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Big Tits

Kyle struggled to keep his eyes open during the lecture. Sitting in his desk near the back of the classroom his head started to droop but he caught himself and righted his head again. He rubbed his eyes, then rubbed his face with his open hands. He hadn’t slept well last night. The dreams were messing with him. If you could call it a dream. To him it felt like a vision. He was no Empath like his mother, but every once in a long while he had dreams that were amazingly vivid. When he had dreams like that, his senses were enhanced. It made the beautiful part of the dream that much more pleasurable… and the terrifying part that much more horrible.

The dream was of his Mother, beautiful and radiant, in her ceremonial garb. They were together in a small spring, warm water up to their thighs. He could feel the soft sand around his toes. The front of her ceremonial robe was open and pushed to the sides, exposing her naked body, framing her huge breasts. She was reaching out to him. Beckoning. He embraces her, innocently at first. Then the feeling of her velvety soft arms wrapping around him combined with the soft squish of her breasts against him causes his member to grow hard. On its way up the head of his cock grazes her belly. Both she and him push their pelvises together and moan softly. His now rock hard cock and balls mashing against her soft belly. One of his hands drops to her fleshy butt cheek and gives it a squeeze. His other hand pushes up on one of her heavy breasts, bringing her nipple to his mouth. Licking at her areola he surrenders to his lust, and his whole body is occupied by all the pleasurable sensations. His body and heart are reeling in ecstasy. It all feels so good he neglects to see the hidden attack from the trees. A dark and cold tentacle reaches out of the shadows at such unreal speed all he can do is to blurt out a quick “No!” and watch her be whisked away by the dark essense.

A sharp shocking pain in his side made him flinch in his seat. His friend, Ryu had lightly jabbed him in the ribs with a single knuckle, ripping him back into the real world. He had lost his little struggle to wake up and had instantly fell into a sleep deep enough to start dreaming and of course it was the same dream. Why was it he couldn’t sleep at night in his comfortable bed but here in the afternoon on this shitty little desk sleep was constantly beckoning to him. It was probably the topic of the class. To satisfy his degree he needed to take a minimum of 2 terms in General Mysticism. Since both his parents were both high ranked Magi in their respective Orders, he was exposed to the mystic arts since he was a child, so the topic was boring to him. Even if he wasn’t very good at performing magic himself, he was pretty well versed in all it’s theories, which is all this class entailed.

“Seriously?” His friend, Ryu, whispered as loudly as he dared. The tone of his friend’s voice helped Kyle gain a little more focus and he had an easier time clearing the fog in his mind. His focus shifted to the pain in his butt from sitting on the hard plastic seat of the shitty little desk. He winced a little as he shifted his weight. He dared a glance up and thankfully saw Mr. Grenelsky had his back to the class, drawing on the dry erase board as he spoke. He was explaining Multiverse Theory, or at least the version that The Academy officially acknowledges, and wasn’t paying him any attention.

“So if we consider the nature of magic and it’s level of saturation in our world compared to the ones travelers have told us about-“

The bell rang. Indicating that it was 3 o’clock. Time to go home. Finally. The small, seated crowd of about 30 students of varying ages and cultures all stood up unanimously and began shuffling towards the door, forcing poor Mr. Grenelsky to stop mid-sentence in his lecture. “Fine… fine… have a nice weekend everybody…” He waved a hand dismissively at them and went to his desk at the front of the classroom.

When Kyle got to the hallway, his friend Ryu was right beside him. Both were headed to the same parking lot, so they had a few minutes to chat before they parted ways for the weekend.

Kyle was a handsome young white man with pale complexion. He had bright blue eyes and brown hair. He wore his hair short and combed it up in a style that was popular at the time. He was a bit shorter than most of his peers at about 5’9″ and had a thin build with some muscle definition. His friend Ryu was even skinnier by comparison; bony. He was similar in height. He kept his head shaved, but a bit of black stubble was starting to show on his scalp today.

“So what are your plans this weekend, man? Your big two-oh is finally here!”, Ryu had a big grin on his face. “You finally gonna give it up to her? Oh man, please tell me you finally got over that shit and you’re gonna let her take your cherry, right?!”

“I… I dunno man. I mean I’m sure we will eventually… But I’m not sure I want karabük escort to right now. I mean, I’m working through some stuff right now, Ryu. It’s not that simple.”

“What do you mean not that simple?!” Ryu exclaimed. After seeing the look on Kyle’s face he sighed and took a calmer tone. “Look, I know you’ve been having some weird dreams… but they’re just dreams, man. Your not a psychic. I think you’re just stressed. I mean, we all have bad dreams sometimes. But you can’t let shit like that get in the way of your life! You’re the envy of just about every guy AND girl here on campus! Even the girls have hard-ons for your Mom!”

“Hey!” Kyle shot Ryu a look to tell him to cool it or he would make him regret it.

“Sorry… sorry… It’s just you know how much I look up to her. She’s amazing.”

“Yeah I know. It’s just that I feel this sense of foreboding every time I see her now. Like the Gods are telling me that I need to stay away. So I need to stay away from her, for our own good.”

“I can see why you’d feel that way… But these feelings aside, what could possibly happen? Even if some super horror comes around. What chance would it have against her? I mean, she’s like a real life superhero! She’s a Legend of the Goddess’ Order! People like her and your Dad are the ones they call in when the locals can’t handle it. The Cult fears people like her. I think your dream has a deeper meaning to it. You can’t take that shit at face value, man. Dreams are weird like that.”

Kyle scoffed. He knew Ryu could very well be right. But what did it mean then? Symbolic or not, he couldn’t deny the intense feelings the dream gave him. The truth was he didn’t tell anyone the whole dream. Whenever he told the narrative he always stopped after the point where she’s taken away. It was easier to stop telling the story after this point and say that’s all there was to the dream. The truth was that after his mother gets taken away, he gives chase through the forest for a ways and finally finds her, or her dead body at least. Her lifeless body is laid in a small clearing in the forest. He runs as fast as he can to her. As he runs he can see her body dissolving into ash. He runs for what seems like forever, and when he finally reaches her she is nothing more than a cloud of dust in the wind. Sorrow takes over and he feels nothing but that terrible sadness and loss for a time. Eventually the psychic pain subsides and he notices a cave nearby. The entrance somewhat disguised by the shadows of the trees and brush. He heads into the cave, and here is where the dream actually ends… waiting to be rewound and relived another night. He was getting tired of it. It was a puzzle he needed to solve before he could move on with anything in his life, and he felt that part of the solution was to postpone his Coming of Age celebration. The sexual nature of the dream’s beginning had to be a sign pointing to the loss of his virginity… and going through with it would lead to some catastrophe. One that could be avoided if he just stayed away from her for at least long enough to figure this out.

“Well… I’m just gonna head straight home. We already went out to eat yesterday for my Birthday. That’s good enough for me. I’m probably just gonna hang out at home this weekend. Nothing special.” He could see his car now, so he disarmed it with his key-chain remote. It responded with a sharp double chirp. “I’ve already talked with Mom about it. I told her about the dream and she said she could tell it was bugging me, and that she didn’t need to read my feelings to know. She and Dad said we could just chill out at home, or go out to eat again if I wanted.” Kyle sighed, “At least that’s what they said last night. I got a text a little bit ago from Dad saying something had come up and he had to go. He said he’d make it up to me when he got back.”

He paused for a moment before he got into to his car and looked Ryu directly in the eye. “I really don’t deserve them. A High Priestess and a decorated war veteran, and they have a kid like me… I can barely pull off a simple Mind Sense spell. I can’t wield a Qatana properly… I don’t even know computers very well. Not like Meg anyways. Dad and Mom must be so ashamed of me.”

“You’re freaking weird, man.” Ryu laughed and gave his friend a firm bop on the shoulder. “How the hell can you say something like that. I’ve met your Mom & Dad. I think you’re the only one holding yourself to an unreasonable standard. I think they’re just happy you made it into The Academy. I know I’m glad you did! I never would’ve met you if you hadn’t! Your family… and Ken’s family… You all treat me like family! I’ve never had that growing up! You gotta get over yourself, man. Be grateful for your opportunities! Lighten up! Living that Zen life is fine and all, but you gotta listen to your instincts at least a little bit! Just do it!” That was a favorite go-to line for Ryu, but karabük escort bayan lately he’d been overdoing it. Kyle rolled his eyes, and Ryu knew that he was about to get tuned out. “You’re a masochist. Gotta be…” Ryu said, shaking his head.

Kyle ignored him and waved him away, “Whatever, man. I’m outta here. I’ll catch you later.”

“See you Monday.”

Kyle got into his very practical navy blue compact car, and drove home.

“Hey Mom! I’m back!”, Meg greeted cheerfully as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket before sitting down at the dining room table. She just returned from yoga class and was still in her sports bra and tights. Meg was a natural brunette that bleached her hair only somewhat regularly, her dark roots revealing her true hair color. Her eyes were icey blue like her Mom and brother. She had a thin and petite build with smooth and blemish free skin, light but not pale. Her perky breasts complimented her delicate stature. In recent years, Meg’s backside had started to plump up, giving her a nice bubble butt that got a lot of appreciative looks when she wore her tights or her jeans.

Meg’s mother Luna was picking up around the house, and had just finished loading some dishes into the washer. Her hair was mostly a deep purple so dark it seemed black, but had highlight streaks of lavender. Only in the sun or a very intense light did her hair look purple throughout. She wore it shoulder length and it had just a little bit of curl at the ends that gave it a nice bounce. Luna had a much more voluptuous body than her daughter. Her sizable butt and hips really exaggerated her slender waist and big round breasts. At the moment she was wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Very casual. She looked good as always, but Meg was a little disappointed with the outfit, hoping for something a little more risque, like her little black satin robe that was so short it barely covered her ass that she often wore around the house.

Meg knew her brother would be home from his afternoon class soon, and she wanted to poke at his brain. Not just because she genuinely wanted to help him, but because she felt a little bit like scolding him too. Ever since the conversation at his Birthday dinner she had been doing her best to stay out of it, but she couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated and disappointed with her brother. She wouldn’t turn 20 for more than a year from now, and she wanted so very badly to fuck. She was smart though, and knew that it was best to wait. Especially being the only daughter of a High Priestess of the Goddess, she knew it was expected of her to hold off on person-on-person sex until “an honorable” age for her Coming of Age celebration. “A person’s sexuality is at it’s sweetest when it is fully ripe like a fruit. Not when it is technically first able to be eaten. Not too green.” is a saying in the Order of the Goddess. She wanted to make her mother and father proud of her, so she had held off. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world if she gave in to her lust. She knew that. People fuck when they’re ready. The Goddess forgives those that do too, because one’s physical age is only a part of maturation. Especially when it’s an act of love between people who are ready and willing, and the truth was she had been ready for a while now. Meg couldn’t wait for her Coming of Age party. She loved so many people… and longed to show it with her body. She loved her family very much, and she wanted her first time to be with the people she loved the most. She worshiped the Goddess and wanted to prove to her that she had the discipline to control her desires as well as have the capacity to express them… mentally, physically, and spiritually. Mind, Body, and Soul bathed in the light of love. That was The Way.

So she couldn’t understand why her brother was holding back now of all times. Up until about a month ago, everything was fine. Everyone was having fun teasing him about what Mom was gonna do to him when it was the appointed time. Now he’s just brooding and feeling sorry for himself all of a sudden all over a dream. She would give just about anything to be in his position right now.

“So what’s the plan this weekend?”, Meg finally asked and took a bite of her apple.

“Your father and I talked about it this morning before he left. I think we’re going to try and convince Kyle to spend the weekend with Aunt Launa.”

“Oh really? Aunt Launa’s in town? She’s at the Villa?”

“Yeah, your Dad spent a little time on the phone with her this morning and we think this is the best chance for Kyle to get over these visions. He and Launa were always really close, they both have that same passion for the nerdy stuff. I was just looking at the pictures we took when Launa took him to his first convention. He was twelve back then and so cute in his little Batguy costume.”

Meg refrained from correcting her escort karabük mother on the name and leaned forward, “So what do you think is his problem?”

“Well… I think it’s a number of things. I think part of it is because everyone expects him to jump all over me and he’s being defiant of those expectations at the last minute from nerves. I think he also feels like he doesn’t deserve it. He’s doing just fine in his studies. Both me and your Dad think he’s progressing just fine, but Kyle keeps beating himself up over his C average score at The Academy this last term. That and he’s not telling the whole story. There’s more to the dream he’s not saying, and I sense the dream has more to tell him when he gets over this hurdle he’s stuck on.”

“Geez, we can’t help him if he doesn’t tell us the whole story…”

“You’re right, but it’s hard for him to say it, so don’t judge him too harshly. Your Dad came up with this plan. As mystics, we all get visions that just won’t let go of us from time to time. He has a few ideas as to what the problem might be, but he’s going to have to work through it himself no matter what it is. Even if someone does spell it out for him, his heart and mind need to digest it. It helps sometimes if it’s not from someone he sees every day. He thinks we can take out two birds with one stone by having him spend the weekend with Launa. She’ll help him through it, and when he feels better, they can have their own little private Coming of Age party. We’ll have fun with him later.”

Both ladies giggled at that. “When he comes home I’m gonna let him know Aunt Launa’s in town at The Villa on vacation and wants us to come out and see her, but we’ll all be too busy. Your Dad really did get called away for the weekend again because of an emergency near the border. I’m going to say I’ve been ordered to stay on call and I have to stay here at home all weekend. I know you’ve got plans with your friends on the mountain this weekend. So he’s the only one that can go and keep her company! Perfect!”

“Geez, I hope you guys put this kind of effort into my Coming of Age party next year.”

“Oh we will, Dear. I think you’ll be happy. Trust me.”

Meg wasn’t as close to Aunt Launa as Kyle was, but she really did feel a bit disappointed that she was going to miss seeing her. She was now feeling even more jealous of her brother, but no longer felt like scolding him. Everything felt right about her parents plan. She decided she would rather get out some frustration with her VR and toys and leave the rest to Mom.

Having one last bite of her apple, Meg calmly stood up and tossed the core into the trash. “I’m gonna head up to my room and work on some stuff in VR. I’ll chat with you later, Mom. Love ya!”

“Love you too, Sweetheart.”

Luna watched her daughter leave the kitchen and head towards the stairs leading to the bedrooms. My how her little girl had grown. Her yoga pants highlighted her newly acquired womanly curves quite nicely. Luna imagined for a moment what it would feel like to give that butt a nice firm smack and squeeze. All in due time, she thought to herself. Meg was obviously ready, but why not wait for that magic number and make it special for her. Her husband and her already had her Coming of Age party already planned. It would be two different weekends. The first would be a “ladies night” slumber party with just the girls. The next weekend they would all go on a trip with just the family. They would all have a turn at loving on her.

She took a moment to look out the window. She too was a little disappointed that she wouldn’t be a part of taking Kyle’s virginity. She had been looking forward to it for a long time, but she could tell that the Goddess had other plans. As an Empath she knew the day the dreams started bugging him. She could see it in the way he looked at her. That first morning she noticed the change, he looked at her as if he’d seen a ghost. She knew that look. So she didn’t question it. It was out of her hands.

Luna heard the front door open and knew it was Kyle even though she couldn’t physically see him. When she described this ability to non-Empaths she would say it was like every person has a specific color that shines in a way only psychics can feel, and you can see and feel that shine when they enter a room or building, regardless of doors and walls that may be in the way. Their consciousness “shines” and it can be seen and felt by those gifted with psionic senses.

“Hey Mom!” Kyle greeted cheerfully as he entered the main kitchen/dining room.

“Hey Sweetie. How is your day going?”

“Not bad. Sorry to hear Dad got called away again.”

“It’ll be fine… So… I got a call earlier from your Aunt Launa! She’s in town and is staying at the Villa this weekend!”

Kyle’s eyes lit up. When she got the offer from the Mages Council to be the Master of the Southern Tower, she had to take it. It was a dream come true. He remembered taking the news hard when he was younger though, because it meant he wouldn’t be able to see her for a long time.

“Awesome! So we’re all heading out there? I love the Villa! I haven’t been there in forever! I’ll bet the weather’s nice out there right now!”, he responded to hearing the news.

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