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Wicked step-mother – Part 11Ella got to St Pancras station with her passport, ticket and a small bag of clothes. When she boarded the train the seat beside her was empty. Ella felt nervous as to whether Anna had been caught and intercepted however shortly before the train left a dark haired girl politely asked for her to move so she could get the inside seat.Now the trick was to strike up a conversation and ever more interesting insert the phrase ‘Wicked step-mother.’ Bloody Quentin she thought trust him to be clever still it was guaranteed not to be a mistake.Ella went it to little girl mode and gushed. “I am really excited about this trip I am going to travel down to Avignon where my new step-mother is going to meet me I have only seen her once before she really young and sexy I mean totally wicked.”“You are lucky I only have a father who I hate and no mother at all. Do you think they will be brining hot drinks. Since I have been in England I have grown to love English tea. Its strange tea is from a member of the camellia family form China. That is why its called Camellia Sinensis.”Smoothly done thought Ella. As it turned out they found it easy to chat as the high speed train whistled into the tunnel under the English Channel. As time went on Anna relaxed. That she had been tense wasn’t obvious until the tensions started to ebb. However they were back when they had to change trains at Lillee. Ella stayed close to Anna all the time trying to reassure her but in reality had caught her nervousness.They were both glad to get on the train again. Ella was glad that Quentin had paid for standard premier tickets where they got a meal at their seats. A little under seven hours after leaving London they alighted at Avignon TGV station. Seemingly unplanned Ella offered Anna a lift into central Avignon. Outside the station they climbed into the Mercedes that was drive by her friend Olivia. Beats my little Audi though Ella a bit of jealously.Soon they joined the autoroute because they never had any intention of going into the historic city. Instead they were heading west, across the width of France before heading north to Bordeaux. Anna had been safely extracted from London where she was at risk of being interrogated by people connected with some unidentified Russian group bent of causing mayhem in the west. Anna’s only ties were to her brother who had already been got safely away.“Ella your wicked step-mother doesn’t look any older than you.”“I know that is because she only ten months older than me though a year above at school which is where we met. Don’t get me wrong my step mother is the wickedest step-mother you could want but Olivia isn’t her.”“Where are you taking me by the way I wasn’t told other than I would be very safe.”“Your going to my home in the Caribbean which is on a luxury island resort. A job is arranged, doing much what you did in London except its Lotus Island so far better paid and vastly better treated. You will have lots of time for fun living and working there. The boss, Lady Victoria makes a big point of keeping her staff happy and nobody works too hard other than Luc, the Chef de cuisine and that is because he is a workaholic.”“As long as Pyotr isn’t persecuted for being gay and we are together I will be happy. I m not expecting much being the cleaning women but if I have enough to eat and somewhere to live then that is OK.”“Oh you will get much more than that. Lotus Island is very liberal and Vicky doesn’t want any scandals in the newspapers so she really looks after her people. You and Pyotr will be fine. There is one thing how do you feel about sex.”“Pardon, that is a strange question.”“Though an important one I am very free and easy but even I was surprised at just how naughty that place is.”“Naughty is good, given a chance I am very naughty, bugger puritanism.”“I have a strap on if you like but don;t have any puritans about thank heavens.”This improbable idea had of anally abusing puritans had them all giggling. Fortunately Olivia kept control of the car which since they were at the French motorway speed limit of 130kph was a highly desirable.“That’s good Quentin clearly knew what you were like before coming up with this solution.”“He should do I willingly slept with quite a few men and even a couple of girls on his behalf. Some of them were even good lovers. One of the women canlı bahis was an Olga Klegg look alike.”“Pardon.”“The Russian female villain from that James Bond film ‘From Russia with love.’ she tried to kill bond with a poisoned spike in her shoe. I thought you English were brought up on Bond.”“Our girls school was very strait laced and we didn’t get to watch spy films. Did bugger al good as we have both turned out tarts. Apart from Olga Klegg do you dig girls.”“Might do, why, are you offering.”“We both are darling and we have a nights stop before we can fly out. I did the booking so we are stay in Carcasonne’s top hotel. The rooms have king size beds big enough for three if you want to join us.”“After all the stress of the last week a bit of girl fun would be just what I want. Where did the stiff upper lip English bit go.”“We both decided that totally decadent was so much more cool. They have a spa and I for one intend to enjoy myself.”They enjoyed the hamman before a splendid meal. Olivia demonstrated that she had been paying attention to her boyfriend who was a master of wine when she interrogated the sommelier and found that he had some wine not shown on the carte de vin. Thus it was three relaxed pampered and well fed young women who only made use of one of the rooms.Ella and Olivia had slept together before but they knew Anna hardly at all. It didn’t matter after a few exploratory kisses they were satisfied that she was a more than willing participant. They removed each others clothing in a relaxed and sensuous fashion before Ella went behind Anna and Olivia in front showering her with kisses and caresses. Livi moved down to kiss and sucking the Latvian girls breasts gently nibbling on her nipples. Ella push her generous bust into Anna’s back all the time playing with both other girls hair.As Olivia moved her kissing down Anna’s body to reach her target of her pussy nibbling the labia in the same fashion as the nipples. This allowed Ella to play with the pert breasts Anna decided that she should give some pleasure in return and turned round that whilst Livi could still pay attention to her pussy Anna could get pleasure from Ella’s breasts. Over the course of an hour or two all three girls had more than one climax. However it had been a long day and they finally fell asleep in each others arms.As they were getting up the next morning Ella got a phone call from Quentin. “Something has happened and I don’t want to take the slightest risk with you my dear. Could you have a short holiday with Olivia and we will fly you back by private jet after a short while. I am fairly sure it is totally unnecessary but if anyone associates you with Anna I don’t want them to find you.”“Apparently I can coming back to Lotus with you.”“So I gather from the text I have from my father. Good it will give m a chance to paint you if you like”Ella was enthusiastic and had been considering trying to commission a painting but knew that Olivia was greatly in demand.They drove up to Bordeaux and met with Lazlo who was having samples of Bordeaux wine loaded. Lazlo idea of a sample was at least an entire case so that the board and their friends could all sample his choices. Anna eyes widened when she realised that they were going to be tflown in a quite large private jet.Once they were over the Atlantic and in international air space Ella turned to Anna and smiled unless somebody tried shooting them down they had made it. Frankly that did seem a little extreme. Ella commented as such.“Yes it would be OTT and in any case they would be out of luck Dad is a trifle paranoid and we actually have ECM.”“Why do I think that is not a joke.”“Because it is true admittedly more of it is so that we can use this plane as another of those places that you can’t track. Lady V has been very helpful since she despite being a decadent old madam she is still a patriot and will defend freedom like a Scottish wildcat”Ella realised that Olivia was far more aware of her fathers activities than she had thought as well wondering how much Lady Victoria was involved. Somehow it made her feel that the west was safer with Vickie actively protecting it.“Who is this Lady V.”Lady Victoria McAllister, a bona fide Scottish aristocrat and your future boss. Vickie is probably the naughtiest person I know and their is some serious competition for that title, bahis siteleri not least from my family. Vickie is as kinf and generous as she is debauched.”———-Whilst all this was going on Crispin was interviewing a prospective senior solicitor. Sonya Bartlett was admirably qualified but had sort them out rather than the other way round and Crispin was interested as to why.“So why have you come to us for a job when yo have a good post with an existing firm Bit of a risk isn’t it.”“Perhaps, but I think I would be happier working for you The fact that you have deliberately taken on Veronique and Pam says a lot for you. I have a secret that I would be most unhappy if it got back to my current firm at least whilst I am working for them..”“I presume in exchange for my discretion you are going to tell me. I am going to view this as privileged info”“Thank you. I am sleeping with my secretary and her sister”“OK I was almost persuaded already and that completes the job. I assume you are hoping to bring your lovers with you.”“Emma is a very good secretary, actually so is her sister Diana if you need another secretary. I have one question I would like to ask. Is their any prospect that I met be have of becoming a partner at some stage.”“Hm you are quite impressive, would you be able to buy in?”“Yes, I have invested an inheritance but it would be better invested with a partnership. I would be able to bring one a client at least. Alice Brown is very pissed at her lovers treatment.”“Stay here I will go and have a chat with Quentin.” The reality was that not only was she a very effective and experienced solicitor who would be quite a catch but as well she was very much there kind of person. Quentin agreed with the assessment and saw the advantage of having a female partner in addition to the other plus points.“On the question of becoming a partner the answer from both of us is that we are open to negotiations now. That we only have one solicitor with more than eight years experience is a problem that you solve and making you a partner would seem reasonable in the circumstances. There are a couple of things you should know. Firstly we are pretty much all of us rather liberal sexually.“A plus point for me.”“True, secondly some of what we do is highly classified. In your case you have already been vetted but we would need to do the same for Emma and Diana. Without going into details the reason why the original partnership collapsed was that Quentin and I were doing too much non billable work on behalf of NATO for their liking. Would that be a problem for you?”“I would guess that you are a front for something keeping us all safe so no. Would you want me involved in that?”“Probably not but you will have to cover for us not doing what we should. However with our own firm and the situation we now have not getting paid is no longer a problem. Now a totally personal and impertinent question. Do you like men as well as women.”“Oh yes I am totally undiscriminating. Did you have any particular man you were thinking of, a foreign spy you want me to seduce.”“No its just I find you really rather attractive.”“Don’t you have a girlfriend? I may be pretty liberal myself but I wont help you cheat on her or him for that matter.”“I do, but we have an open relationship. I can ring her up and you can chat if that is your only concern.”“I am flattered that you are that interested OK. What the lady’s name.”“Arabella though she insists on being called Ella. I think she is flying but its a private jet so we should be able to get threw to her. “Hello Ella we have a new partner and my attempts to seduce her are somewhat stymied by her concern that I am not cheating on you.”“So you want me to assure her I won’t be upset. Its a bit of a problem at the moment Anna is eating my pussy whilst Lazlo fucks her. Also Olivia is feeling left out and wants me to do some pussy munching.”“Ella I had the phone on speaker.” Sonya was pissing herself laughing.“I think we better let you go but you sound like a girl after my own heart.” said Sonya between laughs. Crispin put the phone down and he too fell about laughing.“I do love my strumpet of a girlfriend, she is quite outrageous. With the assistance of her step-mother she corrupted my mother who is so much more happy as a tart than she was being a respectable lady.”“I think I understand now why bahis şirketleri I got such a positive reception you are all a bunch of degenerates and I fit in perfectly. Where do you want to go or are you planning to have me in the office.”“Quentin has leant me his flat. The one person in this organisation who is resectable is Quentin’s secretary who is very loyal to him and came from the old firm. I think she is less than forty but already seems an old maid. Anyway we don’t want her to have heat attack walking in on in flagrante delicto”They made the short journey by tube to Quentin;s flat and went to the guest bedroom. If Crispin had any doubts about her enthusiasm it was quickly dispelled as she threw her arms around his neck as kissed him deeply and with a hunger that was pleasing. They took their time before mutually deciding that breathing was a necessity.“You know its is very flattering that an attractive younger man who already has a hot girlfriend should want to sleep with me”“Quentin has taught me to enjoy the finer things in life that includes able and fascinating women. I was terribly shy until Ella came along but I have learnt that if you ask nicely you often get what you want. Now may I suggest we are overdressed.” Not waiting for an answer he demonstrated his skill at unfastening women’s clothings. Sonya was above average height but not super tall and very slim. Very soon they were both naked and stood back and looked at each other and they both smiled.Crispin showed how far he had come in a few short months there was nothing diffident or gauche about the way he made love to her. It was that of a confident and considerate adult who wanted to give as much pleasure as he took. That Sonya had small breasts was not a problem to him they were perfectly formed and for a lady in her late thirties or early forties (or at least that was his estimate) nice and erect. Sonya had told him that she particularly enjoyed being kissed and caressed so he went about kissing her entire body apart from between the legs. After kissing her again on the mouth he then kissed her left ear then moved to her cheek and neck. Moving down the left side of her body the left breast was duly worshipped. Down the abdomen to the legs and finally the left foot finishing with sucking and kissing her dainty toes. Crispin noted that for a reasonably tall woman she had quite little feet. Then it was the turn of the right side of her body starting with the toes and moving up to the ear. By his time Sonya was breathing heavily with evident lust. Crispin was also very excited so whilst avoiding hurrying he kissed her labia before moving on top of her.. They made love in the missionary position at first but there was nothing constrained about it. These were two people excited beyond rationality and Sonya exploded with a climax so intense that her body stiffened and she arched her back so that Crispin was lifted of the bed. This was the final straw Crisp tensed up and filled her with his cum. They were exhausted by their pleasure and both fell asleep without Crispin moving off her.It was clearly some while they slept as they were woken by someone coming into the room. They both awoke to look at the interloper.“Hello mother. I suppose I should introduce Sonya who is going to be joining Quentin and I as a partner.”“Joining in more ways than one. Hello Sonya I think we are going to get on very well if within hours of meeting my son you can exhaust him so, he’s quite a fit young man and gets lots of exercise some of it vertically!. We have been here about half an hour and you haven’t stirred.“Are you here with Quentin then.”“No he will be joining us when he has finished at the office. So much to do particularly when his junior partner slopes off for the afternoon. No Sal and I have been shopping and thought a nice evening with Quentin would be a suitable end.”Sonya saw another woman enter the room with two cups of tea.“Would you likes a cuppa luv.” The busty blond spoke with a broad Essex accent.“Ah Sonya, may I introduce Sal, member of the bar, soon to be our neighbour and sort of my mother in law. I say that as she was only engaged to Ella’s father when he fatally keeled over. As you can hear she is also a bimbo from Basildon.”“Very pleased to meet you Sonya.” This time she sounded perfectly well spoken though with precise diction. Sonya who had a keen ear for accents could just detect Essex beneath the clearly enunciated vowels. Sonya grinned which was met by an even broader grin from Sal.“Yes my mother in law, is my totally wicked mother in law.”.

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