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Big Tits

This is a separated and slightly re-written story following on from the new Whoops Story. Thanks to all who gave me a steer on the original story and I hope you like the new attempt.


It was five months after Annie and I came together, I had visited her in Aberdeen where our lovemaking had again been brief, but intense. We parted on the promise of her visiting in September / October and then we would tell Mel our older sister. I knew it would be murder talking to Mel and trying not to give the game away. Somehow I managed it.

Annie arrived we make love and caught up, I had a promotion, she had a Directorship offered. She was going to accept it, however, it meant she would be coming to work in London. Her problem she said was that she needed to find a place to live. I stared at her slow smile.

“Would you help me find a permanent base somewhere around this area?”

“You’re kidding right?”

She shook her head slowly, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“No, I really need to find somewhere around here so I can commute into town.”

“Well, you could stay here for a while, just so you can sort yourself out.”

“Can’t afford much rent!”

“I’m sure we can come to some amicable agreement on that.”

“I bet you do!”

“How long have you known?”

“Weeks and it’s been agony not being able to tell you.”

“Why didn’t you say when we spoke, oh so many times on the phone.”

“Because I wanted to be with you when I told you. And… Ohh my!somethings woken up, mmmmm, that’s nice. Kiss me.”

I felt my lips touch hers then we melded together. My now stiff again cock, sliding into that silken fold, made all the easier from our earlier coupling. We slid over each other, laying joined groin to groin holding on tightly, our hips began dancing against each other. It felt like my cock was wrapped in satin and was being slowly milked by her delicate muscles as she pushed against me.

She groaned and stiffened I felt her walls close in and grip my tool. I lost it and came in her, spurts of cum jetting out and causing me to convulse against her. Annie relaxed on me and we kissed some more.

Later we showered together, using a full tank of water, then ate a meal at the local pub, before returning home and making love again and again, throughout the night.

The next day we left to drive over to Mel’s, it was a pointedly silent forty minute drive, both lost in our thoughts about our relationship. We pulled into Mel’s driveway, with only her battered Skoda parked on it. We grinned, and held hands, I leaned over and kissed Annie quickly, then we got out and walked towards the door.

The door opened as we stepped onto the front step and Mel flew out and grabbed us, hugging tightly, sobbing and crying. Mel was my height, curvy, big breasts, shoulder length mousy brown hair and generous hips.

“Mel, what’s wrong with you, what the hell’s going on?” I asked trying to pull her away so we could talk.

“Nothing I’m so glad to see you both, together at last.”


“Oh you idiots, it’s been obvious for years how you feel about each other, I take it you’ve finally sorted it, thank God, now come in and tell me all about it.”

Mel grabbed Annie and frogmarched her in, I followed grinning. Trust Mel to have it figured. I wandered into the kitchen as Mel was filling the kettle.

“well tell me everything, have you slept together yet, was it good?”

“MEL!” I gasped,

Annie was laughing and helping herself to some sweets from a bowl on the big kitchen table.

“Jamie, calm down, we should have realised Mel would have guessed it, she’s never been stupid.”

“Oh I have, but that’s an altogether different story,”

“Oh go on tell us, that must be a wonderful tale.”

“Shut up! I want to hear about you two first, tell me everything, all the gory details, I want to hear it so I can imagine it as if I was a fly on the wall watching.”

“So much for discretion and tact and..”

“Shut up Jamie! unless it’s about your nights of passion with our sister.”

Mel was smiling and pointing at me.

“Mel, I’m not going into details, but…”

“You will, I want to hear everything, is he good in bed, is she adventurous, what position do you like best, how long did it last the first time, did he make you come, did she suck you off? every tiny detail.”

“I think I need something stronger than coffee!”

“Later, now give..”

So we sat and gave Mel a blow by blow account, leaving nothing out, and she listened intently, hugging Annie, kissing my cheek and asking for clarification if we tried to skirt round anything.

“Well that was quite a coming together then?” she said as we finished.

“So you’re not angry or disgusted with us?” Annie said.

“Why should I be? the whole families been waiting for something like this for years. You two are made for each other. You were so sweet as kids. Annie following you around trying to do what you did. Do you remember when you tried to pee standing up, I thought kırşehir escort Mum was going to blow up she was laughing so much.”

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me about that.”

I sat with a grin remembering Annie pulling her shorts and knickers down like me and trying to pee, it went everywhere. Mum just took her indoors, cleaned her up and explained the peeing facts of life to her.

“and Jamie chasing Pete Rogers because he’d upset you, and getting a black eye for his trouble.”

I winced remembering the sudden pain in my eye and the feel of the ground hitting me as I went down from the force of his blow.

Annie grinned and blew me a kiss. I grinned, remembering she had kissed me everyday for weeks afterward to say thank you.

We then started to reminisce, as we always end up doing when the three of us sit down together. We remembered old toys, friends, teachers, houses, holidays with Mum and Dad. Life suddenly felt very good indeed.

As it was lunchtime Mel suggested we stay and join her, as usual she managed to piece together a respectable salad and a bottle of wine was produced. We sat at her table and ate, then realised something was missing.

“Hey where are Bill and the kids?”

“Over at Bills Mums she wanted a hand with some clearing out and they’ve gone over to help. They’ll all be back for a meal later this evening, including Madge, so I’m on major cooking duty today.” Mel smiled and picked at her salad.

“Hey Mel is everything alright, with you and Bill I mean?” Annie placed a hand on Mel’s arm.

Mel smiled and nodded,

“Yes, everything is fine, Bills a great husband, lover, dad and son, so everything is great.” she sighed and reached to refill her glass.

“So what’s wrong then, I mean what’s really wrong?” I looked at Mel and she allowed her mask to slip.

She sobbed and sat back with a bump on her chair, a spasm of pain dancing across her face. Sh hesitated for a moment before it all came tumbling out,

“I.. I… I started a relationship, late last year, I was unfaithful to Bill, it lasted until about a month back, I haven’t told him, but he suspects.”

Head down, the tears rolled off her cheeks onto her lap. She whimpered quietly and tried to pull herself together.

“Jesus Mel, what happened, what drove you to that?”

“Is he someone we know?”



Annie looked at me incredulously, a woman?

“She, it was another woman, a friend, a very dear friend no more than a friend, but it’s over now, we both had too much to lose.” She stared wistfully at the window.

“Who was it Mel?”

She shook her head and whimpered again, then lifted her head, her lips trembling,


Annie’s hand flew to her mouth.

“Madge? Madge? What Madge your mother in law?”

“Yes, it was beautiful, she is such a caring person, but we knew underneath that we had to stop, to protect Bill and the kids. We try to minimise contact, it hurts too much to be around each other. But I’ve lost a friend, a companion, lover, everything.”

She sobbed again and shook her head slowly,

“Deep down, we knew we couldn’t hurt Bill, he’s so loving and trusting and faithful, he’d be devastated, torn apart. Who could he turn to? No we had to stop, be adult and put our feelings aside. Besides which I still love Bill so much, I can’t think of a day going by without him being there.”

Mel’s head went down again and this time the tears dropped like rain. Annie cuddled her as I stood and looked around helplessly. Mel’s shoulders heaved and she let out a ghastly shriek of pain. I had so many thoughts in my head. Annie had pulled Mel to her shoulder and was looking at me for inspiration

“How did this start?”

“Jamie?” Annie flashed me a death ray look.

I sat back down next to Mel taking her hand and squeezing it gently.

Mel, however, used the space to compose herself and wiped the tears away on her sleeves.

“No, Jamie’s right, I asked you, you have a right to ask back. I need to talk it through anyway.”

Sniffing back tears, Mel sat up straight between us and holding our hands, she smiled and pulled herself together.

“When Robert, that’s Madge’s husband, well when he died, she was so down and low. We tried to include her in more of the things we do. She’s quite youthful in her outlook and she’s also quite fit, so the kids love it when Nanny goes biking with them or to watch football.

Well it seemed to be working and to be honest she was never pushy and she didn’t tell us off if she thought we were doing things wrong in the way we were bringing the kids up. She might say, I used to do so and so, but things are different now, but never unkindly or in a snide way. She just told us what she thought. and never complained at all. She just joined in, did her share of helping to cook or wash up or cleaning. She was a pleasure to have around. She’s so good at everything, cooking and flower arranging, she taught me loads.”

We exchanged glances, kırşehir escort bayan someone who was better than Mel at things, well that was a first, our sister was a superwoman and made us feel tired just listening to what she did.

“I saw that look, but yes she’s so good, much better than me. Well I do a gym class and I asked her to come too, just to help her meet other people, she’s so young in mind. We had such fun. Well we started to share a family cubicle at the club, it seemed senseless to shower and dress alone and we had so much to talk about anyway. Well I found myself looking at her when she was naked, then wondering what it must feel like to touch her skin. How heavy her breasts where, you know.”

“Wow Mel, how cool, you perving on your mum in law.” Annie said and her face reddened. Mel grinned and gripped our hands harder.

“Right, anyway, one day we touched, just shoulder to shoulder and it was like some electric current going through me. I don’t know why but I suddenly put my arm round her waist and before I knew what was happening, we were kissing, really kissing, a hot passionate real lovers kiss.”

Mel reddened and began to clasp her thighs together. I nodded at Annie and looked down at Mel’s thighs clenching and relaxing. Perhaps she heard Annie slight gasp, but Mel reddened even more. Annie put her hand on Mel’s leg and slid it up to her thigh. I goggled. Annie winked, I don’t think Mel saw.

“Anyway, we cuddled and kissed then dried and dressed. We’d arranged to go back to her place for lunch. That never got eaten, we ended up in her bed, making love all afternoon. Luckily Bill was picking the kids up, so I had plenty of time to spare. Bill even said, don’t rush back, enjoy an afternoon off with my mum.

She was unbelievable in bed, I am not ashamed to say I have never cum so much as I have with Madge. She just fly’s me like her own personal aeroplane. I try my best to do the same for her, but she seems keener to eat me than I am to eat her, not that it isn’t enjoyable but I never got the chance to show her how good I am, or at least think I am.”

Mel laughed, she was looking at our faces. We just stared completely entranced. Her face was beaming at her remembrance of those days.

“It was a magical time, we had no thought of the fallout or consequences, but gradually as we realised how serious this was, we knew we had to stop, before someone got really hurt. We had one last mad, bad, glorious weekend in London. Then we stopped, before there was hurt or conflagration, we just knew we couldn’t carry on and risk hurting Bill or the kids.”

“Oh Mel, I am so sorry,” Annie kissed Mel and hugged her close. I put an arm round my big sister and kissed her lips gently.

“Mel if I could sort this out I would, I want you to be my happy big sister again.”

“Thanks Jamie, thanks Annie.”

Mel stood and we all group hugged. Suddenly the door flew open and Bill and the kids flew in, they were noisy and we hugged and kissed them all. I noticed a tall elegant grey haired figure come in, standing by the door, not wanting to intrude. I walked over and wrapped Madge in a hug and kiss, whispering in her ear.

“Mel told us, we’re so sorry that it couldn’t have ended in a happier way.”

I felt her arms wrap tighter round me and she held me for a long time. Annie followed me and again the hug was a bit longer than etiquette demanded. I saw Bills puzzled look and so man hugged him, with much back slapping and hoots. He brightened, still after all these years unused to our idiosyncratic ways. Annie hugged Bill and kissed his lips, gently, I saw his eyes widen. He pulled Annie closer, she grinned as he reddened and she whispered in his ear.

“Annie put my husband down, stop making him frisky will ya!” Mel said with a grin on her face.

She strode over to Madge and they embraced and kissed, holding each other tightly for a little longer than necessary. Bill grinned and nodded at them.

“Those two are so good, I love them both.” he said

“And we love you too, honey” They chorused together, grinned, kissed and separated. I watched Mel’s hand squeeze Madge’s before they moved apart.

The rest of the day went well, we played with Andrea and John our niece and nephew. We chatted, Mel and Madge drifted into the kitchen to prepare the meal, Bill joined us then went to the kitchen, then came back. Later we ate and the kids went to bed, we were asked to stay over but said no. We offered to take Madge home and soon the three of us were in the car heading for her place. After a couple of minutes Madge began to speak, her voice tight with emotion.

“I love your sister so very much, and I know she loves me too. But we can’t hurt Bill or the kids, it would destroy them. You realise that?”

“Madge I could say that if they find out by accident the damage could be greater.”

“I know, but we have tried to be sensible about this, if there is any sense at all in it.”

“Oh Madge how awful for you both.”

“No, escort kırşehir we’re OK, we’re strong and we have a chance now and again to be alone together, so we take the chances and live with the rest. How can I hurt my son and his children by stealing the one true love of their lives.”

“They love you too Madge, that much is very obvious.”

“Thank you and I’m lucky to have that too.”

We dropped her off, refusing the offer of a drink or nightcap, pleading an early start tomorrow. As we drove off Annie’s mobile rang. It was Mel. Annie told me of their conversation later.

“I’ve just told Bill, I couldn’t lie to him any longer, I wanted to clear the air.”

“What happened?”

“he’s obviously stunned, he wanted to know if I was going to leave him. I told him I loved him too much to do that. I asked him if he wanted me to go, he told me he couldn’t live without me.”

“What about Madge?”

“I need to phone her, but I was hoping she was still with you.”

“Jamie and I will go back to her place, give us ten minutes, we’ll tell her, then you can phone.”

All I got at the time was,

“Jamie turn round we’re going back to Madge’s, I’ll explain on the way.”

We arrived back and the lights were still on. We knocked and Madge came to the door in a sheer silk dressing gown, and its fit left little to the imagination. I looked in awe at her firm high breasts pressing against the thin fabric. The belt emphasised her slim waist. She grinned and invited us in.

I saw Annie looking at her arse swaying underneath the taught fabric as she walked up the hallway. She turned to me and made a gesture like she wanted to squeeze Madge’s buns. I grinned and nodded. In the lounge Madge perched on her chair and asked us to sit.

“Madge, Mel asked us to come and be with you when she phones.”

Madge made to speak and raised an eyebrow, when the phone rang. She picked it up and recited the number then listened. Her eyes welled up and she gasped, shuddered and dropped the phone, Annie grabbed the phone as I sat with Madge. I cuddled her to me and felt her body shaking as the tears came. I kissed her forehead and held her. Annie came off the phone.

“Mel says can we go over to their place, Bill and she want to come her to be with Madge.”

I nodded and made sure Madge was OK, then we left for Mel and Bills place. As we arrived the door opened and Bill appeared with Mel in his arms crying silently. He thanked us and they went to his car, I went to mine and backed off the driveway to let him out as Annie went inside the house. Returning I found Annie in the kitchen making coffee.

Twenty minutes later we heard Bills car come back onto the drive. I raised an eyebrow and we waited. The door opened and we could hear low voices in the hall, then the door opened. Bill led his mother and wife in, they were huddled together, tears falling down their faces. We stood and vacated the sofa, then Bill and I helped the girls sit down. Bill nodded to the door and the three of us made our way to the kitchen.

“Guys I can’t thank you enough for helping out here, we have a small problem and we need some err…”

He faltered and I hugged him, he held me and cried. Annie joined the huddle and we just held him as he let it out. He finally pulled himself together, just as the door opened and Mel and Madge appeared, hand in hand. They watched as we stepped away then almost ran to engulf Bill in their arms. I touched Annie’s hand and we slid out.

In the car going back, I turned to my silent sister,

“Phew what a day; time for bed, said Zebedee,”

“Oh yeah big Brov, absolutely and I want to never ever let you go again.”

“I love you Annie.”

“I love you Jamie.”

We drove back silently lost in our thoughts, going straight to bed, so tired that any physical thoughts had evaporated. We held each other tight and dropped off almost immediately.

We woke entwined again about a quarter to nine and I slipped downstairs to make some tea. As we sat sipping the tea in bed, the doorbell rang, we looked quizzically at each other, then I went to investigate. Bill and Mel stood on the doorstep and I let them in immediately, ushering them into the lounge. Annie came down in my dressing gown and I mouthed “Bill and Mel” as I went to the kitchen.

Annie came too and we quickly made a fresh pot of tea and coffee and found clean mugs. We went into the lounge. Neither Bill or Mel seemed surprised by Annie’s appearance. Mel had obviously told Bill about us.

As he took his coffee, Bill spoke.

“I understand Mel has told you about her affair with my mother and you know what happened last night, up till you left.”

We nodded, Mel smiled and reached for Bills hand, which he willingly slipped round hers.

“Well to bring you guys up to speed, my mother will be moving out of her home as soon as possible…” he paused.

“…because we want her to come and live with us.” He and Mel smiled and kissed.

I relaxed and felt Annie letting out her breath slowly.

“We don’t know how this will work or what it means for the future, but I can’t live without Mel, or my mother and they can’t live without me or each other, so somehow we have to make this work. The kids will be over the moon to have Nanny living in, so I guess we all win.” he shrugged and sat back.

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