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Carol was at work one day when she got a call from her son’s school. She answered the phone politely and identified herself.

“Miss Johnson, this is Sue Weeks, the guidance counselor. Can you come in this afternoon after school? This is in regards to your son, Jeff.”

Carol went to immediate concern. “Is he ok? Has something happened?”

Sue answered, “Oh, no, nothing dangerous or he’s been harmed. We just had something pop up today that I wish to speak to you about. Is this afternoon ok with you?”

Carol replied, “Sure, I can do that. I get off at 4pm, is that too late?”

“Sure, that’s fine,” said Sue. “See you after 4.”

Carol hung up the phone and a million thoughts ran through her head about the phone call. Jeff was a senior, graduating in just a few short days and was accepted at the local community college. She assumed it might be some paperwork issue that needed to be addressed for college or something. Otherwise Sue would’ve asked her to come in immediately Carol reasoned.

Eventually 4pm rolled around and Carol left work and arrived at the school just a few minutes later as it was nearby. She knew her way to the guidance counselor’s office as she’d been going to PTA meetings there for several years now.

Sue’s office door was open and she was standing by the door, watching for Carol’s arrival. “Please come in, won’t you?” said Sue.

Carol walked in and took the chair in front of Sue’s desk. She noticed Sue closing the door, she assumed for privacy.

Sue began, “This is somewhat delicate. I’ll try to be as tactful as I can given the circumstances.”

“Go ahead, just give it to me straight”, said Carol.

“Ok”, said Sue. “It seems Jeff was in the boy’s locker room in the gym this afternoon, having finished his exams for the day. Other boys were in there as well, they also having finished their exams too. The school allows them to shoot basketball or just hang out in the gym until school is dismissed provided their exams are done for the day.

“Boys being boys, there was some horseplay going on and Jeff was ‘depantsed”, as they call it. Someone grabbed the waistband of his pants and yanked them down. Unfortunately, it was discovered that Jeff was wearing women’s panties under his school pants. Needless to say, he was completely embarrassed by the circumstances.”

Carol’s mind simply reeled. “Wearing women’s panties? Where did he get them? I’ve never seen them in his laundry basket or when I put his clothes away!” she thought.

Sue continued. “The gym teacher heard the commotion and checked it out. The other couple of boys told him what happened and the gym teacher sent Jeff to me rather than the principal as it wasn’t really a discipline issue.”

Carol asked quietly, “What did Jeff have to say?”

Sue matched Carol’s quietness. “I asked Jeff about it and of course he couldn’t deny it as the other boys saw them. He was embarrassed, as one could expect. I tried to be as kind to him as I could, knowing how teenage boys are about private matters. He admitted to wearing them obviously but he thought since he wasn’t in gym class, he wouldn’t be changing clothes or removing his pants, at least not on purpose. He finally admitted that the panties he had on were yours.”

Carol turned about fifty shades of red. She didn’t know what to say, if anything. She knew she had some of her panties go missing for a day or two but they always turned back up somewhere. “Why was Jeff wearing MY panties?” she wondered.

Carol just looked at Sue, hoping she’d finish her story. Sue did.

“I really didn’t ask him why he was wearing panties nor why he was wearing yours. I know 18 year old boys have raging hormones and they do silly things sometimes without thinking it through.”

Carol immediately answered by reflex, “Actually Jeff is 19. He repeated a year when he was out sick for a year in junior high. The doctors believe that’s why he’s slightly small for his age.”

Carol noticed a change in Sue’s expression for just a fleeting second before it went back to normal. “What was that about?” thought Carol.

Sue continued. “One thing I do know for boys of that age is to not have adults make fun of them about private moments or activities. I didn’t judge him nor admonish him about his clothing choice. I did tell him I would speak to you about it as I thought you should know.”

Carol breathed out a small sigh of relief. Every since her husband left her and Jeff, she had raised him on her own. Jeff was a shy, reticent boy. Not assertive at all and girls didn’t pay him much attention due to his smaller physique. Carol gently asked him from time to time about girls but didn’t push the subject as Jeff was easily embarrassed about his size.

Sue pushed on. “May I ask a few questions about Jeff? Private, personal questions?”

Carol could only nod affirmatively, hoping she’d have some answers.

“Have you spoken with Jeff about sex? Or perhaps masturbation? I know this is uncomfortable for you but Girne Escort it will help me arrive at a proper plan”, Sue said.

“Well,” said Carol, “Not really. I bought him a book about sex when he was 16 or 17 but since he father left I wasn’t sure I should approach the subject with him?”

Sue leaned back in her chair and looked at the ceiling for a few moments. She gave a slight nod, as if to herself and leaned forward, looking at Carol again. Carol noticed again a different expression on Sue’s face only now it didn’t disappear like it did before.

“Here’s what I think based on my 25 years’ experience with adult teen boys. I think he is using your panties as a sexual outlet as well as sexual fantasy.”

Carol couldn’t help it, her mouth just dropped open. She really hadn’t dated since Jeff’s father left so her sexual knowledge was somewhat limited. Her ex-husband had been her only sexual partner and even then only for a year or so.

All Carol could think of to say was, “Ok, so what should I do?”

Sue smiled as she began again. “I think we should work this as a team. That way I can insert my psychological training and perhaps act as a bridge between you and Jeff. That will make communication easier for both of you, I think. Done correctly, we can convince Jeff that his behavior is okay and no emotional harm will develop from this. Done incorrectly, it could harm him for a long, long time as well as damage his chance of being successful in college.”

Carol began to nod in agreement. “Yes, I agree it will make discussing it easier for me, certainly. Probably easier for Jeff too as well. When can we do this?”

Sue said, “Graduation is in two days. How about that evening, at your house? That way it will be both comfortable and familiar surroundings for both of you.”

Carol sighed. “Okay, sure. Say around 6pm, after the ceremony?”

Sue agreed, “Sounds like a play. Meanwhile, don’t mention it, don’t talk about it, don’t act like anything happened.”

Carol again nodded as she rose from the chair. “Alright, that will be easy for me to ignore. Doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking about it a great deal though.”

Sue walked Carol to the school front door where they bid each other their good-byes. Carol drove home slowly, her mind still coming to grips with the mental picture of her son, naked, wearing her panties.

When Carol arrived home and went inside, Jeff was in his room. “Might as well get this over with”, thought Carol. She headed to Jeff’s room.

Jeff was lying on his bed, stomach facing down. He saw his mother come in the room and come sit next to him on the bed. Carol said nothing but reached out and began to rub his back under his shirt, hoping to soothe his concerns.

Carol kept rubbing his back in big circles as she said, “Miss Weeks is coming over after graduation. She’s going to help us discuss what happened to you today. Is that okay?”

Jeff could only nod “yes” as he slowly relaxed under his mother’s hand rub. It was the best physical contact he’d had in a long time. Oh, sure, he and his mother hugged quite often but it was always brief as he almost always got an immediate erection from the physical closeness. Jeff had a HUGE physical attraction to his mother. And why not? She was slim, kept her figure and was good looking as well.

As Carol saw Jeff nod, her hand rubbed his lower back, slipping a little lower than she had been, unintendedly. Her fingers actually slipped below his pants waist band and her fingers caught on something elastic.

“He’s still wearing my panties!”, she thought. “After all this today, he still hasn’t taken them off!”

But Carol knew Sue asked her to not discuss the issue so she let it ride, not asking anything else. “Let me get dinner going and we can get back to normal, okay?” Again, Jeff simply nodded.

The two days passed quickly and with no drama. Carol was by now checking her panties much more closely, to see if she would notice anything that might help Sue with her plan of action. The only thing she did catch onto was it was her USED panties that seemed to be missing for a day or so and not her clean ones. She was puzzled but not alarmed. “It will work itself out”, she thought.

Graduation came and went. Carol and Jeff both headed home. Due to Jeff’s lack of social life, he wouldn’t be attending any of the many parties that follow all graduations. They got home about fifteen minutes before Sue arrived and rang the doorbell.

Carol was in the kitchen, making up something for them all to drink when she heard the doorbell. “Jeff, honey, can you get that, please?”

“Sure, Mom. No problem”, answered Jeff. He opened the front door and then it was his turn to have his mouth pop open. Standing before him was NOT the Sue Weeks of the conservatively dressed guidance counselor. Standing before him was a mature woman of fifty-something years old, wearing a tight short skirt and a silk-looking blouse that was almost transparent! Magosa Escort And Jeff was further shocked at seeing Sue’s nipples poking out like a two thumbs in front! Jeff began to immediately get an erection over the sight of such an older woman dressed SO sexily! And she was coming in to see HIM!!!!

“Hi, Jeff. May I come in?” Sue asked sweetly. She was well aware of the impact of her appearance on Jeff. She saw his eyes locked on her nipples and never move. She knew the A/C on her breasts would have the desired effect. She took advantage of his attention and checked out his crotch. “Good”, she thought. “He’s got a hard-on for me. That will make things easier.”

Jeff soundlessly stepped aside and watched Sue as she walked in. She gave her ass a bit extra of a wiggle as she knew he’d be watching it, which is why she wore the old skirt that was too small for any other function for wearing.

Carol called from the kitchen, “Make yourself at home, I’ll be right out.”

Sue walked over to the couch and sat on one end. “Here, Jeff, come sit next to me” as she patted the middle part of the couch.

Jeff needed no encouragement to sit next to a hot, sexy looking woman slightly older than his own mother. He made a beeline to the middle and sat down.

Before Sue and Jeff could begin any sort of conversation, Carol came out of the kitchen and saw the seating arrangement. She also quickly spotted Sue’s erect nipples and was amazed that an older woman would dress so provocatively! She was also more than a little bit envious. “Nice rack!” thought Carol.

Sue quickly took charge. “Here, Carol, sit on the other side of Jeff, please.”

Carol walked over and sat down as instructed by Sue. While comfortable, she wasn’t relaxed as the room seemed to be more than charged with sexual tension. It didn’t help any with Sue’s nice c-up breasts jiggling around her blouse, the nipples seemingly harder than ever.

“How about I ask Jeff some questions and then I’ll ask Carol some questions? Is everyone okay with that?” said Sue. Carol and Jeff both nodded, too stunned to speak much.

“Jeff, not trying to embarrass you, but tell me about the incident at school when you got depantsed. Feel free to say anything you like, after all you’re no longer a student at the school.”

Jeff took a moment, looking straight ahead. He slowly started to begin to speak when Sue jumped in, “Jeff! Please look at me when you speak! After all, it’s only polite and I want to see you as you talk.”

Jeff swallowed and turned his head, doing Sue’s bidding. His eyes once again locked onto Sue’s nipples. Her shirt may as well have been Saran wrap, it was that transparent. Jeff was simply mesmerized at seeing a woman’s nipples this close, never mind a sexy older woman like Miss Weeks!

Liking his lips and continuing his stare, Jeff began. “I was in the locker room using the bathroom. I came out of the stall, still fastening my belt when someone grabbed my waistband and yanked my pants down. I……I….I was wearing……… you know……….. and the other guys saw them when my pants came down. I pulled my pants up while that laughed out loud and that’s when Mr. Thompson came in, asked what happened and sent me to see you.”

“Uhm’hum”, Sue said. “And tell me, was this the first time you’ve worn panties?”

Jeff finally blinked while staring at Sue’s nipples, licking his lips, trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he replied, “N-n-n-n-no. I had worn them before. Just never to school. Seniors don’t take gym usually, so I knew I wouldn’t be changing clothes. I just didn’t plan on what happened.”

Sue let his words hang in the air for several moments. Carol was shocked with Jeff’s admission about wearing them before. So, she hadn’t been imagining things happening with her panties! “But why my used ones?” she thought.

Sue began again with Jeff. “Jeff, what is it about wearing panties that got you to begin doing that?” Sue leaned back on the couch and turned slightly towards Jeff. Her arching had driven out her nipples even more noticeably, something Jeff approved of.

Jeff thought for a few minutes before he formulated his response. “I just like the feel of them. They’re much softer than the briefs I always wore. They’re super comfortable as well.”

“Uhm-hum”, said Sue. And is there a specific reason you wear your mother’s panties? I mean are they better feeling that some you might have bought yourself?”

Again, Jeff thought before answering. “Oh, I would never buy something like that at the store. I would be too embarrassed to do that. It was convenient to just use my mom’s, plus we’re about the same size so that made it easy too.”

Before Sue could say anything else, Carol spoke up. “But why would you wear my used ones, Jeff?” Sue jumped slightly at this question as she didn’t know this part. He movement again made her breasts jiggle nicely but since Jeff was now looking at his mother, he didn’t see it. But Carol Kıbrıs Escort noticed. She began to feel a slight tingle in her body. “Why am I feeling like this towards seeing another woman’s breasts?” she thought.

Jeff squirmed a bit before he again spoke. “Well, I thought you wouldn’t notice the used ones being missing like you might’ve noticed some missing out of your drawer.”

Sue asked Jeff, “Is that the only reason you wore her used ones, Jeff? Is there any other reason? Like perhaps her scent on the panties?”

Jeff was beyond speechless! He knew he’d been busted for the real reason he wore the used ones, his mother’s smell on them. He always held them to his face before putting them on, breathing deeply, inhaling her delicate aroma.

Jeff wiggled a bit, trying to get comfortable. “Well, to be honest, maybe.” There! It was now out there and he actually felt a bit of relief with saying it. He thought of his mother as a sexy woman and she was the only female he was able to have any sort of interaction with. He thought of every erection when he slid her panties up his legs, around his waist, nestling against his balls and dick. The softness cradling his sexual organs, thinking about her pussy being in the exact same spot when she wore them. His dick began a slight throb just thinking about it now.

Sue leaned forward. Unknown to Jeff and Carol, she had unfastened a couple of buttons on her blouse while Jeff and his mother were talking to each other. Her blouse gaped a good bit, exposing a nice view of her cleavage, stopping just short of showing her areola. Jeff had a perfect view down her blouse and could see her nipple where her blouse opened a bit outwards. Even Carol couldn’t help but look as well, still wondering why she was beginning to breathe a little faster, getting some chill bumps on her arms. “Are my nipples getting hard too?” she wondered. “What’s come over me?”

Sue took a deep breath as she thought about how to say what she wanted to say. She wanted co-operation with Jeff and his mother and didn’t want to scare them off. She ran through a couple of different versions and finally plunged ahead.

“Here’s what I think and what I suggest”, Sue said. “Jeff, I know you have no experience with girls. I see and hear things at school, there’s no secrets there. You’ve made you mother the focus of your sexual energy and fantasies. That’s completely normal. Most boys do that at one time or another.”

At the word “normal”, both Jeff and Carol noticeably relaxed. However, they still both kept looking down the gap of the front of Sue’s blouse. Sue was well aware of this and enjoyed the attention. It also encouraged her for what she was about to say.

“Jeff, I bet you derive supreme sexual energy from your mother’s panties, don’t you? I also bet you masturbate with them as well, don’t you?”

Jeff sheepishly nodded his head affirmatively. Carol gave a small gasp of surprise of Jeff admitting he jacked-off to his mother’s panties. She had NO clue about his doing this as he was always careful to rinse her panties out before placing them back in the clothes hamper. Carol also began to feel her own nipples hardening. She tried to think when she had last had a good orgasm? “Too long”, she thought.

Sue said, “Okay, here’s what I think and want to do.” (Sue was careful to not say “like to do”.) She locked eyes with Carol as she began to speak again.

“I think Jeff has years of pent-up sexual energy and frustration. I think he needs some help in releasing this energy as well as a healthy, safe environment in doing so. This will help him gain confidence as he goes to college and he’ll learn how to properly make a woman happy in bed. Carol, I want to enlist your help on this as well. After all, it’s YOUR panties he’s been wearing and masturbating to. How about it?”

Carol was stunned. She even took her eyes off of Sue’s cleavage and looked out into space. She tried to think of what Sue said and meant by this. She was conflicted but she also knew her tingling had now reached her own pussy. Sue’s cleavage had affected her unlike anything she’d ever felt before. And help her son with masturbating? What did Sue mean with that?

But Carol knew she’d do whatever she needed to help her only child. After all, he had to develop some confidence in order to have any sort of social life after he started college.

After a few moments, Carol said, “Okay with me. I think I can do whatever you think will help Jeff the best.”

Sue asked Jeff, “Is this okay with you as well, Jeff?” Sue leaned forward even more, allowing her blouse to open almost fully at the front. Her breasts were virtually spilling out the gap. At that moment Jeff would’ve robbed a bank had Sue asked him to.

“Yeah, sure, okay”, said Jeff.

“Good!” said Sue. “Then you both do as I say and we’ll get Jeff going and we can all have some fun as well.”

Carol caught the word “we” and Jeff did as well. Jeff licked his lips again at thinking what Sue might mean. “Would he get to see his mother naked?” he thought.

“Jeff, stand up and face the couch. Carol, you scoot down and sit where Jeff was” said Sue.

Both Jeff and his mother did as they were bid. When they both got settled and quit moving, Sue again thought for a minute before she spoke.

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