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I’m wondering whether I should continue this story, so please post your comments after reading.



Nobody really expects to have an amazing time when they come home from early summer vacation. It’s a complete culture shock: staying out late, hitting bars and partying to suddenly having your grammar corrected by your invasive parents. Yeah, this was going to be a hell of a visit.

Fortunately, it wouldn’t be a total bust, since my sister was there, bearing it with me. Actually, she had been taking the brunt of all of the crap my parents usually threw at both of us since I headed off to college.

She only had to bear one more year of it, though, because she’d recently turned eighteen, and would be a senior next year.

The night I came back from break, I noticed my parents’ car was not parked in its usual spot; they must’ve been out somewhere. I heard squealing from inside, followed by the unmistakable sound of my sister running through the kitchen towards the door as I fumbled with my keys.

Just as I reached for the door handle, the door burst open and there stood Grace. She threw herself into my arms before I had a chance to react and hugged me tightly.


“Hey, Grace!”

“I missed you sooo much!”

“I missed you, too,” I said, breaking away from our embrace. “I got you something.”

“Aww!” She giggled, again hugging me tightly. I reached into my carry-on bag and pulled out a T-Shirt that I had picked up at the hotel I’d been staying at down in Florida.

Standing on tip-toe, she reached up to me, her sleek hair brushing against me, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I kissed her back and she smiled at me, taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen.

“I rented a movie,” she said, reaching into the microwave and taking out hot bag of popcorn.

“Alone?” That wasn’t like Grace. She was always with someone.

“Yeah,” she said, a little glumly. ” Most of my friends are working. I feel like I’m the only person around here who doesn’t have a summer job.”

“Well, I’m here…”

She hugged me again, “That’s true.” Looking up at me, she said a little sadly, “I really did miss you, you know.”

I kissed her on the forehead. “I know you did, Gracie. I missed you too.”

Gracie… That was my pet name for her. It seemed kind of weird, having a pet name for someone like my sister, but we were close. Not that our family was especially tight-knit, but the two of us had always been attached.

Let me tell you a little about my sister. She’s a petite little kid, only about 5’4, with shoulder-length dirty-blonde hair and enormous blue eyes, which are her defining quality. She’s thin, with all the right curves, and extremely attractive, which even I would have openly admitted to her. Bubbly personality, outgoing, and overall, a really sweet kid.

She giggled, sitting down beside me on the couch. “‘Nobody’s called me that in so long.”

“That’s ’cause I’m the only one who does,” I responded. “And that’s because I’m the only one who you let call you that.”

“Well, it sounds cute when you say it,” she nestled up next to me.

She was practically on top of me, though I didn’t mind. I’d been away for so long, I could understand her acting this way. She was a passionate girl, which was one of the things I loved most about her. “So…where’s Mom and Dad?”

She laid her head on my shoulder, making me fidget a bit. “Hmm, they said the were going to Kentucky… I think to seal that deal or whatever.”

My parents worked together at a law firm, and they’d been on one case in particular for about a year now. I assumed they were finally closing it.

“I dunno when they’ll be back,” she continued, stretching her arms out and wrapping them around me, “but they left yesterday, so I think we’ve got the house to ourselves for at least a few nights.”

We watched the rest of the movie –some low budget artsy film –in relative silence. When it ended, we sat there for several minutes, talking a bit but mostly just lying there together. I was happy just sitting there with her in my arms, but when I thought about it, it started to seem stranger and stranger to me. I finally became a bit too uncomfortable and told Grace I’d be going off to bed. I gave her a quick hug and kiss, and she pecked me on the cheek and watched me go; as I did, I could see the boredom and loneliness returning to her face. But her eyes gave away something else… and I couldn’t quite place it.


As I sat at the counter, eating breakfast the next morning, I heard some noise coming from upstairs. I looked to the staircase to see Grace agilely descending it, wearing the T-shirt I had given her; it went past her hips, brushing against her upper thighs. I gazed at her for a moment as she stepped down, noting her natural beauty, which she radiated even when she had just gotten out of bed.

Looking to the counter, her gaze fell upon me and she smiled sleepily, blinking her large blue eyes. “Morning” konya escort She grinned.

“Hey,” I replied.

“What did you think of that movie last night?” she asked, sitting down next to me.

“Honestly?” she nodded. “It kinda sucked,” I shrugged.

Giggling, she laid her head on my shoulder. “I think so too… one of my friends recommended it.”

“What kind of friends are these?” I grinned at her.

“Oh, right like you can talk!” she hit me softly. I smiled at her as she poured herself some cereal and ate with me.

When she’d finished, she got up, dropping her bowl unceremoniously in the sink, and announced that she was going upstairs to change.

As she left, I found myself thinking about her. She’d definitely grown up since the last time I saw her. She was a lot more defined now, and extremely attractive. Not only that, but she was using her sweet, charismatic personality to compliment her sexy appearance. I wondered if she had a boyfriend, if she’d ever had one. How could she not?

I began to wonder if she’d ever been kissed. How far had she been with a guy? Had she ever…

My hands involuntarily clenched into fists. No. She couldn’t have. She was still so innocent. She was still my baby sister.

Shaking myself out of my daze, I suddenly realized she was coming back down. I had been thinking about her for the past twenty minutes.

She wore tight-fitting jeans, a slightly-too-revealing tank top, and she’d used perfume. From here, I could smell the sweet aroma, complementing her natural scent.

“Hi there,” she smiled. I could only nod my head in reply.

“What do you want to do today?” She asked. “‘Cause I was thinking about maybe heading in to town, if you’d like to come?”

“Uh… yeah, sure, Gracie. That’d be great.”

She smiled sweetly. “So it’s a date.”

We made a day of it. I took her shopping, bought her lunch, tried to do that “nice big brother” thing. But I couldn’t help but feel like she could wrap me around her little finger.

Afterwards, we decided to go for a walk along the beach. She was wore a small two-piece, through which I could see her small but perfectly shaped perky breasts. As we walked, she suddenly nestled next to me affectionately. Instinctively, I put my arm around her, then realized what I was doing. “Uh, Grace?” I asked.

She giggled, “It’s too hot, I want to stay in your shade, silly.”

“Oh…” I choked.

Grinning, she said nothing. I could smell her perfume strongly from here, breathing in her aroma, savoring it.


One night, around midnight, I was awakened by a knock at the door. I climbed off my bed and walked to the door. Opening it, I saw my sister standing there, biting her pouty lip, tears rolling down her cheeks. As she looked at me, she asked if she could come in, and I obliged.

“What’s wrong, Gracie?” I asked, hugging her close.

She sniffed, holding back her tears, just looking at me, obviously ashamed of something.

I repeated the question, and she again said nothing. She just held on to me, sobbing into my chest.

I held her face in my hands and kissed her on the forehead. “Grace, you can tell me… did you do something?”

She shook her head.

“What is it then?”

“Promise you won’t get mad?” she looked up at me imploringly, her beautiful blue eyes wide, her lip quivering.

“Why would I get mad if you didn’t do anything?”

“Promise me.”

“… Alright, I promise. What happened?”

“Well… I went out with a friend about an hour ago, and… we saw a movie…”

I looked back at her questioningly, expecting more, but she couldn’t seem to get the words out. A fresh wave of tears sprung form her eyes and my heart felt like it was burning up.

Finally, I led her over to my bed and told her to lie down, her back facing me.

I started rubbing her back. As I massaged her, I decided to prod for a bit more information.

“Grace, what happened?”

She started to shake a bit, then, finally, she turned to face me, her tear-streaked face affecting me far more than it should have.

“It was Todd.”

“TODD?! You’re still friends with that little asshole?”


Two summers ago, I had been in my room, lying awake, when suddenly the door opened and in stumbled my little sister. My drunk little sister. She had been out partying or something and she quietly (or as quietly as she could) slipped into my bed. I quickly threw back the covers and sat up, turning on the light. I could smell the alcohol on her breath from five feet away.

“Will? Oh, hah… this isn’t my room!”

“Grace! Are you drunk?”

She giggled. “You’re so paranoid…”

“Are you drunk? Where were you?”

She frowned, “Out.”

” ‘Out’? Real descriptive. Out where?”

“I was with some friends.”

“Doing what?”

“Oh, calm down, spazz. I was out with Todd, and we were walking around and… well, he just thought it might be funny to see if we could get this guy to buy konya escort bayan us a pack of beer and…”

“Todd? This is that little jackass’s fault?”

Todd was some dick who had been following my sister around like a god damned moron for the past month or so. Being ignorant as she was, she thought nothing of it.

“Will, I’m not drunk! I swear. We just asked the guy to. He… he said ‘no’.”

Aggravated, I tried a different approach. I placed her back on the floor, holding her by the shoulders.

“Grace! Look at me. How many did you have?”

“I… a few, okay? Only a f-“

At that point, she had started to shake and I could smell the alcohol more now than ever. I had a feeling I knew what was coming next…I quickly rushed her into the bathroom, holding back her hair.

I stayed with her that entire night, consoling her and doing that whole ‘big brother’ deal. I also resolved to kill the shit out of Todd if he ever did something to my sister again.


“Why the hell are you still hanging out with him?! Do you REALIZE why he wanted to get you drunk?”

She began crying again and I immediately regretted getting so angry.

“Will, you promised…”

I sighed, patting her on the back and getting a hold of myself, “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that. Keep going.”

She sat up and sighed. Looking down at her feet, she finally said,

“He made a pass at me.”

My jaw dropped. Some little punk teenager made a pass at my sweet little baby sister?

“H-he said he’d drive me home, but when we were alone… he forced his tongue into my mouth. I tried to stop him, but he was too strong. He ripped my shirt off me and…”

I could see her bruises. There were dark spots on her arms where he’d dug his fingers into her. I noticed her left eye was a bit puffy too, but I’d figured it was just because she was crying.

“Will, h–he tried to… he almost…”

She started getting hysterical.

Uncontrollable rage surged through me, and I got off the bed without saying a word. Grace was now sobbing, seeing the wild look in my eyes. “Where are you going?”

“Out,” I grunted.

I walked out and slammed the door, quickly making my way down the stairs and outside to my car, grabbing Grace’s school directory on the way out.

When I got to his house, I noticed I wasn’t exactly the only car parked in the driveway. He’s having a party… This was going to be interesting.

I made my way to the door and sure enough, some drunk asshole answered it. I wondered if he even knew who I was.

“You Todd?”

He nodded, smiling stupidly.

“Yeah, man. Hey, you’re from around here, right? I feel like we’ve met before.”

I nodded.

“Well then, welcome to the par-” That was as far as he got. My fist buried itself in his chest and he keeled over. The next punch hit him square in the nose with a crack, and he fell backwards, blood dripping down his face.

I pushed his head down and hit him square in the jaw. “You think you can fuck with whoever the hell you want?”

As he stared up at me, wide-eyed, I shoved him down, his head painfully hitting the floor.

I looked at him, cracking my knuckles.

“If you ever get near my sister again, I’ll fucking kill you. Understand?”

He nodded.

I decided it would be best if I didn’t do anything else to him, just in case… But I kicked him in the ribs a couple times anyway, for good measure.

When I got back home, Grace was sound asleep on my bed. I pulled the blanket over her and kissed her on the cheek, whispering, “It’s all taken care of… I love you, Gracie.”


The next morning, I looked into my room to see that Grace was still in my bed. There were tear-streaks on her face, and I assumed she’d either been crying in her sleep, or she was awake. I quietly crept in and knelt by the bed, then reached my hand out and shook her softly. Her eyes shot open, and her lip began to quiver as she saw my face

As I got up and sat on the bed, she suddenly threw herself into my arms and began sobbing again. “I’m sorry…” she whispered. I tried to console her.

“I’m so sorry,” She repeated, tears now streaming down her cheeks. I pulled her up and held her perfect face in my hands, looking down at her while she gazed up at me. I kissed her softly on the cheek, and she kissed me back. Then again, on the lips. And again. I wanted to ask her what she was doing, but she didn’t give me time to react. She kissed me again, and her lips pressed firmly against mine, prying them open. Before I knew what I was doing, I met her with my tongue, and soon we were wrapped around each other, kissing deeply. She whimpered quietly, and I ran my hands through her hair, wanting nothing more than to stay like this.

Just as reality came crashing down on me, Grace pulled away again and stared up at me with a terrified look in her eyes. What did I just do?

She stared at me and I stared back at her, both of us shocked. She started escort konya backing away, her eyes filling up with tears, and she suddenly turned to run. I jumped in front of her, blocking her way out, and caught her in my arms. She tried to pull away, but I held onto her, pulling her towards me. She finally stopped resisting and collapsed in my arms, shivering and burying her face in my chest.

“Gracie,” I whispered, “It’s okay.”

She shook her head and said into my shirt, “No, I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

I kissed her on the top of the head, and she grabbed onto me tighter. I held her to me, and we stayed there for a long time, pressed against each other as she got a hold of herself.

Finally, she whispered, “I love you.”

I didn’t know what to do, what to say, so I just stayed there with her. Neither of us spoke for the longest time, and finally, I led her over to my bed. She lay down and I sat next to her, then joined her. I rolled onto my back, and she cuddled up next to me, still shaking softly. I held her against me, and after a while, she fell asleep in my arms.


I woke up slowly. My eyes opened, and I could feel the light pouring through the window. I turned to see my baby sister still asleep next to me. She looked upset, even though she wasn’t awake. I turned to notice it was around 3:00 p.m.; we’d slept through most of the day. I slipped off the bed and left the room, being sure to close the door behind me, then made my way to the kitchen.

With my head in hands, I spent the next thirty minutes or so replaying in my head what had gone on upstairs just a few hours ago. I’d kissed my little sister. I’d wanted to help her, get her through what she was trying to deal with, and instead I kissed her.

I felt evil. I knew that she’d made the first move, but she was confused, alone. I went with it, followed it through, and now our relationship, whatever it had been before, was probably ruined. And technically, I had made the first move. I kissed her first, even though it wasn’t on the lips, and that had led to this whole thing. A wave of emotions swept over me: anger, frustration, confusion… and something else. I couldn’t tack a particular word on it, but it was something between sexual tension and passion. I’d wanted to kiss her, and I wanted to again. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to all the same.

I was suddenly overcome with guilt. This was my sister! My innocent little sister, who had almost been raped less than a day ago. I was supposed to protect her… and I didn’t.


Grace didn’t wake up for another hour. She was embarrassed about everything that had happened and holed herself up in her room. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t get her to even open her door. It was around six that I realized she hadn’t eaten anything all day.

I went upstairs and decided I would offer her something, just to get her talking again. I knocked, but she didn’t answer, so I decided I would just let myself in. Surprisingly, the door wasn’t locked, and I walked in to see Grace sprawled out on the bed, a washcloth draped across her eyes. She removed it when she heard me come in, and only cast a glance at me before receding back under the covers and pulling the blanket over her head.

I laid a hand on her shoulder. “Gracie…”

She whimpered disapprovingly, but I decided to persist. I pulled the sheet back, exposing her down to her shoulders, and looked down at her. “You hungry?” I whispered. She didn’t answer. I nudged her softly, and she looked up at me, then nodded slowly.

Smiling down at her, I reached out my hand and she took it softly, allowing me to pull her up. I dropped my hand to my side as she stood up, but she kept her fingers laced with mine a second longer, squeezing my hand before letting go. I took her downstairs and sat her at the counter.

“Want anything in particular?”

She shrugged sullenly, holding her head in her hands. “Hey…”

She looked up at me. “It’s okay,” I smiled. “It was just a mistake, ok? I get it. You were confused, and–”

She walked over to me and hugged me softly, not crying but close to it. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

I smiled at her fondly. “Me too.”


Two weeks later.

I had recently bought James Taylor tickets for my girlfriend, hoping to surprise her and take her to the concert that she had thought to be sold out. But, when I planned to tell her, it was in person over a lunch that she’d requested, and she had had something to tell me too. She said we should start “seeing other people,” which was clearly translated to mean that she already was.

I had tried to re-scalp the tickets, but apparently that took more experience than it sounded like it did. The concert was in two weeks, and knowing my sister as the James Taylor fan that she was, I thought I might surprise her instead.

The night of the concert, I knocked on her door and she sheepishly answered it, seeing the smile on my face.

“What is it? You look like you have a little secret or something.”

“Welllll, sort of.”

“What’s up?”

I produced the two tickets, “James Taylor. You wanted to go to that concert, right?”

“Yes!” she squealed, jumping up and down and clapping her hands with excitement. She hugged me tightly. “That’s so sweet of you!”

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