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*Thank you to Thewinedarksea for editing this story for me*

I woke up to sunlight shining on my face and the scent of bacon cooking in the air. I rolled away from the sun and listened to the faint dripping as the leftover rainwater from last night fell from the roof to the pavement below. I thought back to the perfect night yesterday with Amanda and wondered if I had somehow dreamed it all up. Before sleep could claim me again I started to think about last night. I thought about Amanda’s smile, her beautiful body in the candlelight, the sound of her laughter in the rain, and later her cries of pleasure.

I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed running through all that happened yesterday but the sound of water woke up my bladder and the smell of bacon my appetite. I took in the unfamiliar room, seeing most of it for the first time. The walls were plastered wall to wall with posters and pictures from bands, athletes, and some anime posters. A bookshelf along one wall was bursting with books in double rows and stacked in the space between the top of the books and the next shelf above.
I walked into the bathroom and relieved myself. I took extra care that my aim would be perfect so that I wouldn’t ruin things by pissing on her floor. When I stepped back out of the bathroom I saw my clothes were laid out at the foot of the bed. She must have washed them for me because they felt clean and smelled like laundry detergent. I wondered how long she had been up. I walked through the hallway and down the large staircase. With each step, the smell of breakfast food cooking grew stronger like I was descending into a greasy heaven. To the left of the staircase were the front door and a sitting area. To the right was a dining table. On the wall where the dining table was perpendicular to were two archways that lead into the kitchen, one was smaller against the far wall and the other was large and connected to a tile path that led from the front door to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen through the tiled walkway and saw Amanda cooking with her back turned towards me. I took a moment to admire her while she worked. She had an apron on and was wearing a bright pink t-shirt. I wanted to surprise her but there was a kitchen island behind her. I realized that sneaking up on someone I just spent the night with for the first time might be weird, so I decided to take a seat on one of the stools in front of the kitchen island instead. She heard the stool scrape on the tile and whirled around. “Good morning,” she said brightly.

“Good morning,” I mumbled.

“I take it you’re not a morning person?” she asked me.

“Honestly, sometimes I’m not even a noon person.”

“Want some coffee?”

“Yes, please. What are you making? It smells amazing.”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but last night I certainly worked up an appetite. I thought it would be nice to surprise you with some food. Unless you were in a hurry to leave?”

She tried to sound nonchalant in the way she said it but I could hear the hesitation in her voice. “I am completely free today,” I said.

She smiled and said “Perfect, I can’t eat all of this on my own.” She handed me a cup of coffee and pointed out the cream and sugar to me. “I just have to finish the eggs and then we can eat.”

“Are you sure this is enough food?” I asked.

She laughed. “I didn’t know what you like. Besides I like to cook.”

The coffee was strong but tasted great. When I was halfway done with my first cup, Amanda announced she was done and undid her apron and placed it onto a hook inside of the pantry. She set a plate down for each of us and sat down. The plates of food were laid out in front of us so that I could reach out to grab what I wanted. I loaded my plate up with a couple of fluffy pancakes, scrambled eggs mixed with cheese, bacon, and sausage. I was surprised to see Amanda load up her plate nearly as high as mine.

She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then we started to eat. The pancakes were fluffy and cooked perfectly. The eggs were well seasoned and the bacon was perfectly crisped. I quickly cleared my first plate and said thank you. “The food was really good.”

“Do you want more coffee?” she asked as I set up a second plate.

“Yes, please. Thank you.” Once the coffee started to kick in I finally started to wake up. I had never spent this much time with a girl before. The thought of going home away from her wasn’t a good one. I felt like there was a connection building between us and if I left now I might break it before it could get stronger. “So, I was wondering, are you free today?”

“Yep, today is my day off from work,” Amanda said.

“Would you like to go to the mall and see a movie or something?” I asked.

“Are you asking me on a date?”

“If I was, would you say yes?”


She didn’t say anything after that. I didn’t know if she was saying yes to the date or just saying she would say yes if I asked her so I clarified, “Would you go on a date with me?”

“Yes, I would Ataşehir Escort like that very much.” We spent the next ten minutes finishing our breakfast and planning out what we were going to do for the day. She said she needed to buy some things and asked if I would mind if she dragged me through some stores. I replied how she could drag me anywhere and I wouldn’t care if I was with her. It was a little dumb and sappy of a thing to say but it earned a smile from her so it was worth it.

Once we were finished eating she put the leftover food away and started to do the dishes. I asked if she wanted help and she said sure. She scrubbed the dishes while I rinsed them and lined them up on the drying rack. She splashed me with soapy water so I retaliated by spraying her with the removable sink head. She shrieked and the water war was on. After a couple of minutes, we finally called a truce. I thought I would have easily won since I had the sink sprayer but she made good use of her sponges and I had to rinse the soap suds off my face.

When we were done cleaning up she checked her phone for movie times at the nearest mall. We found an action movie that we both wanted to watch and she offered to buy the tickets. We had an awkward amount of time before the movie started, about an hour and a half when the drive would take twenty minutes, so we had some time to kill.

Once we were back in her car She connected her phone with Bluetooth and we took turns playing songs for each other. She rested her hand on my thigh the whole drive and I held her hand. Puddles of water lingered on the streets from seldom used drainage systems not being able to handle last night’s downfall.

We got to the mall and had to park near the back of the parking lot. I let her lead the way and she lead us to Barnes and Noble. I was curious about what book sections she would go to. The answer was, all of them. Or it seemed like it. We managed to hit the fitness, cooking, teen fiction, romance, science fiction/ fantasy, and at least three other sections in just thirty minutes. She was like a whirlwind of shopping.

As we walked towards the checkout counter I compared the three books I had against her stack of about fifteen. I had offered to carry them for her. She smiled and said she had it. “So did you just grab those at random or what?” I asked.

“No, I know what books I want before I come here and then come pick them all up at once. This cookbook I picked because it looked good but other than that I knew I would be getting all of these books.”

“That’s a little odd. What about taking the time to browse?” I asked.

“I like browsing too every now and then, but it takes too much time for me. Sometimes you got to know what you want and just go get it.”

I leaned forward and give her a kiss over the stack of books she is carrying. “You mean like that?” I asked.

“Exactly like that.” We purchased our books; Amanda’s stack had to be split up between three bags to be able to handle the weight. Once we were done paying I snatched up two of her bags. She started to complain but I told her again how I was just going for what I wanted which was helping her. She smiled and accepted my help.

Amanda lead me deeper into the mall. There were at least three floors overall but there were multiple sub-tiers of floors reached by mini escalators that were all at different elevations so it made it hard for me to keep oriented. She lead me into a couple of clothing stores. At the first one, she bought a couple of blouses and a pair of denim shorts that I would love to see her in. While she paid she must have read my thoughts because she smiled knowingly at me over her shoulder.

The second store had an almost even split between guy and girl clothes. She lead me to the guy section and asked what type of clothing I liked to wear. I’m not the most fashionable guy so I confessed that nearly every one of my shirts was a graphic-T. We went through the men’s shirts and she picked out a couple. One was something I would normally wear but the other one was a little too preppy for me. She asked me to try them on. Before I could complain she was pouting at me. I couldn’t hold up to her watering eyes and upturned bottom lip so I agreed to go try them on.

The first shirt fit perfectly, but the second one was a little tighter then what I was used to. I took a moment to look at it in the mirror and I had to give Amanda credit because it did look good on me. There was a gentle knock at the door. “Hey let me in,” Amanda whispered.

I opened the door. “What are you doing? You’re not supposed to be in here.”

“The employee watching the dressing rooms isn’t good at her job.” She eyed me up and down. “As long as we are fast we don’t have to worry.”

“Fast about what?” I asked. Amanda took the single step between us and kissed me. The kiss was intense, I could feel her desire. She put her hand on my chest and pushed me back against the wall. She was taking the lead and I liked it. She broke the kiss and started to kiss my neck. Kadıköy Escort She alternated between suckling, licking, and nibbling on my neck and it caused shivers of pleasure to radiate through my body.

She started to lower herself down onto her knees. Her hand trailed down my torso. When she was on her knees she undid my fly and zipper and reached inside of my pants. I jumped when she started to rub my erection through my boxers, purposely avoiding the opening that would make this good feeling feel great. She started to apply more pressure. Her touch caused me to sigh and I closed my eyes. She stopped stroking me. When I opened my eyes, I saw that she was leaning forward. Amanda kissed the base of my shaft. Even through the fabric, her lips felt amazing.

She maintained eye contact with me as she slowly kissed up along my shaft. It was cold in the dressing room and the feeling of her warm breath and the slight wetness left in the wake of her soft lips made my dick twitch in anticipation. I knew we didn’t have a lot of time and I wanted to tell her to hurry up, both from a fear of being caught and also how the anticipation was killing me. She broke eye contact, her full attention was on the outline of my cock straining to be free from its plaid prison.

Finally, she leaned forward and planted a kiss right on my head. The kiss was chaste compared to what she was doing to my neck just a moment ago. It was cute but also frustrating. She looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes and smiled mischievously. Precious seconds went by and she still kept on waiting. “Please,” I begged.

“Please what?” She asked.

“Please suck my dick,” I asked.

She had her hand resting on my dick and she lightly squeezed it. “Well, since you said please.” She punctuated her sentence by wrapping her lips around my head and sucking. The sensation of being inside of her mouth but with a barrier keeping her soft mouth off me fully was tormenting. She started to bob back and forth, taking the small amount of me that she could into her mouth. Her saliva started to slowly seep through the fabric. The damper my boxers got the better I could feel her lips as they slide along my head. Eventually, it almost felt like there was no barrier at all.

I looked to the side and saw our reflection in the mirror against the back wall. Amanda’s hair was tucked back so I could watch from a side view as she continued to bob her head. She pulled her mouth off my head and sat with her mouth half a foot away from me. Cold air blew down on from the vent above and hit the moisture on my boxers. Mentally I urged her to continue before the cold can have disastrous effects on me.

I thrust my hips forward so that my dick was just an inch away from her lips. Instead of wrapping her lips around me again, she flicked her tongue along my cock, spending extra attention on the sensitive underside of my head. The focused pressure of her tongue caused me to moan. I tried to stifle it but failed. “Be quiet,” she scolded me, but her smile told me that she was pleased with getting such a strong response from me.

She leaned forward and took my head back into her mouth. She combined bobbing up and down on the tip of my dick with swirling her tongue around on it. I could feel my orgasm getting closer and it became hard to stay standing. I huddled inwards and placed my hands on her head for balance. I closed my eyes for a moment in pleasure. Amanda’s fingers tickled my stomach as she reached inside my waistband. She tugged down. My pants and boxers fall to the ground with a sound that made me think of a ship’s sail being unfurled. I opened my eyes when Amanda grabbed the base of my cock as she lowered her mouth. She was four inches away, three inches, and then her soft lips were just one inch away. Her warm breath made my cock twitch and it almost jumped up enough to touch her lips. Right when she was about to wrap her mouth around me there was a knock on the door. I jumped, causing my dick to gently slide up across her lips for a moment before resting beside her mouth.

“Is everything ok in there, sir?” The changing room attendant asked.

“Yes, sorry, just taking pictures to see which shirt looks best on me.” It didn’t even make sense and I spoke so fast that my words were all jumbled on top of each other. I wondered if she believed me.

There was a brief pause before the attendant responded. “Ok, just let me know if you need any help.”

Amanda had been holding her breath since the knock and exhaled right onto my dick, causing me to shudder. I was so close to coming just thirty seconds before, that breath alone would have done it, but at almost being caught I could feel my erection starting to wilt. “That was close,” Amanda whispered. She gave my dick a quick peck and then pulled my pants up for me. I wanted to beg and plead for her to finish but that was a narrow escape and I wouldn’t be able to get back to the point of release again in time. The thought of getting caught was an added thrill, but now that it almost happened I Bostancı Escort wanted to flee. Amanda tucked my semi-hard cock back into my pants and zipped me up. I changed back into my shirt. Amanda coughed and I realized that I had put it on inside out.

“I’ll go first, follow a minute later,” I told Amanda. We kissed and I walked out of the changing room. As I walked down the hall, I imagined that there would be police officers or security waiting for me. When I stepped from changing room hallway all I saw was just a tired looking employee. She asked if everything fit ok and I said yes as I walked away as fast as possible. A couple of minutes later Amanda emerged from the changing rooms walking confidently as if we didn’t just almost get caught. She reminded me of the scenes in movies when the hero walks away from an explosion without even looking back.

We started to walk towards the registers at the front of the store. “So, what did you think of shirt I picked out?” she asked.

“It was a little tighter then I am used to but I thought it looked good.”

“I agree.”

“I think I looked great in it. I beat I will get all the numbers from cute girls in it.” I joked.

She squeezed my hand hard and hit my chest with the back of her other hand. “Jerk, you haven’t even got my number yet. You can’t use the shirt I picked out on other girls.”

I completely forgot that I didn’t even have Amanda’s number yet. Even though we had only spent less than twenty-four hours together, I felt like I had been with her for much longer. Realizing that I didn’t even have her phone number yet made me think about just how new whatever we had growing between us was. “Can I have your phone number?” I asked.

“Are you wearing the shirt,” she asked.


“Then no,” She said. She smiled and squeezed my hand again, thankfully not as hard as a few moments ago. We made it to the register and when the cashier told me the total was over sixty dollars, I paused in handing over my debit card. I was so enamored with being with Amanda I didn’t even think about the price of the shirts here. I was used to spending at the most fifteen dollars for a shirt. Amanda wrapped one arm around my waist and gently bumped her hip against mine to nudge me out of the way. She had her card out and swiped it before I could protest her buying the shirts for me.

When we made it out of the store I said, “Thank you, but you didn’t have to buy the shirts for me.”

“Your welcome and I wanted to. I want you to have something to remember me by since you don’t have my phone number. Who knows, this might be the last time you see me. Besides, now you can’t use the shirt I bought you to seduce other girls.”

“I can’t?”

“Yep, cause you would be a huge jerk if you did. You can buy us the popcorn at the movie.”

“Ok deal,” I said.

“And also, the soda, red vines, and who knows, maybe some nachos too.”

“At that point, I might as well have bought the shirts myself,” I mumbled.

She lead me deeper into the labyrinth of clothing stores, escalators, kiosks, and the occasional pretzel shop. I didn’t know if she had a set destination or if we were just wondering the mall to kill time. My arms started to burn from carrying her books around and my fingers felt raw from the plastic digging into them. No wonder she was so fit if she always bought this many books at a time and walked around with them.

I was so used to her leading the way past other stores that when she pulled me into one again I went in without even thinking about it. One moment I was on the path with other shoppers, and then a few steps later I found myself in a whole new world. A secret world to me. Victoria’s secret to be exact. We stepped into a vibrant world of pink with black complementing it. The words PINK were written in pink or black lettering everywhere; on the walls and on nearly every shirt I see, including the clothing that was a color other than pink, which I thought was false advertisement.

Amanda led me to one of several large tables full of pairs of panties. I did my best to ignore the curvaceous lingerie-clad mannequins that stood as sentinels near the table. The fact that the mannequins were missing their limbs and head made me want to actively ignore them even more. The panties on the table were a treasure trove for the imagination. There were different colors, designs, and shapes ranging on a scale from cute to sexy and often being somewhere in between. I imagined Amanda in all of those different pairs of panties and hated that we couldn’t finish what we started earlier.

“Want to help me pick out a couple of pairs?” Amanda asked. At those words I almost died and went to heaven, but if I did I felt like it would look a lot like this room and situation now. There were even pictures of beautiful women in lingerie with angel wings on the walls to help confirm my theory.

Amanda held up different types of panties and asked my opinions on them. Occasionally she would hold up two pairs and ask which ones I thought looked better. They all looked like they would look amazing on her so I probably wasn’t the most helpful when it came to shopping advice. The first pair she chose were dark blue with a light blue frilly trim. The next pair were on the cuter side, white with red heart poke dots.

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