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Women’s private gym”Hello, Women’s Private Gym, this is Karen, how may I help you!?!” “Uh, my name is Winnie Andleman and I saw your ad in the underground paper and was thinking about maybe joining, could you please tell me a little bit about it, I mean the cost and everything!?!” “Well, Winnie,” Karen replied smoothly, “our gym has very competitive rates with other gyms in the area, but with one big exception, we don’t have any men to interrupt and bother us, so you can more or less let your hair down and get your work done without worrying about your appearance, but the only way you can really see if WPG is for you is to stop in look it over for yourself!!!” “How late are you open,” Winnie asked!?! “Twenty four hours a day,” Karen replied, “so stop in anytime, someone will be more than happy to show you around, and thanks for calling!!!”The next day at seven in the evening at the front desk of the WPG……… “Hi, I called yesterday and spoke with a lady named Karen and she said that someone would show me around,” Winnie said to the cute blonde behind the glass window!!! “Of course,” the blonde replied with a smile, “I’ll buzz you in and have Karen up here in a moment!!!” A few minutes later, a tall powerfully built woman of about thirty five greeted Winnie with an incredibly firm hand shake and said, “I’m glad to meet you Winnie, please follow me, I think you’ll like what you see!!!” “I think so, too,” Winnie commented, “the place has a very comfortable feel to it, no high pressure or anything!!!” “We like to keep things light here at WPG, and most if not all of the women here are good people, so workouts are fun not a total drudge!!!” Winnie was just about to respond, when her mouth fell gaping open as Karen swung open the door to the gym area and she stammered, “M-my god, every body’s naked!!!””Well of course they are,” Karen replied softly, “if you should decide to join WPG, one of the requirements is that everyone work out in the nude, no exceptions!!!” “I don’t know if I could do that,” Winnie replied incredulously while staring at about twenty five or so women in the midst of aerobic exercises and weight training, “I’d be so embarrassed!!!” “We all felt that way at first,” Karen said gently, “but after less than a session, you’ll feel just fine!!!” “But why,” Winnie asked while watching an extremely muscular woman with huge breasts illegal bahis siteleri bench pressing what appeared to be about two hundred pounds of weight!?!” “It gives everyone an incentive to do their best and get in shape,” Karen answered quickly, “and besides, there is always the undercurrent of eroticism in the air, can’t you feel it!?!” Winnie stood there as her weight shifted from one leg to the other, and incredibly, Karen was exactly right, and while it wasn’t overt or anything, she could feel her vagina dampening slightly and her clitoris beginning to tingle as she mumbled, “Uh, yes, I can certainly feel something!!!””I have an and idea,” Karen said smoothly, “why don’t we go over and I’ll introduce you to some of our members!!!” Winnie was about to protest that that wasn’t necessary, but before she could speak, Karen had taken her by the arm and was leading her over to the big busted blonde who was doing the bench presses!!! “Hi, Pam,” Karen said easily to the blonde, “I’d like you to meet Winnie, she’s thinking about joining us!!!” After toweling off her face and chest, the blonde extended her hand and with a wide grin replied, “I’m glad to meet you Winnie, I hope you to see you around, I know that you’ll get good results!!!” “Well, uh, I don’t know,” Winnie replied, “I’m still thinking about it!!!” Pam was just about to reply when over the intercom, a voice was paging Karen to report to the front doing the bench presses!!! “Hi, Pam,” Karen said easily to the blonde, “I’d like you to meet Win. “Y-you mean it’s always like that,” Winnie stammered while her face flushed red with embarrassement as well as excitement!?! “Always,” Pam sighed while now overtly fingering her over sized organ, “a lot of the women here are in the same boat, look at Gina over there, her clit is almost twice as big as mine, it almost looks like a small cock!!!” Winnie’s head was now spinning out of control as her pussy began drooling at the sight of these big clitted weight lifters, so when Pam reached out and put her hand up under her skirt, instead of pulling away in disgust, Winnie actually opened her legs to allow her easier assess to her red hot pussy!!!Pam fingers quickly made their way inside of her panties, and without even a little foreplay, the huge blonde jammed her thumb into Winnie’s pussy, inducing a stunning orgasm that whip sawed youwin giriş her pussy back and forth until she had slid to the floor in a state of total shock!!! As Winnie’s lay there in a heap wondering what the heck had just happened, Karen suddenly reappeared and observed, “Well, I see that we’re getting into the swing of things, aren’t we, dear!?!” In the shape she was in, Winnie merely nodded her head in agreement and allowed Karen help her to her feet and lead her over to Pam’s crotch, where upon she gently but firmly pushed the stunned woman’s mouth onto Pam’s bulging snatch and ordered, “Now, dear, take care of Pammy’s clit for her, please, you have such a pretty mouth, it would be ashamed to let it go to waste!!!”In her whole life Winnie had never even had any lesbian fantasies, so when she felt her mouth contact Pam’s vagina, she was sure that she would be repulsed, but much to her chagrin, she not only wasn’t abhorred, she instead found herself incredibly aroused as she went about the task of taking the huge clit in her mouth and flicking it’s proud head with the tip of her tongue!!! “Oh, god,” Pam gasped while Karen leaned down and took a nipple into her mouth, “y-you guys are too much, ohhhhhhhhhhhh Winnie, suck me off, oh yes, do my big clit for me!!!” Winnie had become so wrapped up in her sucking, that she barely noticed when a crowd of women slowly formed around them, and with eyes glazing over, began fingering their own clits while watching Winnie and Karen orally satisfying the big blonde weightlifter!!!By now Winnie had induced at least three hard orgasms out of Pam’s wonderfully full clit, but again, she was so caught up in the moment, that when she felt several sets of hands lifting up her skirt and tearing off her panties, instead of protesting, she instead only moaned softly and allowed the women to have their way with her!!! As she was on her knees, Winnie felt strong hands gently prying her legs apart and a mouth quickly attaching itself to her flushed pussy and boring in directly on her own hard little clit!!! “How do you like that,” Karen whispered urgently, “it’s just another perk of being a member at the WPG!?!” “Winnie had by now turned into a blithering idiot and was in no shape to reply, but her eyes bulged wide and a loud groan escaped her lips when a stocky black girl with a huge strap canlı bahis on dildo stood menacingly next to her and announced, “Bitch, now you’re gonna get it!!!””Oh, god no” she whined weakly as the woman took her place in back of her and ran the head of the giant cock up and down the length of her slit, “please don’t hurt me!!!” “You’re not a virgin are ya,” Karen asked softly!?! “Shaking her head from side to side, Winnie whispered, “N-no, but it’s so big, it’ll tear me apart!!!” “Of course it will, dear,” Karen replied with a smile, “but I guarantee that you’ll be cumming like you’ve never cum in your life,” and with a nod of her head, Karen said to the black girl, “Okay, Lila, let her have it!!!” Winnie gritted her teeth in anticipation of the onslaught she knew was coming, but not even in her mind could she have been ready for what happend next, as Lila slammed the ten inch long and six inch thick monster deep into her cunt, which almost made her black out from the sheer stab of pain that filled her!!! “Ohhhhhhhh, fuck that hurts,” she babbled while the invading destroyer pounded viciously in and out of her cunt with piston like rapidity, “p-please, no more, I can’t stand it!!!” “Give it to her harder Lila,” Pam sighed while cupping her huge breasts, “show her what a fucking “stud” you are!!!” As overwhelming as the pain had become, slowly but surely, Winnie sensed a tiny bit of pleasure spreading warmly throughout her burning pussy, and as if by magic, what was once total pain, was now a visceral mixture of pain and pleasure that was providing her the most exquisite sexual experience she had ever had!!! Her eyes were now dilated as the thick pecker rammed in and out of her, but like an over powering magnet, her mouth was again drawn to Pam’s incredible clit, and in a fit of absolute frenzy, she greedily sucked in the little organ, while Lila fucked her like a dog until both she and Pam were cumming in a rainbow of colors that left them both shattered and quivering in each other’s arms, while the voyeurs standing around them, with their cunts thrust brazenly forward, furiously frigged their clits to climaxes of their own!!!”So,” Karen asked softly, “have you seen enough, but I’ve gotta tell ya, the steam room is even better yet!?!” Winnie cracked a half smile, and with a wave of her hand replied, “No, this has been quite enough, thank you, and by the way, will you take a check!?! as she lay in a mess on the floor in pure ecstasy and exhaustion.And once again everybody this got me so hard it had my dripping just writing it, so give your comments if your liked it or not and if u guys want more.

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