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When Life Hands You LemonsMy name is Sally Orton and I have a story to share with you. I’m sure most people would describe it much differently than I, but to me it’s very simply a love story. The fact that it all came to a climax on Valentine’s Day only serves to make my memories sweeter. I had been divorced for just over three years at the time this story began, and until recently had not been ready to re-enter the dating scene. After being in my last relationship for close to two decades, the thought of going on a first date again was almost more than I could stand. My friends from work were relentless in trying to set me up, but I declined their offers repeatedly. At 44 I guess I was at my sexual peek, and I’m a little ashamed to admit I’d been feeling more than a little horny of late. With no other outlet but my own fingers, I had rubbed myself off to cheesy romance novels on more than one occasion, and even discovered some interesting content on the net I used for self-pleasure. But as good as it made me feel in the moment, it also left an emptiness that was hard to ignore. The fact that it was the holiday season only exacerbated the problem. I was really desirous of a man’s embrace, and pornography was simply not going to change that. After a lot of contemplation, I decided to finally relent and give dating a try. Michelle, my best friend in the office, set me up with a friend of her husband’s that I was, “sure to love.” I spoke with James and he seemed pleasant enough, so we agreed to meet for dinner the evening of January eighteenth. As Michelle predicted, I did like him, and the date seemed to go pretty well overall. In fact, for my first date in about twenty years I’d say it was relatively painless, even quite enjoyable actually. Unfortunately for me, he must not have felt the same way because for whatever reason he never called for a second date. My confidence somewhat shaken, my friends had me try again; this time I was assured it would be better since Candace just knew she had picked the perfect guy. Once again the date went fine in my mind, even better than the first, but he too never called again. I was left feeling extremely self-conscious and tortured myself with questions: “Was I unattractive? Boring? Overbearing?” Maybe I was putting out a prudish air as they didn’t even try to kiss me at the end of the evening. God I just hated the dating scene! Neither Michelle nor Candace got any real feedback for me, so in my mind I continued to replay things to see what I might have done wrong or could do better. I stared long and hard in the mirror and thought I looked pretty good for a gal my age (44). I stand 5’3″, with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes, and a cute smile. Sure, I was packing a few extra pounds, maybe an extra 15 or so, but I thought I carried it well on my curvy frame. I’m no raving beauty mind you, but certainly no dog either.After a lot of soul-searching, I consented to one last blind date and decided to pull out all the stops as it just so happened to fall on Valentine’s Day. Apparently we were going dancing and after reviewing my sparse wardrobe I felt I needed something new, maybe a tad spicy. I went shopping and purchased a black cocktail dress, which really highlighted my figure. I purchased a new set of underwear too, a lacy black bra with matching panty, both scandalously small. Deciding to go for broke; I added a garter and stocking set, black of course. The final piece of my ensemble was a new pair of black three-inch heels, which I hoped would make my legs look longer and sleeker. Valentine’s Day finally dawned and I toiled distracted for much of the day before I left work early to take care of some last-minute details, eagerly anticipating the evening’s activities. After my hair and nail appointment, I arrived home with just about an hour to get myself ready. I slipped into the tub for a thorough soaking to take care of the last few items on my personal checklist. Since I had not been in the company of a man for a while in a sexual way, I had neglected some of my personal grooming. That was remedied with the help of my trusty razor and by the time I was done both my legs and special place felt slick and clean. The intimate attention I showed myself really got my blood flowing as I imagined my date inspecting my handiwork later that evening, leaving me feeling very hot and bothered.As I dressed the sensual feeling only heightened. The woman I saw in the mirror looked so sexy in her black panties and bra, complete with the new garter and stockings, I just had to stare for a moment. Stepping into the cocktail dress and easing it up into place; it felt like a second skin embracing me. For the first time in ages, I actually felt hot, damn hot. I was just sure that was going to be my lucky night.My only son lived with me and I was curious how he would react to seeing me dressed in such a provocative way. I’m normally fairly conservative, so I was apprehensive that this may be somewhat of a shock for him. Being 21 and the only man in the house, Thomas had become protective, so I hoped he would not disapprove as I really needed his support. He had been so wonderful to me for ages, particularly since the divorce, I did not want to hurt him. I made my way downstairs to say goodbye, and was surprised by my son’s reaction upon seeing me. At first he looked shocked but quickly gathered himself and actually gave me a wolf whistle. He said, “Who are you and what have you done with my mother?” My fears were instantly put to bed, so I twirled around to give him a look and asked, “You like?””Holy smokes Mom, you look amazing,” he said nodding his head.”It’s not too much is it, I mean, not too sexy?” I asked, feeling a bit self-conscience in front of my only c***d in such a risqué dress. “Ah Mom, this is a date, remember? Sexy is good,” he answered. He then added, “And you look very sexy.”I felt myself blush at his assessment, so to break the tension requested, “Could you zip me up?” “Sure thing Mom,” he replied, and moved behind me.When he was done, I turned and softly asked, “Well, wish me luck?”Tom wrapped me in his arms in a tight embrace and said, “Good luck Mom. If this guy doesn’t fall for you the second he lays eyes on you he’s a damn fool. You’re the best Valentine any guy could ever hope for.” Normally I would have cried but tried hard to refrain, not wanting to ruin my fresh makeup. It was simply uncanny how Tom always seemed to know just the right thing to say. I so needed to hear something like that from him, and I could only sigh in relief as he held me. He gave me a soft peck on the cheek and I was out the door and on my way.As I drove to the club I reviewed my plans for the evening, hoping to make everything a success. If I liked the guy, I was going to try and hang on every word to make him think he was the most fascinating person I’d ever met. I also decided that I was going to make my desire obvious and would most likely go home with him if asked. My self-esteem needed a boost, so I was going all out. Come hell or high water someone was going to see the new finery I was sporting under my dress, and hopefully much more. When I finally found a spot in the parking lot, I took a few minutes to check my makeup and adjust my dress before heading in. Being Valentine’s Day the place was packed, but they had our reservations and I was soon escorted to a nice table where I waited, and waited, and waited. My date neither showed nor called. After an hour of sitting alone hoping he was just unavoidably detained, I finally was forced to admit to myself I’d been stood up, on Valentine’s Day no less. Tears welled in my eyes as I realized how foolish I must have looked, a lonely older woman all dressed up but sadly alone on Valentine’s Day. I wondered if those at the tables around me actually felt sorry for me or maybe just thought me pathetic. My anticipation for the evening had been so great, I was completely humiliated. I paid for the drink and gathered my things, then quickly ran out the door to my car. I sat behind the wheel and sobbed uncontrollably, cursing my supposed friends for their part in the debacle. After a good 15 minute cry I tried to regain a bit of dignity, wiped my face, then started the car and headed for home. When I arrived, Tom greeted me at the door and could tell by the look on my face something was wrong. “Mom, why are you home so early? What happened?” he asked with grave concern.”Oh Thomas,” I cried and flung myself into his arms. I could not stop the tears from flowing onto my son’s shoulder as I wept openly, he holding me tightly. I looked up into his caring eyes and through my tears whispered, “He never showed up.””Fucking bastard stood you up?” Tom barked and pulled me closer. Normally I would have scolded him for his language, but since I happened to completely agree with him at that moment I figured I’d let it go. “Well, he obviously didn’t deserve you anyway,” he added as I felt his hands run up and down my back like a parent would sooth a c***d. After a few minutes of silently enjoying being held for a change, I reluctantly broke our embrace and pushed myself away from my son’s arms. The last thing I wanted was pity, so I smiled as strongly as I could and said, “Thanks, Honey.” With that, I turned away from him, heading for my room. “Where are you going Mom?” he asked as I moved away. “I’m going to get changed and go to bed; it’s been a long day,” I replied over my shoulder as I started up the stairs. “Wait Mom,” Tom said firmly, so I turned to look at him. “Since you’re dressed and all, I’d like to take you out, I mean…if that’s okay,” he stated with as much confidence as I’m sure he could muster. I was surprised and gratified by his request, but I also felt a bit sad as he must have felt sorry for me. “Thanks, but you don’t have to do this Thomas,” I responded, then turned and started upwards once more.”I said wait!” Tom commanded loudly, and I felt compelled to turn and once again look at my boy. “I know I don’t have to Mom, I WANT to,” he said with great emphasis on want. “You look wonderful and I’d like to take you, period.” he added, staring at me intently. Tears welled in my eyes as I replied, “That’s sweet Honey, it really is. Maybe some other time though, okay?””Come on Mom, we could both use a night out. Please let me take you,” he pleaded. The look on my son’s face showed such kindness and concern I was deeply moved. Suddenly a thought hit me, “What about Tom’s Valentine’s Day? Why was he alone?” I had been so lost in myself I had forgotten about him. “Why are you alone tonight Sweetheart?” I asked, feeling like a bad mother for neglecting my only c***d’s feelings.”It’s not important Mom,” He responded, but I could see something troubling in his eyes.”Tell me, tell me Thomas,” I begged.”Well, I hoped to spend the evening with someone special, but it didn’t work out,” he answered rather sheepishly. I contemplated his words and my situation, and figured what the heck. My father had always used the expression, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade,” so I figured I’d better try and make something of the evening after all. “Okay Sweetheart you win, let’s do it,” I offered with a fake smile.”Great, just give me a couple minutes to get dressed and I’ll be right back,” he said before bounding up the stairs past me. Moments later I heard the shower running as I adjusted my makeup, trying to hide the fact that I’d been crying. Finally satisfied with my fresh paint job, I headed back downstairs to wait.To say I was surprised when I saw my son re-enter the room would be an understatement, and once again I was left trying hard not to break into tears. Tom had dressed for the evening in a sharp black suit, complete with a crisp white shirt and red tie, none of which I even knew he owned. He looked amazingly handsome and knowing he’d done it just for me made the feeling more special. At six feet tall and broad in the shoulders, he looked more like a famous athlete or actor rather than the boy I’d raised for years. He came towards me and held out his elbow, “Are you ready, Madam?” “Of course I am kind sir,” I responded, feeling a little light-headed as I took his arm. My son certainly knew how to charm a lady. He walked me from the house and opened the passenger door of his car for me, then closed it behind me like a perfect gentleman. I was pleasantly surprised and wondered where he’d learned it, certainly not from his father. Tom had his share of girlfriends over the years, and I suddenly felt a tinge of jealousy thinking of how he must have pampered them. I also experienced a strange hint of excitement and eagerly contemplated just what else he may have in store for me. We drove in silence as I was just so content to be going out after such a disastrous start that evening. After ten minutes on the road, Tom pulled the car into the nicest Italian restaurant in town and glided to a stop. Being Valentine’s Day, our chances of getting a table were probably non-existent, plus the place was just too pricey. Tom had a good job in construction, but I didn’t want him wasting his hard-earned money on a sympathy date for his mother. I was deeply flattered that Tom sought to take me to such a wonderful place and wanted to acknowledge it yet still give him an out if he needed one. “Honey, this is lovely, really, but shouldn’t we go somewhere else?” I asked. “No Mom, this is the place,” he responded with a confident grin. Tom then added, “My friend Steve is a waiter here, so I already called and got us a table.” All I could do was smile back as he exited the car to open my door, and then walk me hand in hand inside. We had only to wait a few minutes at the bar before we were led to our spot, which must have been the nicest place in the restaurant. Our table was in a dark corner set slightly higher than the others, overlooking the entire dining area. Tom pulled out my chair as I took a seat, tingles running through my body at the gentlemanly attention I so rarely enjoyed. He looked so proud sitting across from me, knowing full-well I was impressed with his choices for the evening. Staring back at me was a man who looked so in control I hardly recognized him and I wondered just when he became so mature. My heart swelled as the admiration I held for my son only grew by the minute. I ordered a glass of wine and sat sipping it, enjoying Tom’s company as we awaited our food. Prior to that evening I had thought of him as my little boy, yet I learned so many new things as we chatted. I marveled at the depth of knowledge he possessed on so many subjects and could not recall a better conversation in my entire life. It was thrilling to have someone ask about me for a change, and he seemed to really want to know what I had to say. I actually felt giddy being with such a wonderful, attentive companion for the first time in years, maybe ever. The evening that had started out like such an utter train wreck had turned into an absolute delight. Our meal was divine, yet it was the company that really çorum escort made the night so special. The restaurant had a dance floor at the opposite side from us, and towards the end of our meal a big band started playing classic tunes as mostly older couples took to the floor. It did my heart good seeing them look upon one another with such love in their eyes, yet I almost felt like a voyeur intruding on their enjoyment of the holiday. I had not cut the rug in years and missed it so, feeling sadness at only being a spectator. After our plates were cleared, Tom sheepishly asked, “Would you care to dance?””That’s sweet Honey, but you don’t have to dance with your old Mom,” I answered, feeling very happy to have been asked nonetheless.”But I want to Mom, really,” he said as he stood from his chair, reaching out a hand towards my own.I could feel color running to my cheeks as I placed my palm in his, before he led me out onto the floor. Now I must admit that my son was not the most accomplished dancer, but at that moment I didn’t care, it just felt so good to be in someone’s arms. Fortunately the song was a slow number so we basically just swayed to the music, me curled up against him, he holding me close.Maybe it was the wine as I had downed a couple of glasses with dinner, but I felt incredibly turned on at that moment. I had so much anticipation for the evening before things went awry with my date, only to be rescued in the end by my gallant son. I’m sure my daring new clothes only heightened my arousal, making me feel younger than I had in ages. Tom’s hands were wrapped around the small of my back, so close to my bottom, making me wonder what he was thinking. Did he have feelings too? Illicit ones? I had heard of the oedipal complex, but until that second had never really given it a thought. I momentarily lifted my head off Tom’s shoulder to scan the dance floor. Moving my eyes from couple to couple, I noticed I had the most handsome Valentine date by far. My heart may have skipped a beat when I realized I was thinking of my own son as, “My date.” As weird as it sounded in my head, it felt strangely exciting everywhere else in my body. I actually hoped people thought we were a couple, that an older bird like me could still snag such a young stud, even if he was my own flesh and blood. I blushed at the very thought and rested my head on his shoulder once more.We danced three wonderful songs together before the band played a quicker number, so we broke away and Tom escorted me back to the table hand in hand. I felt a deep sense of loneliness being out of his arms, but tried to remain composed and not show it. I ordered one last glass of wine to calm my frazzled nerves before we asked for the tab, which Thomas insisted on paying. He was so confident but sweet my heart just melted. “You don’t have to do this,” I said, but he pretended not to hear as he signed the bill.We sat together in silence watching the dancers while I nursed my wine, before Tom leaned in towards me. In the semi-darkness, I saw him reach across the table for my hand, taking it tenderly within his own. I was surprised by his boldness but candidly thrilled as well, a tingle running from my fingers across the rest of my body. I looked at him and could see just the hint of a smile before he turned once more towards the dance floor, leaving me pondering what he was thinking.As for myself, my head and heart were simply in overdrive. I’m not sure I had ever felt so completely appreciated, yet at the same time my mind was troubled. Did Tom have any idea how his words and actions were affecting me, and was it his intention to accomplish this? Was he experiencing any of the same feelings towards me? Although surreal, the evening had been so perfect I could only sit completely still, not wanting to break any spell which may have been cast upon us. After another few songs Tom released my hand, stood and moved his chair alongside my own. I gazed at him in wonder, only turning away blushing after he sat and took my hand once more. Perverse thoughts once again filled my head as I sat nervously wondering what he was up to and what would happen next. Before long Tom released my hand and wrapped his arm across my lower back, gently pulling us together. Unable to offer even the slightest protest, I simply leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder. A feeling of safety and unconditional love washed over me and I could only bask in its warmth. My young son seemed so in control it was both surprising and arousing. Uncontrollably, blood rushed to both my nipples and pussy as my body reacted to a completely unexpected stimulus, which I tried hard to ignore. “God, please don’t let my son know how hot he’s making me,” pounded through my brain. After only a few minutes in his arms, Tom stood and took my hand once more, asking, “Would you care for another dance before we go Mom?””I’d love to,” was all I could say, and truly meant it. He guided me through the maze of tables to the dance floor with great confidence, and then took me in his arms. It was so wonderful I just melted into him as we began moving together. I rested my head on his shoulder, while he placed his hands around me once more. I could not recall ever being so happy and I whispered, “Thank you Sweetie.””Thank me for what?” he replied close to my ear.”For everything,” was all I could say. Tom did not respond with words, he just simply eased me closer until our bodies pressed tightly together. I must have lost sense of with whom I was dancing because before I even knew what I was doing, I found myself rubbing up against him in a very non-motherly way. I could feel something rigid against my over-heated groin, and honestly hoped it wasn’t just the car keys in his pocket. I can only assume Tom noticed too as his hands slowly dropped inch by inch until he cupped my bottom, pulling me forward until our crotches ground together. I heard myself sigh as the amazing eroticism of the moment suddenly overwhelmed me and I surrendered to it. We danced for only a short while longer until the reality of what had happened hit me like a ton of bricks. I was dancing with my son, shamelessly rutting like a horny young schoolgirl, in a public place no less. The room may have been dimly lit, yet in my mind I was sure everyone could see how I had debased myself. The realization left me feeling like I’d been slapped, and I had to do something. I quickly removed my hands from around Tom’s shoulders and pressed them to his chest. Pushing myself away I nearly screamed, “We better go now.” Before the words were even out of my mouth I had turned away from him and was walking briskly towards the door. Tom rapidly caught up to me and tried to grasp my hand, shouting, “Slow down!”I could barely think, yet pulled my hand away by instinct and gasped, “Please, let’s just go Tom.” He held the door for me as we exited the building and made our way quickly to his car. Once again he opened the door to let me in, but as I sat down I could only bury my head in my hands, not having to courage to face him.Tom climbed into his seat and silence ensued for a long while as if he was trying to assess the situation. I felt his fingers touch my own as he tried to hold my hand or maybe just remove it from my face so he could look me in the eye, but I recoiled in shame. Breaking the silence, I finally heard him mutter, “I’m sorry.”I dropped my hands for a moment, looked over into his caring eyes and replied, “Oh Baby, it’s all my fault, please forgive me.””Forgive you for what? Dancing with me?” He answered incredulously.”Please, can we just go home and talk about this later?” I begged as I buried my face in my hands once more.”Mom, please talk to me,” he implored, but I just shook my head in my hands and turned away from him.Before long the car churned alive as we started for home. On the way I replayed the evening over and over. It was just so perfect, having the undivided attention of a handsome guy, one who truly cared about me. It had been so long since I’d been loved by a man, I just lost myself in the moment and let things get out of hand. The fact that it was my son made things easily familiar, but shockingly disturbing as I looked back. Would I ever be able to face him again? We finally arrived home and Tom parked the car in the driveway. I reached for the door handle in an attempt to make a clean getaway, but he grasped my left wrist, holding it fast. In a panic I turned to look at him and he calmly stared back into my eyes and said, “I think we need to talk about tonight, Mom.” Feeling like a deer in the headlights I froze, having no idea what to say. I know I was supposed to be the adult and be the cool one, but in reality I wanted to run as far away as my feet would carry me. “Please Honey, I just need to go to bed,” I pleaded.But he held firm, “No, we need to talk about this now.”I could feel tears welling in my eyes and didn’t want my son to see me cry. “Please Tom, please let me go,” I begged, but he would not relent. His grip was not harsh yet kept me from moving away.”Why, Mom? Why do you need to go?” he asked, like I had some easy answer for my earlier behavior.”I ruined everything,” I sobbed as I glanced out the window away from him.”What are you talking about?” Tom responded loudly. He then gently pulled my hand until my body turned towards him and added, “Please look at me Mom.”Trying to avoid his gaze, I stuttered, “You gave me the perfect evening and I ruined it.” His eyes were like magnets pulling me to face him and I found it impossible to look away for long no matter how much I wanted to. I caught myself openly staring at him; feeling as weak as a little girl, just sure he had a window directly into my darkest desires. Tom didn’t say one word, rather just gazed at me with such complete love and compassion I was left totally flustered. Feeling more vulnerable than ever before, I had to say something, anything to protect myself. Meekly I whimpered, “I’m just so lonely.””I know you are, but I’m here for you,” he responded softly.”Oh Thomas, you don’t understand,” I sighed, hoping he was old enough to understand our relationship hung in the balance. “Don’t treat me like I’m still in diapers,” Tom implored emphatically, trying to maintain control. After a pregnant pause, he stared at me intently and added, “The evening was perfect and still can be.” “Jeez, you have no idea what you’re saying!” I replied rapidly, desperately trying to dismiss the sexual implications of what he said as though he were a silly c***d. “Of course I do,” he stated calmly before reaching for my free hand. He brought my two palms together within his own, and then turning them to kiss the back of each. “You have no idea, do you Mom?” he asked as his lips left my skin.Ashamed at myself for belittling his earlier statement, I was left even more uncomfortable by his question, the implications seeming so clear. I sheepishly looked at him and replied, “What…ummm, what do you mean no idea?””You have no idea how much I love you,” he responded, staring intently. I tried to look away, but Tom momentarily squeezed my hands, clearly demonstrating he wanted me to face him. As hard as I tried to avoid his gaze, our eyes made contact once more. Reflected back at me was great strength, yet immense compassion, both of which I’d never experienced from him to that magnitude. He had a power I’d never fully recognized before and I wanted to look away, but suddenly could not as I awaited his next words.”You don’t, do you Mom?” he followed. Deep down I could sense Tom had gone way out on an emotional limb, yet I had no idea how to respond. I truly meant it when I told him the evening was perfect, but I was afraid of what that might mean for our relationship. Even more terrifying was the thought that he might learn things about me that no son should ever have to face, that his otherwise conservative mother was a sexual being full of passion and desire. But mostly, as a middle-aged woman, I was deathly afraid of rejection by the one person whom I loved more than anyone else in the world. I hoped, no prayed, he felt the same about me. As those thoughts circled my brain and before I could say anything to break the tension, he released my hands stating apologetically, “Sorry Mom, the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable.”Tom’s words seemed to finally break a spell for me, as if the clouds suddenly parted. He looked really hurt, which simply killed me. I instantly understood that it was not just about me; that my son’s feelings were every bit as important, maybe even more so than my own. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel like he had done something wrong or that his going out on a limb was not understood and appreciated. I knew too well the fear of rejection, and I just couldn’t hurt my boy in the same way. I only hoped that giving into my own deepest desires would not scar him for life.”Oh Tommy,” I sighed, falling into him. I buried my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. “I’m so sorry,” I slobbered between tears. “It’s okay Mom, I’ve got you,” he whispered into my ear, holding me as securely as a father would hold a newborn. Tom moved his hand under my chin and lifted my face to his own. “I love you,” he said before he leaned in to kiss my lips ever so softly. It may sound silly, but I truly felt electrical shocks run through my body the second we touched. I’m sure it only lasted a moment, but the union of our mouths was simply magical. My eyes had closed as we kissed, but when I reopened them I saw the loving face of my son staring intently back upon me. All the tension and uncertainty suddenly drained from my body as if I’d lost 20 pounds with one kiss. I could only smile through my tears, run a finger across his cheek and whisper, “I love you too.”Tom leaned forward once more and our lips reconnected, gently at first but then with growing passion as we pulled one another into a tight embrace. Lost in passion for a moment, I suddenly remembered where we were and desperately tried to break away. “Oh God, not here Baby,” was all I could moan, fearing our neighbors were peering through their windows upon our i****tuous coupling. My son must have understood completely as he quickly broke our embrace before exiting the car. Only a moment later my door opened and Tom stood before me holding out his hand. I took it and we walked hand in hand to the front door which he unlocked and opened for me like the perfect gentleman. Once inside, Tom leaned back upon the door and pulled me towards him. “God I love you so much Mom,” he moaned as our lips came together. Words escaped me as I simply sighed into my son’s mouth, arms wrapping around him as they had done earlier. We made out like inexperienced teens, kissing but not touching too much, I’m sure both afraid to take too big a risk. I finally relaxed into Tom’s body, my soft female parts pressed against his hard male parts. His arousal was evident, pressing into my lower tummy, which threw me momentarily. escort çorum Was this really happening? I was surprised by my own eagerness and at how rapidly things had changed between us over the course of just one evening. Doubt gripped me as I wondered if what I was doing was right or wrong, the clouds which had parted only minutes before once again closing. Everything about it felt so right, but I just had to have a minute to myself to make sure. I could only think of one thing to say, so I broke our embrace and stated, “Sorry Baby, I have to use the restroom.” “It’s okay Mom, go,” he answered with a nod. As I broke away he asked, “You are coming back, aren’t you?” Tom looked at me with such doubt I actually believe he was worried I was going to run away.”Yes I’m coming back, trust me,” I replied as I softly kissed his cheek. What I didn’t say was that I might be coming back to put a stop to things. Even though I still held a trace of doubt, I found myself sauntering away from him, secretly hoping Tom was admiring my motherly curves. I blushed, thinking of how naughty I was being in front of him, which surprisingly only heightened my arousal. Safely away from my son, I tried to find a clarity which I could not when in his presence. I had a few glasses of wine with dinner, so I wanted to ensure what I was feeling was real and not just alcohol altering my judgment. After all, Tom’s wellbeing was serious business and as his Mom it was not too late to put a halt to things. Did I really want to take such a monumental step? I stared intently at the wanton woman in the mirror before me, looking for a sign. My cheeks were flush and my wide eyes were positively glowing like I had never seen before. I thought of one final test and dropped a hand to my leg to lift my dress. My sodden panties reinforced everything I was thinking and for once I felt the need to shut off my mind and follow my body’s lead completely. My chest was heaving when I finally understood I was ready to take the leap. Deep down, I knew Tom was ready too as I remembered both his looks and words. Finally with the courage to leave the restroom, I found my son in the den, looking quite relieved I’d returned as music softly played in the background. Tom had taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves a turn, his red tie hanging loosely around his neck. The boy I knew only hours before had somehow been replaced by the young power executive of my dreams. “Care to dance?” Tom asked and held out both hands to me.I did not want to tip my hand and appear too eager, yet somehow I found myself running across the room, throwing my body into his warm embrace. As our mouths grappled together, I felt strangely comfortable with the idea that it was my own son touching me in such an intimate way. We gently swayed to the music, lost in the passion that was our union. Soon I was aware of Tom’s hands slowly sliding down my back before they reached the twin cheeks of my bottom, which he cupped in his large palms. He then eased me forward until once again I felt the obvious sign of his arousal pressed firmly against my belly. I know it must sound terrible for a mother to say about her son, but the thought of giving such a handsome young man an erection really excited me. Moments later I felt the pressure released from my bottom as Tom’s hands slid lower still, not halting until he reached the base of my short dress. His fingers softly traced a line across my stockings just below the hem, making me shiver as I held onto him for dear life. Slowly his hands began to move back upwards, dragging the fabric of my dress with them as they came, not stopping until he held my nearly bare posterior in his strong hands. I began to flex my feet up and down in an attempt to slide my little peach across his hardness, shamelessly trying to further arouse us both. Knowing what I was up to, Tom bent his knees a bit to bring our groins into better alignment. He then pulled me closer with his hands guiding our rhythmic movements against one another, much to my satisfaction. His father had been the only lover I had ever known, so Thomas’ cock was in rare company rubbing against me in such an intimate way. “Oh fuck, Mom,” He gasped as he dragged me up and down over his erection, and I knew exactly what he was feeling because I was feeling it too. I was experiencing a high the likes of which I’d never known before. Within only moments I was amazed to find an orgasm rapidly approaching, and I surrendered myself completely. I pressed my face into the crook of Tom’s neck and held him tightly, desperately driving my climax by humping my mid-section against his, whimpering as unbridled bliss washed over me. My body slowly became as limp as a rag doll in his strong arms as he maneuvered up and down, over and over. Momentarily satiated, my head began to clear and I found myself on weak legs clinging to my baby for dear life, my sweaty forehead resting against his equally sweaty neck. As I tried desperately to regain my breath, I recognized that Tom was still gently easing our bodies against one another. Instantly I understood that the wonderful orgasm I had experienced was not mutual, only my own. As a mother I was ashamed at putting my own happiness before my son’s, and needed to rapidly remedy the situation. “I’m so sorry Baby,” I cooed as I kissed his cheek in gratitude. Tom said nothing as I pressed my hands to his chest to ease our sweaty bodies apart, staring back at me with great longing. Trying not to break eye contact for even a second, I slowly dropped to my knees directly before him. Tom’s eyes went wide as I’m sure he understood what was about to happen, my face suddenly level with his bulging groin. It seemed I was more of a spectator than a participant as I watched as my hands reach for Tom’s belt, my trembling fingers grasping the buckle. I was embarrassed that I had trouble unhooking the clasp, like a schoolboy trying to open his first bra. The task was made more difficult by the fact that my eyes kept wondering towards the massive bulge in his slacks rather than the belt I was trying to open. Finally successful, my curious digits moved to unclip the button of his pants before grabbing his zipper. The significance of the moment hit me and I glanced upwards to seek assurance. Gazing down upon me with wide-eyed wonder, Tom moved his hand to lovingly stroke the top of my head as gently as he would a puppy dog. He gave me a soft smile which I took as understanding to move forward, and I did so willingly. I drew his zipper down and then slid my hands to his hips. I paused briefly before easing the dark trousers down his solid legs. My eyes followed them down until I watched them puddle around his ankles, before glancing back upwards with great anticipation. Still encased in his boxer shorts, the large bulge appeared ominous hiding behind the thin layer of fabric. I had not seen Tom naked in many years and my curiosity was killing me. I simply needed to see it, so I reached for his waistband and pulled the shorts down. Freed from its confines, Tom’s erection bobbed up and down before me, almost slapping my face. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Sure I had been guilty of watching a few pornographic movies online, but nothing prepared me for the moment when I saw my son’s huge cock before my very own eyes. Only one word went through my head, magnificent.Tom’s penis had to be at least eight inches long, maybe nine, and almost as thick as my wrist. The head was large, like a big knob at the end of his mighty shaft, and was a dark purple filled with blood. Somehow it defied gravity and stood proudly pointing upwards in spite of its size. I could only stare as I felt my mouth begin to water and knew I needed to touch and taste him.I moved my head forward only to stop just inches from his manhood, and looked up into his eyes. With my sexiest pout, I asked, “Are you ready for this Thomas?””Oh God, please Mom,” he gushed excitedly.I smiled in response, and then wordlessly reached for his hard cock with my right hand to pull it down towards my eager lips. I could not believe how hard and hot it was in my palm, so ready for relief. Never before had I even contemplated having something like that inside me, yet there it was, right in front of my face. My head bobbed forward and I gently pressed my lips to the giant tip, planting a soft kiss at the end. I then began to kiss it over and over, then snaked my tongue out to lick around the head in a circular motion. Moving my head to the side, I ran my face up and down the sides of his pole, slowly kissing and licking down one side and back the other. Glancing upwards, I could see a look of sheer bliss in Tom’s eyes as he watched me make love to his throbbing prick.I found my left hand between my legs touching myself, but I realized that it was my son’s turn for pleasure and I did not want to be selfish. I pulled it up to cup his large sack and I began to gently roll his balls as I continued to work on his cock with my lips. Opening as widely as I was able, I slowly eased forward to take as much of his penis inside of my mouth as I could. My lips rolled down his shaft, yet try as I may, I was not even able to reach half way. Disappointed at not being able to take more, I began to jerk the base of his cock with my right hand as I sucked the end as best as I could. I deeply wanted to give my son pleasure like he had never experienced before, so I worked my mouth and hands in unison to bring him off. Tom’s hips began to move forward and backwards in rhythm with the pace I had set so I knew he was probably close. His hands cupped my head gently before he grunted, “Mom, you’d better stop now.” Although I found it sweet that he felt the need to warn me of his impending orgasm, in reality I wanted his seed in my mouth. I had heard women say that sucking a cock was empowering, like you held 100% of a man’s power in your mouth, but I never understood it until that moment. It was as much for me as it was for him, so I increased the speed of both my hands and mouth to bring him off. Tom was moaning incoherently as I worked him over, before I felt his body stiffen and his balls tighten in my hands. His hands held my head more firmly as he pushed himself deeper into my mouth, just as I felt the first splash of his spunk hit the back of my throat. I wanted to take it all, but was having trouble breathing with his large shaft imbedded so deeply in my mouth. I leaned my head back and sucked in air through my nose as I wanted to keep our illicit coupling intact for as long as possible. Tom’s hips rocked back and forth again as the first wave of his orgasm freed his body to move once more. He moved in and out of my mouth, slowing steadily as he came down from the high. Finally spent, he released my head and apologized profusely, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry!”I released his softening shaft from my mouth and wiped my face on the back of my hand. I looked up into his troubled eyes and replied with a loving smile, “It’s okay Baby, I wanted it that way.” He stared back in wonder, as if trying to come to grips with what had happened, so I reassured him again, “I loved it, really. Please don’t feel guilty.” I removed my hands from his special places and reached for his hands. “Help me up Sweetie,” I asked, and he pulled my upright.I stood before him once more and I tried to study his face. Did he now think his mother was a slut for so greedily sucking his dick and swallowing his cum? I hoped he still loved and respected me, and was willing to accept this new part of me that I so wanted to share with him. Before I could say anything, he said, “Thank you, Mom,” and then leaned over to softly kiss my lips. I was shocked as that was something his father never would have done, kissing me after I’d sucked him off, yet there it was. My son was proving himself to be so unlike his dad it was strangely heartwarming. My mind was telling me that it was true love, plain and simple, the likes of which I’d never known. I leaned into him and we embraced, kissing and rubbing one another with great affection. I broke the kiss and rested my head upon his strong shoulder as I basked in the loving attention. Before long I felt his hands wander up to my neck, then grasp something as my dress was pulled slightly away from my body. I heard the soft buzz of the zipper running down my back and instantly knew what Tom was up to.His hands moved to my shoulders and grasped the fabric of my dress to peel it back, exposing my soft flesh to his warm hands. Tom gently ran his fingertips across the skin of my back before running one hand into the hair at the base of my neck. He slowly but firmly pulled my head back until I was left looking up into his eyes once more. He planted s soft kiss on my lips, before easing me back from his body. Tom kicked the slacks off from around his feet, then calmly moved away from me without saying a word. He walked across the room until he stood near our couch, and then casually began to remove his shirt and tie. Within moments he was completely naked looking more like a god than my son. He then plopped himself down on the sofa and stared at me for a while in silence before he said rather firmly, “Come closer.”My shoulders sagged self consciously as I followed his command, stopping when I stood before him. I felt vulnerable standing there awaiting his instructions, he as naked as the day I bore him. My son seemed to be enjoying the power he had over me and candidly I was too. It felt wonderful to have such a potent young lover, by body tingling at the very thought.”Take off your dress for me,” Tom stated flatly, and instantly I felt the hairs stand up all over my body. Fully clothed, I suddenly felt like I was the naked one. I could not move or respond as my son looked at me with unwavering eyes. Tension filled the air as we stared upon one another in silence, before Tom repeated, “Your dress, Mother.”I have no doubt my face turned every possible shade of red before I felt the deep need to give my son what he wanted. He looked like a proud King sitting on a throne, and I was a loyal subject bound by duty. My hands moved to my shoulders, sliding the material away, and then ever so slowly letting the sexy dress fall to my hips. I then wiggled just a bit before the garment cascaded to the floor in a puddle at my feet.Stepping out of it, I scooped up the soft fabric and tossed it onto a nearby chair. Turning back towards my son, I realized he was seeing me dressed as no other man ever had before, which only heightened both my arousal and discomfort. There I was, a 44 year old woman, standing before her loving son clad only in her unmentionables. After all my dirty thoughts earlier in the evening about who would get to see me in the new apparel, I was once again left speechless. Tom’s eyes roamed my body shamelessly, slowly taking in every inch. I wanted to run away yet felt rooted in place before he confidently said, “Now, turn around slowly.”The order seemed so bold but strangely so right çorum escort bayan at that moment. Before my mind could even process the request, my legs began to move and I slowly rotated before him. I hoped he found me sexy in my basic blacks, but was afraid Tom appreciated a younger, tighter figure. “God, you’re fucking amazing Mom,” he gushed when I finally faced him again, which relieved me greatly. Tom’s athletic legs were splayed slightly, and I couldn’t help but notice that his erection had already returned, standing proudly up from his lap. “Take off your bra,” floated into my ears, snapping my mind and eyes away from my son’s penis. I saw a smile on his face and could tell he knew exactly where I had been looking. Once again I felt warmth spread across my cheeks at the embarrassment of being caught red-handed doing something so naughty. I reached back and unclipped my bra, catching the ends between my fingers to keep it in place. Tom gazed upon me with a hunger I’d never witnessed before, obviously wanting to see more of my body. I paused for a moment to relish his attention, and then slowly dropped my hands to reveal my comely breasts to him for the first time since my son was an infant. A rush of adrenalin surged through my body when I witnessed Tom’s reaction. He sat forward and his eyes nearly pop out of his head, clearly liking what he saw. At a full B, my breasts were not overly large, but for a woman in her 40’s they stood quite solidly upon my chest. I was especially proud that my long nipples clearly displayed their excitement. Tom sat back and silently soaked everything in, which I found rather unnerving. I was left standing there fidgeting with my nervous hands, before he finally broke the tension by saying, “You’re fucking gorgeous Mother, come here.”I was so overjoyed to have his acceptance; I nearly dove into his body as he pulled me onto his lap. His hardness was evident against my outer thigh as he drew me into a warm embrace. Tom wrapped one arm around my back to hold me close and the other he placed under my chin to turn my face into a soft kiss. I could feel the breath run out of me as I let out a contented sigh into his mouth. Tom then traced his fingers down from my neck between my breasts until he tenderly stroked my warm tummy. I was sure he’d go directly for my tits, but was impressed by his patience. He certainly was not his father’s son! We continued kissing as I settled happily onto his lap. Ever so slowly, the hand on my belly began a sweeping motion upwards until he finally cupped my breast. Before that evening, I had never imagined my son touching me in such an intimate way, yet the feeling was so far beyond my wildest imagination I knew instantly there was no going back to our old life. When Tom’s fingers finally touched my nipples, I felt like I had been transported into another dimension altogether, and I was simply putty in his hands. For years I had longed for a take-charge guy, only to finally find him living under my own roof. And I’m not ashamed to say I loved it. I have no idea how long my son toyed with my nubbins as we kissed, but finally I felt a new sensation as he ran his hand down my soft belly towards my crotch. Eager with anticipation for a more intimate touch, I tried to subtly open my thighs to give him greater access. When I broke our kiss and looked down I realized all subtlety had long gone out the window. My legs were spread about as wide as possible, and his fingers were making a beeline straight between them. Tom stopped for a moment to tease his fingers back and forth across my garter belt in a sensual way, before moving them lower. We both watched as his hand wandered over the seam of my sexy black panties until he finally cupped my womanhood in his big palm. I knew I was warm and wet, but had no idea just how much so until he was firmly against me. It seemed my own heat radiated back towards me from his palm and I was simply on fire.Tom guided my face back towards his own as our mouths coupled once more. I had always loved to kiss, yet had never experienced real intimacy like what we shared at that moment. Before long the hand pressed to my crotch began to move as his fingers slowly traced up and down my sex. I clenched my butt cheeks in an effort to press myself forward onto my son’s probing digits. Tom moved his face close to my ear to whisper, “You like that Mommy?”I was so completely under his spell; all I could do was whimper, “Oh, yes my darling.”Tom’s fingers continued their cruel assault on my sex, and I tried not to think just how wanton I must have looked. I rocked into his hand shamelessly as whimpers escaped my lips. Without saying a word, his hand broke contact with my groin which greatly disappointed me. Quickly he moved it under my knees, pulling them together. His other hand slid to my bottom and only a moment later he stood, effortlessly lifting us both off the couch. I was amazed by the strength, his display of power making me tingle all over. I wondered what he was up to, but soon figured it out as I found him walking with me in his arms towards the stairs. I rested my head on his shoulder as we mounted the steps, eagerly anticipating what was to come. Tom turned when he reached his doorway, and only stopped when we reached the side of his bed. He then set me down upon the sheets just as soft as a feather. He stood over me smiling for a moment; I’m sure soaking in the erotic sight of his nearly-naked mother lying on his bed, before sitting down aside my hip. Tom leaned over to briefly kiss me, and then quickly began tracing his lips lower. He placed soft pecks on my neck and shoulders which drove me crazy. Only moments later I felt his lips wander to my hard nipples, one after the other. He expertly sucked them, sometimes hard and sometimes softly, driving me insane as his hands roamed over my sensitive skin. I felt his warm breath on my belly before I actually experienced his touch. Soon soft kisses traced down my tummy until I sensed something soft between my thighs. I looked down to see my son’s handsome face hovering over my crotch, almost making me cum from the vision alone. Tom began to gently nuzzle my panties with his face, tantalizing me by the lack of firmer contact. When I tried to push my groin forward, he only backed away in a teasing fashion. With a twisted grin, I next watched as his hands reached for my hips to grasp my panties. I knew what he wanted, so I pushed my feet down and pressed my knees together to give him the access we both desired. Slowly I saw and felt my little black friend slide down my legs before they were pulled off completely. Tom had removed my last line of defense, and I felt completely naked in spite of what little I was wearing. Tom slid down a bit and moved into my legs. He then took my ankles in his hands and pulled them around his body until I was spread wide before him. Sitting so close, he licked his lips like a predator assessing his prey, ready to pounce and eat me up, and that’s just what I wanted. Ever so softly he began to stroke his hands up and down my stocking-clad legs, as though he appreciated them as much as I did when I purchased them. Tom then leaned forward and began kissing each of my thighs, switching side to side as he moved higher up my body. When he reached the bare skin above my hose a shiver ran through my body. My pussy was literally dripping as I contemplated what was about to happen. It had been ages since I’d felt a tongue on my special place I was beside myself with anticipation, praying he was going to do what I’d hoped. Slowly Thomas moved closer and closer to my sex, confidently smiling up at me as he approached my womanhood. I blushed deeply knowing what he was seeing, so I closed my eyes and rested my head on the pillow. After all his teasing, I finally felt Tom’s warm breath on my naked pussy. A slit-second later, something warm and wet touched my little kitty and instantly I knew my son’s tongue had found its target. God it felt so fucking wonderful! I was glad I had shaved earlier as my bare skin tingled to the slightest touch. Tom began to systematically kiss, lick and suck every inch of my steaming pussy. He was like a death row inmate enjoying a last meal, and I was only too happy to be his parting snack. First he traced his tongue up and down my outer lips, but then pushed it in deeper, almost fucking me with his mouth. He lapped away at me for a while before I felt something more firm enter my body. As he licked my clit for the first time, he eased one of his think fingers inside my smoldering snatch. The tip of his tongue flicked across my clit as his digit probed in and out of my womanhood. Loud moans escaped my lips and I knew an orgasm would not be far off. My head was swimming with a passion the likes of which I’d never known before, and I found myself losing all control. My hands wandered into Tom’s hair as I began to grind my crotch into his face. He added another finger inside of me and soon the two were matching the movement of my hips as we rocked together. I was so close. My body began to tighten all over as my climax approached, forcing my eyes closed. My breath started coming in gasps as the first spasms washed over me, causing my head to flail from side to side as I sucked in air. I could feel my back arch off the bed, driving my super-heated sex into my son’s face. I locked my thighs around his head and I held two fistfuls of his hair, so he had no means of escape as I rode out my orgasm. As the spasms slowly dissipated, I finally felt my body weaken and I dropped back down onto the bed. My legs flopped open weakly, and Tom was able to ease back away from me, trying to catch his breath. Opening my eyes, I found my son’s beautiful face still close to my sex, his cheeks covered in a sheen from my juices. He then moved up onto his knees and looked down upon me. Kneeling as he did it was impossible not to notice his erection pointing proudly skyward, ready for action. I found I couldn’t take my eyes off of it as it appeared swollen with blood and menacing. It appeared even larger than before if that was possible and I knew I had to have it inside of me.I looked up into his eyes and even in my delirious state knew what he wanted, because I wanted it too. Having just experienced the most powerful orgasm of my life, I was satisfied but not yet sated. Nasty thoughts entered my head and I slowly slid my right hand between my open legs. I began to touch myself right before his eyes, and in my most sultry voice asked, “Is this where you want to be Baby?” Tom did not answer; he simply nodded with a sexy smile plastered across his face. He brought a hand to grasp his cock, and began to slowly stroke it as he watched me rubbing my pussy. I had never seen a man masturbate before and the sight was surprisingly erotic. We touched ourselves in silence for a while longer until Tom must have decided he needed more. He shuffled his knees forward, closing the distance between our crotches, his big cock hovering over me like a specter. My son looked down upon me with confidence belying his age and I wondered how many women he had in the same position before. He slowly lowered himself across my body and leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Are you sure you want this Mom?”I had never been so sure of anything in my life, and I simply replied, “Yes Sweetheart.”He kissed me softly, and then eased his hips away from me as he lined his prodigious penis up with my swollen pussy lips. He grabbed his tool in hand and started running the tip of his mighty cock up and down my folds. Very slowly he moved forward and pressed the large head just inside me. I sucked in a breath in anticipation of deeper penetration before gasping, “Please go slow Baby,” Tom seemed to know exactly what I needed as he entered me a fraction of an inch at a time. It had been years since I’d been fucked, and never by anything so large. His thick cock stretched me, yet it was never painful in any way. The fact that he had me so soaking wet I’m sure helped considerably. Inch by solid inch he eased into me until his large balls rested on my bottom. Finally buried inside me, Tom moved his hands to my face and gently cupped my cheeks. He then placed a soft kiss on my forehead, another on the tip of my nose, and then kissed my lips. He was so tender and loving I was completely under his spell. It seemed so surreal to be on my back, legs spread around my son’s hips, dressed only in sexy garters and stockings, yet there I was. Staring into my eyes, he said, “I love you Mom.” “I love you too Baby,” I responded before we kissed again. He then placed his hands to the mattress alongside my body and began to move his hips once more. Tom drew the shaft almost all the way out my womanhood, before ever so slowly pressing it back in. He took his time sliding in and out of me it must have been killing him. I could not contain my emotions as I whimpered at every advance and retreat of his strong cock.I looked into his eyes and found him staring back at me; I’m sure trying to gauge my feelings. My body was ready for more, so I whimpered, “It’s okay Sweetie, you won’t break me.”With that Tom increased the speed of his thrusts, driving into me with greater urgency. The evening had been overwhelming for me as I’m sure it had been for him, so I didn’t think he’d last very long. Soon we settled into a nice fast pace, grinding our sweaty bodies against one another. I heard him grunting in my ear as he relentlessly pounded my pussy. My arms were wrapped around his torso and my nails dug into his skin as I pulled us together. My feet were planted firmly on the mattress, providing me the leverage to match his strokes. In spite of my earlier climax, I could feel another growing deep within me. Before long I felt Tom’s pace increase, and knew it was a sign he was getting close as well. We rutted against each other with growing urgency as our mutual passion drove us on. The mighty cock inside me was had taken me to places I’d never been before and I loved every second of it. I was beginning to lose it again and held on for dear life as Thomas continued his assault. I heard a screaming in my ears and was surprised to find it was my own voice filling my head. Electric shocks shot through every inch of me as I experienced the first total body orgasm of my life. Just then my sons thrusting increased rapidly before slowing to almost a complete stop as his shoulders moved away from me and he threw his head back. Somehow we both managed to cum at the exact same moment, our groins pressed firmly together as we basked in the shared experience. I felt Tom legs quivering against my own before he collapsed on top of me gasping for air. Every hair stood on end as I held my son’s spent body to my own. Our chests heaved against one another as we fought to regain our breath. As we cooled down, I slid my fingers into my son’s hair and gently began to run then through his sweaty locks. Tom raised his head off my shoulder and looked deeply into my eyes. I smiled up at him and gently kissed his lips. “Thank you Sweetheart,” I whispered softly. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” He answered, and then lowered his head back on my shoulder. My baby was where he belonged, safely in his mother’s loving care.

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