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Watching the Boys Part 1My name is Frank, and I’m a successful business man in my mid forties.I have two sons, thirteen year old Bryan, and sixteen year old Ben. My wifepassed away a year ago, and I’ve tried to be there for my sons as much as Ican since their mother’s passing. But with my busy schedule as the head ofmy own company, I`ve had to travel a lot. This took me away from my sons,and I needed to find someone to watch over them, as well as my large housein Calabasas, while I’m gone during my extended business trips. I put anad on Craigslist looking for someone who could watch after my two boys, andmy house. After looking at a few responses I found what looked to be theperfect answer to what I was seeking.His name was Jamal, and was available to move into the house for anextended period of time. He was a professional body guard and worked for alot of high profile clients in the music industry. His resume wasimpressive and he had previous experience working with c***dren as clients.After a few emails back and forth, I finally invited Jamal over to thehouse to meet him in person, and to have him meet my youngest boy, Bryan.I greeted Jamal at the door and was impressed by his physical presence whenfirst seeing him. Jamal towered over me with his 6′ 2 inch muscular frame,but his warm smile and gentle handshake eased the imposing image of him asI invited the strikingly good looking African American man into the house.Jamal followed behind me as I lead him into the spacious living roomwere Bryan was waiting. Bryan’s eyes got wide as he saw the impressive manstanding in the foyer looking around.”Jamal, this is my youngest son Bryan.” I said, Jamal walked up toBryan, who then reached out for a friendly hand shake with the boy. Bryangently shook Jamal’s hand as Bryan, still sitting on the couch, strainedhis neck up to look at the towering man’s warm smiling face. “Hi Bryan,nice to meet you” said Jamal in his low bass voice. “Hi.” Bryan squeakedout with a shy smile and blushed slightly. The small thirteen year old in aweat the man standing in front of him.Jamal took a seat on the couch next to Bryan. “My other son, Ben isaway at camp and won’t be back for a few weeks.” I said as I sat acrossfrom him to go over the arrangements about the house and the boys. As Iwent over the details of what was expected, I noticed his pants showed off, what looked to be, an impressive bulge. I couldn’t help but glance at itwhen I thought he wasn’t looking. Getting my mind out of the gutter, Irefocused at the business at hand and finished up going over the finaldetails.”Let me give you a tour of the house.” I showed Jamal around theexpansive house with Bryan quietly following us. I gave Jamal a tour ofthe kitchen and the dinning room, which was just off of the living room.As we left the kitchen I pointed out the pool and spa out in the backyard,and the vast, beautifully manicured lawn behind it. As we headed to goupstairs I pointed out my office, where the computer was set up and my ownpersonal entertainment center stationed around my equally impressiveexecutive desk.I showed him the upstairs, were all the bedrooms were located. Theboys each had their own rooms and Jamal would be staying in the guest roomnext to the boys’ rooms and across from the bathroom. Jamal didn’t mindsharing the large bathroom with the boys. The main feature was the largeshower encased in glass, with several shower heads along one wall. Largeenough for several people to fit in. An impressive shower for animpressive house.The final room on the second floor was the master bedroom, that hadit’s own equally impressive bathroom with separate tub and shower. “If youget tired of the guest room you can always crash in here.” I said to Jamal.The highlight of the tour though was the basement, a combinationscreening room and workout gym. The screening room had three rows ofreclining leather couches situated in front of a large screen with a top ofthe line HD projector mounted to the ceiling. The room was painted blackfor that movie theatre experience. The back wall was actually a roomdivider and I slide it open to reveal a top of the line work out gym. Thewalls lined with mirrors from floor to ceiling. On the left was anotherbathroom complete with a shower and a small sauna. Everything for anexecutive of his own company to have.After the tour I gave Jamal a set of house keys and the code to thehouse security system. As we said our goodbye’s, Jamal shook Bryan’s handand said “It was nice meeting you young man, I hope we get along betterthan two peas in a pod.” Bryan didn’t answer, just smiled shyly andblushed again as he shook his head yes.”See you tomorrow.” I said as he walked out to his car.I had Jamal stay at the house a few days before I had to leave on mytrip to help get him settle in. Bryan warmed up to Jamal and it lookedlike the little guy liked having a new friend around the house. Jamal wasgreat with him, and it was nice to see Bryan act like a normal k** again.Bryan had become somewhat reclusive after the loss his mom. And I wonderedif that spell of depression would ever be lifted. My older son Ben handledit better than Bry, and I was thankful that Ben was supportive to both meand his little brother during that time. With Ben away at camp, havingJamal around was a nice relief for Bryan.For my last night at the house before the big trip, the three of ushad a fabulous bar-be-cue dinner then retired to the screening room towatch one of Bryan’s favorite films, the 2003 live action version of PeterPan. It was also one of my favorites as I secretly lusted after the actorwho played Peter, Jeremy Sumpter. A hot boy in my book.As we got comfortable on the big leather recliners, Bryan hopped up onJamal’s lap. I had noticed over the last few days the two had been gettingcloser and closer, and seeing Bryan on Jamal’s lap sent dirty thoughtsracing through my mind. I quickly snapped out of my dirty day dream andsettled back to watch the film.My attention quickly returned to the man and boy sitting to my left ashigh pitched boy screams and laughing filled the room. Jamal was ticklingmy son, trying to get the remote out of the young boys hands. Bryan hadhis arms straight up in the air, holding the remote as high as he could ,but also giving Jamal easy access to the boy’s smooth body. Jamal tookadvantage of this, and had slide his hands up under my sons shirt, and itlooked like he was feeling up my sons smooth body more than tickling. ThenI noticed Jamal making small thrusts with his hips as the boy continued towiggle against the hunky African American man. Bryan, leaning back againstthe strong frame of the man, was giggling uncontrollably while alsogrinding his boy ass down against the thrusts of the mans hips. My sonyelled “I give up! I give up!” while gasping for air, as he finallyhanded over the remote. “You shouldn’t disobey me!” Jamal said jokingly,as he made one more thrust up into the boy to give his words someexclamation. The boy giggled and wiggled his hips some more on Jamal. Ithought I saw Jamal gasp as my boy did this, but sometimes boys can be alittle rough.Jamal dimmed the lights with a push of the remote and the moviestarted. About half way through bahis şirketleri the film I glanced over and noticed thetwo looking very relaxed. Jamal must have put his hands up under Bryan’sshirt again as I saw slow movement of my son’s shirt as the glow from thescreen lit them up. Bryan had a relaxed look on his face as he leaned backagainst Jamal. Bryan’s eyes looked heavy. Almost as if he was on the vergeof falling asleep.The movie ended and the lights slowly dimmed up. Bryan looked like hewas asleep, still sitting on Jamal’s lap. We both started to get up, Jamalstarted to rise while picking up Bryan to carry the sleepy boy upstairs.That’s when I noticed a noticeable bulge in Jamal’s sweat pants. Then ithit me. Was Bryan sitting on his hard cock through the whole movie?Bryan stirred as Jamal lifted him up in his arms. “You promised milkand cookies before bed.” said the sleepy boy. “Uh oh, well I guess I diddidn`t I?” chuckled Jamal.I replied “You boys, can have some cookies, I need to get up early tocatch my flight.””Aw, O.K. daddy.” said a disappointed Bryan. As Jamal turned whileholding Bryan, I thought I saw Jamal’s bulge shift in his sweat pants. Itlooked like his cock was rock hard but with the dim lighting I thought myeyes were playing tricks on me. I over hear Jamal say “You go get readyfor bed and I’ll bring the milk and cookies up to your room.” “Yay!’ Bryanyells with new energy, and darts up the basement stairs to his room. Ifollow Jamal up the stairs as he heads toward the kitchen and I head for myroom for the night.I stop by my son’s room and peek in and see Bryan sliding off hisboard shorts revealing his hot little body. I stare at the epitome of boyas my eyes take in the sight before me. Long smooth legs, tight boy ass,smooth skin, topped off with a beautiful mop of straight brown hair. Istart to harden but quickly snap myself out of my hypnotic state. “Hey Bry,can I get a kiss before I go to bed?” Bryan turns to me and smiles “Yesdaddy!” and runs over, still in just his cute Superman underwear, and givesme a huge hug and a kiss on my cheek. I can feel his hard boy nail as hepresses it against me. “Good night dad.” he whispers. “Good night son,see you in the morning.” I reply, and head for my bedroom.After closing the door I hear Jamal coming up the stairs and announce”Who’s ready for cookies and milk?” Immediately I hear Bryan say excitedly”I do! I do!” I hear them continue talking but it becomes muffled as thedoor to Bryan’s room closes.I shower and take a sleeping pill to make sure I fall asleep, andcheck my bag one more time. After double checking everything, I finallyclimbed into bed. As I slowly drift off to sleep I hear low moaning fromdown the hall, and then some excited giggles. I’m glad Jamal and my sonare connecting so well. I drift off to sleep to the continued sounds ofgrunts and high pitched squeals as Jamal and my son enjoy each otherscompany.The alarm goes off! I blink. My blurry eyes open and try to shakeoff the effects of the sleeping pill I took last night. I roll out of bedand quickly stumble into the bathroom to take a quick wake me up shower andget myself together for the airport. I quickly dress and stumble downstairs to the kitchen. The smell of a fresh made pot of coffee greets melike a welcome friend as I enter the kitchen. Jamal is sitting at thecounter reading the morning paper. “Good morning Frank.” Jamal said withfriendly a chipper voice”Oh thank god you made coffee! So need this right now!” As I pourmyself a cup, I glance at my watch, “the airport van will be here anymoment” I say to myself.”Let me wake up Bryan so he can say good bye before you leave.” Jamalsays, as he rises out of his chair towards the stairs. “No, don’t wake himif he’s sleeping.” I reply. “Don’t be silly, he’d love to say good bye toyou.” as Jamal goes upstairs to get Bryan.Just then my cell phone goes off, alerting me that the airport van isoutside. I grabbed my bag, take one final drink of my coffee, then headout to the front door. As I’m heading for the front door, I spot my sleepyson making his way down the stair. Still dressed in his Supermanunderwear, he groggily smiles as he see’s me and catches up to me as I stopat the open front door. He jumps up into my arms and hugs me, I take inhis young boy smell as we share a moment. I also catch a whiff ofsomething I can’t quite put my finger on.Bryan pulls back from the hug as I cup his cute little boy ass in myhands. “I’ll miss you daddy.” he says quietly. Bryan leans in and kissesme on the lips, but I feel his tongue push against my lips and before mysleepy mind can register what’s going on we start to French kiss like longlost lovers. My mind pops back to reality and I pull back from my son,slightly shocked as to what has just happened between us. “Where did youlearn that?” I gasp. Bryan looks at me with a big smile and says “That’show people who really love each other say goodbye.” I also start to feelhis little boy nail poking me in stomach.”O.K. son, but we need to talk about that later.” I say in my bestfatherly tone. Bryan nods, still smiling at me as I lower him to theground. I gather my things and make a mad dash for the airport shuttle. Ilook out the van window at my son, with Jamal now standing behind him. Weboth wave at each other as I watch my boy and Jamal waving goodbye in thedoorway of my beautiful house. “I hope Jamal and my son can keep eachother company and not drive each other crazy” I think to myself. Then Irefocus my energy on my trip and what lies ahead.It’s been a long day of traveling and I finally get into my hotelroom. Exhausted, I barely have enough energy to set up my computer and logon to the hotels wi-fi. I decide to get some much needed sleep and crash,so I have enough energy for the next couple of days and adjust for the timechange.After a restful nights sleep and a couple of good meetings during theday with clients, I get back to my hotel room and log on to the computer.The house Skype is online and I send an IM to see who’s online.Jamal responds “Hi Frank, how’s the trip going ? I type back “Goinggreat! I hope Bryan hasn’t been driving you crazy?” “No, he’s a greatboy, let me get him and I’ll turn the cam on.”The web cam connects and I see Bryan and Jamal sitting in my homeoffice. Bryan looks like he’s sitting on Jamal’s lap, it must be a typicalhot day in Calabasas, both Jamal and Bryan are bare-chested.”Hi Bry, how are you doing son?” I ask. “Great dad! Jamal and I arehaving a great time!” the boy says with a beaming smile. “Don’t get toohyper on Jamal.” I say with a smile. Bryan rolls his eyes and giggles “Iwon’t dad.” “That’s good son. Make sure you do whatever Jamal tells youto do.” I respond. “I will dad!” Bryan say’s with a big smile. “Now,Jamal and I need to talk grown up stuff O.K.?” I add.”Sure dad, Love you!” he says beaming. “I love you too son!” Irespond. Bryan slides off Jamal’s lap and starts for the outer hallway.As he exit’s the office I notice he’s wearing a white skimpy speedo thathugs his ass like a glove. I`ve never seen him wear anything like thatbefore. I re-focus my attention back to Jamal who now has a lustful wickedsmile on his face as he see`s my reaction to Bryan`s youwin new attire.”What was my son wearing?” I asked Jamal.”He’s now becoming one of my boys.” he replied.”One of YOUR boys?!” I say slightly panicked. “I don’t think you’llmind Frank, especially with all the boy porn I found on your computer. Youshould hide that stuff better you know.” A cold sweat washed over me andmy mouth went dry.”What have you done to my son?” I ask breathlessly. “Oh, I thinkyou’ll like it. I sent you a clip for you to enjoy. But right now I haveother things to attend to. And thank you for being such a generous host.”Jamal said with the most lustful grin I ever saw.Jamal then called out, “Bryan! Time for some fun!” I watched as Isaw my thirteen year old son reappeared in the door way of my office, stillwearing that tight Speedo, his little boy nail was hard and pushing againstthe front of the tight white speedos. Then I noticed Jamal stand up. Hewas completely naked with a massively hard cock jutting out from hisperfectly sculpted body. The last thing I saw was Jamal’s perfectly shapedass as he turned to my son and my son saying in his high pitched boy voice”TRY AND CATCH ME!” Then the video feed went dead. Shocked, I stared atthe screen. Unable to comprehend what I had just seen.I hated what I just saw, but I also hated the fact that I was nowcompletely hard and couldn’t get the image of my son and Jamal naked andalone in my house. What have they been up to? I did have a sexualattraction to boys but I always tried to keep my sons out of my fantasies.But after the Skype session, my head was flooded with all the stored sexualimages of my sons that I’d kept repressed in the back of my mind for years.As I sat staring at the blank image of the Skype screen, my hard cockstraining in my pants, the laptop suddenly chimed, snapping me out of mylustful daydream about my sons. I opened my account, and saw it had onenew email labeled “MILK AND COOKIES” with a video file attached to it.I clicked on the file and the video player pops up on the screen. Theimage is dark and the sound muffled at first, then I hear Jamal`s voice”Time for Milk and Cookies!” which is immediately followed by “Yay!” fromBryan.Whatever is recording the image is placed down and the image settles.I immediately recognize it as Bryan’s bedroom, specifically a view ofBryan’s bed. Bryan is sitting on the bed looking excited as Jamal comesinto frame holding a tray with a tall glass of milk and a giant chocolatechip cookie on it. Jamal joins Bryan on the bed and set’s the tray withthe milk and the giant cookie down between them.Bryan looks at the large cookie and say’s, with a curious look ,”What`s that stuff on top?”Jamal smiles “This cookie has a special frosting on top.” as he picksup the giant cookie.”I call it my special love frosting.” Jamal continues, raising it upto Bryan’s lips. The boy opens his mouth and starts to take large bitesout of the cookie.”I only make it for special boys, like you.” say’s Jamal, as the boychews the bites he took.”Mmmm, that’s yummy!” the boy say’s between chews and continues toeat the rest of the cookie out of Jamal’s hand. “I liked the frosting! Itwas yummy!” As Bryan drank some milk to wash down the cookie.”I’m glad you liked it. I made the frosting while we were watchingthe movie. And you helped me make it” states Jamal.With a milk mustache still fresh on his face, Bryan tilts his head,with a confused look on his face “How did I help you make it?” Jamalsmiles and leans back on his arms displaying a large bulge in his sweatpants. Bryan’s eyes grow wide as he stares at it in awe.Jamal rubs his hand over the growing bulge “Remember feeling this asyou sat on my lap during the movie?” Bryan nods still staring at thebulge. “This is where the special frosting comes from. Do you want to seehow I make it?” Jamal asks.Bryan smirks with a far away look on his face and whispers “Yeah”.Jamal smiles, “First we need to take our clothes off.”Bryan pops out of his stare and looks at Jamal with a questioning look”Why?””Because I don’t want us to get our clothes dirty if we spill it.”Jamal says with a fatherly tone as he removes his shirt. Bryan watches theAfrican American man strip in font of him. He can’t help but stare at themuscular torso of the man as my son slowly removes his Superman underwear.Jamal pauses to watch my son move his underwear down his coltish legs, thendrops them on the floor. My son is now completely naked and totallyvulnerable as Jamal eyes his prize.Jamal then starts to remove his sweat pants, his large cock springsfree and slaps against his washboard stomach, Jamal continues to push hissweat pants down and off till both Jamal and my son now sit completelynaked on the bed.Bryan’s eyes go wide as he finally sees Jamal’s member in all it’sglory. My son, always a curious boy, leans in to take a closer look atJamal’s impressive 8 inch cock. “This is where my special love frostingcomes from.” says Jamal, as he lightly strokes the base of his cock.”But that’s your we we? How can it come from your we we?” Bryanresponds, his face all scrunched up.”Let me show you. And it`s not called a we we, this is called yourcock.” Jamal says as he starts to stoke his thick cock more forcefully.Bryan continues to watch in awe as a clear fluid begin to leak out of themassive black flesh tube. After a few long strokes, Jamal takes some ofthe accumulated pre-cum with his finger and puts it up to my son’s lips.”Taste it.” Jamal calmly says.Bryan looks at Jamal’s finger cautiously for a moment, then starts tolick the liquid off the dark finger. Bryan is soon sucking Jamal’s finger,only pulling back when the boy felt the finger was clean.”How was that?” Jamal asks my son.”It was O.K., but not as good as the stuff on the cookie.” repliedBryan.”That’s because I need some extra help to make my special lovefrosting come out. And you can help me make it come out.” Jamal saysstill stroking his cock.Bryan looks at Jamal curiously “How can I help?””First we need to share some love, to get my special love frostingtasting the best it can be for you.” Jamal says “And to do that, I need toshow you how to kiss, like you really love someone. You wanna try and makea batch with me Bry?” Jamal asks.Bryan smiles “Yeah! What do I have to do?”Jamal removes the tray and lays back on my son’s bed.”Go ahead and climb up and lay down on top of me.” says Jamal. Bryanclimbs on top of Jamal, his coltish boy legs on either side of Jamal’swaist. Jamal and my son are now gazing into each other’s eyes like lostlovers as Jamal run’s his hand up and down Bryan’s smooth back. I canbarely make out what Jamal is saying as he whispers to my son.”I love you Bry, like my own son.” Jamal then gently kisses Bry onthe lips, sending a shiver through my young son`s body. “This is how twopeople kiss if they really love each other, just follow my lead O.K.?”Jamal say’s reassuringly. Bryan nods his head.Jamal leans in and kisses Bryan again, Bryan’s head jerks slightly ashe feels Jamal’s tongue gently press against his lips. Then Bryan’s bodyrelaxes as he opens his mouth to accept Jamal`s tongue into his. Like aswitch being turned on, Bryan and Jamal start to kiss like mad, bothmoaning youwin giriş loudly. My boy starts to grind his hips against Jamal as theirtongues duel with each other and their breathing increases. Jamal can’tget enough of my son as his hands caress my boy all over.The image of my thirteen year old son, his white smooth boy skin,contrasting with Jamal’s toned dark skin, was so erotic to watch as theylost themselves in wanting lust. I watch Jamal’s hands center theirattention on my boy’s smooth shapely ass. Running his fingers up and downmy son’s crack. Each pass of his fingers going a bit deeper in betweenthose perfect boy mounds.As Jamal and Bryan continued to French kiss, I watch as Jamal’sfingers start to rub something in slow circular motions. I watch Jamaltake one of his hands and rub it on the tip of his, now profusely leakingcock. He then takes his lubed up fingers and joins his other hand that’srubbing Bryan’s ass. His lubed up hand disappears between the boys mounds.Jamal’s slick finger must have found Bryan’s boy hole as Bryan emit’s aloud moan and his ass starts to arch up. Bryan’s kissing intensifies andhis breathing goes up a notch. Jamal’s finger starts to disappear fromview as my boy is skewered on the black man’s fingers.As I watched my thirteen year old son enjoy his very first moments of analstimulation of his young life. I couldn’t resist the thought of pullingout my cock and jerking off. I quickly unzipped my pants and started tostroke my rock hard cock to the sounds and images of my son beingdeflowered in his own room.Back on the screen, Jamal broke his kiss with my son and askedbreathlessly “Are you ready for some fresh love frosting?” Bryan smiledand nodded with Jamal’s saliva still stringing down off his mouth. “Yeah””Good, cause I feel a batch ready to come out” smiles Jamal. “Goahead and get between my legs and start licking my cock like a popsicle.”The eager boy slides down Jamal’s body and takes a hold of Jamal’s cock andstarts to lick the purple head like it’s his favorite ice cream cone.Frank moans as he watches his son’s tongue dance all over the blackman’s bulbous cock head. Jamal’s head tilts back and he lets out a loudmoan.Jamal moans “Ohhhh, fuck yeah Bry! Start sucking on it!”. Bryanstarts to take Jamal’s cock into his pre-pubescent boy mouth. “Suck thatfrosting out baby boy! Get that fresh love frosting out of my cock!”Encouraged by the sounds Jamal is making, my boy starts to suckharder, and takes the black cock deeper into his mouth. Bryan gets aboutthree inches of it into his mouth before he gags, as the large head hit’sthe back of his throat.”Mmmmm… it’s O.K. baby boy……you don’t have to take any more thanyou can handle tonight.” as Jamal strokes my son’s hair, comforting him,Bryan continues his sucking.”I’ll teach you how to suck on daddy’s cock and take it deep soonenough.” as Jamal watches my son’s head enthusiastically bob up and down onhis hard cock.”Yeah, keep sucking!” Jamal grunts as Bryan grabs the black cock withboth hands. “The love frosting is almost ready! Stroke it out of me son!”Bryan starts to suck faster on Jamal’s cock while stroking the thick basewith his small boy hands.”Oh fuck son!” Jamal moans. “Your doing a great job!” grunts Jamal,as he starts to make little upward thrust into my sons stretched mouth.Bryan intensified his sucking, concentrating on Jamal’s hard bulbous head,as Jamal neared his climax.”Ohhhhhhh yeah, take it baby, you’re about to get a fresh full load ofmy love frosting.”Bryan then surprised Jamal by shoving as much of Jamal’s cock as hecould get into his mouth. The boy sucking and swallowing hard on the endof the black swollen member. This pushed Jamal over the edge as his cockwas messaged by the thirteen year olds virgin mouth.”Yessssssssssss!” Jamal yells. “Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkk yeahhhhh baby!!!”as Jamal feels his cum start to erupt up his shaft. Bryan can feel Jamal’scock become hard as steel, then he hears Jamal grunt loudly, then his mouthis flooded with the familiar taste he had earlier when eating the cookie.But this time it’s warm and fresh, but there’s so much more of it!Bryan tries to swallow as fast as Jamal is shooting, but it’s a losingbattle, as Bryan’s mouth is quickly overloaded with love frosting. Bryanswallows a few mouth full’s of Jamal’s cum, but pulls off, as Jamal’sspecial love frosting continues to fire out of the top of Jamal’s hardtool. A few shot’s land in Bryan’s hair and on his face as Bryan catcheshis breath and watches Jamal’s cock ejaculate in his hands.”Oh fuck baby boy!” moans Jamal, “Don’t let my love frosting go towaste.”Bryan smiles, his face coated with cum, as Jamal guides his spurtingcock back into Bryan’s mouth. Bryan starts to suck on Jamal’s cock again,like a straw, as Bryan hungrily swallows the rest of Jamal’s load. Jamalcontinues to moan out as he feels the little nymph slide his tongue allaround his head, collecting Jamal’s cum with his boy tongue and swallowingit.Jamal makes a final moan and collapses back on the boys bed as Bryancleans Jamal’s cock with his tongue. “Fuck son, that was great.” Jamalsay’s glancing down at Bryan, panting like a race horse. Bryan giggles,happy that he gave his new friend so much pleasure.”Did you like my love frosting?” Jamal asks.”Yes!” Bryan smiles wide with his face still covered in cum, “It wasyummy!””You can have as much of my special love frosting as you like son.”Jamal say lovingly, as he stokes Bryan’s cum coated hair.”Now come here and give your new daddy a kiss.” Jamal says with asmile. Bryan proceeds to climb up and rest his small boyish frame onJamal’s sweaty body, The two kiss passionately as the man and boy thrusttongues against one another sharing Jamal`s creamy load that covers Bryan`sinnocent face.”O.K. son, let me kiss your we we and make you feel as good as you didto me.”Bryan eagerly works his way up till he’s sitting on Jamal’s chest, Iwatch Jamal’s face lower down in between Bryan’s legs as Bryan looks on.Bryan suddenly intakes a slight breath as Jamal makes contact with my son’slittle boy nail. Bryan moans and grabs hold of Jamal’s head and starts togrind his hips into the man’s face. I then see Jamal take his fingers,lubed with some of his cum, and start to work them into Bryan’s boy hole.Bryan moans even louder as Jamal finds the boys prostate. My hotel roomfills with the loud boyish moans of my son as Jamal ravishes andmanipulates my son’s body.I see Jamal’s cock start to harden again. Then Jamal slowly turns hisbody away from the camera taking my son with him and hiding my son fromview. All I can see is Jamal’s back and my boy’s legs sticking out fromthe sides of Jamal’s head. The sounds of my boy’s moans intensifies aswhat ever Jamal is doing is really driving my boy to the edge. I see Bry’slegs wrap around Jamal’s head and the unmistakable sounds of my boyexperiencing his first intense orgasm. Then the screen goes blank.Frank stares at his laptop, unable to comprehend what he just saw.But his body is on autopilot as he continues to stroke his leaking cock.He closes his eyes and lets out a long moan as the images he just witnessedplayed back in his head. It takes a few pulls for Frank to cum all overhim self in one of the most intense orgasms he’s ever had. As he comesdown from his high, Frank feels guilty for getting off on seeing his sontake his first load from Jamal.”Oh shit.” Frank says to himself as he realizes the situation he`sin.

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