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The black Escalade in my driveway was the first clue to what I’d find in my house. Damn vehicle looked great. Shiny in the early evening sun light, I could tell by how low it was to the ground it had air-ride suspension. Low profile tires and bright wheels, the windows tinted so dark they looked like they’d been painted.

My heart raced a little knowing my wife was entertaining and that she knew I’d be home to see her in action.

Even though I kind of knew what was in store for me, I was unprepared for what I saw.

She was beautiful; something out of a girly magazine or fantasy. Her blonde hair was perfectly coifed and radiant against the mottled lighting coming in from the large bay window behind her.

One nylon covered leg stretched straight out, the other bent at the knee. Her white satin super high waist panty visible through the opened robe had a wet spot at her pussy. The white silk robe with pink lapels although tied at the waist with a sash hung open at the top, exposing one of her breasts.

Everything about her screamed vintage 1940’s noir. Her hair, her attire, her make-up, everything except the naked men on each side of her.

In her left hand my sexy wife was holding a beautiful black cock to her bright red lips. Her right hand was holding another large black cock that was attached to her other visitor. Both totally naked black men were well built with sturdy legs, rounded buttocks, broad chested, and, as all her men friends, very handsome.

And they both were standing with their hands on their hips, letting my wife do the work and expecting that she do it right.

My little dick which had been hard upon seeing the Escalade outside now leaked.

“Johnnie, you’re home,” she smiled beckoning me to her.

She never let go of those large dark cocks but stopped kissing the one at her mouth long enough to welcome me home with a kiss.

Our tongues touched and I could taste the musky flavor of those cocks she was enjoying. I knew that she was going to include me in her interlude with these gentlemen.

From the moment I first laid eyes on her I knew I had to have her. Let me take you back a year and a half or so.

I’d been invited to a bachelor party for a friend of mine, Tom. He and I and a host of other guys had graduated from the Wharton School of Business four years ago. We each had very well-paying jobs with fortune five hundred firms.

Now most of our classmates came from money and were a fun-loving bunch. So it came as no surprise when, at Tom’s bachelor party a stripper had been hired. Arrangements had been made through the restaurant’s owner who was a friend of Tom’s father, to let us use the banquet room. The side door allowed us to enter and leave without disturbing the other patrons in the main dining area.

As the evening became night and the drinks flowed, the stripper treated Tom to a blow job. A few hundred dollars offered to her and to the staff at the restaurant by one of the men and blow jobs were available to all who wanted one.

I watched as the stripper swallowed cock after cock demonstrating her many skills at fellatio. “Who’s next,” she asked as the last man zipped his trousers and walked away smiling and high-fiving the others. “You,” she said pointing at me. “I believe it’s your turn.”

“No thank you, Miss,” I said embarrassed. Like the others, I had been turned on by her performance but to be honest, unlike the others, I was not as well endowed. I’d been cursed with a very little and very thin dick.

I made enough money to have been planning a penile implant but didn’t have the courage to follow through.

I made an excuse that I needed a bit of fresh air and went out the side door to avoid being humiliated when the others guys saw my dick or lack of rather.

“Are you shy,?” she came out and surprised me.

“Um, no. No. I just well, it’s…”

“It’s okay. I get it. You didn’t want to stick your dick in where the others had been.”

“No, Miss um. It’s not that. I’m just not in the mood. That’s all,” I lied.



“My name is Cindy. What’s yours?”


“Well, johnnie, its nice to meet you.”

“Ditto,” I answered trying to be cool.

“You’re cute. I bet all the girls tell you that.”

I blushed konya escort a little. “You’re beautiful, Cindy. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

“And you’re sweet too,” she said and kissed me on my lips.

Maybe some would have turned their heads and been grossed out being kissed by lips that had just been sucking a dozen or so cocks. I wasn’t. I found it exciting.

“Can I offer you a ride home or somewhere,?” I asked.

“I’m good,” she said lighting a cigarette. “My manager is on his way.”

You could hear the bass throbbing before you saw the car. “There he is now,” Cindy said. Handing me a business card she told me to call her.

“This punk giving you problems bitch?” The big black man looked menacingly at me.

Cindy giggled, “No Reggie. He’s a friend.”

I watched the woman of my dreams ride off with that big man. The throbbing bass still coming from his vehicle was matched by the beating of my heart.

I went back to the party and drank a toast to Tom.

I got home around two AM, my driver, Robert making sure I got to my door without falling. He couldn’t tell that I was walking on clouds.

Some people scoff at the words, “love at first sight”. Before that night I hadn’t given it much thought. Now I understood how, those who said they’d fallen in love immediately felt. I had met the woman I was going to marry.

Only she didn’t know it yet.

I did jack off that night. Memories of watching her suck those many cocks, seeing her naked body pressed against Tom as she performed her act danced across my mind as I tugged on my little hard on, rubbing one out.

It took me two weeks of looking at Cindy’s card before I had the nerve to call her.

“Um hello Cindy?”

“This is she.”

I uh, this is um johnnie. I don’t know if you remember me. We met a couple weeks ago outside the Puerto Verde restaurant. You gave me your card.”

“Oh yes. I remember you. You’re the only one who didn’t want his dick sucked. You want that to happen now?”

“No. Oh, no. That’s not why I’m calling. I wanted, um I wanted to see if maybe, um….”

“You want me to go out with you? Is that what you’re trying to say, johnnie?”

“Yes,” I said greatly relieved.

“I don’t know. My manager usually has to approve of who I do my act for.”

“I just want to have dinner and get to know you better.” Then I took a really deep breath and let fly, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“No. no. It’s true. I mean every word of it. I can’t get you off of my mind.”

“You’re sweet johnnie, and I thank you for the compliment but I really shouldn’t. You have no idea what kind of woman I am.”

“I know you strip and do other things,” I stammered trying to find the right way to say she sucks cocks for a living.

“I’m flattered, johnnie, really I am but I must say no. Thanks for asking. Bye now.”

And she hung up wrenching my heart out of my chest and stomping on it.

I would not be deterred, however. I called her again the next day. Then the day after that. Then a couple days after that. I was relentless in my pursuit of my dream girl.

I know she was kind of loose, maybe a pro but it didn’t matter to me. She was beautiful and she filled my every thought when I wasn’t working.

It took almost a month but I finally succeeded in wearing down her resistance. “Damn it. If it means you’ll stop calling me, I’ll go out with you. Christ almighty.”

She let me pick her up at the high-rise apartment she rented. I rang from the lobby and she said she’d meet me in a few minutes.

The minutes seemed to last forever but when she did show, it was worth the wait. She smiled at me and I swear she looked like a mixture of Debbie Harry and Marilyn Monroe.

I noticed, as we walked to my car that she towered over me. I’m not a big man. I’m only 5’6″ and very thin. Cindy had to be 5’10” without the heels. The heels she was wearing that night put her over 6′.

I opened the back door and walked around the car and climbed in beside her. “Take us to Trader Vic’s, Robert,” I said to my driver.

The restaurant was dimly lit but everyone noticed Cindy and I when we walked in. The Maître d recognized konya escort bayan me, “So good to see you Mr. johnnie. Your table is ready.”

He seated us and summoned a waiter who handed us menus and read the list of specials that night.

The piano player in the lounge was playing softly. The atmosphere was perfect.

She told me about herself. “Don’t be fooled by my looks, johnnie. I’m a working girl.”

“I don’t care.”

“You say that now but you’ll be like all the others and try to change me.”

“I can’t speak for them Cindy but changing you is the furthest thing from my mind.”

“Uh huh,” she said disbelieving me and sounding bored.

I panicked. What can I say? When it comes to talking to women, I’m lost.

“I love you,” I blurted.

Cindy looked up in total surprise. “No you don’t, johnnie. I mean you even don’t know me.”

“But I want to know you. I want to know all about you. I want to care for you, to buy you things.”

“See, you’re already planning to try to change me. A leopard can’t change their spots, you know.”

“But what’s so bad about not being a who… working girl?” I said quickly catching myself calling her a whore.

“A whore, johnnie. You can say it. That’s what I am and I love it. I love sex, I particularly love sex with well hung black men. Big black cocks have filled every orifice on my body, johnnie; my mouth, my cunt, my asshole…”

“I get it, Cindy. Please stop.”

“See? What I do, what I am bothers you.”

I know I turned beet red. “It isn’t that. It doesn’t bother me the way you think it does.”

She looked at me quizzically for a second or two then her eyes opened wide, “You have a hard-on, don’t you?”

I could only nod in shame.

“You like that I fuck other men, black men white men, brown men. It excites you to know I’ve sucked so many cocks I’ve lost count. Doesn’t it?”

“Yes,” I said croaked looking down. I couldn’t face her I was too embarrassed.

It was quiet for a few minutes. The waiter brought our drinks, water, bread and asked for our orders.

Cindy chose the steak tartare with a side of mushrooms broiled in butter. I had the stuffed flounder and a salad and ordered a bottle of Cabernet.

“You’re cute,” Cindy said finally breaking the silence. “I have heard about guys like you but never met one.”

“Guys like me?”

“Yeah, You know. Voyeurs, they watch and jack off. That’s it isn’t it?”

“No. I mean I don’t think so. I mean…”

“You’re a virgin. Oh my God! That’s it. You’re a thirty year old virgin.”

Her excited voice attracted lots of attention which caused me to blush and look at my hands folded in my lap. “Please,” I begged.

Our dinner conversation consisted of her relating the many tales of a working girl. I listened with rapt attention as she detailed the men, their cocks, her manager, and his cock.

She told me how she had fallen for Reggie after he fucked her that first time. He was her first black man and, in her words, she was hooked. “Now he has me hooking,” she giggled. “Me and a few other white ladies.”

“Does he love you? Do you love him.?” I asked, hoping she’d say no.

“Reggie loves money. Money and Reggie are the only thing he loves…. well, those and white pussy too.”

I laughed along with her, finding her honesty about her work intriguing.

“So I haven’t put you off, have I?”

“Cindy, I don’t think that’s possible. I am sorry to hear that you’re in love with Reggie though.”

“In love with him,” she laughed. “Not hardly. I love his cock but Reggie has many women he fucks so when he sends me out to “date” other men, I always hope they’re black. Mostly they are. The white guys have to pay more though.”

“Why is that?”

“Reggie really prefers his women go with black men.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s a black thing. I don’t totally get it either. So what do you think of me now?”

“To be frank, Cindy, I’m more fascinated now than I was before.”

“You’re incredible.”

We finished the bottle of wine and went to the lounge. I saw her look around and heard her sigh. “Penny for your thoughts, Cindy.”

“Ah, I was just thinking that it’s been so long since I was on a real date. I mean a date escort konya with someone who is not a John. It’s nice.”

We ordered B men who would blame me for their predicament, their stations in life.

“Whatchu want mother fucker?”

A large and very well dressed black man stood up. I recognized him from the first time I met Cindy. “We need to talk,” I said.

We settled in a corner table Reggie said he used for business.

“What’s it gonna take for you to release Cindy?”

“The fuck are you talking about?”

“I want to buy her from you. I don’t want to own her but want you to leave her alone.”

“You got that shit wrong, man. Bitch won’t ever leave me. She likes my big cock too much. Fucked her one time. One time and I was able to turn her out.”

“I’m asking you how much?”

“$5K, mother fucker. You got that much?”

I pulled out my wallet and peeled off $1,000. I’ll have the rest for you tomorrow. We have a deal?”

I watched Reggie scoop up the C-notes. “Yeah. We have a deal.”

I reached out to shake his hand but he left me hanging. “Be here tomorrow night, 10 o’clock.”

“See you then,” I said rising up and leaving.

A very relieved Cindy was waiting for me in the car. “It’s over Cindy. I paid him for your freedom.”

“You asshole,” she screamed. “I told you not to try to change me and yet you go out and do some shit like this.”

“No. I’m not trying to change you. You do what you do. The only difference is Reggie won’t be hitting you again.”

“You mean you have no problem with me going on dates?”

“I don’t care who you go with, or how much you make. Do your thing, and you won’t owe me a cent,” I smiled.

“Let’s go to your place johnnie. I want to show my appreciation.”

Needless to say that her show of appreciation ended with a miserable fuck from me. She took my virginity from me in seconds. When the head of my dick touched her pussy, I mean not even getting inside, I blew my load all over her mons pubis.

I tried rolling off her with an apology but Cindy was having none of that. She pushed my face down between her legs and had me clean my mess with my mouth.

She taught me a lot of how I could get her to cum using oral sex.

“Let’s face it, johnnie. You’ll never be able to fuck me like a black man, much less like a white guy with a cock.”

I knew she was right. I’m no idiot. My dick was tiny. I understood the ramifications of having a little dick.

I returned to that bar the next night and handed $4K to Reggie. He took the money and grinned. “You’ll see. The bitch will always come back to me.”

“Maybe so,” I said a bit too smug. “But you’ll be paying for her company when she does come back.”

Cindy and I kind of settled into a routine. She’d go on dates and then call me to come over.

I was wild with lust and my heart sang with love for her.

Cindy would fuck some John and then have me clean her up. I was wrapped around her little finger.

Many times she would greet me with a kiss that tasted like sperm, and her breath would be heavy with the smell of cock.

None of that bothered me.

Six months later I convinced her to move in with me.

She really liked the closet space and spent loads of cash, hers and mine to fill it with nice clothes.

The first time she went back to Reggie, she met me at the door when I came home from work. “johnnie, I have to see him. Him or one of his friends, baby. I need that big black cock. I am so sorry if that hurts you but I told you about that when we first met.”

“I just wish I could watch you in action sweetheart.”

“One day, maybe.”

When she returned well satisfied, she crawled into bed with me. “God but I needed that.”

I did what I always did. Positioning my face at her pussy, I began slurp and suck out Reggie’s cum. It was an acquired taste, one which I did acquire pretty quickly.

I enjoyed cleaning the love of my life after her dates. The fact that I was now eating her old manager’s sperm, okay, her old pimp’s sperm, was not lost on me. I humped the bedsheets as I swallowed copious amounts of Reggie’s seed.

It was one of those very rare occasions when Cindy and I came in unison.

I had my driver take her to her dates. He was also a body guard with a carry permit. Cindy balked at first but I was able to show her the logical reason for me keeping her safe from some sicko she might meet.

I think it was a year later when I asked her to marry me. At first she tried to warn me off the idea. “Why would you want to marry a whore baby?”

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