, punched him again and a third time. He doubled over in pain but Kat grabbed the back of his head and drove her knee up into his face, shattering his face. One of the others charged her from behind but Lexi leapt past her and tackled the man. She wrestled with him for a moment, but she got the upper hand and repeated her earlier action and pounded his face into a bloody mess. As she climbed off him, Kat finished off the third with an uppercut. Her powerful Kurn arm pushed so much force into the punch, it broke the man’s jaw! None were a match for the war-hardened Kurn and the former assassin.

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