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The ink was barely dry on the final papers as the now freshly divorced couple barely made eye contact as they departed the courtroom. The divorce was surprisingly simple. Rick Walker got almost everything, his now ex-wife asked for virtually nothing except for her clothes. The couple had been married for only a few years when the arrival of Penny started an unrepairable rift. Natalie the now ex Mrs. Walker was not ready to be a mom at twenty-one years old, a fact she never hid from her older husband. The unplanned arrival was not the bundle of joy most expect a newborn to be.

Natalie almost immediately left town following the divorce; the young woman actually had a truck packed with her clothes at the courthouse. She did not even take the opportunity to kiss her child goodbye as she left in such a rush.

Rick now a divorced dad at twenty-nine years old, was heartbroken, he blamed himself for the divorce, he loved Natalie, but he pressured her into the baby. He was convinced he could change his younger immature wife. The single father of one offered unlimited visitation to his now ex-wife in hopes that with time she would come around and Penny would not suffer without a mom in her life.

The years flew by, and the visitation rights never exercised. Natalie had moved to the next town over, and as time passed, she matured but never came back to her daughter’s life. The estranged mother started a new life and married again to another older man who already had kids. The newly married woman found her way in the role of the stepmom, despite her failure as a mom to her actual daughter.

Rick never spoke ill of Natalie and was very open to his daughter about what happened. Rick however never remarried content to dedicate his left to being the best dad he could be. The father would always smile and feel happy when various shared friends told him news of Natalie and how she was doing. He was even more delighted when on a holiday or birthday a card would arrive for Penny.

“At least she hasn’t totally forgotten about her.” Rick said as he removed the latest birthday card from the mail. He carried into the house and presented it to the birthday girl. “Hey, Penny your mom sent you a card.”

“Oh cool.” The young girl said with a smile as she tore open the envelope and immediately pocketed the cash.

“Read the card too punk; it’s not always about the money inside.”

“I know daddy.” Penny sat down and read the card aloud to her dad.

Dear Penny,

I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! I hope all is well with you and your father. I know I do this every year, but I feel the need to apologize to you. I was never ready to be the mom you needed, and I know that is not an excuse, but leaving you with your father was honestly what I thought was best. All is well here with me; I am finally finding my way in life as I figure out the role of stepmother I hope it helps me figure out how to be a mother and one day I can be in your life.

“Well, I am glad she is doing well.” Rick said

“Yeah me too, she apologizes every year, but I am not mad about it.”

The father and daughter sat at the table that night and ate birthday cake before Rick retired to his den where he sat looking over a photo album where he collected all the cards over the years. He was happy his ex-wife was doing well, but his opinion on Natalie coming into Penny’s life had drastically changed over the years, and while he was pleased Natalie was okay, the news the mutual friends shared disturbed the overprotective father. The man Natalie remarried to was fifteen years older than she was. Moreover, was the owner of some rather well-known adult entertainment establishments. He was not sure that was what he wanted his daughter around, as it was not the ideal influence for a young woman.

The years continued to roll, and the cards and letters still came like clockwork, so did the apologies and the now seemingly empty promises of trying to be eventually in Penny’s life. The now sixteen-year-old teen again happily read the letters and even was blissfully unaware of how her mother had changed over the years. Rick was all too aware, he knew his ex-wife had taken to working in her new husband’s clubs, and he had heard hints of a budding relationship between his ex-wife and her twenty-something-year-old stepson. The single father still put on the same happy face when it came to his daughter’s mom, but he was secretly relieved that they likely would never have contact.

Life all came to sudden change two months after the sweet sixteen party of Penny’s. The teen found herself in a hospital waiting room as a doctor told her the worst news possible. Rick, her father, and sole guardian had just passed away at forty-five years old. The young girl’s head spun as her world was broken. She had been preaching at her father to be checked out for not feeling well, and now he was gone. Rick’s family came in to help with everything following his passing, but none was interested in taking responsibility for Penny. The now malatya escort deceased father had kept the news of what his ex-wife had been doing a secret, and with Rick not having any family locally none knew about what Natalie had been doing over the years. The Walker family all just knew what Rick told them, so when it came time to send Penny somewhere they believed it best to go to Natalie.

Penny moved into her mom’s home; she was now in a new world. The loss of her father still hurt, and her essentially new family was loving and supportive of the plight the teen was going through. Natalie was doing her best to be a good mom to her daughter, and her new stepfamily was beyond helpful, as the days went by and weeks turned to months, life moved on for Penny.

Penny now eighteen years old has now been living with the Cross family for two years, and life was a bit odd. She was still not really accustomed to a mom in her life, especially one who required her to call her mommy and demanded absolute obedience. The idea of it seemed weird to her, Penny rarely if ever saw mommy’s husband Robert, which was okay with Penny as the young girl was afraid when she moved in he was going to try and replace her real dad. The now eighteen-year-old Penny contemplated moving out as she liked her mom and was thankful for the last two years, but she never felt entirely at ease in the new environment. The arrival of Jason further exacerbated this feeling. The twenty-three-year-old stepson of Natalie, he had come and gone a few times over the two years since Penny’s arrival, but due to some financial issues he now moved in as well.

Jason Cross was a relatively sizeable young man at six foot three and easily two hundred pounds of mostly muscle. He however still had the mentality of a teen despite his age, he liked to prank and fight with Penny every chance he got. He much like Penny also had to call Natalie mommy, a fact that kind of creeped Penny out every time she heard it. Penny having seen them together often felt their closeness was a bit out of the ordinary. As a relative newcomer to the home, though she never said anything, as she did not want to make waves.

Penny was sitting in her small bedroom studying when Jason barged into her room. The young girl jumped from her seat almost falling on the floor, as she was startled so badly. “What the hell Jason can you at least knock?”

Jason leans back and knocks on the door with a sarcastic smile on his face. “Better?”

“I guess. What do you want?”

“Mommy said to come outside and stop being a nerd.”


“Well, she actually said, tell your sister to come outside and enjoy the sunshine since it’s the weekend.” Jason said as he rolled his eyes as he literally repeated mommy’s words. “I added the nerd part since its Saturday, and you are in here studying.”

“Thanks…” Natalie turned her office chair around and went back to her books, not acknowledging the invite to come outside.

“Mommy said to come outside, and daddy says we do what she wants.” Jason said as he forcefully turned the chair back around.

“Fine, I will come out to the pool, just leave so I can change.” Penny said as she stood up from the chair and tried to push her stepbrother away.

Jason laughed at the attempt, as it did not even budge him. The sizable older stepbrother stood in the doorway staring at his stepsister. “Well, you coming or what?”

“I got to change, get out!” Penny yelled as she starts to push her door shut on her stepbrother. “Oh my god.” She mumbles under her breath as she looks around her bedroom. Penny looked at a photo of her real dad on her nightstand and thought about how she ended up where she was and how much things had changed in just two years.

The last two years were not bad, Penny’s stepfamily was a lot better off financially, and her room reflected that. They were close, but at times, she felt a little too close. The most prominent issue of them all though was that after two years of the mommy and daddy stuff with her mom and the rarely seen stepfather, had worn her down in some ways. The young woman was well on her way to be an independent person while living with her father, was now slowly falling into the mold of a submissive female thanks to the new living situation.

Penny looked at herself in the mirror as she stripped off her clothes; she questioned why she was listening to her mother, let alone the oversized man-child that was her stepbrother. She turned to one side to admire her profile then turned to the other. Her blonde hair hung to her shoulders her skin was a little whiter than she was used to, maybe mommy was right she could use some sun she thought to herself. The young woman did take after her mother inheriting some of her better assets, large full breasts, and a firm round butt. Penny dug through her drawer looking for a decent swimsuit. “Really?” Penny loudly huffed as she realized all her suits had holes cut in them. “Really Jason!” Penny grabbed the pile of escort malatya ruined suits up and tossed them into a nearby trashcan. “I guess a bikini it is.” Penny said as she dressed in the only remaining swimming outfit available.

“There’s mommy’s little girl.” Natalie said in an over the top voice as she watched her daughter exit the back door of the house.

“Yeah, I’m here…” Penny said as her voice trailed off, distracted by what was going on poolside.

Natalie was laying face down on a lounge as Jason applied lotion to her fully nude body. “Come here baby let Jason cover you also.”

“Ah no thanks, I used some spray on sunblock before I came out.”

“Aww, that’s no fun sis.” Jason said as he massaged lotion on to mommy’s buttocks.

“Yeah, no fun. Unlike the hilarious joke of cutting all my swimsuits up.” Penny snapped at her stepbrother.

“Now Penny, Jason was just having fun. You need to apologize to your stepbrother.”

“For what mommy!”

“For snapping at him.”

Penny gritted her teeth tightly as she stomped her foot. “I’m sorry Jason.” Penny gave up the fight instantly, as she knew there was no winning with mommy.

Penny stared at the scene in front of her; she could see a distinct bulge in her stepbrother’s shorts as he basically fondled mommy. The eighteen-year-old took a position on the other lounge and tried to relax in the midday sun. She took several deep breathes to relax as she let her eyes slowly creep shut. The moment of calm relaxation soon broken by soft moaning from the other lounge chair, Penny did not want to look, but curiosity got the better of her as she turned her head.

Jason was actually massaging lotion on to mommy’s ample breasts, and mommy apparently loved it. The bulge in Jason’s shorts was now more prominent than it was before. “Oh hey sweetie, I thought you dozed off.” Mommy said as she smiled at her daughter as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. “You should really let stepbrother massage you. He has beautiful hands, and he went to school for it.”

“I’m good, thanks.”

The afternoon sun started to heat up the concrete patio quickly as Penny decided she needed to do more than just sunbathe. The young girl raised from her lounge and dipped her toes in the pool. The water was warm and just right for swimming, as the young girl jumped in and swam under the water before coming up and throwing her shoulder-length hair back. The teen swam around for a bit before climbing up on the large inflatable pool float. “Well, at least I am a little bit further away from them.” She mumbled under breath as she watched her stepbrother finish rubbing down mommy.

Penny peeked at the lounges poolside as mommy was still nude, and Jason was now relaxing next to her in the other chair. The young teen could not help but wonder what all had gone on between mommy and her stepbrother Jason. The two years living there and this was the first time she had spent any actual time with them both at the same time. In fact, over the last two years other than occasional members of the extended Cross family dropping by, it was more often than not just Penny and Natalie.

The calm water of the pool was soon interrupted moments after Jason yelled “Cannonball!” and crashed into the center of the pool. The force of his impact flipping Penny off the float and into the water. “Ha got you!” Jason laughed as he watched Penny at the side of the pool coughing up water.

“Ha good one sweetie.” Natalie laughed and cheered on her stepson’s behavior.

“What the hell?” Penny cried out as she spits up the water.

“Just having some more fun.”

“More fun you ass, you almost killed me!” Penny angrily exclaimed as she spits more water out.

“Penny, you quiet down and apologize to Jason, he is just having fun.” Mommy said from her lounge as she reprimanded her daughter.

Penny wanted to yell, she wanted to scream at them both, but she through tightly clenched teeth did again as she was told. The young woman did not know why she did it, she did not want to, but it just came out. Penny apologized as Mommy told her, and opted to remove herself from the pool shortly after.

“I’m going back in I have had enough water and sun for the day.” Penny said as she stood dripping on the hot concrete patio.

“Well that is fine sweetheart, I am going to come in also it is getting late, and I need to order dinner.” Mommy said as she raised her nude body from the lounge and wrapped a small white towel around herself. “Jason dear we are going inside, Mommy is going to order dinner.”

“Awesome!” The stepson responded as he climbed out of the pool.

The trio walked into the house together. Natalie scrolling through her cell phone as she walked looking at her collection of restaurant phone numbers. “What do we want tonight?”


“Jason, we have that a lot why not something different?”

“Penny, sweetie Jason answered first, so it is going to be Pizza tonight.”

“Oh, malatya escort bayan my god Mommy that is so unfair.”

“Young lady you need to quiet down now!” The ordinarily soft voice of Natalie sharpened as she glared at her daughter.

“Yes, Mom.”


“Yes, Mommy.”

“That’s better sweetheart, now you two go get changed, and I will order dinner.” Natalie said as she leaned in and kissed her daughter’s cheek then did the same with her stepson.

Penny stormed to her room; she was angry with Mommy and herself. She took a seat in her small office chair and stared at herself in the mirror, she did not like what she had become, and she did not understand why she was so powerless to Mommy. Her real dad was raising her to be a strong woman, and now she was a shell of that. The two years with the Cross’s had the young woman twisted up inside; she stared at herself as she attempted to rationalize what happened. A deluge of thoughts crashed through her head, was it the time in her life that she came to the Cross house, was it just this was who she was all along, and the other Penny was the lie, was she being drugged? The still soaking wet eighteen-year-old girl pondered them all. “I live with a family of aliens…” She said aloud before laughing and standing to do as Mommy said and change for dinner.

“Well Daddy, will not be joining us for dinner this evening.” Natalie announced to Jason and Penny as she sat the pizza boxes down on the counter, and handed out plates to them both.

“Aww… What happened now?”

“He had something come up at one of his clubs, and he is going to be working.” Natalie said as she put an arm around her stepson. The stepmom could see he was visibly upset about the news.

“You know I think I have only seen him a dozen or so times since I’ve lived here.” Penny said aloud

“Well Daddy stays busy; he is what provides for us.” Natalie snapped back at her daughter.

“Hey, I was just talking aloud I was not trying to say anything mean about Daddy.”

“I understand. I am sorry for snapping I am just defensive I guess.”

The family sat in the living room eating their dinner as Mommy flipped channels on the television. Penny took a seat in an oversized recliner while her mom and stepbrother seeming snuggled on the couch together. The young woman peeked over more than once to see them engaged in behavior that would have been more than acceptable for a couple but a little more than weird for a family.

Natalie finally stopped flipping channels on some odd movie as the trio ate and stared at the screen. “I’m not sure what this movie is, but as usual there is nothing on TV.”

Penny’s eyebrows raised as she watched the sex scene on the screen unfolding. The actors were really going at it, and her own emotions swirled in a confusing mess. The actor on the screen was one of her all-time favorites and one she had more than a few X-rated dreams about, so that part was something she was enjoying, however watching it with her mom and stepbrother was more than awkward especially as they snuggled together on the couch.

“Ah, Mommy what is this movie?”

“Oh Penny you know, I really don’t know, it just looked better than the news.”

“I like it, Mommy.” Jason chimed in as the actress in the scene’s large bare breasts were on the screen.

A few minutes passed which seemed as if it were hours, as Penny devoured her pizza. She could feel she was getting horny watching the scene unfold, and with her current company, it made the young woman feel dirty. “Well, I think I am going to go to bed.” She announced aloud as she stood up from the recliner. The day had been weird, to say the least, and with the growing moistness and heat between her legs, the young woman just wanted to escape the room.

“Oh my, it’s later than I thought.” Mommy said as she used the DVR to rewind the steamy sex scene again. “I don’t know what this movie is, but I am sure this is the best part.”

Penny quickly exited the room and headed for the refuge of her bedroom. As the young blonde closed the door, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The life with her mom was odd on a good day but today was pushing all the borders of weird. “What the fuck?” Penny spoke aloud as she leaned against the painted wooden bedroom door. “The pool, the movie, and that creepy mom/son vibe going on what the hell is going on today?” Penny felt physically and mentally exhausted as she changed into her typical sleeping attire. “I am just going to forget this day ever happened.” The teen said with an air of confidence as she dropped the oversized t-shirt over her head, and plopped into the bed.

This was supposed to be her moment of rest, but the planned rest abruptly interrupted as Penny dropped her head back against the pillow. “What the fuck?” She questioned as something hard was poking her in the back of her head. The young girl reached back and pulled out what had to be a nine-inch black rubber dildo. “Fucking asshole!” Penny screamed as she threw the toy with all her might towards her bedroom door.

The sudden scream coupled with the loud thud of the toy was enough to bring Natalie and Jason running to Penny’s room. Natalie threw open the door to find her daughter standing by her bed stripping off the bedding. “What is wrong sweetie?”

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