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When Gina Met Tammy… Ch. 17

The girls are in Connecticut for Angie and Keme’s wedding.

(Sorry for the long delay between chapters, but I’ve been out of commission for a few weeks. No, not China virus, but a broken wrist and a herniated cervical disc took me down. Damned ice!)

GINA: Soft kisses on my face pulled me out of my sleep, and I opened my eyes to Tammy’s smiling face. “Wakey-wakey,” she said, “Remember, sweetie, today we get to play ‘Who Wants to Be A Millionaire’!” I giggled and pulled her close for a good morning kiss, and we got out of bed and went to shower.

A gentle orgasm is a delightful way to start the day, and our razor did its job well when we shaved each other. We dressed and went to breakfast downstairs in the café, getting 2 large coffees to go after we ate. We’re both giddy with excitement knowing that we’re about to change Angie and Keme’s lives forever with our wedding gift, and are trying to get ready for the mayhem we’re going to create.

Once we got to Angie’s and had our round of good morning greetings, I got the package with the paperwork in it while everybody got settled in the living room. I started, “Ladies, I actually got th’ idea fer yer gift when me and Tammy went to Texas. Now, ‘fore y’all freak out, I just gotta tell ya that Tammy agrees with me that we think this’ll help y’all get started in a good way. And, ‘member that we love ya both!” I handed the package to them, then sat on the loveseat with Tammy while we watched them tear the envelope open.

TAMMY: There was stunned silence for a few seconds while Momma and Angie realized what the sheaf of papers meant. I could understand what was going through their minds, since I was in the same spot that day when Gina shared her fortune with me. When the reality of what they were seeing sunk in, Gina and I were laughing as we tried to protect ourselves from the onslaught of hugs and kisses that followed.

The tears of joy flowed and snotty noses dripped, and I got up to get a box of tissues. When I sat back down with Gina, she hugged me around my waist. I said, “Momma, Angie…I know this will take some time for it to really hit you guys, but I agreed completely when Gina came up with this idea. Now, you’ll be able to buy or build your dream home, and even quit your jobs if you want to. We love you both and hope this will help y’all in this new chapter of your lives.”

While Momma and Angie kissed and hugged and cried, Gina squeezed my waist, looking at me with a smirk. She leaned over and whispered, “Damn, honey, I’m corruptin’ ya more an’ more every day. D’ya realize ya just said ‘y’all’?” I blushed and kissed her, and whispered back, “Baby, if that’s the price I have to pay for your love, then corrupt away!”

GINA: Total chaos reigned in that house for a while. I told Keme and Angie we’d have to go to their bank to get the wire transfer completed, and Angie got up to call for an appointment with the branch manager. Keme explained that they’d already opened a joint account, so the transfer being in both of their names shouldn’t create any problems. Angie came back laughing, saying the manager was ‘very busy’, but he’d try and ‘squeeze us in’. I said, “Hell, after today, y’all just watch. He’ll be meetin’ ya at th’ door from now on!”

We still had to wait about 15 minutes when we got to the bank, then they showed us into the manager’s office. In a rather bored tone, he asked what he could do for us that his tellers couldn’t handle. Keme smiled, handed him the paperwork, and said, “Well, Mr. Atkinson, we want to make a deposit. We thought you’d probably be the one who needed to help us take care of it.”

The look on his face was priceless when he read through the papers. It reminded me of the bug-eyed aliens in all of the horror flicks! We were suddenly more important than Queen Elizabeth, and Mr. Atkinson called his secretary in, telling her to give us anything we wanted while we waited.

Jerry’s instructions were very well laid out, and the banker called the wire transfer company to get the electronic wheels in motion. He was tapping away on his computer while he was on hold, and in a couple of minutes the head teller came in, eyes wide in awe as she handed Angie and Keme new bank cards updated with their new VIP status.

TAMMY: It was hard to not laugh, watching Mr. Atkinson’s face when he realized his bank’s assets just went up $20 million. With the transfer completed, we got ready to leave. I swear, I thought he was going to genuflect as he shook all of our hands, thanking us profusely. Word travels fast, and every employee’s eyes were on us when we walked out. Once we got to the car, Momma and Angie broke out in laughter, and Momma said, “God, if this is a dream, I hope we never wake up!” I said, “You know, we probably could have gotten Atkinson’s first born, the balıkesir escort way he was acting.” That made everyone howl and kind of helped us relax a little.

Momma and Angie were holding each other, giggling and whispering while we drove back to Angie’s. When we pulled in the driveway, Momma said, “Girls, you’ve just dropped a helluva bomb on us. Would you mind if we spent the afternoon alone? We have a lot of things we need to talk about.” Gina said we understood, and after another round of hugs and kisses, we left them to their talking (and ‘other things’, I’m sure).

We stopped to get a sandwich for lunch in a little strip mall. Walking back towards the rental car, Gina got a sly look on her face when she spied a sex toy shop nearby, and said, “Babe, since we didn’t bring nothin’ with us, maybe we can stop and get some entertainment fer th’ rest o’ th’ week!” To keep it interesting, she said we should go in separately, and not show the other what we got until later.

She went in while I waited, and came out about 15 minutes later, carrying a small bag with her surprise in it and grinning from ear to ear. I could only imagine what she’d bought, but not knowing only heightened the anticipation. Then, it was my turn. I went in, and I guess Gina had already told the salesclerk not to tell me anything, so she just smiled and told me that I was definitely going to like what Gina had gotten.

I looked around, and then I saw it! Breaking out in a huge laugh, I took the toy to the counter and the girl said, “Ohmygod, what are you going to do? Try and kill your girlfriend?” I giggled and said I doubted if we’d even use it, but I had to get it, and proceeded to tell her the story behind why. She was laughing hysterically by the time I finished my tale from Gina’s past, and I walked to the car smiling, knowing that Gina is going to crack up when I unveil it.

GINA: Tammy and I still have our internal clocks set on Mountain time, so we went back to the hotel to take a nap before going out tonight for supper with Keme and Angie. We’d barely taken the time to kick off our shoes before collapsing on the bed and falling asleep. The next thing I remember is Tammy’s phone alarm going off a couple of hours later.

We still had some time before supper, so I mixed us a couple of rum and cokes. It was a very warm day, so we sat on the balcony, sipping our drinks and talking. I asked her what she thought Keme and Angie were going to do, now that they’re millionaires.

With a chuckle, Tammy said she didn’t know whether or not they’d quit their jobs. She said, “I know Foxwoods has been very good to both of them, so I’m pretty sure they won’t quit right away. I’m guessing that the first thing will probably be for them to find or build a new house.” I hope she’s right about their jobs, because I’ve heard too many horror stories about people hitting the lottery or something and leaving a trail of destruction and bad feelings behind when they suddenly walk away. From what little I know about Keme and Angie, though, I don’t see them as that type of people.

We made kind of a rough schedule of the rest of our week. Tomorrow is my first get-together with the band, and another one is set for the day after. Other than that, and the rehearsal and actual wedding, there aren’t any planned activities. Tammy said that sometime during the next few days, she’d like to show me around where she’d grown up.

I’d told her earlier that, other than the Gulf of Mexico, I’ve never seen an ocean, so she said if we found time, we could drive over to the coast. She added that we might try to go south towards Greenwich, where the really rich and famous people have their mansion hideaways built. There’s also a Pequot museum nearby, and I told her I’d like to go by and check that out.

TAMMY: While we sat and talked, I got a text from Momma, saying she and Angie were about to head over so they could take us to eat. We finished our drinks and got ready, then went to the lobby to wait. They came in a few minutes later, and we couldn’t help but notice the glow on both of their faces. Gina giggled and whispered to me, “It sure looks like they been doin’ more than just talkin’, huh?”

Momma had made reservations at a steakhouse not too far away, so we decided to just walk over. I haven’t been to this place in a while, but it was pretty much the same as I remembered. While we ate, they were telling us about some of the things they’d been talking about this afternoon. I winked at Gina when Angie said they’d decided they weren’t going to quit their jobs right away, since they both loved what they did. Momma added that the first thing they wanted to do was look into having a house built somewhere so that they could have the privacy like we have in Durango.

Gina chortled, and said to me, “Honey, ya nailed that one!”, then told them that’s what I’d said they’d probably do. balıkesir escort bayan Momma said, “Now, I know I just said we want a place with privacy, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to run around naked all the time like you two,” and we all burst out laughing. When Angie asked if it was true that we did that, I blushed and told her I only did it under threat of bodily harm by Gina!

After we ate, we walked back to the hotel bar to have a couple of drinks. Since most people are there for the casino, it wasn’t very busy and quiet enough where we could sit and talk. I’ve known Angie for years, but as I got to know her better, I’m convinced that she and Momma are going to have a great future together. Around 10:00, Momma called an Uber to take them home, saying that today had just been overwhelming for them. After hugs and good-night kisses, they drove off and we went up to our suite.

GINA: After we got comfortable (i.e., naked) in our room, Tammy made us a couple of drinks and we sat on the settee out on the balcony. Since we’d had a nice nap, we aren’t quite ready for bed yet. Tammy grinned at me and went in the bedroom, getting the bag with her ‘surprise’ inside.

She said, “Now, my love, I don’t expect us to use this monstrosity, but when I saw it, I just had to get it. I think when you see it, you’ll see just why I bought it.” With that, she pulled the toy out, and I nearly fell on the ground laughing!

It’s a HUGE plastic dildo, about a foot long and nearly 3 inches wide. What made it so funny is that there’s a raised ridge spiraling down from the top to the bottom, making it look like an obscene screw! Tammy was laughing beside me, and gasped out “I immediately thought about the story you told me in Texas, about going to the stock show and finding out what screwing was.”

My sides were hurting from laughing when Tammy took the plastic tower and started rotating it, and she giggled “Can you imagine this burrowing its way deep inside your pussy? Holy crap, dear, this would make you looser than a whore on payday!” It took us a good 10 or 15 minutes to recover, and I finally said, “Put that thing away, honey. Ain’t no way I wanna try that! ‘Sides, even if we did, it’d wake up everybody within a coupla miles with th’ screamin’!”

Tammy put the toy back in the bag, and said, “I don’t want to try it either, baby, but you see why I had to get it, right?” I nodded yes, and leaned over to give her a big kiss. When we broke the kiss, I got up and said, “Now, it’s my turn, love. My selection is somethin’ we CAN use, though,” and took her by the hand, leading her to the bedroom. I got her to lean up against the headboard, then got my package and unboxed the device I’d bought.

I held it up so she could see it, and said, “This is called a ‘Womanizer’, baby. Th’ girl at the store said this summbitch will make ya blast off quick. ‘Stead o’ vibratin’, this thing sucks!” I turned it on low, and held it to one of her nipples. She pulled in a quick breath when the toy sucked the blood up to the brown bud, making it erect in just a second. I aroused her other nipple, then grinned wickedly, saying “I reckon ya figgered out where its goin’ next!”

TAMMY: I shivered in anticipation and just a little fear when Gina moved down between my legs. She gave me a long, loving lick along my slit, then used her thumb and forefinger to spread my labia, exposing my glistening clit. She turned the toy up a couple of notches, and I had to grab a pillow to muffle my cries when she put the hollow tip over my pearl and it was sucked up into the ravenous maw.

Damn, this thing is intense! Instead of a slow buildup, my climax was yanked up to the surface and I screamed into the pillow when the eruption came. Gina kept dialing up the machine until it was on maximum and I was squirming like a worm on a hot sidewalk as the orgasm coursed through me. She kept the pressure on, the pulsing suction driving me insane until I had to pull her hand away, unable to take anymore.

My face was still covered by the pillow when I heard Gina turn the chattering thing off. I felt her tug on the pillow, so I released my death grip and she slid up to kiss me. She said, “Wow, darlin’, talk ’bout yer quickie! I don’t think ya lasted a minute ‘fore ya took off.” I smile weakly and managed to say, “Babe, that was…shit, I can’t even describe it!”

I laid my head back, resting, and Gina got my drink. After I had a huge gulp and recuperated a little longer, I told her to switch places because she was going to get the same torture! I kissed her and giggled when she gasped as I excited her nipples like she’d done to mine, then I moved down to concentrate on getting her off. Her sweet nectar was already oozing as I licked her pussy, then I attacked her clit with the device.

That poor pillow was getting a workout as Gina’s moans quickly escalated into a long, continuous escort balıkesir scream. I had the Womanizer on full blast and she was quivering as the throes of ecstasy claimed her in record time. Her wriggling contractions made me lose contact, and I turned the toy off as she lay there shaking from the force of her orgasm.

After taking a long drink of her rum and coke, she looked at me and smiled, saying “Hell’s bells, baby, that was freakin’ awesome! I ain’t never cum that fast before.” I kissed her, then got up to get a washcloth to clean us up. While we kissed and cuddled in the afterglow, we agreed that the Womanizer would definitely get added to our favorite’s list.

We finished our drinks and settled in for the night. I was the little spoon tonight, and Gina gave me a chill when she lightly nuzzled my neck as she pulled in tight against my back. Whispering “I love you” to each other, I fell asleep while Gina’s fingertips lightly stroked my tummy.


GINA: The sun was already up when I opened my eyes, but glancing at the clock told me it was only 7:00 AM. Tammy was still asleep, so I softly kissed her shoulder and eased out of bed to go pee. I stood in the doorway back into the bedroom for a minute, watching my baby’s deep breathing and thinking for the nth time how much I loved her.

It took me a couple of minutes to do it without waking her, but I got Tammy rolled over, laying on her back. Getting between her legs, at first, I just started blowing lightly on her sweet slit. I followed that with the tip of my tongue running softly up and down the crack, seeing the petals of her flower begin to open as the blood filled them. A small smile started on Tammy’s face, her hips wriggling a little bit from the attention they were getting.

I kept watching her face, getting bolder and deeper with my tongue until her eyes popped open when I plunged as deep as I could, covering her entire pussy with my mouth while my tongue swirled the pink walls. She groaned, “Ooh, baby, that’s so good! Get your ass turned around where I can have some breakfast too!”

Flipping around and straddling her head, I continued savoring her juices while she started on her own snatch snack. Our moans were lost in each other’s caverns while we slowly made love in the morning light. I was licking her inner and outer labia, gently nibbling on her lips while she concentrated on my clitoral hood, sucking and licking the tender flesh and lightly raking her fingernails up and down my ass crack.

Moving up to dig my tongue under her own covering and lick her clit, I felt her stiffen when I slid 2 fingers through her slick walls to rub her G spot. My own inner glow was starting when she copied what I was doing, making both of us squirm as the embers were fanned into flames of passion. With my free hand I tickled her sphincter until she bucked upwards as her climax hit.

Her yelp inside my cunt triggered my own orgasm and we rolled back and forth across the bed. Our mouths were still locked on our clits while we drove each other higher and higher with ecstasy. Slowing our ministrations, we let each other slowly glide down from the summit, awash in the pleasure. I turned around and we kissed, licking each other’s tastes from our lips while our tongues waged their own little battle with each other.

TAMMY: Waking up with a tongue running around and in my pussy was delightful, and it was made even better when I got to fill my mouth with my lover’s tangy sweet flesh. After we came and then kissed, sharing our juices, we laid there quietly bathing in the warmth of our release. While I traced a lazy figure 8 around her boobs, I giggled and said, “Honey, you sure know how to wake somebody up early in the mornings!” She laughed, and replied, “Well, my love, that’s what us nymphomaniacs do!”

I honestly could have stayed this way all day, with us fucking each other into oblivion, but we had things to do so we reluctantly got out of bed. I sat down to pee while Gina brushed her teeth, then I brushed mine and we took a long, leisurely shower. Today looks like a beautiful day, so we dressed in shorts and T shirts, with me wearing my ‘Lucky Me, I Love a Texan’ shirt and Gina with her Gonzalez flag shirt and ‘Come and Take It’ emblazoned across the front.

After concealing our toys in a suitcase, we went down for breakfast (2nd breakfast?). It took 3 or 4 of the small restaurant cups of coffee, but we finally felt caffeinated enough and started on the short walk over to the building where the band rehearsal room was. When we walked in, several of the band members were already there, setting up for the rehearsal, and a tall dude with shaggy brown hair came over and introduced himself as Andrew, the band leader.

After we introduced ourselves, Andrew said he’d already talked to Momma and knew what songs Gina was going to be singing. He explained that today was just to get acquainted with the band and run through the songs a few times so that everyone was familiar with Gina, and vice-versa. Then, tomorrow he’d set up the recording equipment to record “The Sweetest Thing (I’ve Ever Known)” for the wedding march. When the last members of the group had shown up, Andrew got on his little podium and got everyone’s attention.

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