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It was the end of my Junior year at Princeton University. I had made only a few friends in those years. The University of course was full of the best and brightest from around the world. An Oklahoma farmboy myself, somehow I felt substandard to the group dynamics.

I was a biology major and while I continued to get excellent grades, it was not without endless hours of studying. My social life was about the same as it was in high-school. I met a few nice girls, but most were so intent on their education that we became friends at best.

Not exactly a nerd, I stand six-foot-three, with the body of an athlete but never engaged in sports much to the chagrin of every high-school coach back in Oklahoma. At Princeton there was no such pressure.

During the final weeks of the spring semester I met Marina who had recently joined one of my study groups. Marina seemed impossibly shy, and at only about five-foot-three I towered over her. I gathered up a little nerve and introduced myself.

“Mike Rawling.” I smiled

“Marina Ward.” she returned.

We became friends and spent most of the rest of the semester together. It was not a romantic relationship however.

This is not to say that I was not attracted to Marina who had a very unconventional beauty. Short, thin, long brown hair, no breasts to speak of, and a fashion sense right out of the 1960’s. T-shirts and shorts, no makeup, jeans, tube-tops, sneakers, and occasionally, jewelry that looked like it was hand-made. Marina hardly ever seemed to wear a bra and was either unaware or un-self-conscious about the fact that her nipples poked through everything she wore.

As it turns out, Marina was home schooled for her high-school years, and tested out to be somewhat of a genius. Her mother was an environmental scientist and worked for the federal government doing environmental impact studies around the country. Marina’s mom had divorced her father while Marina was very young and the traveling necessitated home schooling.

In the final week of exams, I hardly saw my friend Marina until we were both in the same exam and lingered afterwards to catch up.

Marina, mentioned that she would be working with her mom all summer at the beach here in New Jersey and that she was looking for another helper. She didn’t actually suggest that I work with her but, I thought that’s where it was going.

“What kind of work is it?” I asked.

“Bugs, fish, birds, sand, sticks, mud, grasses, clams, mosquitos, flies, digging, labeling, measuring, and sleeping.” “If you like you can meet my mom this weekend and see if it might interest you.”

We made plans to meet her mom that weekend at a house she was renting for the winter a block from the beach.

“Call me Claire.” Said Marina’s mom with a firm handshake and big smile. While Claire seemed to dress in the same “hippy” style as Marina, their physical difference was extraordinary. Claire stood about five-foot nine with streaked blond hair, bright green eyes, a slim-yet sturdy frame, and breasts. Spectacular breasts. Unfettered by a bra, I was mesmerized by their undulations beneath her t-shirt.

Claire told me that she had a federal grant to assess the impact of a recent storm on the Sandy Hook beaches of New Jersey a six-mile long barrier island kept as a natural preserve and recreation area by the National Park Service.

“It’s a dirty job, we sleep in a tent most of the time, shower in cold water or bathe naked in the ocean and work from dawn until dusk in the heat and cold. We eat sandwiches and hot dogs.” And then pausing, Claire said. “Nature in all its glory.”

She had me at “naked in the ocean”. I called my parents to tell them that I had “scientific” work for the summer and would not be coming back to Oklahoma, except for a short visit before school restarted again.

Two weeks later, Marina and I helped her mom unpack her rental house and move her few belongings into the SUV that would become our support vehicle for the summer. We packed a tent, and assorted, camping gear as well as two large cases for scientific instruments and various sample collection gear.

During the hour long drive to our camping ground on Sandy Hook, Claire and Marina chatted like old girlfriends. They were very close, having spent most of their lives together. Like sisters really and only their physical differences reminded me that they were indeed mother and daughter.

It was a cold and windy day at the beach, too early in the season for beach-goers as we pitched a single tent behind the dunes. A beautiful spot protected from the wind and with a ten-step climb up the dunes, spectacular views of the ocean, the breaking waves and the long line of grassy dunes.

I got a quick tour of the layout. Nearby there were public restrooms, not yet opened for the season and outdoor showers that had recently been turned on but only offered water heated by the sun on the tanks in which it was held so – mostly cold water! There was a makeshift walkway sincan escort from a large parking lot to the beach which I was surprised to hear was a nude beach. From the size of the parking lots I would guess it might be quite crowded in a few weeks when the weather improved.

I was instructed on how to make use of a gravelly waste area behind a small parking lot as a bathroom and how to bury my own waste – at least until the public restrooms were open if I “chose to walk all that way”.

That night, we ate hot dogs roasted on our camp stove and the three of us climbed into the tent to sleep. We each had our own sleeping bags and owing to the cold weather tucked ourselves in tightly, with Marina in between me and her mother.

It was still dark when I heard a rustling outside the tent and getting quickly to my knees realized it was just Claire gathering wood and brush to get a proper fire going in the fire pit.

I poked my head out. “Showers or ocean, either way it’s gonna be cold.” Said Claire as Marina came into view with a load of branches. The possibility of seeing this mother daughter team naked had me immediately aroused.

As the fire began to warm our little campsite the sun appeared over the ocean. The horizon lit up in a blaze of orange, reds and yellows.

“Let’s christen the summer and bathe in the ocean on our first morning” Said Marina. “Mike, get three towels out of the red bag on mom’s side of the tent.”

I was already figuring that we would go down to the water, strip to our undies and splash in the ocean for a few seconds of fear and delight – for me at least, and then slip into the towels for the walk back.

This was not their plan though.

“Mike, put the towels on the seat next to the fire so they are warm when we get back.” Said Claire.


The two women just stood and stripped NAKED as if it were nothing.

“Come on”

I took off my t-shirt, and then my jeans and boxers in one motion. For a moment we just stood there looking. Claire and her heavy full breasts and shaved pussy. Marina with her erotically puffy nipples and pouty pussy lips that protruded through a sparse covering of hair. In that brief moment both women looked directly at my seven-inch rock hard erection sticking out of a mass of black curly hair.

The next thing I knew we were running towards the ocean, the three of us delightfully naked. The wind had died completely and there were only little tiny waves, but I was sure the water would be almost frigid this early in the season.

Seconds later we were fully immersed, laughing and screaming at the shock of the cold water surrounding us. The women both stood for a moment at the waters’ edge rubbing sand on their bodies.

“Better than soap.” Claire said. “Gets all the dead skin off as well and leaves you smooth as a baby.”

I got an eyeful of Claire’s beautiful body as she bent for sand and dangled her breasts. Marina was facing the other way and displayed a beautiful pussy and asshole to me as she momentarily bent for her sand. I stood and scrubbed myself with sand making sure to give them both a good view of my now softly hanging cock.

We all soaked for just a few seconds more and then clambered back up onto the beach.

“Wow that was cold.” Said Marina, pointing to my cock which was now almost completely hidden in my pubic hair. Claire laughed politely as well and we started a brisk walk back to the campsite.

Back at the campsite we grabbed our warm towels and stood in front of the fire baring our naked skin to the warmth of the fire and to each other. Within a minute or so of watching these two women drying themselves and warming their bodies, my cock was once again at full erection.

Looking directly at my rock hard cock, Claire simply said, “Nice.” And then “Let’s get to work.”

We all got into our work gear, cargo shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts and work boots and trekked about a mile south, carrying a variety of testing and measuring devices as well as notebooks, a camera and several different kinds of jars for samples.

Having done this before, Marina worked at the waterside by herself. I worked along with her mother in the dunes while she moved up the beach inspecting, digging, taking notes, and putting samples into small containers. My job so far was nothing more than carrying the equipment. Although Claire was quick to explain everything she was doing.

By noon with the sun overhead on a cloudless day the temperature had climbed into the 70’s and Claire and I had both broken quite a sweat and were down to t-shirts and shorts. From time to time Marina would walk up to where her mother and I were working to ask a question, report a find or simply give me some samples of water, or sea-life that she had taken. This was far from the nude section of the beach and there were just a few sunbathers on the beach and about a half-dozen fishermen.

We worked like this until the late afternoon, tandoğan escort soaked in sweat and at this point, Claire’s t-shirt was clinging to her breasts like a second skin. Working near the water, Marina had had a cooling breeze all day, so while her shirt was not soaked, her nipples were harder and more visible than usual.

Back at the camp the girls decided to hit the showers and did not ask me to join them so I sat and looked out over the nude section of the beach. There were probably about 20 people on the beach, close enough that I could tell they were naked but not nearly close enough for a good look. Mostly males anyway as far as I could tell.

At the camp fire that night Marina and Claire chatted about the findings of the day and the world in general as if they were old friends.

They really were.

Once again I was the last to rise, awakened as Marina came in to the tent and shook her long wet hair over my face. She had just returned from the showers and stood there in her towel.

“Mom is at the showers now, you better get going too.”

I grabbed a towel and headed through the dunes towards the public showers. The sun had already risen above the horizon and it was getting nice and warm. Arriving at the showers, Claire was there in all her naked glory, washing her hair, soaping her big tits, and casually joining me in conversation as I stripped and took the shower head next to her.

As I lathered and soaped, Claire squatted down on the cement floor and spreading her legs wide, produced a disposable razor. I grew to full erection as I watched her shave her legs. With my cock at her face level and she, taking lots of time to talk and visually examine my hard on. I thought that this might be the most erotic moment I would ever have.

Claire was to prove me wrong.

Still on the cement shower floor, Claire shifted towards me as she spread her legs wider than I thought possible. Claire began to shave her pussy lips.

“Do you like this?” she said. I grunted something. “Yes, well I can see you like this. Feel free to relieve yourself if the pressure gets too much.” She said with a laugh.

I was a little embarrassed at this thought and tried not to encourage Marina’s mom any more as she finished shaving her pussy.

Back at the campsite, I got a strange look from Marina but countered with an innocent look of my own which seemed to satisfy her.

This second day of work was relatively boring as we pretty much repeated the day before but in a different area. The weather had become hot for this early in the season and by early afternoon we were ready to call it a day.

We trudged back to our tent, with me carrying most of the load and the girls talking between themselves. Lagging back a little because of the heat and the load I was carrying I didn’t get much of the conversation until Marina looked back and paused waiting for me to catch up.

“We’re gonna spend the afternoon at the beach and then Mom is going to take us out for a real dinner.”

Of course the beach closest to our camping site was the nude beach which at this point seemed perfectly suited for us. We stripped, grabbed our towels and walked to the beach, this time Claire seemed to take a great interest in me, asking questions, about Oklahoma, my family, and my classes at Princeton. This was the first time we had really talked. When we got down to the beach we started to pass small groups of other naked people sunning, and chatting. When we got near the water we put our towels down and hopped in the water to clean off the grime of the day.

There were about a half dozen others in the water and maybe twenty or thirty others walking up and down the beach. Most were older men.

With all of the other men at the beach two things became apparent to me. First that my cock was bigger than most of the other men, not all but most. Yes men check those things out. Secondly that I was almost always erect and that few of the other men seemed to be.

Claire went back to the towels and Marina and I stayed and played in the water a bit. Marina suggested a walk down the beach and we went back to the towels to tell her mom. Claire was lying back with her beautiful breasts flattened from their own weight on her chest and her newly shaved pussy lips exposed and engorged in the warm sun.

My erection grew and made me feel a bit self-conscious as Marina took my hand and led me down the beach. Even after all of our nudity, the simple act of Marina and I walking hand in hand was thrillingly erotic. My cock bounced with every step and we walked for about an hour up and down the beach talking mostly of people at school and classes, though my cock never lost its erection.

Lost in conversation we barely noticed Claire calling to us, and then turning, watched her jogging towards us, tits bouncing this way and that.

“Mom likes to show off her breasts” said Marina. “Makes me feel a little inadequate.”

And ankara escort looking down at Marina’s engorged nipples I said, “I like yours.” It was awkward but I think Marina appreciated the compliment.

“Come on you guys we are supposed to be heading out to dinner.”

The shore bars were just starting to get into full swing and because it had been a hot day they were crowded on this evening. Claire had picked a place with a nice view of the ocean, as if we needed to look at the ocean some more but I think she just wanted to be in a crowd of people.

Claire had worn one of those hippy-style wrap around dresses that was open in the front to the waist offering teasing glimpses of cleavage. The skirt came to a few inches above her knees with the opening slit of the wrap directly in front teasing at a view of her panties if in fact she had even worn them.

“My mother the slut.” Said Marina jokingly as we stood at the bar waiting for drinks.

“My daughter the prude.” Laughed Claire. Marina had on her special tie-dyed t-shirt that was actually cut very low across her chest and a pair of very short shorts.

Just two hours ago we were all naked on the beach and yet in these outfits, in public the two women seemed just as sexy, if not more.

Claire went to the bar and we could hear her laugh and flirt with the bartender. “These drinks are on the house.” She said as she returned. The fact that her dress was now opened to reveal all but her big nipples was the likely cause of the bartender’s generosity and Marina cast me a conspiratorial look of confirmation on my thoughts.

I simply could not believe my luck as I sat having dinner with these two incredible women. The waiter was extremely attentive to our table, with both women exposing as much of their chests as they dared.

We decided to get another round of drinks and as the waiter approached the table Marina said, “Let me try.” With that she casually slipped one shoulder of her t-shirt down so that you could see half of the engorged puffy nipple on her left tit. “We’d like another round please and can you make them doubles and only charge us for one, we are a little over our budget here?” At this point Marina had no idea that her full left tit was out of her shirt. The waiter laughed and stared then looked at me with an admiring smile.

He returned shortly with the three drinks and our final check which did not include a charge for the last three drinks. Claire signed the bill and handed it back to the waiter who stared directly at Marina and said, “Thanks for the tip.”

We all laughed and headed back to our little campsite before the effects of our drinking excess could fully kick in.

The weather had not cooled at all and when we got back we simply stripped and headed into our tent exhausted from our day of work, our walk on the beach and quite a bit of alcohol. The problem with drinking that much for me is that it makes me pee at least twice during the night and apparently the girls had the same issue.

The first time I got up a naked Marina was just returning from her own trip to our pee area.

“Watch out for the wet spot.” She said.

I aimed for a bush myself knowing that the women would not have to squat over it and stand in my pee. Seemingly on the same schedule, Marina got up to pee about an hour or so later and since it had awakened me I followed her laughing together as we stumbled over the path. There was enough of a moon to light the area and I watched as Marina quickly squatted to pee. I could not actually see her pussy and just as I was wondering if she was peeing, I heard a splashing noise on the ground in front of her. I stood and watched until she stood up and came towards me.


“I didn’t pee yet?”

“Well come on.”

I had never peed on command before and I stood there feeling stupid holding my cock in my hand and thinking if I didn’t pee, she would think I just came there to watch her pee. Finally with a little concentration I let loose a strong stream of pee into the bushes but making sure not to hide from Marina’s view. After all I had had a front row seat to her little exhibition.

We stumbled back to the tent holding hands again for support more than anything else and once again passed out. As the sun began to rise it was already very hot in the tent as I lie half-awake fighting the urge to pee again. I sat up yawned when Claire’s voice said.

“Peeing again?”

I just laughed a little. Claire sat up still naked and I watched as her tits jiggled.

“Hang on, I’ll go with you.”

With Marina lightly snoring in the tent and the sun well above the horizon we headed to the same spot in a small clearing that we had designated for this purpose.

This time I had no problem starting to pee and barely made it to the clearing when I aimed my cock at the same bush I had wetted just hours ago and let loose a clear stream of piss. Claire watched without comment until I finished and then started talking about what we should do that day as she squatted in front of me.

“It’s going to be really hot today. I think we should work close to home here so that we don’t have to hike with all the equipment and we can take dips in the ocean once in a while to cool off.”

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